eolian: comment eo_lexer.h

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Daniel Kolesa 2014-07-15 10:09:50 +01:00
parent 958e57f8ae
commit 5c3cc82bdd
1 changed files with 53 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include <Eolian.h>
#include "eo_definitions.h"
/* a token is an int, custom tokens start at this - single-char tokens are
* simply represented by their ascii */
#define START_CUSTOM 257
enum Tokens
@ -14,6 +16,8 @@ enum Tokens
/* all keywords in eolian, they can still be used as names (they're TOK_VALUE)
* they just fill in the "kw" field of the token */
#define KEYWORDS KW(class), KW(const), KW(private), KW(protected), \
KW(return), KW(signed), KW(struct), KW(unsigned), KW(virtual), \
@ -42,6 +46,7 @@ enum Tokens
KW(true), KW(false), KW(null)
/* "regular" keyword and @ prefixed keyword */
#define KW(x) KW_##x
#define KWAT(x) KW_at_##x
@ -54,6 +59,9 @@ enum Keywords
#undef KW
#undef KWAT
/* a token - "token" is the actual token id, "value" is the value of a token
* if needed - NULL otherwise - for example the value of a TOK_VALUE, "kw"
* is the keyword id if this is a keyword, it's 0 when not a keyword */
typedef struct _Eo_Token
int token;
@ -68,6 +76,9 @@ enum Nodes
/* represents a node, aka a result of parsing - currently class, typedef
* or struct, they're all stored in a list in lexer state and their type
* is determined by enum Nodes above */
typedef struct _Eo_Node
unsigned char type;
@ -79,21 +90,49 @@ typedef struct _Eo_Node
} Eo_Node;
/* keeps all lexer state */
typedef struct _Eo_Lexer
/* current character being tested */
int current;
/* column is token aware column number, for example when lexing a keyword
* it points to the beginning of it after the lexing is done, icolumn is
* token unaware, always pointing to current column */
int column, icolumn;
/* the current line number */
int line_number;
/* t: "normal" - token to lex into, "lookahead" - a lookahead token, used
* to look one token past "t", when we need to check for a token after the
* current one and use it in a conditional without consuming the current
* token - used in pretty few cases - because we have one extra lookahead
* token, that makes our grammar LL(2) - two tokens in total */
Eo_Token t, lookahead;
/* a string buffer used to keep contents of token currently being read,
* if needed at all */
Eina_Strbuf *buff;
/* a handle pointing to a memory mapped file representing the file we're
* currently lexing */
Eina_File *handle;
/* the source file name */
const char *source;
/* points to the current character in our mmapped file being lexed, just
* incremented until the end */
const char *stream;
/* end pointer - required to check if we've reached past the file, as
* mmapped data will give us no EOF */
const char *stream_end;
/* points to the current line being lexed, used by error messages to
* display the current line with a caret at the respective column */
const char *stream_line;
/* this is jumped to when an error happens */
jmp_buf err_jmp;
/* represents the results of parsing */
Eina_List *nodes;
/* represents the temporaries, every object that is allocated by the
* parser is temporarily put here so the resources can be reclaimed in
* case of error - and it's nulled when it's written into a more permanent
* position (e.g. as part of another struct, or into nodes */
Eo_Lexer_Temps tmp;
} Eo_Lexer;
@ -101,17 +140,31 @@ int eo_lexer_init (void);
int eo_lexer_shutdown (void);
Eo_Lexer *eo_lexer_new (const char *source);
void eo_lexer_free (Eo_Lexer *ls);
/* gets a TOK_VALUE balanced token, aka keeps lexing everything until the
* "end" character, but keeps it balanced, so if it hits "beg" during lexing,
* it won't end at the next "end", useful for lexing between () or [] */
int eo_lexer_get_balanced (Eo_Lexer *ls, char beg, char end);
/* gets a TOK_VALUE until the "end" character */
int eo_lexer_get_until (Eo_Lexer *ls, char end);
/* gets a regular token, singlechar or one of TOK_something */
int eo_lexer_get (Eo_Lexer *ls);
/* like above, but allows you to specify a list of custom characters that can
* be used as part of identifiers */
int eo_lexer_get_ident (Eo_Lexer *ls, const char *chars);
/* lookahead token - see Eo_Lexer */
int eo_lexer_lookahead (Eo_Lexer *ls);
int eo_lexer_lookahead_ident(Eo_Lexer *ls, const char *chars);
/* "throws" an error, with a custom message and custom token */
void eo_lexer_lex_error (Eo_Lexer *ls, const char *msg, int token);
/* like above, but uses the lexstate->t.token, aka current token */
void eo_lexer_syntax_error (Eo_Lexer *ls, const char *msg);
/* turns the token into a string, writes into the given buffer */
void eo_lexer_token_to_str (int token, char *buf);
/* returns the string representation of a keyword */
const char *eo_lexer_keyword_str_get(int kw);
/* checks if the given keyword is a builtin type */
Eina_Bool eo_lexer_is_type_keyword(int kw);
/* gets the C type name for a builtin type name - e.g. uchar -> unsigned char */
const char *eo_lexer_get_c_type (int kw);
extern int _eo_lexer_log_dom;