evas: call batman to the rescue !

The animation is not pretty yet, but definitively a nice demo of a
changing shape with current Evas_VG API.
This commit is contained in:
Cedric BAIL 2015-04-03 16:33:43 +02:00
parent 29aefe04ad
commit fbeb5dd618
2 changed files with 183 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -294,6 +294,11 @@ evas_vg_simple_SOURCES = evas-vg-simple.c
EXTRA_PROGRAMS += evas_vg_batman
evas_vg_batman_SOURCES = evas-vg-batman.c
.edc.edj: .edc.edj:
$(AM_V_EDJ)$(EDJE_CC) $(EDJE_CC_FLAGS) $< $(builddir)/$(@F) $(AM_V_EDJ)$(EDJE_CC) $(EDJE_CC_FLAGS) $< $(builddir)/$(@F)
@ -337,7 +342,8 @@ evas-stacking.c \
evas-table.c \ evas-table.c \
evas-multi-touch.c \ evas-multi-touch.c \
evas-text.c \ evas-text.c \
evas-vg-simple.c evas-vg-simple.c \
resources/images/enlightenment.png \ resources/images/enlightenment.png \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* Simple Evas example illustrating the use of Evas_VG animation
* You'll need at least one engine built for it (excluding the buffer
* one). See stdout/stderr for output.
* @verbatim
* gcc -o evas_vg_batman evas-vg-batman.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags evas ecore ecore-evas eina ector eo efl`
* @endverbatim
#include "config.h"
#define WIDTH 800
#define HEIGHT 600
#include <Eo.h>
#include <Efl.h>
#include <Evas.h>
#include <Ecore.h>
#include <Ecore_Evas.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <Eina.h>
static Evas_Object *background = NULL;
static Evas_Object *vg = NULL;
static Efl_VG *batman = NULL;
static int animation_position = 0;
static Ecore_Animator *animation = NULL;
static Efl_VG **batmans_vg = NULL;
static const char *batmans_path[] = {
"M 256,213 C 245,181 206,187 234,262 147,181 169,71.2 233,18 220,56 235,81 283,88 285,78.7 286,69.3 288,60 289,61.3 290,62.7 291,64 291,64 297,63 300,63 303,63 309,64 309,64 310,62.7 311,61.3 312,60 314,69.3 315,78.7 317,88 365,82 380,56 367,18 431,71 453,181 366,262 394,187 356,181 344,213 328,185 309,184 300,284 291,184 272,185 256,213 Z",
"M 212,220 C 197,171 156,153 123,221 109,157 120,109 159,63.6 190,114 234,115 254,89.8 260,82.3 268,69.6 270,60.3 273,66.5 275,71.6 280,75.6 286,79.5 294,79.8 300,79.8 306,79.8 314,79.5 320,75.6 325,71.6 327,66.5 330,60.3 332,69.6 340,82.3 346,89.8 366,115 410,114 441,63.6 480,109 491,157 477,221 444,153 403,171 388,220 366,188 316,200 300,248 284,200 234,188 212,220 Z",
"M 212,220 C 197,171 156,153 123,221 109,157 120,109 159,63.6 190,114 234,115 254,89.8 260,82.3 268,69.6 270,60.3 273,66.5 275,71.6 280,75.6 286,79.5 294,79.8 300,79.8 306,79.8 314,79.5 320,75.6 325,71.6 327,66.5 330,60.3 332,69.6 340,82.3 346,89.8 366,115 410,114 441,63.6 480,109 491,157 477,221 444,153 403,171 388,220 366,188 316,200 300,248 284,200 234,188 212,220 Z",
"M 213,222 C 219,150 165,139 130,183 125,123 171,73.8 247,51.6 205,78 236,108 280,102 281,90.3 282,79 286,68.2 287,72 288,75.8 289,79.7 293,79.7 296,79.7 300,79.7 304,79.7 307,79.7 311,79.7 312,75.8 313,72 314,68.2 318,79 319,90.3 320,102 364,108 395,78 353,51.6 429,73.8 475,123 470,183 435,139 381,150 387,222 364,176 315,172 300,248 285,172 236,176 213,222 Z",
