Changes since 0.17.0: --------------------- Additions: * Added action to reset filemanager Deprecations: * Removed: * Improvements: * Check changed added to several settings dialogs: - clientlist, - startup theme, - desktop environments, - language, - notification. * Improve UI of desk settings. * Add icons for gadcon settings. * Improve strings of pager settings. * Improve title of fileman settings. * Mixer settings dialog is now resizable * Increased maximum menu size, improved menu autoscrolling Fixes: * Force check changed upon confirmation dialog closure for engine settings. * Clock date formats are now internationalizable. * Advanced pager settings check changed accounts for flip desktop on mouse wheel. * File manager settings values are now all read, checked and applied as they should. * Fixed crash when changing ibar source * Fixed SIGFPE in tiling module and functionality of toggle_rows_count * Filemanager now uses global setting option for showing desktop icons * Fixed error in Evry when trying to call edje functions on non-edje object * Fix construction of variant list for setxkbmap