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#ifndef __IMLIB_API_H
#define __IMLIB_API_H 1
/** @file
* Imlib2 library API
#define IMLIB2_VERSION_(maj, min, mic) (10000 * (maj) + 100 * (min) + (mic))
#ifdef EAPI
#undef EAPI
#ifdef WIN32
#define EAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#define EAPI __declspec(dllimport)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#define EAPI
#define EAPI
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define IMLIB2_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
/* opaque data types */
typedef void *Imlib_Context;
typedef void *Imlib_Image;
typedef void *Imlib_Color_Modifier;
typedef void *Imlib_Updates;
typedef void *Imlib_Font;
typedef void *Imlib_Color_Range;
typedef void *Imlib_Filter;
typedef void *ImlibPolygon;
/* blending operations */
typedef enum {
} Imlib_Operation;
typedef enum {
} Imlib_Text_Direction;
#define IMLIB_ERR_INTERNAL -1 /* Internal error (should not happen) */
#define IMLIB_ERR_NO_LOADER -2 /* No loader for file format */
#define IMLIB_ERR_NO_SAVER -3 /* No saver for file format */
#define IMLIB_ERR_BAD_IMAGE -4 /* Invalid image file */
#define IMLIB_ERR_BAD_FRAME -5 /* Requested frame not in image */
typedef struct {
int left, right, top, bottom;
} Imlib_Border;
typedef struct {
int alpha, red, green, blue;
} Imlib_Color;
/* Progressive loading callback */
typedef int (*Imlib_Progress_Function)(Imlib_Image im, char percent,
int update_x, int update_y,
int update_w, int update_h);
/* Custom attached data destructor callback */
typedef void (*Imlib_Data_Destructor_Function)(Imlib_Image im,
void *data);
/* Custom image data memory management function */
typedef void *(*Imlib_Image_Data_Memory_Function)(void *, size_t size);
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* *INDENT-ON* */
/** Return Imlib2 version */
EAPI int imlib_version(void);
* Context handling
/** Create new context */
EAPI Imlib_Context imlib_context_new(void);
/** Free context */
EAPI void imlib_context_free(Imlib_Context context);
/** Push context */
EAPI void imlib_context_push(Imlib_Context context);
/** Pop context */
EAPI void imlib_context_pop(void);
/** Get context handle */
EAPI Imlib_Context imlib_context_get(void);
* Context operations
* Set the X display to use for rendering of images to drawables
* You do not need to set this if you do not intend to
* render an image to an X drawable. If you do you will need to set
* this. If you change displays just set this to the new display
* pointer. Do not use a Display pointer if you have closed that
* display already - also note that if you close a display connection
* and continue to render using Imlib2 without setting the display
* pointer to NULL or something new, crashes may occur.
* @param display The Display to use
EAPI void imlib_context_set_display(Display * display);
* Return the current display used for Imlib2's display context
* @return The current display
EAPI Display *imlib_context_get_display(void);
* Tell Imlib2 that the current display connection has been closed
* Call when (and only when) you close a display connection but continue
* using Imlib2 on a different connection.
EAPI void imlib_context_disconnect_display(void);
* Set the visual to use when rendering images to drawables
* You need to set this for anything to render to a drawable or produce pixmaps
* (this can be the default visual).
* @param visual The Visual to use
EAPI void imlib_context_set_visual(Visual * visual);
* Return the current visual
* @return The current visual
EAPI Visual *imlib_context_get_visual(void);
* Set the colormap to use when rendering to drawables and allocating
* colors
* You must set this to render any images or produce pixmaps
* (this can be the default colormap).
* @param colormap The Colormap to use
EAPI void imlib_context_set_colormap(Colormap colormap);
* Return the current Colormap
* @return The current colormap
EAPI Colormap imlib_context_get_colormap(void);
* Set the X drawable to which images will be rendered
* This may be either a pixmap or a window. You must set this to render anything.
* @param drawable An X Drawable
EAPI void imlib_context_set_drawable(Drawable drawable);
* Return the current Drawable
* @return The current drawable
EAPI Drawable imlib_context_get_drawable(void);
* Set the 1-bit deep pixmap to be drawn to when generating a mask pixmap
* This is only useful if the image you are rendering has alpha.
* Set this to 0 to not render a pixmap mask.
* @param mask A pixmap with depth 1
EAPI void imlib_context_set_mask(Pixmap mask);
* Return the current mask pixmap
* @return The current pixmap
EAPI Pixmap imlib_context_get_mask(void);
* Set mask dithering mode
* When rendering to a mask or producing pixmap masks from images
* dither_mask selects if the mask is to be dithered or not.
* Passing in 1 for dither_mask means the mask pixmap will be dithered,
* 0 means it will not be dithered.
* @param dither_mask The dither mask flag
EAPI void imlib_context_set_dither_mask(char dither_mask);
* Return the current mask dithering mode
* @return The current dither mask flag
EAPI char imlib_context_get_dither_mask(void);
* Set mask alpha threshold
* When rendering to a mask or producing pixmap masks from images
* mask_alpha_threshold selects the alpha threshold above which mask bits are set.
* The default mask alpha threshold is 128, meaning that a mask bit will be set
* if the pixel alpha is >= 128.
* @param mask_alpha_threshold The mask alpha threshold
EAPI void imlib_context_set_mask_alpha_threshold(int
* Return the current mask alpha threshold
* @return The current mask mask alpha threshold
EAPI int imlib_context_get_mask_alpha_threshold(void);
#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
* Set "anti-aliasing" mode when scaling images
* This isn't quite correct since it's actually super and sub pixel
* sampling that it turns on and off, but anti-aliasing is used for
* having "smooth" edges to lines and shapes and this means when
* images are scaled they will keep their smooth appearance.
* Passing in 1 turns this on and 0 turns it off.
* @param anti_alias The anti-alias flag
EAPI void imlib_context_set_anti_alias(char anti_alias);
* Return the current "anti-aliasing" mode
* @return The current anti alias flag
EAPI char imlib_context_get_anti_alias(void);
* Set dithering mode
* Sets the dithering flag for rendering to a drawable or when pixmaps
* are produced.
* This affects the color image appearance. Dithering slows down rendering but
* produces considerably better results.
* This option has no effect for rendering in 24 bit and up, but in 16 bit and
* lower it will dither, producing smooth gradients and much better quality
* images.
* Setting dither to 1 enables dithering and 0 disables dithering.
* @param dither The dithering flag
EAPI void imlib_context_set_dither(char dither);
* Return the current dithering mode
* @return The current dithering flag
EAPI char imlib_context_get_dither(void);
* Set blending mode
* Select whether to blend or not during rendering operations.
* Setting blend to 1 enables blending and 0 disables blending.
* @param blend The blending flag
EAPI void imlib_context_set_blend(char blend);
* Return current blending mode
* @return The current blending flag
EAPI char imlib_context_get_blend(void);
* Set the color modifier
* The color modifier is used when rendering pixmaps or images to a drawable
* or images onto other images.
* Color modifiers are lookup tables that map the values in the red, green,
* blue and alpha channels to other values in the same channel when rendering,
* allowing for fades, color correction etc. to be done whilst
* rendering.
* Pass in NULL as the color_modifier to disable the color modifier for
* rendering.
* @param color_modifier The color modifier
EAPI void imlib_context_set_color_modifier(Imlib_Color_Modifier
* Return the current color modifier
* @return The current color modifier
EAPI Imlib_Color_Modifier imlib_context_get_color_modifier(void);
* Set drawing operation
* When Imlib2 draws an image onto another or an image onto a drawable
* it is able to do more than just blend the result on using the given
* alpha channel of the image. It is also able to do saturating
* additive, subtractive and a combination of the both (called reshade)
* rendering.
* The default mode is IMLIB_OP_COPY. you can also set it to
* IMLIB_OP_COPY performs basic alpha blending:
* DST = (SRC * A) + (DST * (1 - A)).
* IMLIB_OP_ADD does DST = DST + (SRC * A).
* IMLIB_OP_RESHADE does DST = DST + (((SRC - * 0.5) / 2) * A).
* @param operation The drawing operation
EAPI void imlib_context_set_operation(Imlib_Operation operation);
* Return the current operation mode
* @return The current operation mode
EAPI Imlib_Operation imlib_context_get_operation(void);
* Set the font to use when rendering text
* The font should be loaded first with imlib_load_font().