"M 213,222 C 219,150 165,139 130,183 125,123 171,73.8 247,51.6 205,78 236,108 280,102 281,90.3 282,79 286,68.2 287,72 288,75.8 289,79.7 293,79.7 296,79.7 300,79.7 304,79.7 307,79.7 311,79.7 312,75.8 313,72 314,68.2 318,79 319,90.3 320,102 364,108 395,78 353,51.6 429,73.8 475,123 470,183 435,139 381,150 387,222 364,176 315,172 300,248 285,172 236,176 213,222 Z",
"M 218,231 C 191,238 165,252 140,266 144,209 156,153 193,93.7 218,106 249,105 280,102 282,90.3 284,78.6 289,67.8 290,71.6 291,75.8 292,79.7 292,79.7 297,79.7 300,79.7 303,79.7 308,79.7 308,79.7 309,75.8 310,71.6 311,67.8 316,78.6 318,90.3 320,102 351,105 382,106 407,93.7 444,153 456,209 460,266 435,252 409,238 382,231 355,224 328,223 300,223 272,223 245,224 218,231 Z",
"M 218,231 C 191,238 165,252 140,266 144,209 156,153 193,93.7 218,106 249,105 280,102 282,90.3 284,78.6 289,67.8 290,71.6 291,75.8 292,79.7 292,79.7 297,79.7 300,79.7 303,79.7 308,79.7 308,79.7 309,75.8 310,71.6 311,67.8 316,78.6 318,90.3 320,102 351,105 382,106 407,93.7 444,153 456,209 460,266 435,252 409,238 382,231 355,224 328,223 300,223 272,223 245,224 218,231 Z",
"M 258,243 C 220,201 221,220 253,281 154,243 150,108 229,61.9 242,83 257,98.1 275,110 278,88 282,65.8 285,43.6 287,49.9 288,56.2 290,62.5 293,62.7 297,62.9 300,62.9 303,62.9 307,62.7 310,62.5 312,56.2 313,49.9 315,43.6 318,65.8 322,88 325,110 343,98.1 358,83 371,61.9 450,108 446,243 347,281 379,220 380,201 342,243 330,187 329,202 300,271 271,202 270,187 258,243 Z",
"M 258,243 C 220,201 221,220 253,281 154,243 150,108 229,61.9 242,83 257,98.1 275,110 278,88 282,65.8 285,43.6 287,49.9 288,56.2 290,62.5 293,62.7 297,62.9 300,62.9 303,62.9 307,62.7 310,62.5 312,56.2 313,49.9 315,43.6 318,65.8 322,88 325,110 343,98.1 358,83 371,61.9 450,108 446,243 347,281 379,220 380,201 342,243 330,187 329,202 300,271 271,202 270,187 258,243 Z",
"M 235,210 C 214,139 143,145 183,229 108,175 135,70.1 242,48.3 190,85.6 245,142 278,95.5 281,80.2 281,62.7 284,48.7 287,53.9 287,59.1 289,64.5 292,64.7 297,64.2 300,64.2 303,64.2 308,64.7 311,64.5 313,59.1 313,53.9 316,48.7 319,62.7 319,80.2 322,95.5 355,142 410,85.6 358,48.3 465,70.1 492,175 417,229 457,145 386,139 365,210 357,147 309,190 300,271 291,190 243,147 235,210 Z",
"M 235,210 C 214,139 143,145 183,229 108,175 135,70.1 242,48.3 190,85.6 245,142 278,95.5 281,80.2 281,62.7 284,48.7 287,53.9 287,59.1 289,64.5 292,64.7 297,64.2 300,64.2 303,64.2 308,64.7 311,64.5 313,59.1 313,53.9 316,48.7 319,62.7 319,80.2 322,95.5 355,142 410,85.6 358,48.3 465,70.1 492,175 417,229 457,145 386,139 365,210 357,147 309,190 300,271 291,190 243,147 235,210 Z",
"M 249,157 C 214,157 201,203 273,255 157,221 157,69 274,32.8 188,87.2 211,140 256,140 291,140 289,128 291,98.1 293,107 293,116 295,125 297,125 298,125 300,125 302,125 305,125 305,125 307,116 307,107 309,98.1 311,128 309,140 344,140 389,140 412,87.2 326,32.8 443,69 443,221 327,255 399,203 386,157 351,157 317,157 300,195 300,238 300,195 283,157 249,157 Z",
"M 249,157 C 214,157 201,203 273,255 157,221 157,69 274,32.8 188,87.2 211,140 256,140 291,140 289,128 291,98.1 293,107 293,116 295,125 297,125 298,125 300,125 302,125 305,125 305,125 307,116 307,107 309,98.1 311,128 309,140 344,140 389,140 412,87.2 326,32.8 443,69 443,221 327,255 399,203 386,157 351,157 317,157 300,195 300,238 300,195 283,157 249,157 Z",
