
1601 lines
50 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "e.h"
/* local function prototypes */
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_config_load(void);
static void _e_randr_config_new(void);
static void _e_randr_config_free(void);
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_config_cb_timer(void *data);
static void _e_randr_config_restore(void);
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_config_crtc_update(E_Randr_Crtc_Config *cfg);
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_config_output_update(E_Randr_Output_Config *cfg);
static E_Randr_Crtc_Config *_e_randr_config_output_crtc_find(E_Randr_Output_Config *cfg);
static Ecore_X_Randr_Mode _e_randr_config_output_preferred_mode_get(unsigned int xid);
static E_Randr_Output_Config *_e_randr_config_output_new(unsigned int id);
static E_Randr_Crtc_Config *_e_randr_config_crtc_find(Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc crtc);
static E_Randr_Output_Config *_e_randr_config_output_find(Ecore_X_Randr_Output output);
static void _e_randr_config_screen_size_calculate(int *sw, int *sh);
static void _e_randr_config_mode_geometry(Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode, Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient, Eina_Rectangle *rect);
static void _e_randr_config_primary_update(void);
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_event_cb_screen_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event);
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_event_cb_crtc_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event);
static Eina_Bool _e_randr_event_cb_output_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event);
/* local variables */
static Eina_List *_randr_event_handlers = NULL;
static E_Config_DD *_e_randr_edd = NULL;
static E_Config_DD *_e_randr_crtc_edd = NULL;
static E_Config_DD *_e_randr_output_edd = NULL;
/* external variables */
EAPI E_Randr_Config *e_randr_cfg = NULL;
/* private internal functions */
/* check if randr is available */
if (!ecore_x_randr_query()) return EINA_FALSE;
/* try to load config */
if (!_e_randr_config_load())
/* NB: We should probably print an error here */
return EINA_FALSE;
/* tell randr that we are interested in receiving events
* NB: Requires RandR >= 1.2 */
if (ecore_x_randr_version_get() >= E_RANDR_VERSION_1_2)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
if ((root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get()))
ecore_x_randr_events_select(root, EINA_TRUE);
/* setup randr event listeners */
_e_randr_event_cb_screen_change, NULL);
_e_randr_event_cb_crtc_change, NULL);
_e_randr_event_cb_output_change, NULL);
return EINA_TRUE;
/* check if randr is available */
if (!ecore_x_randr_query()) return 1;
if (ecore_x_randr_version_get() >= E_RANDR_VERSION_1_2)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
/* remove randr event listeners */
E_FREE_LIST(_randr_event_handlers, ecore_event_handler_del);
/* tell randr that we are not interested in receiving events anymore */
if ((root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get()))
ecore_x_randr_events_select(root, EINA_FALSE);
return 1;
/* public API functions */
EAPI Eina_Bool
/* save the new config */
return e_config_domain_save("e_randr", _e_randr_edd, e_randr_cfg);
/* local functions */
static Eina_Bool
E_Randr_Output_Config eroc;
Eina_Bool do_restore = EINA_TRUE;
/* define edd for output config */
_e_randr_output_edd =
E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Randr_Output_Config", E_Randr_Output_Config);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T E_Randr_Output_Config
#define D _e_randr_output_edd
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, policy, UINT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, primary, UCHAR);
eet_data_descriptor_element_add(D, "edid", EET_T_UCHAR, EET_G_VAR_ARRAY,
(char *)(&(eroc.edid)) - (char *)(&(eroc)),
(char *)(&(eroc.edid_count)) -
(char *)(&(eroc)), NULL, NULL);
eet_data_descriptor_element_add(D, "clones", EET_T_UINT, EET_G_VAR_ARRAY,
(char *)(&(eroc.clones)) - (char *)(&(eroc)),