* @param font The font
EAPI void imlib_context_set_font(Imlib_Font font);
* Return the current font
* @return The current font
EAPI Imlib_Font imlib_context_get_font(void);
* Set the text drawing direction
* Sets the direction in which to draw text in terms of simple 90
* degree orientations or an arbitrary angle. The direction can be one
* IMLIB_TEXT_TO_RIGHT. If you use IMLIB_TEXT_TO_ANGLE, you will also
* have to set the angle with imlib_context_set_angle().
* @param direction The text direction
EAPI void imlib_context_set_direction(Imlib_Text_Direction direction);
* Return the current direction to render text in
* @return The current text rendering direction
EAPI Imlib_Text_Direction imlib_context_get_direction(void);
* Set the text drawing angle
* Sets the angle at which text strings will be drawn if the text
* direction has been set to IMLIB_TEXT_TO_ANGLE with
* imlib_context_set_direction().
* @param angle Angle of the text strings
EAPI void imlib_context_set_angle(double angle);
* Return the current angle used to render text in
* Used if the direction is IMLIB_TEXT_TO_ANGLE.
* @return The current text rendering angle
EAPI double imlib_context_get_angle(void);
* Set the drawing color in RGBA space
* Sets the color with which text and lines are drawn when
* being rendered onto an image. Values for @p red, @p green, @p blue
* and @p alpha are between 0 and 255
* - any other values have undefined results.
* @param red Red channel of the color
* @param green Green channel of the color
* @param blue Blue channel of the color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the color
EAPI void imlib_context_set_color(int red, int green, int blue,
int alpha);
* Return the current drawing color in RGBA space
* @param red Red channel of the current color
* @param green Green channel of the current color
* @param blue Blue channel of the current color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the current color
EAPI void imlib_context_get_color(int *red, int *green, int *blue,
int *alpha);
* Set the drawing color in HSVA space
* Values for @p hue are between 0 and 360, values for @p saturation and @p
* value between 0 and 1, and values for @p alpha are between 0 and 255
* - any other values have undefined results.
* @param hue Hue channel of the color
* @param saturation Saturation channel of the color
* @param value Value channel of the color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the color
EAPI void imlib_context_set_color_hsva(float hue, float saturation,
float value, int alpha);
* Return the current drawing color in HSVA space
* @param hue Hue channel of the current color
* @param saturation Saturation channel of the current color
* @param value Value channel of the current color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the current color
EAPI void imlib_context_get_color_hsva(float *hue, float *saturation,
float *value, int *alpha);
* Set the drawing color in HLSA space
* Values for @p hue are between 0 and 360, values for @p lightness and @p
* saturation between 0 and 1, and values for @p alpha are between 0 and 255
* - any other values have undefined results.
* @param hue Hue channel of the color
* @param lightness Lightness channel of the color
* @param saturation Saturation channel of the color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the color
EAPI void imlib_context_set_color_hlsa(float hue, float lightness,
float saturation, int alpha);
* Return the current drawing color in HLSA space
* @param hue Hue channel of the current color
* @param lightness Lightness channel of the current color
* @param saturation Saturation channel of the current color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the current color
EAPI void imlib_context_get_color_hlsa(float *hue, float *lightness,
float *saturation, int *alpha);
* Set the drawing color in CMYA space
* Values for @p cyan, @p magenta, @p yellow and @p alpha are between 0 and 255
* - any other values have undefined results.
* @param cyan Cyan channel of the color
* @param magenta Magenta channel of the color
* @param yellow Yellow channel of the color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the color
EAPI void imlib_context_set_color_cmya(int cyan, int magenta,
int yellow, int alpha);
* Return the current drawing color in CMYA space
* @param cyan Cyan channel of the current color
* @param magenta Magenta channel of the current color
* @param yellow Yellow channel of the current color
* @param alpha Alpha channel of the current color
EAPI void imlib_context_get_color_cmya(int *cyan, int *magenta,
int *yellow, int *alpha);
* Return the current drawing color as a color struct
* Do NOT free this pointer.
* @return The current color
EAPI Imlib_Color *imlib_context_get_imlib_color(void);
* Set the color range to use for rendering gradients
* @param color_range Color range
EAPI void imlib_context_set_color_range(Imlib_Color_Range
* Return the current color range being used for gradients
* @return The current color range
EAPI Imlib_Color_Range imlib_context_get_color_range(void);
* Set the image data memory management function
* @param memory_function The image data memory management function
EAPI void imlib_context_set_image_data_memory_function
(Imlib_Image_Data_Memory_Function memory_function);
* Return the current image data memeory management function
* @return The image data memory management function
EAPI Imlib_Image_Data_Memory_Function
* Set the progress function to be called back whilst loading images
* Set this to the function to be called, or set it to NULL to
* disable progress callbacks.
* @param progress_function The progress function
EAPI void imlib_context_set_progress_function(Imlib_Progress_Function
* Return the current progress function
* @return The current progress function
EAPI Imlib_Progress_Function imlib_context_get_progress_function(void);
* Set progress callback granularity
* This hints as to how often to call the progress callback. 0 means
* as often as possible. 1 means whenever 15 more of the image has been
* decoded, 10 means every 10% of the image decoding, 50 means every
* 50% and 100 means only call at the end.
* Values outside of the range 0-100 are undefined.
* @param progress_granularity The progress granularity
EAPI void imlib_context_set_progress_granularity(char
* Return the current progress granularity
* @return The current progress granularity
EAPI char imlib_context_get_progress_granularity(void);
* Set the image Imlib2 will be using with its function calls
* @param image The image
EAPI void imlib_context_set_image(Imlib_Image image);
* Return the current context image
* @return The current image
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_context_get_image(void);
* Set the clip rectangle
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param w The width of the rectangle
* @param h The height of the rectangle
EAPI void imlib_context_set_cliprect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
* Return the current clip rectangle
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param w The width of the rectangle
* @param h The height of the rectangle
EAPI void imlib_context_get_cliprect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
* Return the current size of the image cache in bytes
* The cache is a unified cache used for image data AND pixmaps.
* @return The current image cache memory usage
EAPI int imlib_get_cache_used(void);
* Return the current maximum size of the image cache in bytes
* The cache is a unified cache used for image data AND pixmaps.
* @return The current image cache max size
EAPI int imlib_get_cache_size(void);
* Set the cache size
* The size is in bytes. Setting the cache size to 0 effectively flushes
* the cache and keeps the cache size at 0 until set to another value.
* Whenever you set the cache size Imlib2 will flush as many old images
* and pixmap from the cache as needed until the current cache usage is
* less than or equal to the cache size.
* @param bytes Image cache max size
EAPI void imlib_set_cache_size(int bytes);
* Get the maximum number of colors Imlib2 is allowed to allocate
* The default is 256.
* @return The current maximum number of colors
EAPI int imlib_get_color_usage(void);
* Set the maximum number of colors Imlib2 is allowed to allocate
* The default is 256. This has no effect in depths greater than 8 bit.
* @param max Maximum number of colors
EAPI void imlib_set_color_usage(int max);
* Convenience function that returns the depth of a visual
* @param display The display
* @param visual The visual
EAPI int imlib_get_visual_depth(Display * display, Visual * visual);
* Return the visual that Imlib2 thinks will give you the best quality output
* If not NULL @p depth_return will return the depth of the visual.
* @param display The display
* @param screen The screen
* @param depth_return The depth of the returned visual
* @return The best visual
EAPI Visual *imlib_get_best_visual(Display * display, int screen,
int *depth_return);
#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
* Flush loader cache
* If you want Imlib2 to forcibly flush any cached loaders it has and
* re-load them from disk (this is useful if the program just
* installed a new loader and does not want to wait till Imlib2 deems
* it an optimal time to rescan the loaders)
EAPI void imlib_flush_loaders(void);
* Get error code from previous imlib function call
* The error code is set in function calls that involve direct or indirect
* image loading or saving.
* @return error code
* 0: Success,
* positive: Regular errnos,
* negative: IMLIB_ERR_... values, see above
EAPI int imlib_get_error(void);
* Load an image from file (header only)
* Please see the section \ref loading for more detail.
* @param file File name
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image(const char *file);
* Load an image from file "immediately" (header and data)
* This forces the image data to be decoded at load time instead of decoding
* being deferred until it is needed.
* @param file File name
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_immediately(const char *file);
* Load an image without looking in the cache first
* @param file File name
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_without_cache(const char *file);
* Load an image "immediately" without looking in the cache first
* @param file File name
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_immediately_without_cache(const char
* Load an image from file with error return
* The image is loaded without deferred image data decoding.
