EFL 1.7.99 ****************************************************************************** FOR ANY ISSUES PLEASE EMAIL: enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ****************************************************************************** EFL is a collection of libraries for handling many common tasks a developer man have such as data structures, communication, rendering, widgets and more. BULLET PHYSICS DEPENDENCY: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EFL comes with EPhysics(a physics wrapper library) enabled by default, to build it the user must have BulletPhysics engine installed. More informations about BulletPhysics can be obtained in the upstream project web site at: http://bulletphysics.org. We have received many reports about BulletPhysics installation and distros packages in bad shape, some without even a package. If your distro doesn't ship a BulletPhysics package or you want to build it from source code follow the instructions below: * Required Packages: You should have cmake installed. Bullet comes with autotools and cmake build systems, do not use the autotools alternative, it's unstable, bogus and hasn't been maintained for quite some time. * Download the tarball from: http://code.google.com/p/bullet/downloads/list NOTE: the current supported version is 2.80 or greater. * Compiling and Installing: Uncompress it to(say) ~/bullet and: $ cd ~/bullet/build $ cmake .. -DBUILD_CPU_DEMOS=OFF -DBUILD_DEMOS=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON $ make $ sudo make install * Ubuntu Users: Alternatively ubuntu users have the option to install the BulletPhysics from our oficial EFL PPA: https://launchpad.net/~efl/+archive/trunk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPILING AND INSTALLING: ./configure make (do this as root unless you are installing in your users directories): make install EFL build is based on "profiles". It will default to "dev" for unreleased software and "release" for official tarballs. One can change it with --with-profile=NAME, where NAME is one of: * dev: extra checks useful to test software. * debug: superset of dev, with debug features and assert(). * release: optimizations and less checks so it runs faster. CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM: EFL officially uses "openssl" library to do signature, cipher and related. Alternatively one can use "gnutls" (some distros are strict about licenses and want gnutls instead of openssl) or disable it. One can change it with --with-crypto=NAME, where NAME is one of: "openssl", "gnutls" and "none".