(char *)(&(eroc.clone_count)) -
(char *)(&(eroc)), NULL, NULL);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, connected, UCHAR);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, exists, UCHAR);
/* define edd for crtc config */
_e_randr_crtc_edd =
E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Randr_Crtc_Config", E_Randr_Crtc_Config);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T E_Randr_Crtc_Config
#define D _e_randr_crtc_edd
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, width, INT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, height, INT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, orient, UINT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, exists, UCHAR);
E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, outputs, _e_randr_output_edd);
/* define edd for randr config */
_e_randr_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Randr_Config", E_Randr_Config);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T E_Randr_Config
#define D _e_randr_edd
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, version, INT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, screen.width, INT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, screen.height, INT);
E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, crtcs, _e_randr_crtc_edd);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, restore, UCHAR);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, poll_interval, INT);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, config_timestamp, ULL);
E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, primary, INT);
/* try to load the randr config */
if ((e_randr_cfg = e_config_domain_load("e_randr", _e_randr_edd)))
/* check randr config version */
if (e_randr_cfg->version < (E_RANDR_CONFIG_FILE_EPOCH * 1000000))
/* config is too old */
do_restore = EINA_FALSE;
ecore_timer_add(1.0, _e_randr_config_cb_timer,
_("Settings data needed upgrading. Your old settings have<br>"
"been wiped and a new set of defaults initialized. This<br>"
"will happen regularly during development, so don't report a<br>"
"bug. This simply means Enlightenment needs new settings<br>"
"data by default for usable functionality that your old<br>"
"settings simply lack. This new set of defaults will fix<br>"
"that by adding it in. You can re-configure things now to your<br>"
"liking. Sorry for the hiccup in your settings.<br>"));
else if (e_randr_cfg->version > E_RANDR_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION)
/* config is too new */
do_restore = EINA_FALSE;
ecore_timer_add(1.0, _e_randr_config_cb_timer,
_("Your settings are NEWER than Enlightenment. This is very<br>"
"strange. This should not happen unless you downgraded<br>"
"Enlightenment or copied the settings from a place where<br>"
"a newer version of Enlightenment was running. This is bad and<br>"
"as a precaution your settings have been now restored to<br>"
"defaults. Sorry for the inconvenience.<br>"));
/* if config was too old or too new, then reload a fresh one */
if (!e_randr_cfg)
do_restore = EINA_FALSE;
/* e_randr_config_new could return without actually creating a new config */
if (!e_randr_cfg) return EINA_FALSE;
if ((do_restore) && (e_randr_cfg->restore))
return EINA_TRUE;
static void
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc *crtcs = NULL;
int ncrtcs = 0, i = 0;
/* create new randr cfg */
if (!(e_randr_cfg = E_NEW(E_Randr_Config, 1)))
/* set version */
e_randr_cfg->version = E_RANDR_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION;
/* by default, restore config */
e_randr_cfg->restore = EINA_TRUE;
/* by default, use 4 sec poll interval */
e_randr_cfg->poll_interval = 32;
/* grab the root window once */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get which output is primary */
e_randr_cfg->primary = ecore_x_randr_primary_output_get(root);
/* record the current screen size in our config */
ecore_x_randr_screen_current_size_get(root, &e_randr_cfg->screen.width,
/* try to get the list of crtcs from x */
if ((crtcs = ecore_x_randr_crtcs_get(root, &ncrtcs)))
/* loop the crtcs */
