AC_INIT(src/Evas.h) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(evas, 0.0.1) AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_STDC AM_WITH_DMALLOC AC_C_CONST AM_ENABLE_SHARED AM_PROG_LIBTOOL if test X"$enable_shared" = Xyes; then DLLDFLAGS=-export-dynamic AC_SUBST(DLLDFLAGS) fi AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_MAKE_SET #### Find out about X AC_PATH_X AC_PATH_XTRA if test "x$x_includes" = "x"; then x_includes="/usr/include" fi x_cflags="$X_CFLAGS" x_ldflags="$X_LDFLAGS" x_libs="$X_LIBS $X_EXTRA_LIBS" AC_CHECK_LIB(X11, XOpenDisplay, x_libs="$x_libs", AC_MSG_ERROR([ERROR: libX11 not found.]); exit, $X_LDFLAGS $X_EXTRA_LIBS $X_LIBS) AC_CHECK_LIB(Xext, XShmAttach, x_libs="-lXext $x_libs", AC_CHECK_LIB(XextSam, XShmAttach, x_libs="-lXextSam -lXext $x_libs", AC_MSG_ERROR([ERROR: XShm not found.]); exit, $x_libs), $x_libs) AC_CHECK_LIB(Xext, XShapeCombineMask, x_libs="-lXext $x_libs", AC_MSG_ERROR([ERROR: XShape not found.]); exit, $x_libs) AC_SUBST(x_cflags) AC_SUBST(x_includes) AC_SUBST(x_ldflags) AC_SUBST(x_libs) #### Find out about E db AC_CHECK_HEADER(Edb.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(edb, e_db_open, ,[ echo "" echo "ERROR: E db needed" echo "" AC_MSG_ERROR([Fatal Error: no E db detected.]); exit], -L/usr/local/lib -ldb) ) #### Find out about Imlib2 AC_CHECK_HEADER(Imlib2.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(Imlib2, imlib_context_set_image, ,[ echo "" echo "ERROR: Imlib 2 needed" echo "" AC_MSG_ERROR([Fatal Error: no Imlib2 detected.]); exit], -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lm -ldl -lttf -lX11 -lXext) ) AC_CHECK_LIB(ttf, TT_Init_FreeType, TTF_LIBS=-lttf, [ echo "" echo "ERROR: Imlib 2 needs a system with (TrueType Font Library)" echo "You can obtain it from:" echo "" echo "" echo "You can also obtain it from:" echo "" echo "You can obtain some truetype fonts from:" echo "" echo "" AC_MSG_ERROR([Fatal Error: no FreeType detected.])], -lm) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(freetype.h freetype/freetype.h,[ break] , ) AC_CHECK_HEADER(freetype.h, [ ftype=yes ], [ ftype=no ]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(freetype/freetype.h, [ ftype_ftype=yes ], [ ftype_ftype=no ]) if test x$ftype = xno; then if test x$ftype_ftype = xno; then echo "" echo "ERROR: freetype.h not found in freetype.h or freetype/freetype.h include" echo "paths. (ie /usr/include, /usr/local/include etc.). You need the freetype" echo "header files to build Imlib 2. This may mean you have to install the" echo "freetype-devel packages for your distribution or if all else fails" echo "find the source for freetype and install that somewhere where Imlib 2" echo "can find the header files." echo "" echo "You can obtain it from:" echo "" echo "" echo "You can also obtain it from:" echo "" echo "You can obtain some truetype fonts from:" echo "" echo "" AC_MSG_ERROR([Fatal Error: no FreeType header files detected.]) fi fi gl_includes="" #### Find out about OpenGL AC_CHECK_HEADER(GL/gl.h, gl_includes="-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include" AC_CHECK_LIB(GL, glBindTexture, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GL) ,[ echo "... no GL found" ], -L/usr/local/lib -lGL $X_LDFLAGS $X_EXTRA_LIBS $X_LIBS) ) AC_CHECK_HEADER($x_includes"/GL/gl.h", gl_includes="-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/" AC_CHECK_LIB(GL, glBindTexture, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GL) ,[ echo "... no GL found" ], -L/usr/local/lib -lGL $X_LDFLAGS $X_EXTRA_LIBS $X_LIBS) ) AC_SUBST(gl_includes) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile src/Makefile test/Makefile)