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* @defgroup Naviframe Naviframe
* @ingroup Elementary
* @image html naviframe_inheritance_tree.png
* @image latex naviframe_inheritance_tree.eps
* @brief Naviframe stands for navigation frame. It's a views manager
* for applications.
* A naviframe holds views (or pages) as its items. Those items are
* organized in a stack, so that new items get pushed on top of the
* old, and only the topmost view is displayed at one time. The
* transition between views is animated, depending on the theme
* applied to the widget.
* Naviframe views hold spaces to various elements, which are:
* - back button, used to navigate to previous views,
* - next button, used to navigate to next views in the stack,
* - title label,
* - sub-title label,
* - title icon and
* - content area.
* This widget inherits from the @ref Layout one, so that all the
* functions acting on it also work for naviframe objects.
* Because this widget is a layout, one places content on those areas
* by using elm_layout_content_set() on the right swallow part names
* expected for each, which are:
* @li @c "default" - The main content of the current page
* @li @c "icon" - An icon in the title area of the current page
* @li @c "prev_btn" - A button of the current page to go to the
* previous page
* @li @c "next_btn" - A button of the current page to go to the next
* page
* For text, elm_layout_text_set() will work here on:
* @li @c "default" - Title label in the title area of the current
* page
* @li @c "subtitle" - Sub-title label in the title area of the
* current page
* Most of those content objects can be passed at the time of an item
* creation (see elm_naviframe_item_push()).
* Naviframe items can have different styles, which affect the
* transition between views, for example. On the default theme, two of
* them are supported:
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* - @c "basic" - views are switched sliding horizontally, one after
* the other
* - @c "overlap" - like the previous one, but the previous view stays
* at its place and is overlapped by the new
* This widget emits the following signals, besides the ones sent from
* @ref Layout:
* @li @c "transition,finished" - When the transition is finished in
* changing the item
* @li @c "title,clicked" - User clicked title area
* @li @c "focused" - When the naviframe has received focus. (since 1.8)
* @li @c "unfocused" - When the naviframe has lost focus. (since 1.8)
* All the parts, for content and text, described here will also be
* reachable by naviframe @b items direct calls:
* @li @ref elm_object_item_part_text_set
* @li @ref elm_object_item_part_text_get
* @li @ref elm_object_item_part_content_set
* @li @ref elm_object_item_part_content_get
* @li @ref elm_object_item_part_content_unset
* @li @ref elm_object_item_signal_emit
* What happens is that the topmost item of a naviframe will be the
* widget's target layout, when accessed directly. Items lying below
* the top one can be interacted with this way.
* Here is an example on its usage:
* @li @ref naviframe_example
* @addtogroup Naviframe
* @{
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#include "elc_naviframe_common.h"
#include "elc_naviframe_eo.h"
#include "elc_naviframe_legacy.h"
* @}