for (i = 0; i < ncrtcs; i++)
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg = NULL;
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *outputs = NULL;
int noutputs = 0;
/* try to create new crtc config */
if (!(crtc_cfg = E_NEW(E_Randr_Crtc_Config, 1)))
/* assign the xid */
crtc_cfg->xid = crtcs[i];
crtc_cfg->exists = EINA_TRUE;
/* fill in crtc_cfg values from X */
/* try to get any outputs on this crtc */
if ((outputs =
ecore_x_randr_crtc_outputs_get(root, crtcs[i], &noutputs)))
int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < noutputs; j++)
E_Randr_Output_Config *output_cfg = NULL;
/* try to create new output config */
if (!(output_cfg = _e_randr_config_output_new(outputs[j])))
/* assign crtc for this output */
output_cfg->crtc = crtcs[i];
output_cfg->exists = EINA_TRUE;
if ((e_randr_cfg->primary) &&
((int)outputs[j] == e_randr_cfg->primary))
output_cfg->primary = EINA_TRUE;
if (!e_randr_cfg->primary)
/* X has no primary output set */
if (j == 0)
/* if no primary is set, then we should
* use the first output listed by xrandr */
output_cfg->primary = EINA_TRUE;
e_randr_cfg->primary = (int)outputs[j];
/* add this output to the list for this crtc */
crtc_cfg->outputs =
eina_list_append(crtc_cfg->outputs, output_cfg);
/* append this crtc config to randr config */
e_randr_cfg->crtcs =
eina_list_append(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, crtc_cfg);
/* update recorded config timestamp */
e_randr_cfg->config_timestamp = ecore_x_randr_config_timestamp_get(root);
/* set limits */
E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_randr_cfg->poll_interval, 1, 1024);
/* save the new config */
static void
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc = NULL;
/* safety check */
if (!e_randr_cfg) return;
/* loop the config crtcs and free them */
EINA_LIST_FREE(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, crtc)
E_Randr_Output_Config *output = NULL;
/* loop the config outputs on this crtc and free them */
EINA_LIST_FREE(crtc->outputs, output)
if (output->clones) free(output->clones);
if (output->edid) free(output->edid);
/* free the config */
static Eina_Bool
_e_randr_config_cb_timer(void *data)
e_util_dialog_show(_("Randr Settings Upgraded"), "%s", (char *)data);
return EINA_FALSE;
static void
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc *crtcs;
/* Ecore_X_Randr_Output primary = 0; */
int ncrtcs = 0;
int sw = 0, sh = 0, cw = 0, ch = 0;
/* don't try to restore if we have fake screens */
if (e_xinerama_fake_screens_exist()) return;
/* grab the X server so that we can apply settings without triggering
* any randr event updates until we are done */
/* get existing primary output */
/* primary = ecore_x_randr_primary_output_get(root); */
/* get existing screen size */
ecore_x_randr_screen_current_size_get(root, &cw, &ch, NULL, NULL);
/* calculate new screen size */
_e_randr_config_screen_size_calculate(&sw, &sh);
printf("\tCalculated Screen Size: %d %d\n", sw, sh);
/* get the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get a list of crtcs from X */
if ((crtcs = ecore_x_randr_crtcs_get(root, &ncrtcs)))
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *outputs;
int c = 0, noutputs = 0;
/* loop the X crtcs */
for (c = 0; c < ncrtcs; c++)
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *cfg;
Evas_Coord x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient =
Eina_Rectangle rect;
/* Firstly, disable any crtcs which are disabled in our config OR
* which are larger than the target size */
/* try to find this crtc in our config */
if ((cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(crtcs[c])))
x = cfg->x;
y = cfg->y;
w = cfg->width;
h = cfg->height;
mode = cfg->mode;
orient = cfg->orient;
/* this crtc is not in our config. get values from X */
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc_Info *cinfo;
/* get crtc info from X */
if ((cinfo = ecore_x_randr_crtc_info_get(root, crtcs[c])))
x = cinfo->x;
y = cinfo->y;
w = cinfo->width;
h = cinfo->height;
mode = cinfo->mode;
orient = cinfo->rotation;
/* at this point, we should have geometry, mode and orientation.