* On error @p error_return is set to the detail of the error.
* error values:
* 0: Success,
* positive: Regular errnos,
* negative: IMLIB_ERR_... values, see above
* @param file File name
* @param error_return The returned error
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_with_errno_return(const char *file,
int *error_return);
* Read an image from file descriptor
* The file name @p file is only used to guess the file format.
* The image is loaded without deferred image data decoding and without
* looking in the cache.
* @p fd must be mmap'able (so it cannot be a pipe).
* @p fd will be closed after calling this function.
* @param fd Image file descriptor
* @param file File name
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_fd(int fd, const char *file);
* Read an image from memory
* The file name @p file is only used to guess the file format.
* The image is loaded without deferred image data decoding and without
* looking in the cache.
* @param file File name
* @param data Image data
* @param size Image data size
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_mem(const char *file,
const void *data, size_t size);
* Free the current image
EAPI void imlib_free_image(void);
* Free the current image AND remove it from the cache
EAPI void imlib_free_image_and_decache(void);
* Query/modify image parameters
* Get the width in pixels of the current image
EAPI int imlib_image_get_width(void);
* Get the height in pixels of the current image
EAPI int imlib_image_get_height(void);
* Get the filename for the current image
* The pointer returned is only valid as long as no operations cause
* the filename of the image to change. Saving the file with a
* different name would cause this. It is suggested you duplicate the
* string if you wish to continue to use the string for later
* processing.
* Do not free the string pointer returned by this function.
* @return The current image filename
EAPI const char *imlib_image_get_filename(void);
* Get a pointer to the image data for the current image
* When you get this pointer it is assumed you are planning on writing
* to the data, thus once you do this the image can no longer be used for
* caching - in fact all images cached from this one will also be affected
* when you put the data back. If this matters it is suggested you clone
* the image first before playing with the image data.
* The image data is returned in the format of a uint32_t (32 bits) per
* pixel in a linear array ordered from the top left of the image to the
* bottom right going from left to right each line.
* Each pixel has the upper 8 bits as the alpha channel and the lower 8 bits
* are the blue channel - so a pixel's bits are ARGB (from
* most to least significant, 8 bits per channel).
* You must put the data back at some point.
* @return A pointer to the image data
EAPI uint32_t *imlib_image_get_data(void);
* Get a pointer to the image data for the current image (read-only)
* Functions the same way as imlib_image_get_data(), but returns a
* pointer expecting the program to NOT write to the data returned (it
* is for inspection purposes only). Writing to this data has undefined
* results.
* The data does not need to be put back.
* @return A pointer to the image data
EAPI uint32_t *imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only(void);
* Put back @p data obtained by imlib_image_get_data().
* @p data must be returned by imlib_image_get_data().
* @param data The pointer to the image data
EAPI void imlib_image_put_back_data(uint32_t * data);
* Return whether or not the current image has an alpa channel
* Returns 1 if the current context image has an alpha channel, or 0
* if it does not.
* @return Current alpha channel flag
EAPI char imlib_image_has_alpha(void);
* Force timestamp check on next load
* By default Imlib2 will not check the timestamp of an image on disk
* and compare it with the image in its cache - this is to minimize
* disk activity when using the cache. Call this function and it will
* flag the current context image as being liable to change on disk
* and Imlib2 will check the timestamp of the image file on disk and
* compare it with the cached image when it next needs to use this
* image in the cache.
EAPI void imlib_image_set_changes_on_disk(void);
* Get image border
* The border is the area at the edge of the image that does not scale
* with the rest of the image when resized - the borders remain constant
* in size. This is useful for scaling bevels at the edge of images
* differently to the image center.
* @param border Returns the image border
EAPI void imlib_image_get_border(Imlib_Border * border);
* Set image border
* @param border Image border
EAPI void imlib_image_set_border(Imlib_Border * border);
* Set image format
* This formt is used when you wish to save an image in a different
* format that it was loaded in, or if the image currently has no
* file format associated with it.
* @param format Image format
EAPI void imlib_image_set_format(const char *format);
* Set if the format value of the current image is irrelevant for
* caching purposes
* By default it is. Pass irrelevant as 1 to make it
* irrelevant and 0 to make it relevant for caching.
* @param irrelevant Irrelevant format flag
EAPI void imlib_image_set_irrelevant_format(char irrelevant);
* Return the current image's format
* Do not free this string. Duplicate it if you need it for later use.
* @return Current image format
EAPI char *imlib_image_format(void);
* Set the alpha flag for the current image
* Set @p has_alpha to 1 to enable the alpha channel or 0 to disable it.
* @param has_alpha Alpha flag
EAPI void imlib_image_set_has_alpha(char has_alpha);
* Get image pixel value at given location
* Fills the @p color_return color structure with the color of the pixel
* in the current image that is at the (@p x, @p y) location.
* @param x The x coordinate of the pixel
* @param y The y coordinate of the pixel
* @param color_return The returned color
EAPI void imlib_image_query_pixel(int x, int y,
Imlib_Color * color_return);
* Get image pixel value at given location - HSVA space
* @param x The x coordinate of the pixel
* @param y The y coordinate of the pixel
* @param hue The returned hue channel
* @param saturation The returned saturation channel
* @param value The returned value channel
* @param alpha The returned alpha channel
EAPI void imlib_image_query_pixel_hsva(int x, int y,
float *hue, float *saturation,
float *value, int *alpha);
* Get image pixel value at given location - HLSA space
* @param x The x coordinate of the pixel
* @param y The y coordinate of the pixel
* @param hue The returned hue channel
* @param lightness The returned lightness channel
* @param saturation The returned saturation channel
* @param alpha The returned alpha channel
EAPI void imlib_image_query_pixel_hlsa(int x, int y,
float *hue, float *lightness,
float *saturation, int *alpha);
* Get image pixel value at given location - CMYA space
* @param x The x coordinate of the pixel
* @param y The y coordinate of the pixel
* @param cyan The returned cyan channel
* @param magenta The returned magenta channel
* @param yellow The returned yellow channel
* @param alpha The returned alpha channel
EAPI void imlib_image_query_pixel_cmya(int x, int y,
int *cyan, int *magenta,
int *yellow, int *alpha);
* Rendering functions
* Create pixmap/mask of the current image
* The mask is generated if the image has an alpha value.
* The pixmaps must be freed using imlib_free_pixmap_and_mask().
* @param pixmap_return The returned pixmap
* @param mask_return The returned mask
EAPI void imlib_render_pixmaps_for_whole_image(Pixmap * pixmap_return,
Pixmap * mask_return);
* Create pixmap/mask of the current image at given size
* Works just like imlib_render_pixmaps_for_whole_image(), but will
* scale the output result to the width @p width and height @p height
* specified.
* Scaling is done before depth conversion so pixels used for dithering don't
* grow large.
* @param pixmap_return The returned pixmap
* @param mask_return The returned mask
* @param width Width of the pixmap
* @param height Height of the pixmap
EAPI void imlib_render_pixmaps_for_whole_image_at_size(Pixmap *
Pixmap *
int width,
int height);
* Free @p pixmap and any associated mask
* The pixmap will remain cached until the image the pixmap was generated from
* is dirtied or decached, or the cache is flushed.
* @param pixmap The pixmap
EAPI void imlib_free_pixmap_and_mask(Pixmap pixmap);
* Render image onto drawable
* Renders the current image onto the current drawable at the (@p x, @p y)
* pixel location specified without scaling.
* @param x X coordinate of the pixel
* @param y Y coordinate of the pixel
EAPI void imlib_render_image_on_drawable(int x, int y);
* Render image onto drawable at given size
* Renders the current image onto the current drawable at the (@p x, @p y)
* location specified AND scale the image to the width @p width and height
* @p height.
* @param x X coordinate of the pixel
* @param y Y coordinate of the pixel
* @param width Width of the rendered image
* @param height Height of the rendered image
EAPI void imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_size(int x, int y,
int width,
int height);
* Render part of image onto drawable at given size
* Renders the source (@p src_x, @p src_y, @p src_width, @p src_height)
* pixel rectangle from the current image onto the current drawable at the
* (@p dst_x, @p dst_y) location scaled to the width @p dst_width and
* height @p dst_height.