"M 264,212 C 213,138 150,171 232,244 101,217 112,55.1 257,36.9 182,86.6 222,106 266,106 285,106 284,66.7 286,36.8 288,42.6 289,48.4 291,54.2 291,54.2 297,54.2 300,54.2 303,54.2 309,54.2 309,54.2 311,48.4 312,42.6 314,36.8 316,66.7 315,106 334,106 378,106 418,86.6 343,36.9 488,55.1 499,217 368,244 450,171 387,138 336,212 354,161 300,163 300,249 300,163 246,161 264,212 Z",
"M 264,212 C 213,138 150,171 232,244 101,217 112,55.1 257,36.9 182,86.6 222,106 266,106 285,106 284,66.7 286,36.8 288,42.6 289,48.4 291,54.2 291,54.2 297,54.2 300,54.2 303,54.2 309,54.2 309,54.2 311,48.4 312,42.6 314,36.8 316,66.7 315,106 334,106 378,106 418,86.6 343,36.9 488,55.1 499,217 368,244 450,171 387,138 336,212 354,161 300,163 300,249 300,163 246,161 264,212 Z",
"M 223,217 C 194,153 165,168 133,219 143,158 161,99.2 189,38.4 214,69.8 241,84.7 272,86.2 272,70.2 273,53.5 273,37.5 275,47.9 278,58.4 280,68.8 287,64.9 292,62.4 300,62.4 308,62.4 313,64.9 320,68.8 322,58.4 325,47.9 327,37.5 327,53.5 328,70.2 328,86.2 359,84.7 386,69.8 411,38.4 439,99.2 457,158 467,219 435,168 406,153 377,217 350,162 319,176 300,245 281,176 250,162 223,217 Z",
"M 223,217 C 194,153 165,168 133,219 143,158 161,99.2 189,38.4 214,69.8 241,84.7 272,86.2 272,70.2 273,53.5 273,37.5 275,47.9 278,58.4 280,68.8 287,64.9 292,62.4 300,62.4 308,62.4 313,64.9 320,68.8 322,58.4 325,47.9 327,37.5 327,53.5 328,70.2 328,86.2 359,84.7 386,69.8 411,38.4 439,99.2 457,158 467,219 435,168 406,153 377,217 350,162 319,176 300,245 281,176 250,162 223,217 Z",
"M 231,185 C 186,159 161,180 190,215 86.2,180 92.6,99.6 211,68.9 195,112 254,141 279,96.7 279,83.2 279,69.8 279,56.3 283,63.6 288,70.8 292,78.1 295,78.1 297,78.1 300,78.1 303,78.1 305,78.1 308,78.1 312,70.8 317,63.6 321,56.3 321,69.8 321,83.2 321,96.7 346,141 405,112 389,68.9 507,99.6 514,180 410,215 439,180 414,159 369,185 351,165 324,167 300,216 276,167 249,165 231,185 Z",
"M 231,185 C 186,159 161,180 190,215 86.2,180 92.6,99.6 211,68.9 195,112 254,141 279,96.7 279,83.2 279,69.8 279,56.3 283,63.6 288,70.8 292,78.1 295,78.1 297,78.1 300,78.1 303,78.1 305,78.1 308,78.1 312,70.8 317,63.6 321,56.3 321,69.8 321,83.2 321,96.7 346,141 405,112 389,68.9 507,99.6 514,180 410,215 439,180 414,159 369,185 351,165 324,167 300,216 276,167 249,165 231,185 Z",
"M 194,146 C 192,107 164,76.4 136,45.6 166,55.7 196,65.7 226,75.8 238,107 265,163 279,136 282,130 281,108 281,94.8 285,103 288,111 293,115 295,116 298,117 300,117 302,117 305,116 307,115 312,111 315,103 319,94.8 319,108 318,130 321,136 335,163 362,107 374,75.8 404,65.7 434,55.7 464,45.6 436,76.4 408,107 406,146 355,158 323,189 300,231 277,189 245,158 194,146 Z",
"M 194,146 C 192,107 164,76.4 136,45.6 166,55.7 196,65.7 226,75.8 238,107 265,163 279,136 282,130 281,108 281,94.8 285,103 288,111 293,115 295,116 298,117 300,117 302,117 305,116 307,115 312,111 315,103 319,94.8 319,108 318,130 321,136 335,163 362,107 374,75.8 404,65.7 434,55.7 464,45.6 436,76.4 408,107 406,146 355,158 323,189 300,231 277,189 245,158 194,146 Z",
"M 209,182 C 184,132 176,138 113,161 140,136 168,111 196,86.5 221,104 247,115 278,115 281,99.9 285,85.5 287,70.2 289,78.5 292,88.4 294,96.7 296,96.7 298,96.7 300,96.7 302,96.7 304,96.7 306,96.7 308,88.4 311,78.5 313,70.2 315,85.5 319,99.9 322,115 353,115 379,104 404,86.5 432,111 460,136 487,161 424,138 416,132 391,182 332,150 341,161 300,214 259,161 268,150 209,182 Z",