* We can now proceed to calculate crtc size */
_e_randr_config_mode_geometry(mode, orient, &rect);
x += rect.x;
y += rect.y;
w = rect.w;
h = rect.h;
/* if it fits within the screen and is "enabled", skip it */
if (((x + w) <= sw) && ((y + h) <= sh) && (mode != 0))
/* it does not fit or disabled in our config. disable it in X */
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtcs[c], NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
/* apply the new screen size */
if ((sw != cw) || (sh != ch))
ecore_x_randr_screen_current_size_set(root, sw, sh, -1, -1);
/* apply any stored crtc settings */
for (c = 0; c < ncrtcs; c++)
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *cfg;
/* try to find this crtc in our config */
if ((cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(crtcs[c])))
Eina_List *l, *valid = NULL;
E_Randr_Output_Config *output_cfg;
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *coutputs;
int count = 0;
/* loop any outputs in this crtc cfg */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(cfg->outputs, l, output_cfg)
Ecore_X_Randr_Connection_Status status =
/* get connection status */
status =
/* skip this output if it is not connected */
/* append to the list of valid outputs */
valid = eina_list_append(valid, output_cfg);
count = eina_list_count(valid);
/* try to allocate space for x randr outputs */
if ((coutputs = calloc(count, sizeof(Ecore_X_Randr_Output))))
int o = 0;
/* for each entry in valid outputs, place in X list */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(valid, l, output_cfg)
coutputs[o] = output_cfg->xid;
/* apply our stored crtc settings */
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(root, crtcs[c], coutputs,
count, cfg->x, cfg->y,
cfg->mode, cfg->orient);
/* cleanup */
/* free list of crtcs */
/* apply primary if we have one set */
if (e_randr_cfg->primary)
Eina_Bool primary_set = EINA_FALSE;
/* get list of valid outputs */
if ((outputs = ecore_x_randr_outputs_get(root, &noutputs)))
/* loop valid outputs and check that our primary exists */
for (c = 0; c < noutputs; c++)
Ecore_X_Randr_Connection_Status status =
/* skip if this output is not one we are looking for */
if ((int)outputs[c] != e_randr_cfg->primary)
/* check that this output is actually connected */
status =
/* if it is actually connected, set primary */
ecore_x_randr_primary_output_set(root, outputs[c]);
primary_set = EINA_TRUE;
/* free list of outputs */
/* fallback to no primary */
if (!primary_set)
ecore_x_randr_primary_output_set(root, 0);
ecore_x_randr_primary_output_set(root, 0);
/* release the server grab */
static Eina_Bool
_e_randr_event_cb_screen_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event)
Ecore_X_Event_Screen_Change *ev;
Eina_Bool changed = EINA_FALSE;
Ecore_X_Randr_Output primary = 0;
ev = event;
printf("E_RANDR Event: Screen Change: %d %d\n",
ev->size.width, ev->size.height);
/* check if this event's root window is Our root window */
if (ev->root != e_manager_current_get()->root)
primary = ecore_x_randr_primary_output_get(ev->root);
if (e_randr_cfg->primary != (int)primary)
e_randr_cfg->primary = (int)primary;
changed = EINA_TRUE;
if (e_randr_cfg->screen.width != ev->size.width)
printf("\tWidth Changed\n");
e_randr_cfg->screen.width = ev->size.width;
changed = EINA_TRUE;
if (e_randr_cfg->screen.height != ev->size.height)
printf("\tHeight Changed\n");
e_randr_cfg->screen.height = ev->size.height;
changed = EINA_TRUE;
if (e_randr_cfg->config_timestamp != ev->config_time)
printf("\tConfig Timestamp Changed\n");
e_randr_cfg->config_timestamp = ev->config_time;
changed = EINA_TRUE;
if (changed) e_randr_config_save();
static Eina_Bool
_e_randr_event_cb_crtc_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event)
Ecore_X_Event_Randr_Crtc_Change *ev;
Eina_List *l = NULL;
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg;
Eina_Bool crtc_new = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool crtc_found = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool crtc_changed = EINA_FALSE;
ev = event;
/* loop our crtc configs and try to find this one */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, crtc_cfg)
/* skip if not this crtc */
if (crtc_cfg->xid != ev->crtc) continue;
crtc_found = EINA_TRUE;
if (!crtc_found)