* @param src_x X coordinate of the source image
* @param src_y Y coordinate of the source image
* @param src_width Width of the source image
* @param src_height Height of the source image
* @param dst_x X coordinate of the destination image
* @param dst_y Y coordinate of the destination image
* @param dst_width Width of the destination image
* @param dst_height Height of the destination image
EAPI void imlib_render_image_part_on_drawable_at_size(int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
int dst_width,
int dst_height);
* Return X11 pixel value of current color
EAPI uint32_t imlib_render_get_pixel_color(void);
#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
* Blend part of image onto image
* Blends the source rectangle (@p src_x, @p src_y, @p src_width, @p src_height)
* from @p src_image onto the current image at the destination (@p dst_x, @p dst_y)
* location scaled to the width @p dst_width and height @p * dst_height.
* If @p merge_alpha is set to 1 it will also modify the destination image
* alpha channel, otherwise the destination alpha channel is left untouched.
* @param src_image The source image
* @param merge_alpha Alpha flag
* @param src_x X coordinate of the source image
* @param src_y Y coordinate of the source image
* @param src_width Width of the source image
* @param src_height Height of the source image
* @param dst_x X coordinate of the destination image
* @param dst_y Y coordinate of the destination image
* @param dst_width Width of the destination image
* @param dst_height Height of the destination image
EAPI void imlib_blend_image_onto_image(Imlib_Image src_image,
char merge_alpha,
int src_x, int src_y,
int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_x, int dst_y,
int dst_width, int dst_height);
* Image creation functions
* Create a new blank image
* Creates a new blank image of size @p width and @p height. The contents of
* this image at creation time are undefined (they could be garbage
* memory). You are free to do whatever you like with this image. It
* is not cached.
* @param width The width of the image
* @param height The height of the image
* @return A new blank image on success or NULL on failure
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_image(int width, int height);
* Clone image
* Creates an exact duplicate of the current image.
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_clone_image(void);
* Create cropped image
* Creates a duplicate of a (@p x, @p y, @p width, @p height) rectangle in the
* current image.
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_cropped_image(int x, int y, int width,
int height);
* Create cropped and scaled image
* Works the same as imlib_create_cropped_image() but will scale the
* new image to the new destination @p dst_width and @p dst_height
* whilst cropping.
* @param src_x The top left x coordinate of the source rectangle
* @param src_y The top left y coordinate of the source rectangle
* @param src_width The width of the source rectangle
* @param src_height The height of the source rectangle
* @param dst_width The width of the destination image
* @param dst_height The height of the destination image
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(int src_x, int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_width,
int dst_height);
* Create a new image using given pixel data
* Creates an image from the image data specified with the width @p width and
* the height @p height specified.
* The image data @p data must be in the same format as imlib_image_get_data()
* would return.
* You are responsible for freeing this image data once the image is freed.
* This is useful for when you already have static
* buffers of the same format Imlib2 uses (many video grabbing devices
* use such a format) and wish to use Imlib2 to render the results
* onto another image, or X drawable.
* On success an image handle is returned - otherwise NULL is returned.
* @param width The width of the image
* @param height The height of the image
* @param data The data
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_using_data(int width, int height,
uint32_t * data);
* Create a new image using given pixel data and memory management function
* Creates an image from the image data specified with the width @p width and
* the height @p height specified.
* The image data @p data must be in the same format as imlib_image_get_data()
* would return.
* The memory management function @p func is responsible for freeing this image
* data once the image is freed.
* @param width The width of the image
* @param height The height of the image
* @param data The data
* @param func The memory management function
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_using_data_and_memory_function
(int width, int height, uint32_t * data,
Imlib_Image_Data_Memory_Function func);
* Create a new image using given pixel data
* Works the same way as imlib_create_image_using_data() but Imlib2
* copies the image data to the image structure. You may now do
* whatever you wish with the original data as it will not be needed
* anymore.
* @param width The width of the image
* @param height The height of the image
* @param data The data
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_using_copied_data(int width, int height,
uint32_t * data);
* Create image from drawable
* Return an image (using the mask @p mask to determine the alpha channel)
* from the current drawable.
* If @p mask is 0 it will not create a useful alpha channel in the image.
* If @p mask is 1 the mask will be set to the shape mask of the drawable.
* It will create an image from the (@p x, @p y, @p width , @p height)
* rectangle in the drawable.
* If @p need_to_grab_x is 1 the X Server s grabbed to avoid possible
* race conditions. Set to 1 unless the server is already grabbed.
* If you have not already grabbed the server you MUST set this to 1.
* @param mask A mask
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @param need_to_grab_x Grab flag
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_from_drawable(Pixmap mask,
int x, int y,
int width, int height,
char need_to_grab_x);
* Create image from XImage
* @param image An XImage
* @param mask An XImage mask
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @param need_to_grab_x Grab flag
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_image_from_ximage(XImage * image,
XImage * mask,
int x, int y,
int width, int height,
char need_to_grab_x);
* Create image from drawable, scaled
* Creates an image from the current drawable (optionally using the
* @p mask pixmap specified to determine alpha transparency) and scale
* the grabbed data first before converting to an actual image (to
* minimize reads from the frame buffer which can be slow).
* The source (@p src_x, @p src_y, @p src_width, @p src_height)
* rectangle will be grabbed, scaled to the destination @p dst_width
* and @p dst_height, then converted to an image.
* If @p need_to_grab_x is 1 the X Server s grabbed to avoid possible
* race conditions. Set to 1 unless the server is already grabbed.
* If @p get_mask_from_shape and the current drawable is a window its shape
* is used for determining the alpha channel.
* @param mask A mask
* @param src_x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param src_y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param src_width The width of the rectangle
* @param src_height The height of the rectangle
* @param dst_width The width of the returned image
* @param dst_height The height of the returned image
* @param need_to_grab_x Grab flag
* @param get_mask_from_shape A char
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_scaled_image_from_drawable(Pixmap mask,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_width,
int dst_height,
char need_to_grab_x,
char get_mask_from_shape);
* Copy part of drawable to image
* Grabs a section of the current drawable (optionally using the pixmap @p mask
* provided as a corresponding mask for that drawable - if @p mask is 0
* this is not used).
* If @p mask is 1 the mask will be set to the shape mask of the drawable.
* It grabs the (@p src_x, @p src_y, @p src_width, @p src_height) rectangle
* and places it at the destination (@p dst_x, @p dst_y) location in the
* current image.
* If @p need_to_grab_x is 1 the X Server s grabbed to avoid possible
* race conditions. Set to 1 unless the server is already grabbed.
* @param mask A mask
* @param src_x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param src_y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param src_width The width of the rectangle
* @param src_height The height of the rectangle
* @param dst_x The x coordinate of the new location
* @param dst_y The x coordinate of the new location
* @param need_to_grab_x Grab flag
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise
EAPI char imlib_copy_drawable_to_image(Pixmap mask,
int src_x, int src_y,
int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_x, int dst_y,
char need_to_grab_x);
* Return the current number of cached XImages
* @return The current number of cached XImages
EAPI int imlib_get_ximage_cache_count_used(void);
* Return the maximum number of XImages to cache
* @return The current XImage cache max count
EAPI int imlib_get_ximage_cache_count_max(void);
* Set the maximum number of XImages to cache
* Setting the cache size to 0 effectively flushes the cache and keeps
* the cached XImage count at 0 until set to another value.
* Whenever you set the max count Imlib2 will flush as many old XImages
* from the cache as possible until the current cached XImage count is
* less than or equal to the cache max count.
* @param count XImage cache max count
EAPI void imlib_set_ximage_cache_count_max(int count);
* Return the current XImage cache memory usage
* @return The current XImage cache memory usage
EAPI int imlib_get_ximage_cache_size_used(void);
* Return the XImage cache maximum size
* @return The current XImage cache max size
EAPI int imlib_get_ximage_cache_size_max(void);
* Set the XImage cache maximum size
* Setting the cache size to 0 effectively flushes the cache and keeps
* the cache size at 0 until set to another value.
* Whenever you set the max size Imlib2 will flush as many old XImages
* from the cache as possible until the current XImage cache usage is
* less than or equal to the cache max size.
* @param bytes XImage cache max size in bytes
EAPI void imlib_set_ximage_cache_size_max(int bytes);
#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
* Updates - lists of rectangles for storing required update draws
* Duplicate update list
* Creates a duplicate of an updates list.
* @param updates An updates list
* @return Duplicate of @p updates
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_clone(Imlib_Updates updates);
* Append rectangle to updates list
* Appends an update rectangle to the updates list passed in (if the
* updates is NULL it will create a new updates list) and returns a
* handle to the modified updates list (the handle may be modified so
* only use the new updates handle returned).