"M 209,182 C 184,132 176,138 113,161 140,136 168,111 196,86.5 221,104 247,115 278,115 281,99.9 285,85.5 287,70.2 289,78.5 292,88.4 294,96.7 296,96.7 298,96.7 300,96.7 302,96.7 304,96.7 306,96.7 308,88.4 311,78.5 313,70.2 315,85.5 319,99.9 322,115 353,115 379,104 404,86.5 432,111 460,136 487,161 424,138 416,132 391,182 332,150 341,161 300,214 259,161 268,150 209,182 Z",
"M 198,171 C 189,131 150,120 113,140 142,104 182,74.4 249,70.2 208,89 248,125 278,106 285,101 286,93.5 286,74.2 288,78.1 291,81.5 294,83.2 296,84.2 298,84.7 300,84.7 302,84.7 304,84.2 306,83.2 309,81.5 312,78.1 314,74.2 314,93.5 315,101 322,106 352,125 392,89 351,70.2 418,74.4 458,104 487,140 450,120 411,131 402,171 357,147 322,171 300,214 278,171 243,147 198,171 Z",
"M 198,171 C 189,131 150,120 113,140 142,104 182,74.4 249,70.2 208,89 248,125 278,106 285,101 286,93.5 286,74.2 288,78.1 291,81.5 294,83.2 296,84.2 298,84.7 300,84.7 302,84.7 304,84.2 306,83.2 309,81.5 312,78.1 314,74.2 314,93.5 315,101 322,106 352,125 392,89 351,70.2 418,74.4 458,104 487,140 450,120 411,131 402,171 357,147 322,171 300,214 278,171 243,147 198,171 Z",
"M 202,170 C 188,115 157,108 124,105 146,84.3 171,71.5 199,70.2 211,98.6 243,103 277,106 279,99.3 281,92.6 283,86 285,91.9 287,97.9 290,104 293,104 297,104 300,104 303,104 307,104 310,104 313,97.9 315,91.9 317,86 319,92.6 321,99.3 323,106 357,103 389,98.6 401,70.2 429,71.5 454,84.3 476,105 443,108 412,115 398,170 349,157 318,175 300,214 282,175 251,157 202,170 Z",
"M 202,170 C 188,115 157,108 124,105 146,84.3 171,71.5 199,70.2 211,98.6 243,103 277,106 279,99.3 281,92.6 283,86 285,91.9 287,97.9 290,104 293,104 297,104 300,104 303,104 307,104 310,104 313,97.9 315,91.9 317,86 319,92.6 321,99.3 323,106 357,103 389,98.6 401,70.2 429,71.5 454,84.3 476,105 443,108 412,115 398,170 349,157 318,175 300,214 282,175 251,157 202,170 Z",
"M 220,179 C 200,127 150,130 123,175 122,110 160,85.1 201,64 208,99.2 243,111 268,92.9 278,86.1 284,68.2 287,40.7 289,49.6 292,58.4 294,67.3 296,67.3 298,67.3 300,67.3 302,67.3 304,67.3 306,67.3 308,58.4 311,49.6 313,40.7 316,68.2 322,86.1 332,92.9 357,111 392,99.3 399,64 440,85.1 478,110 477,175 450,130 400,127 380,179 355,155 305,208 300,247 295,208 245,155 220,179 Z",
"M 220,179 C 200,127 150,130 123,175 122,110 160,85.1 201,64 208,99.2 243,111 268,92.9 278,86.1 284,68.2 287,40.7 289,49.6 292,58.4 294,67.3 296,67.3 298,67.3 300,67.3 302,67.3 304,67.3 306,67.3 308,58.4 311,49.6 313,40.7 316,68.2 322,86.1 332,92.9 357,111 392,99.3 399,64 440,85.1 478,110 477,175 450,130 400,127 380,179 355,155 305,208 300,247 295,208 245,155 220,179 Z",
"M 166,154 C 179,119 154,95.4 114,79.3 155,79.1 197,78.9 239,78.7 242,103 250,109 283,109 289,109 290,93.9 291,83.7 292,88.3 292,92.9 293,97.5 295,97.5 298,97.5 300,97.5 302,97.5 305,97.5 307,97.5 308,92.9 308,88.3 309,83.7 310,93.9 311,109 317,109 350,109 358,103 361,78.7 403,78.9 445,79.1 486,79.3 446,95.4 421,119 434,154 377,151 320,151 300,207 280,151 223,151 166,154 Z",
