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* @defgroup File_Selector_Entry File Selector Entry
* @ingroup Elementary
* @image html fileselector_entry_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex fileselector_entry_inheritance_tree.eps
* @image html img/widget/fileselector_entry/preview-00.png
* @image latex img/widget/fileselector_entry/preview-00.eps
* This is an entry made to be filled with or display a <b>file
* system path string</b>. Besides the entry itself, the widget has
* a @ref File_Selector_Button "file selector button" on its side,
* which will raise an internal @ref Fileselector "file selector widget",
* when clicked, for path selection aided by file system
* navigation.
* This file selector may appear in an Elementary window or in an
* inner window. When a file is chosen from it, the (inner) window
* is closed and the selected file's path string is exposed both as
* a smart event and as the new text on the entry.
* This widget inherits from the @ref Layout one, so that all the
* functions acting on it also work for file selector entry objects
* (@since 1.8).
* This widget encapsulates operations on its internal file
* selector on its own API. There is less control over its file
* selector than that one would have instantiating one directly.
* Smart callbacks one can register to:
* - @c "changed" - The text within the entry was changed
* - @c "activated" - The entry has had editing finished and
* changes are to be "committed"
* - @c "press" - The entry has been clicked
* - @c "longpressed" - The entry has been clicked (and held) for a
* couple seconds
* - @c "clicked" - The entry has been clicked
* - @c "clicked,double" - The entry has been double clicked
* - @c "focused" - The entry has received focus
* - @c "unfocused" - The entry has lost focus
* - @c "selection,paste" - A paste action has occurred on the
* entry
* - @c "selection,copy" - A copy action has occurred on the entry
* - @c "selection,cut" - A cut action has occurred on the entry
* - @c "unpressed" - The file selector entry's button was released
* after being pressed.
* - @c "file,chosen" - The user has selected a path via the file
* selector entry's internal file selector, whose string pointer
* comes as the @c event_info data (a stringshared string)
* - @c "language,changed" - the program's language changed
* Default text parts of the fileselector_button widget that you can use for
* are:
* @li "default" - Label of the fileselector_button
* Default content parts of the fileselector_entry widget that you can use for
* are:
* @li "button icon" - Button icon of the fileselector_entry
* Supported elm_object common APIs.
* @li @ref elm_object_part_text_set
* @li @ref elm_object_part_text_get
* @li @ref elm_object_part_content_set
* @li @ref elm_object_part_content_get
* @li @ref elm_object_part_content_unset
* @li @ref elm_object_disabled_set
* @li @ref elm_object_disabled_get
* Here is an example on its usage:
* @li @ref fileselector_entry_example
* @see @ref File_Selector_Button for a similar widget.
* @{
#include "elc_fileselector_entry_eo.h"
#include "elc_fileselector_entry_legacy.h"
* @}