* @param updates An updates list
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param w The width of the rectangle
* @param h The height of the rectangle
* @return The updates handle
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_update_append_rect(Imlib_Updates updates,
int x, int y, int w, int h);
* Merge updates list
* Takes an updates list, and modifies it by merging overlapped
* rectangles and lots of tiny rectangles into larger rectangles to
* minimize the number of rectangles in the list for optimized
* redrawing.
* The new updates handle is now valid and the old one passed in is not.
* @param updates An updates list
* @param w The width of the rectangle
* @param h The height of the rectangle
* @return The updates handle
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_merge(Imlib_Updates updates, int w, int h);
* Merge updates list
* Works almost exactly as imlib_updates_merge() but is more lenient
* on the spacing between update rectangles - if they are very close it
* amalgamates 2 smaller rectangles into 1 larger one.
* @param updates An updates list
* @param w The width of the rectangle
* @param h The height of the rectangle
* @return The updates handle
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_merge_for_rendering(Imlib_Updates updates,
int w, int h);
* Free updates list
* @param updates An updates list
EAPI void imlib_updates_free(Imlib_Updates updates);
* Get the next update in an updates list
* @param updates An updates list
* @return The next updates
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_get_next(Imlib_Updates updates);
* Return the coordinates of first update in update list
* @param updates An updates list
* @param x_return The top left x coordinate of the update
* @param y_return The top left y coordinate of the update
* @param width_return The width of the update
* @param height_return The height of the update
EAPI void imlib_updates_get_coordinates(Imlib_Updates updates,
int *x_return,
int *y_return,
int *width_return,
int *height_return);
* Modify the coordinates of the first update in update list
* @param updates An updates list
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the update
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the update
* @param width The width of the update
* @param height The height of the update
EAPI void imlib_updates_set_coordinates(Imlib_Updates updates,
int x, int y,
int width, int height);
#ifdef BUILD_X11
* Render updates on drawable
* Given an updates list (preferable already merged for rendering)
* this will render the corresponding parts of the image to the current
* drawable at an offset of @p x, @p y.
* @param updates An updates list
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the update
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the update
EAPI void imlib_render_image_updates_on_drawable(Imlib_Updates
int x, int y);
* Return empty updates list
* Initializes an updates list before you add any updates to it or
* merge it for rendering etc.
* @return The initialized updates list
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_init(void);
* Append update list to update list
* Appends @p appended_updates to the updates list @p updates and
* returns the new list.
* @param updates An updates list
* @param appended_updates The updates list to append
* @return The new updates list
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_updates_append_updates(Imlib_Updates updates,
* Image modification
* Flip/mirror the current image horizontally
EAPI void imlib_image_flip_horizontal(void);
* Flip/mirror the current image vertically
EAPI void imlib_image_flip_vertical(void);
* Flip/mirror the current image diagonally
* Good for quick and dirty 90 degree rotations if used before or after a
* horizontal or vertical flip.
EAPI void imlib_image_flip_diagonal(void);
* Rotate the current image
* Performs 90 degree rotations on the current image.
* 0 does not rotate, 1 rotates clockwise by 90 degree, 2,
* rotates clockwise by 180 degrees, 3 rotates clockwise by 270
* degrees.
* @param orientation The orientation
EAPI void imlib_image_orientate(int orientation);
* Blur the current image
* A @p radius value of 0 has no effect, 1 and above determine the blur matrix
* radius that determine how much to blur the image.
* @param radius The radius
EAPI void imlib_image_blur(int radius);
* Sharpen the current image
* The @p radius value affects how much to sharpen by.
* @param radius The radius
EAPI void imlib_image_sharpen(int radius);
* Modify current image for horizontal tiling
* Modifies an image so it will tile seamlessly horizontally if used
* as a tile (i.e. drawn multiple times horizontally).
EAPI void imlib_image_tile_horizontal(void);
* Modify current image for vertical tiling
* Modifies an image so it will tile seamlessly vertically if used as
* a tile (i.e. drawn multiple times vertically).
EAPI void imlib_image_tile_vertical(void);
* Modify current image for horizontal and vertical tiling
* Modifies an image so it will tile seamlessly horizontally and
* vertically if used as a tile (i.e. drawn multiple times horizontally
* and vertically).
EAPI void imlib_image_tile(void);
* Copy image alpha
* Copies the alpha channel of the source image @p image_source to the
* (@p x, @p y) coordinates of the current image, replacing the alpha
* channel there.
* @param image_source An image
* @param x The x coordinate
* @param y The y coordinate
EAPI void imlib_image_copy_alpha_to_image(Imlib_Image image_source,
int x, int y);
* Copy partial image alpha
* Copies the source (@p src_x, @p src_y, @p src_width, @p src_height) rectangle
* alpha channel from the source image @p image_source and replaces the
* alpha channel on the destination image at the (@p dst_x, @p dst_y)
* coordinates.
* @param image_source An image
* @param src_x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param src_y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param src_width The width of the rectangle
* @param src_height The height of the rectangle
* @param dst_x The top left x coordinate of the destination rectangle
* @param dst_y The top left x coordinate of the destination rectangle
EAPI void imlib_image_copy_alpha_rectangle_to_image(Imlib_Image
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_x,
int dst_y);
* Scroll image
* Scrolls a rectangle of size @p width, @p height at the (@p x, @p y)
* location within the current image by the @p delta_x, @p delta_y distance.
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @param delta_x Distance along the x coordinates
* @param delta_y Distance along the y coordinates
EAPI void imlib_image_scroll_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height,
int delta_x, int delta_y);
* Copy image part within image
* Copies a rectangle of size @p width, @p height at the (@p x, @p y) location
* specified in the current image to a new location (@p new_x, @p new_y) in the same
* image.
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @param new_x The top left x coordinate of the new location
* @param new_y The top left y coordinate of the new location
EAPI void imlib_image_copy_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height,
int new_x, int new_y);
* Fonts and text
* Load a truetype font
* Loads a truetype font from the first directory in the font path that
* contains that font. The font name @p font_name format is "font_name/size". For
* example. If there is a font file called blum.ttf somewhere in the
* font path you might use "blum/20" to load a 20 pixel sized font of
* blum. If the font cannot be found NULL is returned.
* @param font_name The font name with the size
* @return NULL if no font found
EAPI Imlib_Font imlib_load_font(const char *font_name);
* Unload current font
EAPI void imlib_free_font(void);
* Add font to fallback chain
* This arranges for the given fallback font to be used if a glyph does not
* exist in the given font when text is being rendered.
* Fonts can be arranged in an aribitrarily long chain and attempts will be
* made in order on the chain.
* Cycles in the chain are not possible since the given fallback font is
* removed from any chain it's already in.
* A fallback font may be a member of only one chain. Adding it as the
* fallback font to another font will remove it from it's first fallback chain.
* @param font A previously loaded font
* @param fallback_font A previously loaded font to be chained to the given font
* @return 0 on success
EAPI int imlib_insert_font_into_fallback_chain(Imlib_Font font,
* Remove font from fallback chain
* This removes the given font from any fallback chain it may be in.
* @param fallback_font A font previously added to a fallback chain
EAPI void imlib_remove_font_from_fallback_chain(Imlib_Font
/** Return previous font in font fallback chain */
EAPI Imlib_Font imlib_get_prev_font_in_fallback_chain(Imlib_Font fn);
/** Return next font in font fallback chain */
EAPI Imlib_Font imlib_get_next_font_in_fallback_chain(Imlib_Font fn);
* Draw text
* Draws the null-byte terminated string @p text using the current font on
* the current image at the (@p x, @p y) location (@p x, @p y denoting the
* top left corner of the font string)
* @param x The x coordinate of the top left corner
* @param y The y coordinate of the top left corner
* @param text A null-byte terminated string
EAPI void imlib_text_draw(int x, int y, const char *text);
* Draw text and return metrics
* Works just like imlib_text_draw() but also returns the width and
* height of the string drawn, and @p horizontal_advance_return returns
* the number of pixels you should advance horizontally to draw another
* string (useful if you are drawing a line of text word by word) and
* @p vertical_advance_return does the same for the vertical direction
* (i.e. drawing text line by line).
* @param x The x coordinate of the top left corner
* @param y The y coordinate of the top left corner
* @param text A null-byte terminated string
* @param width_return The width of the string
* @param height_return The height of the string
* @param horizontal_advance_return Horizontal offset
* @param vertical_advance_return Vertical offset
EAPI void imlib_text_draw_with_return_metrics(int x, int y,
const char *text,
int *width_return,
int *height_return,
int *horizontal_advance_return,
int *vertical_advance_return);
* Get text size
* Gets the width and height in pixels the @p text string would use up
* if drawn with the current font.
