Eterm Background Images ======================= The default themes for Eterm are designed to select a background image at random. In order for this to work, some sort of mechanism had to be created for the creation and maintenance of a set of backgrounds, both tileable and scaled. This mechanism had to allow for easy selection of the random image as well as easy alterations to the collection. So here's how it works. Underneath this directory (bg/) you'll find two subdirectories: tile and scale. These directories contain tiled and scaled background images, respectively. When "make install" is run, these images are automatically installed in directories with the same names underneath /share/Eterm/pix/. Once these images have been copied into place, the Etbg_update_list utility is run to create or update the pixmaps.list file, a text file containing the master list of images and their geometries, from which Eterm will choose an image at random. If you wish to add or remove images from the collection, first cd into /share/Eterm/pix/. Once there, remove any unwanted images from the tile/ and/or scale/ directories. Then copy any images you want into either the tile/ or scale/ directory, depending on whether you want Eterm to tile the image or scale it. When you have finished adding and/or removing images, run the Etbg_update_list script again (it is found in /bin/) to update the list. You may have as many or as few images in your collection as you like; just remember to re-run the Etbg_update_list script after completing each set of changes. Note that if you have fewer than 2 images in the collection, you should edit the theme.cfg file for your theme to deactivate the random image selection. (If you neglect to do this, you may receive error messages from Eterm, but it will continue to function.) Disclaimer ---------- Most images distributed with Eterm and its supplementary backgrounds collection were contributed by their respective authors. In fact, most of these images are original work by me. Two images have unknown copyright but are believed to be in the public domain. However, should any person who can provide proof of ownership of any of these pictures object to their inclusion, they will be IMMEDIATELY withdrawn. No copyright infringement is intended. Inclusion here should be taken as a compliment. :-) Contributors ------------ The following contributions have been made by their authors. Thanks to all who have contributed. If one of your images is in this collection, but it isn't reflected here, please e-mail me ( so I can correct the omission. Note that some of these images are included with the supplemental backgrounds collection, others with the Eterm distribution. All images are copyright their respective authors and are included here by permission. Neopolis-horizon.jpg Joe Colburn acid_chess.png Michael Jennings a_distant_star.png Michael Jennings alpha_centauri.png Michael Jennings army_brat.png Michael Jennings bubbly1.jpg Tal Danzig bubbly2.jpg Tal Danzig bubbly3.jpg Tal Danzig bubbly4.jpg Tal Danzig circuit.jpg Public Domain cold_steel.png Michael Jennings conch.png Michael Jennings confusion.jpg Tal Danzig connect_the_dots.png Michael Jennings cyber_bg.jpg Joe Colburn darkness.png Michael Jennings day-night.jpg Ted Zlatanov falling.png Michael Jennings fascination.png Michael Jennings firestorm.png Michael Jennings for_a_moment.png Michael Jennings graffiti.png Michael Jennings gray_matter.png Michael Jennings lightning_crashes.png Michael Jennings marbles.png Michael Jennings midnight_sky.png Michael Jennings moody_blues.png Michael Jennings murky_depths.png Michael Jennings oil_on_canvas.png Michael Jennings pebble_beach.png Michael Jennings ping-pong.png Michael Jennings plasma.png Michael Jennings pulse.png Michael Jennings rolling_meadows.png Michael Jennings sailors_delight.png Michael Jennings shades_of_being.png Michael Jennings shale.jpg Public Domain shattered_windows.png Michael Jennings shock_and_awe.png Michael Jennings sitting_in_acid.png Michael Jennings spring_rain.png Michael Jennings stained_glass.png Michael Jennings tales_of_earthsea.png Michael Jennings tangled_web.png Michael Jennings the_wall.png Michael Jennings trees_are_leafy.png Michael Jennings veins_2.png Michael Jennings veins.png Michael Jennings violetta.png Michael Jennings wasteland.jpg Brian McFee water_into_wine.png Michael Jennings wintertree.jpg Ted Zlatanov wormhole.png Michael Jennings woven_memories.png Michael Jennings