/* if this crtc is not found in our config, create it */
if ((crtc_cfg = E_NEW(E_Randr_Crtc_Config, 1)))
/* assign id */
crtc_cfg->xid = ev->crtc;
crtc_cfg->exists = EINA_TRUE;
crtc_new = EINA_TRUE;
/* append to randr cfg */
e_randr_cfg->crtcs =
eina_list_append(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, crtc_cfg);
/* check (and update if needed) our crtc config
* NB: This will fill in any new ones also */
crtc_changed = _e_randr_config_crtc_update(crtc_cfg);
/* save the config if anything changed or we added a new one */
if ((crtc_changed) || (crtc_new))
printf("E_RANDR Event: Crtc Change\n");
printf("\tCrtc: %d Changed or New. Saving Config\n", ev->crtc);
static Eina_Bool
_e_randr_event_cb_output_change(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event)
Ecore_X_Event_Randr_Output_Change *ev;
Eina_List *l = NULL;
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg;
E_Randr_Output_Config *output_cfg;
Eina_Bool output_new = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool output_found = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool output_changed = EINA_FALSE;
Eina_Bool output_removed = EINA_FALSE;
ev = event;
/* check if this event's root window is Our root window */
if (ev->win != e_manager_current_get()->root)
printf("E_RANDR Event: Output Change\n");
printf("\tOutput: %d\n", ev->output);
if (ev->crtc)
printf("\t\tCrtc: %lu\n", (unsigned long)ev->crtc);
printf("\t\tNo Crtc\n");
printf("\t\tMode: %d\n", ev->mode);
if (ev->connection == 0)
printf("\t\tOutput Connected\n");
else if (ev->connection == 1)
printf("\t\tOutput Disconnected\n");
/* loop our crtcs and try to find this output */
printf("\tLooping Our Crtc Configs\n");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, crtc_cfg)
Eina_List *ll;
/* loop the outputs in our crtc cfg and try to find this one */
printf("\t\tLooping Our Output Configs on this Crtc: %d\n", crtc_cfg->xid);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, ll, output_cfg)
/* try to find this output */
if (output_cfg->xid != ev->output) continue;
/* FIXME: NB: Hmmm, we may need to also compare edids here (not just X id) */
printf("\t\t\tFound Output %d on Crtc: %d\n", output_cfg->xid, output_cfg->crtc);
output_found = EINA_TRUE;
/* is this output still on the same crtc ? */
if ((output_cfg->crtc != ev->crtc) && (ev->crtc != 0))
printf("\t\t\t\tOutput Moved Crtc or Removed\n");
/* if event crtc is 0, then this output is not assigned to any crtc,
* so we need to remove it from any existing crtc_cfg Outputs.
* NB: In a typical scenario, we would remove and free this output cfg,
* HOWEVER we will NOT do that here. Reasoning is that if someone
* replugs this output, we can restore any saved config.
* NB: Do not call _e_randr_config_output_update in this case as that will
* overwrite any of our saved config
* So for now, just disable it in config by setting exists == FALSE */
if (ev->connection == 1)
/* just mark it as not existing */
output_cfg->exists = EINA_FALSE;
/* set flag */
printf("\t\t\t\t\tOutput Removed\n");
output_removed = EINA_TRUE;
/* if this output was set to be the primary when it was unplugged, then
* we need to reset the primary monitor in our config */
if (e_randr_cfg->primary == (int)output_cfg->crtc)
else if (ev->connection == 0)
/* output moved to new crtc */
printf("\t\t\tOutput Moved to New Crtc or Reconnected\n");
else if ((ev->crtc != 0) && (output_cfg->crtc == ev->crtc))
printf("\t\t\t\tOutput On Same Crtc\n");
/* check (and update if needed) our output config */
output_changed = _e_randr_config_output_update(output_cfg);
else if (ev->crtc == 0)
printf("\t\t\t\tOutput Has No Crtc Assigned\n");
if (output_found) break;
if (output_found) break;
/* if the output was not found above, and it is plugged in,
* then we need to create a new one */
if ((!output_found) && (ev->connection == 0))
printf("\tOutput %d Not Found In Our Config\n", ev->output);
printf("\t\tCreate New Output Config\n");
if ((output_cfg = _e_randr_config_output_new(ev->output)))
E_Randr_Output_Config *ocfg;
output_new = EINA_TRUE;
printf("\t\t\tNew Output Config Created: %d\n", output_cfg->xid);
/* since this is a new output cfg, the above
* output_update function (inside new) will set 'exists' to false
* because no crtc has been assigned yet.