* @param text A string
* @param width_return The width of the text
* @param height_return The height of the text
EAPI void imlib_get_text_size(const char *text,
int *width_return, int *height_return);
* Get text advances
* Gets the advance horizontally and vertically in pixels the next
* text string would need to be placed at for the current font. The
* advances are not adjusted for rotation so you will have to translate
* the advances (which are calculated as if the text was drawn
* horizontally from left to right) depending on the text orientation.
* @param text A string
* @param horizontal_advance_return Horizontal offset
* @param vertical_advance_return Vertical offset
EAPI void imlib_get_text_advance(const char *text,
int *horizontal_advance_return,
int *vertical_advance_return);
* Get text inset
* Returns the inset of the first character of @p text
* in using the current font and returns that value in pixels.
* @param text A string
* @return The inset value of @p text
EAPI int imlib_get_text_inset(const char *text);
* Add font path
* Adds the directory @p path to the end of the current list of
* directories to scan for fonts.
* @param path A directory path
EAPI void imlib_add_path_to_font_path(const char *path);
* Remove font path
* Removes a font path from the font path list
* @param path A directory path
EAPI void imlib_remove_path_from_font_path(const char *path);
* Return font path list
* Returns a list of strings that are the directories in the font
* path. Do not free this list or change it in any way. If you add or
* delete members of the font path this list will be invalid. If you
* intend to use this list later duplicate it for your own use. The
* number of elements in the array of strings is put into
* @p number_return.
* @param number_return Number of paths in the list
* @return A list of strings
EAPI char **imlib_list_font_path(int *number_return);
* Return character number in text
* Returns the character number in the string @p text using the current
* font at the (@p x, @p y) pixel location which is an offset relative to the
* top left of that string. -1 is returned if there is no character
* there. If there is a character, @p char_x_return, @p char_y_return,
* @p char_width_return and @p char_height_return (respectively the
* character x, y, width and height) are also filled in.
* @param text A string
* @param x The x offset
* @param y The y offset
* @param char_x_return The x coordinate of the character
* @param char_y_return The x coordinate of the character
* @param char_width_return The width of the character
* @param char_height_return The height of the character
* @return Character number, -1 if no character found
EAPI int imlib_text_get_index_and_location(const char *text,
int x, int y,
int *char_x_return,
int *char_y_return,
int *char_width_return,
int *char_height_return);
* Get geometry of character in text
* Gets the geometry of the character at index @p index in the @p text
* string using the current font.
* @param text A string
* @param index The character index
* @param char_x_return The x coordinate of the character
* @param char_y_return The y coordinate of the character
* @param char_width_return The width of the character
* @param char_height_return The height of the character
EAPI void imlib_text_get_location_at_index(const char *text,
int index,
int *char_x_return,
int *char_y_return,
int *char_width_return,
int *char_height_return);
* Return a list of fonts imlib2 can find in its font path
* @param number_return Number of fonts in the list
* @return A list of fonts
EAPI char **imlib_list_fonts(int *number_return);
* Free the font list returned by imlib_list_fonts()
* @param font_list The font list
* @param number Number of fonts in the list
EAPI void imlib_free_font_list(char **font_list, int number);
* Return the font cache size
* @return The font cache size in bytes
EAPI int imlib_get_font_cache_size(void);
* Set the font cache size
* Whenever you set the font cache size Imlib2 will flush fonts from the
* cache until the memory used by fonts is less than or equal to the font
* cache size.
* Setting the size to 0 effectively frees all speculatively cached fonts.
* @param bytes The font cache size in bytes
EAPI void imlib_set_font_cache_size(int bytes);
* Flush all speculatively cached fonts from the font cache
EAPI void imlib_flush_font_cache(void);
* Return the current font's ascent
* @return The font's ascent value in pixels
EAPI int imlib_get_font_ascent(void);
* Return the current font's descent
* @return The font's descent value in pixels
EAPI int imlib_get_font_descent(void);
* Return the current font's maximum ascent
* @return The font's maximum ascent
EAPI int imlib_get_maximum_font_ascent(void);
* Return the current font's maximum descent
* @return The font's maximum descent
EAPI int imlib_get_maximum_font_descent(void);
* Color modifiers
* Create empty color modifier
* Creates a new empty color modifier and returns a
* valid handle on success. NULL is returned on failure.
* @return Color modifier handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Color_Modifier imlib_create_color_modifier(void);
* Free the current color modifier
EAPI void imlib_free_color_modifier(void);
* Modify current color modifier gamma
* Modifies the current color modifier by adjusting the gamma by the
* value specified @p gamma_value. The color modifier is modified not set, so calling
* this repeatedly has cumulative effects. A gamma of 1.0 is normal
* linear, 2.0 brightens and 0.5 darkens etc. Negative values are not
* allowed.
* @param gamma_value Value of gamma
EAPI void imlib_modify_color_modifier_gamma(double gamma_value);
* Modify current color modifier brightness
* Modifies the current color modifier by adjusting the brightness by
* the value @p brightness_value. The color modifier is modified not set, so
* calling this repeatedly has cumulative effects. brightness values
* of 0 do not affect anything. -1.0 will make things completely black
* and 1.0 will make things all white. Values in-between vary
* brightness linearly.
* @param brightness_value Value of brightness
EAPI void imlib_modify_color_modifier_brightness(double
* Modify current color modifier contrast
* Modifies the current color modifier by adjusting the contrast by
* the value @p contrast_value. The color modifier is modified not set, so
* calling this repeatedly has cumulative effects. Contrast of 1.0 does
* nothing. 0.0 will merge to gray, 2.0 will double contrast etc.
* @param contrast_value Value of contrast
EAPI void imlib_modify_color_modifier_contrast(double
* Set current color modifier tables
* Explicitly copies the mapping tables from the table pointers passed
* into this function into those of the current color modifier. Tables
* are 256 entry arrays of uint8_t which are a mapping of that channel
* value to a new channel value. A normal mapping would be linear (v[0]
* = 0, v[10] = 10, v[50] = 50, v[200] = 200, v[255] = 255).
* @param red_table A 256 element uint8_t array
* @param green_table A 256 element uint8_t array
* @param blue_table A 256 element uint8_t array
* @param alpha_table A 256 element uint8_t array
EAPI void imlib_set_color_modifier_tables(uint8_t * red_table,
uint8_t * green_table,
uint8_t * blue_table,
uint8_t * alpha_table);
* Get current color modifier tables
* Copies the table values from the current color modifier into the
* pointers to mapping tables specified. They must have 256 entries and
* be uint8_t format.
* @param red_table A 256 element uint8_t array
* @param green_table A 256 element uint8_t array
* @param blue_table A 256 element uint8_t array
* @param alpha_table A 256 element uint8_t array
EAPI void imlib_get_color_modifier_tables(uint8_t * red_table,
uint8_t * green_table,
uint8_t * blue_table,
uint8_t * alpha_table);
* Reset current color modifier tables
* Resets the current color modifier to have linear mapping tables
EAPI void imlib_reset_color_modifier(void);
* Apply color modifier to image
* Uses the current color modifier mapping tables to modify the current image.
EAPI void imlib_apply_color_modifier(void);
* Apply color modifier to image part
* Works the same way as imlib_apply_color_modifier() but only modifies
* a selected rectangle in the current image.
* @param x The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle
* @param y The y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
EAPI void imlib_apply_color_modifier_to_rectangle(int x, int y,
int width,
int height);
* Drawing on images
* Draw a pixel
* Draws a pixel using the urrent color on the current image at
* coordinate (@p x1, @p y1).
* If @p make_updates is 1 it will also return an update you can use for an
* updates list, otherwise it returns NULL.
* @param x The x coordinate of the first point
* @param y The y coordinate of the first point
* @param make_updates Make updates flag
* @return An updates list
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_image_draw_pixel(int x, int y, char make_updates);
* Draw a line
* Draws a line using the current color on the current image from
* coordinates (@p x1, @p y1) to (@p x2, @p y2).
* If @p make_updates is 1 it will also return an update you can use for an
* updates list, otherwise it returns NULL.
* @param x1 The x coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 The y coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 The x coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 The y coordinate of the second point
* @param make_updates: a char
* @return An updates list
EAPI Imlib_Updates imlib_image_draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
char make_updates);
* Draw a rectangle (no fill)
* Draws the outline of a rectangle on the current image at the (@p x,
* @p y)
* coordinates with a size of @p width and @p height pixels, using the
* current color.