"M 166,154 C 179,119 154,95.4 114,79.3 155,79.1 197,78.9 239,78.7 242,103 250,109 283,109 289,109 290,93.9 291,83.7 292,88.3 292,92.9 293,97.5 295,97.5 298,97.5 300,97.5 302,97.5 305,97.5 307,97.5 308,92.9 308,88.3 309,83.7 310,93.9 311,109 317,109 350,109 358,103 361,78.7 403,78.9 445,79.1 486,79.3 446,95.4 421,119 434,154 377,151 320,151 300,207 280,151 223,151 166,154 Z",
"M 256,213 C 245,181 206,187 234,262 147,181 169,71.2 233,18 220,56 235,81 283,88 285,78.7 286,69.3 288,60 289,61.3 290,62.7 291,64 291,64 297,63 300,63 303,63 309,64 309,64 310,62.7 311,61.3 312,60 314,69.3 315,78.7 317,88 365,82 380,56 367,18 431,71 453,181 366,262 394,187 356,181 344,213 328,185 309,184 300,284 291,184 272,185 256,213 Z",
"M 256,213 C 245,181 206,187 234,262 147,181 169,71.2 233,18 220,56 235,81 283,88 285,78.7 286,69.3 288,60 289,61.3 290,62.7 291,64 291,64 297,63 300,63 303,63 309,64 309,64 310,62.7 311,61.3 312,60 314,69.3 315,78.7 317,88 365,82 380,56 367,18 431,71 453,181 366,262 394,187 356,181 344,213 328,185 309,184 300,284 291,184 272,185 256,213 Z"
static void
_on_delete(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED)
static void
_on_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee)
int w, h;
ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
evas_object_resize(background, w, h);
evas_object_resize(vg, w, h);
static Eina_Bool
_animator(void *data EINA_UNUSED, double pos)
int next = (animation_position + 1) % (sizeof (batmans_path) / sizeof (batmans_path[0]));
ecore_animator_pos_map(pos, ECORE_POS_MAP_SINUSOIDAL, 0.0, 0.0));
if (pos == 1.0)
animation_position = next;
animation = ecore_animator_timeline_add(5, _animator, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
Ecore_Evas *ee;
Evas *e;
Efl_VG *circle;
Efl_VG *root;
unsigned int i;
if (!ecore_evas_init())
return -1;
ee = ecore_evas_new(NULL, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NULL);
if (!ee) return -1;
ecore_evas_callback_delete_request_set(ee, _on_delete);
ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(ee, _on_resize);
e = ecore_evas_get(ee);
background = evas_object_rectangle_add(e);
evas_object_color_set(background, 70, 70, 70, 255);
vg = evas_object_vg_add(e);
batmans_vg = malloc(sizeof (Efl_VG*) *
sizeof (batmans_path) / sizeof (batmans_path[0]));
if (!batmans_vg) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (batmans_path) / sizeof (batmans_path[0]); i++)
batmans_vg[i] = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, NULL);
evas_vg_shape_shape_append_svg_path(batmans_vg[i], batmans_path[i]);
animation = ecore_animator_timeline_add(5, _animator, NULL);
root = evas_object_vg_root_node_get(vg);
circle = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
evas_vg_shape_shape_append_circle(circle, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, 200);
evas_vg_node_color_set(circle, 255, 255, 255, 255);
evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(circle, 0, 0, 0, 0);
batman = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
evas_vg_node_origin_set(batman, 100, 150);
evas_vg_node_color_set(batman, 0, 0, 0, 255);
evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(batman, 0, 0, 0, 0);
evas_vg_shape_shape_append_move_to(batman, 256, 213);
evas_vg_shape_shape_dup(batman, batmans_vg[0]);
return 0;