
196 lines
4.4 KiB

begin color
foreground #aaaaaa
background black
cursor #ffff00
cursor_text #880000
pointer white
video normal
end color
begin attributes
title "%appname() -- Pseudo-transparency Theme"
name Eterm-transparent
end attributes
begin imageclasses
path "./pix/:~/.Eterm/:~/.Eterm/themes/Eterm/pix:~/.Eterm/pix/:@PKGDATADIR@/pix/"
begin image
type background
state normal
file %random(`cat pixmaps.list`)
mode trans allow image trans viewport auto
border 0 0 0 0
end image
begin image
type trough
mode trans allow image trans viewport auto
state normal
color black #666666
file bar_vertical_3.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 3
end image
begin image
type anchor
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #666666
file bar_vertical_1.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 3
state selected
file bar_vertical_2.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 3
end image
begin image
type thumb
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #666666
file thumb_1.png
geom 100
border 3 3 3 3
state selected
file thumb_2.png
geom 100
border 3 3 3 3
end image
begin image
type up_arrow
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #666666
file button_arrow_up_1.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 2
state selected
file button_arrow_up_2.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 2
state clicked
file button_arrow_up_3.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 2
end image
begin image
type down_arrow
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #666666
file button_arrow_down_1.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 2
state selected
file button_arrow_down_2.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 2
state clicked
file button_arrow_down_3.png
geom 100
border 2 2 2 2
end image
begin image
type menu
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #999999
file bar_horizontal_1.png
geom 100
border 2 3 2 3
state selected
file bar_horizontal_2.png
geom 100
border 2 3 2 3
end image
begin image
type submenu
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #999999
file menu1.png
geom 100
border 3 15 3 3
padding 3 15 3 3
state selected
file menu2.png
geom 100
border 3 15 3 3
padding 3 15 3 3
state clicked
file menu3.png
geom 100
border 3 15 3 3
padding 3 15 3 3
end image
begin image
type button_bar
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #999999
file bar_horizontal_1.png
geom 100
border 2 3 2 2
state disabled
color white #333333
cmod image 0xc0
border 2 3 2 2
end image
begin image
type button
mode image allow image auto
state normal
color black #cccccc
file bar_horizontal_1.png
geom 100
border 2 3 2 2
state selected
file bar_horizontal_2.png
geom 100
border 2 3 2 2
state clicked
file bar_horizontal_3.png
geom 100
border 2 3 2 2
end image
%include "menus.cfg"
begin actions
bind ctrl button1 to string "\e]5;\a"
bind ctrl button2 to string "\e[?30t"
bind ctrl button3 to menu Eterm
bind ctrl shift button3 to string "\e]6;14\a"
end actions
begin button_bar
font "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1"
button Eterm action menu "Eterm Operations"
button Font action menu Font
button Background action menu Background
button Terminal action menu Terminal
rbutton icon help.png action script "spawn(Eterm -e man Eterm)"
rbutton icon exit.png action script "exit"
end button_bar
begin toggles
map_alert on
visual_bell on
login_shell true
scrollbar on
utmp_logging on
iconic false
home_on_output 1
home_on_input 1
scrollbar_right true
scrollbar_floating true
borderless true
end toggles
begin keyboard
smallfont_key LessThan
bigfont_key GreaterThan
end keyboard
begin misc
save_lines 64
cut_chars "\t\\\`\\\"\'&() *,;<=>?@[]{|}"
border_width 5
term_name Eterm
end misc