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
EAPI void imlib_image_draw_rectangle(int x, int y,
int width, int height);
* Draw rectangle (filled)
* Draws a filled rectangle on the current image at the (@p x, @p y)
* coordinates with a size of @p width and @p height pixels, using the
* current color.
* @param x The top left x coordinate of the rectangle
* @param y The top left y coordinate of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
EAPI void imlib_image_fill_rectangle(int x, int y,
int width, int height);
* Polygons
* Create empty polygon object
* @return a new polygon object with no points set
EAPI ImlibPolygon imlib_polygon_new(void);
* Free a polygon object.
* @param poly A polygon
EAPI void imlib_polygon_free(ImlibPolygon poly);
* Add point to polygon
* Adds the point (@p x, @p y) to the polygon @p poly. The point will be added
* to the end of the polygon's internal point list. The points are
* drawn in order, from the first to the last.
* @param poly A polygon
* @param x The X coordinate
* @param y The Y coordinate
EAPI void imlib_polygon_add_point(ImlibPolygon poly, int x, int y);
* Draw a polygon (no fill)
* Draws the polygon @p poly onto the current context image. Points which have
* been added to the polygon are drawn in sequence, first to last. The
* final point will be joined with the first point if @p closed is
* non-zero.
* @param poly A polygon
* @param closed Closed polygon flag
EAPI void imlib_image_draw_polygon(ImlibPolygon poly,
unsigned char closed);
* Draw a polygon (filled)
* Fills the area defined by the polygon @p polyon the current context image
* with the current context color.
* @param poly A polygon
EAPI void imlib_image_fill_polygon(ImlibPolygon poly);
* Get polygon bounds
* Calculates the bounding area of the polygon @p poly. (@p px1, @p py1) defines the
* upper left corner of the bounding box and (@p px2, @p py2) defines it's
* lower right corner.
* @param poly A polygon
* @param px1 X coordinate of the upper left corner
* @param py1 Y coordinate of the upper left corner
* @param px2 X coordinate of the lower right corner
* @param py2 Y coordinate of the lower right corner
EAPI void imlib_polygon_get_bounds(ImlibPolygon poly,
int *px1, int *py1,
int *px2, int *py2);
* Check if polygon contains point
* Returns non-zero if the point (@p x, @p y) is within the area defined by
* the polygon @p poly.
* @param poly A polygon
* @param x The X coordinate
* @param y The Y coordinate
* @return non-zero if point is inside polygon
EAPI unsigned char imlib_polygon_contains_point(ImlibPolygon poly,
int x, int y);
* Ellipses
* Draw an ellipse (no fill)
* Draws an ellipse on the current context image. The ellipse is
* defined as (@p x-@p xc)^2/@p a^2 + (@p y-@p yc)^2/@p b^2 = 1. This means that the
* point (@p xc, @p yc) marks the center of the ellipse, @p a defines the
* horizontal amplitude of the ellipse, and @p b defines the vertical
* amplitude.
* @param xc X coordinate of the center of the ellipse
* @param yc Y coordinate of the center of the ellipse
* @param a The horizontal amplitude of the ellipse
* @param b The vertical amplitude of the ellipse
EAPI void imlib_image_draw_ellipse(int xc, int yc, int a, int b);
* Draw an ellipse (filled)
* Fills an ellipse on the current context image using the current
* context color. The ellipse is
* defined as (@p x-@p xc)^2/@p a^2 + (@p y-@p yc)^2/@p b^2 = 1. This means that the
* point (@p xc, @p yc) marks the center of the ellipse, @p a defines the
* horizontal amplitude of the ellipse, and @p b defines the vertical
* amplitude.
* @param xc X coordinate of the center of the ellipse
* @param yc Y coordinate of the center of the ellipse
* @param a The horizontal amplitude of the ellipse
* @param b The vertical amplitude of the ellipse
EAPI void imlib_image_fill_ellipse(int xc, int yc, int a, int b);
* Color ranges
* Create empty color range
* @return Color range handle (NULL on error)
EAPI Imlib_Color_Range imlib_create_color_range(void);
* Free the current color range
EAPI void imlib_free_color_range(void);
* Add color to color range
* Adds the current color to the current color range at a @p distance_away
* distance from the previous color in the range (if it's the first
* color in the range this is irrelevant).
* @param distance_away Distance from the previous color
EAPI void imlib_add_color_to_color_range(int distance_away);
* Fill image rectangle with color range
* Fills a rectangle of width @p width and height @p height at the (@p x, @p y) location
* specified in the current image with a linear gradient of the
* current color range at an angle of @p angle degrees with 0 degrees
* being vertical from top to bottom going clockwise from there.
* @param x The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle
* @param y The y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @param angle Angle of gradient
EAPI void imlib_image_fill_color_range_rectangle(int x, int y,
int width,
int height,
double angle);
* Fill image rectangle with HSVA color range
* Fills a rectangle of width @p width and height @p height at the (@p
* x, @p y) location
* specified in the current image with a linear gradient in HSVA color
* space of the current color range at an angle of @p angle degrees with
* 0 degrees being vertical from top to bottom going clockwise from
* there.
* @param x The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle
* @param y The y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle
* @param width The width of the rectangle
* @param height The height of the rectangle
* @param angle Angle of gradient
EAPI void imlib_image_fill_hsva_color_range_rectangle(int x, int y,
int width,
int height,
* Image data attachment
* Attach data to image
* Attaches data to the current image with the string key of @p key, and
* the data of @p data and an integer of @p value.
* The * @p destructor_function function, if not NULL is called when this
* image is freed so the destructor can free @p data, if this is needed.
* @param key The key
* @param data A pointer
* @param value A value
* @param destructor_function An Imlib internal function
EAPI void imlib_image_attach_data_value(const char *key,
void *data, int value,
* Get attached image data
* Gets the data attached to the current image with the key @p key
* specified.
* @param key The key
* @return The attached data as a pointer, or NULL if none
EAPI void *imlib_image_get_attached_data(const char *key);
* Get attached image data value
* Returns the value attached to the current image with the specified
* key @p key. If none could be found 0 is returned.
* @param key The key
* @return The attached value as an integer, or 0 if none
EAPI int imlib_image_get_attached_value(const char *key);
* Detach image data
* Detaches the data & value attached with the specified key @p key from the
* current image.
* @param key The key
EAPI void imlib_image_remove_attached_data_value(const char *key);
* Detach image data
* Removes the data and value attached to the current image with the
* specified key @p key and also calls the destructor function that was
* supplied when attaching it (see imlib_image_attach_data_value()).
* @param key The key
EAPI void imlib_image_remove_and_free_attached_data_value(const char
* Image saving
* Save image to file
* Saves the current image in the format specified by the current
* image's format setting to the filename @p file.
* If the image's format is not set, the format is derived from @p file.
* @param file The file name
EAPI void imlib_save_image(const char *file);
* Save image to file with error return
* Works the same way imlib_save_image() works, but will set the
* @p error_return to an error value if the save fails.
* error values:
* 0: Success,
* positive: Regular errnos,
* negative: IMLIB_ERR_... values, see above
* @param file The file name
* @param error_return The returned error
EAPI void imlib_save_image_with_errno_return(const char *file,
int *error_return);
* Save image to file descriptor
* Saves the current image in the format specified by the current
* image's format setting to the file given by @p fd.
* The file name @p file is used only to derive the file format if the
* image's format is not set.
* @p fd will be closed after calling this function.
* @param fd Image file descriptor
* @param file The file name
EAPI void imlib_save_image_fd(int fd, const char *file);
* Image rotation/skewing
* Create rotated image
* Creates a new copy of the current image, but rotated by @p angle radians.
* @param angle An angle in radians
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_create_rotated_image(double angle);
* Rotate image onto image
* Rotate @ src_image onto current image.
* @param src_image The source image
* @param angle An angle in radians
EAPI void imlib_rotate_image_from_buffer(double angle,
Imlib_Image src_image);
* Blend image onto image at angle
* Works just like imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed() except you
* cannot skew an image (@p v_angle_x and @p v_angle_y are 0).
