# Note that this is NOT a relocatable package %define ver @VERSION@ %define rel 2 %define prefix @prefix@ Summary: Powerful image loading and rendering library for X11R6 Name: imlib2 Version: %ver Release: %rel Copyright: LGPL Group: X11/Libraries Source: ftp://ftp.enlightenment.org/pub/enlightenment/libs/imlib2-%{ver}.tar.gz BuildRoot: /var/tmp/imlib-root Packager: Term URL: http://www.rasterman.com/raster/imlib.html Requires: freetype >= 1.2 Requires: libpng Requires: libjpeg Requires: zlib Docdir: %{prefix}/doc %description Imlib2 is an advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm that provides many more features with much greater flexability and speed than standard libraries, including font rasterization, rotation, RGBA space rendering and blending, dynamic binary filters, scripting, and more. %package devel Summary: Imlib2 headers, static libraries and documentation Group: X11/Libraries Requires: imlib2 = %{PACKAGE_VERSION} %description devel Headers, static libraries and documentation for Imlib2. #### dont build demos #%package demos #Summary: Imlib2 demo programs #Group: X11/Libraries #Requires: imlib2 = %{PACKAGE_VERSION} # #%description demos #Demonstration viewer and other programs. %prep %setup cd demo sed Makefile.am1 mv -f Makefile.am1 Makefile.am sed Makefile.am1 mv -f Makefile.am1 Makefile.am %build ##### Boring normal rpm build method # old method of building - does not auto-detect for options in OPT_FLAGS ########################################################################### #CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" ./configure --prefix=%prefix #make ########################################################################### ##### High-perfromance auto-detect # Needed for snapshot releases. # Optimize that damned code all the way ########################################################################### #if [ ! -z "echo -n ${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} | grep pentium" ]; then # if [ -z "${CC}" -a ! -z "`which egcs`" ]; then # CC="egcs" # export CC # else # if [ -z "${CC}" -a ! -z "`which pgcc`" ]; then # CC="pgcc" # export CC # fi # fi # CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" #else # CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}" #fi #export CFLAGS # if [ ! -f configure ]; then sed autogen.sh1 mv -f autogen.sh1 autogen.sh chmod 0700 autogen.sh ./autogen.sh --prefix=%prefix else ./configure --prefix=%prefix fi if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then (make "MAKE=make -k -j $SMP"; exit 0) make else make fi ## added to make the viewer cd demo make #mv imlib2_view imlib2-view ########################################################################### %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/bin cd demo cp imlib2_view $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/bin %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc README COPYING ChangeLog TODO %attr(755,root,root) %{prefix}/lib/lib*.so.* %attr(755,root,root) %{prefix}/lib/loaders %{prefix}/bin/* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{prefix}/lib/libImlib2.so %{prefix}/lib/*a %{prefix}/include/* #%files demos #%defattr(-,root,root) %changelog * Wed Aug 30 2000 Lyle Kempler - Include imlib2-config * Sat May 20 2000 Lyle Kempler - Fixed problems with requiring imlib2_view - Went back to imlib2_view (not imlib2-view) * Tue Nov 2 1999 Lyle Kempler - Mangled imlib 1.9.8 imlib spec file into imlib2 spec file