import gdb """ All of this script relies heavily on Eo internals and will break if they change. Need to make sure this is always in sync. """ ptr_size = int(gdb.parse_and_eval('sizeof(void *)')) if ptr_size == 4: # 32 bits BITS_MID_TABLE_ID = 5 BITS_TABLE_ID = 5 BITS_ENTRY_ID = 11 BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER = 6 BITS_DOMAIN = 2 BITS_CLASS = 1 REF_TAG_SHIFT = 30 SUPER_TAG_SHIFT = 31 DROPPED_TABLES = 0 DROPPED_ENTRIES = 4 else: # 64 bits BITS_MID_TABLE_ID = 11 BITS_TABLE_ID = 11 BITS_ENTRY_ID = 11 BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER = 26 BITS_DOMAIN = 2 BITS_CLASS = 1 REF_TAG_SHIFT = 62 SUPER_TAG_SHIFT = 63 DROPPED_TABLES = 2 DROPPED_ENTRIES = 3 # /* Shifts macros to manipulate the Eo id */ SHIFT_DOMAIN = (BITS_MID_TABLE_ID + BITS_TABLE_ID + BITS_ENTRY_ID + BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) SHIFT_MID_TABLE_ID = (BITS_TABLE_ID + BITS_ENTRY_ID + BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) SHIFT_TABLE_ID = (BITS_ENTRY_ID + BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) SHIFT_ENTRY_ID = (BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) # /* Maximum ranges */ MAX_DOMAIN = (1 << BITS_DOMAIN) MAX_MID_TABLE_ID = (1 << BITS_MID_TABLE_ID) MAX_TABLE_ID = ((1 << BITS_TABLE_ID) - DROPPED_TABLES) MAX_ENTRY_ID = ((1 << BITS_ENTRY_ID) - DROPPED_ENTRIES) MAX_GENERATIONS = (1 << BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) # /* Masks */ MASK_DOMAIN = (MAX_DOMAIN - 1) MASK_MID_TABLE_ID = (MAX_MID_TABLE_ID - 1) MASK_TABLE_ID = ((1 << BITS_TABLE_ID) - 1) MASK_ENTRY_ID = ((1 << BITS_ENTRY_ID) - 1) MASK_GENERATIONS = (MAX_GENERATIONS - 1) MASK_OBJ_TAG = (1 << (REF_TAG_SHIFT)) null_void_ptr = gdb.parse_and_eval('(_Eo_Object *) 0') null_eo_object_ptr = gdb.parse_and_eval('(_Eo_Object *) 0') zero_uintptr_t = gdb.parse_and_eval('(uintptr_t) 0') class Eo_resolve(gdb.Function): def __init__(self): gdb.Function.__init__(self, 'eo_resolve') def invoke(self, arg): obj_id = int(arg.cast(zero_uintptr_t.type)) mid_table_id = (obj_id >> SHIFT_MID_TABLE_ID) & MASK_MID_TABLE_ID table_id = (obj_id >> SHIFT_TABLE_ID) & MASK_TABLE_ID entry_id = (obj_id >> SHIFT_ENTRY_ID) & MASK_ENTRY_ID tag_bit = (obj_id) & MASK_OBJ_TAG generation = obj_id & MASK_GENERATIONS if (obj_id == 0) or (tag_bit == 0): gdb.write('Pointer is NULL or not a valid object.\n') return null_eo_object_ptr entries = gdb.parse_and_eval('_eo_gdb_main_domain->tables[0]->' + 'eo_ids_tables[{0}]'.format(mid_table_id)) if int(entries) == 0: gdb.write('Pointer is not a valid object.\n') return null_eo_object_ptr entry = entries[table_id]['entries'][entry_id] if (not entry['active']) or (int(entry['generation']) != generation): gdb.write('Pointer is no longer active.\n') return null_eo_object_ptr return entry['ptr'] Eo_resolve() class Eo_data_get(gdb.Function): def __init__(self): gdb.Function.__init__(self, 'eo_data_get') def invoke(self, ptr, kls_name): ptr = ptr.cast(null_eo_object_ptr.type) # Cast to correct type if int(ptr) == 0: gdb.write('Object is not a valid pointer (NULL).\n') return null_void_ptr kls_name = kls_name.string() extns = ptr['klass']['mro'] kls = None i = 0 while int(extns[i]) != 0: if extns[i]['desc']['name'].string() == kls_name: kls = extns[i] i += 1 if kls is None: gdb.write('Class "{}" not found in the object mro.\n' .format(kls_name)) return null_void_ptr # Check if not mixin if int(kls['desc']['type']) != 3: return gdb.parse_and_eval('(void *) (((char *) {}) + {})' .format(ptr, kls['data_offset'])) else: extn_off = ptr['klass']['extn_data_off'] if int(extn_off) == 0: return null_void_ptr i = 0 while int(extn_off[i]['klass']) != 0: kls = extn_off[i]['klass'] if kls['desc']['name'].string() == kls_name: return gdb.parse_and_eval('(void *) (((char *) {}) + {})' .format(ptr, kls['data_offset'])) i += 1 return null_void_ptr Eo_data_get()