* @param src_image The image source
* @param merge_alpha A char
* @param src_x The source x coordinate
* @param src_y The source y coordinate
* @param src_width The source width
* @param src_height The source height
* @param dst_x The destination x coordinate
* @param dst_y The destination y coordinate
* @param angle_x An angle
* @param angle_y An angle
EAPI void imlib_blend_image_onto_image_at_angle(Imlib_Image
char merge_alpha,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
int angle_x,
int angle_y);
* Blend image onto image at angle, skewed
* Blends the source rectangle (@p src_x, @p src_y, @p src_width, * @p src_height)
* from the @p src_image onto the current image at the destination
* (@p dst_x, @p dst_y) location.
* It will be rotated and scaled so that the upper right corner will be
* positioned @p h_angle_x pixels to the right (or left, if negative) and
* @p h_angle_y pixels down (from (@p dst_x, @p dst_y).
* If @p v_angle_x and @p v_angle_y are not 0, the image will also be
* skewed so that the lower left corner will be positioned @p v_angle_x
* pixels to the right and @p v_angle_y pixels down. The at_angle versions
* simply have the @p v_angle_x and @p v_angle_y set to 0 so the rotation
* doesn't get skewed, and the render_..._on_drawable ones seem obvious
* enough; they do the same on a drawable.
* Example:
* @code
* imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(..., 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 100);
* @endcode
* will simply scale the image to be 100x100.
* @code
* imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(..., 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0);
* @endcode
* will scale the image to be 100x100, and flip it diagonally.
* @code
* imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(..., 100, 0, 0, 100, -100, 0);
* @endcode
* will scale the image and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise.
* @code
* imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(..., 50, 0, 50, 50, -50, 50);
* @endcode
* will rotate the image 45 degrees clockwise, and will scale it so
* its corners are at (50,0)-(100,50)-(50,100)-(0,50) i.e. it fits
* into the 100x100 square, so it's scaled down to 70.7% (sqrt(2)/2).
* @code
* imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(..., 50, 50, 100 * cos(a), 100 * sin(a), 0);
* @endcode
* will rotate the image `a' degrees, with its upper left corner at (50,50).
* @param src_image The source image
* @param merge_alpha A char
* @param src_x The source x coordinate
* @param src_y The source y coordinate
* @param src_width The source width
* @param src_height The source height
* @param dst_x The destination x coordinate
* @param dst_y The destination y coordinate
* @param h_angle_x An angle
* @param h_angle_y An angle
* @param v_angle_x An angle
* @param v_angle_y An angle
EAPI void imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(Imlib_Image
char merge_alpha,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
int h_angle_x,
int h_angle_y,
int v_angle_x,
int v_angle_y);
* Blend image onto drawable at angle, skewed
* Works just like imlib_blend_image_onto_image_skewed(), except it
* blends the image onto the current drawable instead of the current
* image.
* @param src_x The source x coordinate
* @param src_y The source y coordinate
* @param src_width The source width
* @param src_height The source height
* @param dst_x The destination x coordinate
* @param dst_y The destination y coordinate
* @param h_angle_x An angle
* @param h_angle_y An angle
* @param v_angle_x An angle
* @param v_angle_y An angle
EAPI void imlib_render_image_on_drawable_skewed(int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
int h_angle_x,
int h_angle_y,
int v_angle_x,
int v_angle_y);
* Blend image onto drawable at angle
* Works just like imlib_render_image_on_drawable_skewed() except you
* cannot skew an image (@p v_angle_x and @p v_angle_y are 0).
* @param src_x The source x coordinate
* @param src_y The source y coordinate
* @param src_width The source width
* @param src_height The source height
* @param dst_x The destination x coordinate
* @param dst_y The destination y coordinate
* @param angle_x An angle
* @param angle_y An angle
EAPI void imlib_render_image_on_drawable_at_angle(int src_x,
int src_y,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_x,
int dst_y,
int angle_x,
int angle_y);
#endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */
* Image filters
* Filter current image with current filter
EAPI void imlib_image_filter(void);
* Create image filter object
EAPI Imlib_Filter imlib_create_filter(int initsize);
* Set the current image filter
* Set this to NULL to disable filters.
* @param filter The filter
EAPI void imlib_context_set_filter(Imlib_Filter filter);
* Get the current image filter
* @return Current filter
EAPI Imlib_Filter imlib_context_get_filter(void);
* Free the current image filter
EAPI void imlib_free_filter(void);
EAPI void imlib_filter_set(int xoff, int yoff,
int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_filter_set_alpha(int xoff, int yoff,
int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_filter_set_red(int xoff, int yoff,
int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_filter_set_green(int xoff, int yoff,
int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_filter_set_blue(int xoff, int yoff,
int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_filter_constants(int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_filter_divisors(int a, int r, int g, int b);
EAPI void imlib_apply_filter(const char *script, ...);
* Clear current image
* Set all pixels values to 0.
EAPI void imlib_image_clear(void);
* Set all current image pixels to given color
EAPI void imlib_image_clear_color(int r, int g, int b, int a);
* Multiframe image loading
typedef struct {
int frame_count; /* Number of frames in image */
int frame_num; /* Current frame (1..frame_count) */
int canvas_w, canvas_h; /* Canvas size */
int frame_x, frame_y; /* Frame origin */
int frame_w, frame_h; /* Frame size */
int frame_flags; /* Frame info flags */
int frame_delay; /* Frame delay (ms) */
int loop_count; /* Number of animation loops */
} Imlib_Frame_Info;
/* frame info flags */
#define IMLIB_IMAGE_ANIMATED (1 << 0) /* Frames are an animated sequence */
#define IMLIB_FRAME_BLEND (1 << 1) /* Blend current onto previous frame */
#define IMLIB_FRAME_DISPOSE_CLEAR (1 << 2) /* Clear before rendering next frame */
#define IMLIB_FRAME_DISPOSE_PREV (1 << 3) /* Revert before rendering next frame */
* Load image frame
* Loads the specified frame within the image.
* On success an image handle is returned, otherwise NULL is returned
* (e.g. if the requested frame does not exist).
* The image is loaded immediately.
* @param file Image file
* @param frame Frame number
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_frame(const char *file, int frame);
* Load image frame form memory
* Loads the specified frame within the image from memory.
* The file name @p file is only used to guess the file format.
* On success an image handle is returned, otherwise NULL is returned
* (e.g. if the requested frame does not exist).
* The image is loaded immediately.
* @param file File name
* @param frame Frame number
* @param data Image data
* @param size Image data size
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_frame_mem(const char *file, int frame,
const void *data, size_t size);
* Get information about current image frame
* @param info Imlib_Frame_Info struct returning the information
EAPI void imlib_image_get_frame_info(Imlib_Frame_Info * info);
* Return string describing error code
* @p err must be a value returned by imlib_load/save_image_with_errno_return().
* The returned string must not be modified or freed.
* @param err The error code
* @return String describing the error code
EAPI const char *imlib_strerror(int err);
* Deprecated functionality
/* Old data types, no longer used by imlib2, likely to be removed */
#ifndef DATA64
#define DATA64 uint64_t
#define DATA32 uint32_t
#define DATA16 uint16_t
#define DATA8 uint8_t
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
typedef enum {
} Imlib_Load_Error;
* Load an image from file with error return
* The image is loaded without deferred image data decoding.
* On error @p error_return is set to the detail of the error.
* @param file File name
* @param error_return The returned error
* @return Image handle (NULL on failure)
* @deprecated Use imlib_load_image_with_errno_return()
EAPI Imlib_Image imlib_load_image_with_error_return(const char *file,
Imlib_Load_Error *
* Save image to file with error return
* Works the same way imlib_save_image() works, but will set the
* @p error_return to an error value if the save fails.
* @param file The file name
* @param error_return The returned error
* @deprecated Use imlib_save_image_with_errno_return()
EAPI void imlib_save_image_with_error_return(const char *file,
Imlib_Load_Error *
/** Deprecated function - hasn't done anything useful ever
* @deprecated Useless - don't use */
EAPI void imlib_image_set_irrelevant_border(char irrelevant);
/** Deprecated function - hasn't done anything useful ever
* @deprecated Useless - don't use */
EAPI void imlib_image_set_irrelevant_alpha(char irrelevant);
/* Encodings known to Imlib2 (so far) */
typedef enum {
} Imlib_TTF_Encoding;
/** Deprecated function - hasn't done anything useful in ~20 years
* @deprecated Useless - don't use */
EAPI void imlib_context_set_TTF_encoding(Imlib_TTF_Encoding encoding);
/** Deprecated function - hasn't done anything useful in ~20 years
* @deprecated Useless - don't use */
EAPI Imlib_TTF_Encoding imlib_context_get_TTF_encoding(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* *INDENT-ON* */