* We need to find a valid crtc for this output and set the
* 'crtc' and 'exists' properties
* As most users (I think) would expect a newly plugged output to
* be a clone of the current desktop, we need to setup this
* output to be a clone of the current primary output */
/* try to find the config for the primary output */
if (!(ocfg = _e_randr_config_output_find(e_randr_cfg->primary)))
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *ccfg;
Eina_Bool primary_found = EINA_FALSE;
/* failed to find config for primary output */
printf("\t\t\t\tFailed to find Primary Output Config\n");
/* try to find the first crtc config */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, ccfg)
Eina_List *ll;
/* skip if this crtc does not exist */
if (!ccfg->exists) continue;
/* skip if no mode set */
if (!ccfg->mode) continue;
/* loop the outputs in our crtc cfg and
* try to find the first one that exists */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ccfg->outputs, ll, ocfg)
if (!ocfg->exists) continue;
if (ocfg->connected)
printf("\t\t\t\t\tFound Primary Output %d\n", ocfg->xid);
primary_found = EINA_TRUE;
if (primary_found) break;
if (ocfg)
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode = 0;
int x = 0, y = 0, orient = 0;
printf("\t\t\tHave Primary Output Config %d\n", ocfg->xid);
/* grab the important settings we need from the primary */
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(ocfg->crtc)))
x = crtc_cfg->x;
y = crtc_cfg->y;
mode = crtc_cfg->mode;
orient = crtc_cfg->orient;
/* find a crtc for this output */
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_output_crtc_find(output_cfg)))
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode *modes;
int ocount, c = 0;
int num = 0, pref = 0;
Eina_Bool can_clone = EINA_FALSE;
/* append this output_cfg to the crtc_cfg list of outputs */
crtc_cfg->outputs =
eina_list_append(crtc_cfg->outputs, output_cfg);
printf("\t\t\tUsing Crtc Config %d for Cloning\n",
/* we found a valid crtc for this output */
output_cfg->crtc = crtc_cfg->xid;
output_cfg->exists = (output_cfg->crtc != 0);
output_cfg->connected = EINA_TRUE;
/* We need to verify that the new output can use this
* crtc's mode for cloning
* NB: Hmmm, what to do if it Cannot use this mode ?? */
modes =
&num, &pref);
if (modes)
for (c = 0; c < num; c++)
if (modes[c] == mode)
printf("\t\t\t\tMode: %d\n", mode);
can_clone = EINA_TRUE;
if (!can_clone)
int mw = 0, mh = 0;
/* if we can't clone, then we need to find a
* mode of the same size */
ecore_x_randr_mode_size_get(ev->win, mode,
&mw, &mh);
printf("\t\t\t\tMode: %d - %d x %d\n", mode, mw, mh);
for (c = 0; c < num; c++)
int cw, ch;
&cw, &ch);
if ((cw == mw) && (ch == mh))
mode = modes[c];
/* trap for dumb non-standard TV
* resolution of 1360 x 768 */
if ((abs(cw - mw) <= 10) && (ch == mh))
mode = modes[c];
if (modes) free(modes);
/* tell X about this new output */
ocount = eina_list_count(crtc_cfg->outputs);
printf("\t\t\tNum Outputs: %d\n", ocount);
if (ocount > 0)
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *couts;
Eina_List *o;
E_Randr_Output_Config *out;
c = 0;
couts = malloc(ocount * sizeof(Ecore_X_Randr_Output));
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, o, out)
couts[c] = out->xid;
printf("\tCrtc Settings: %d %d %d %d\n",
crtc_cfg->xid, x, y, mode);
couts, ocount,
x, y, mode, orient);
else if ((output_found) && (ev->crtc == 0))
if (ev->connection == 0)
/* previously configured output as been replugged */
printf("\t\t\t\tOutput Replugged: %d\n", output_cfg->xid);
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_output_crtc_find(output_cfg)))
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode;
int ocount, c = 0;
/* we found a valid crtc for this output */
output_cfg->crtc = crtc_cfg->xid;
output_cfg->exists = (output_cfg->crtc != 0);
printf("\t\t\tOutput Crtc Is: %d\n", output_cfg->crtc);
/* get the preferred mode for this output */
if ((mode = _e_randr_config_output_preferred_mode_get(output_cfg->xid)))
Evas_Coord mw = 0, mh = 0;
/* get the size of this mode */
ecore_x_randr_mode_size_get(ev->win, mode, &mw, &mh);
/* update crtc config with this mode info */
crtc_cfg->mode = mode;
crtc_cfg->width = mw;
crtc_cfg->height = mh;
printf("\t\tNo Mode Found\n");
/* append this output_cfg to the crtc_cfg list of outputs */
if (eina_list_count(crtc_cfg->outputs) == 0)
crtc_cfg->outputs =
eina_list_append(crtc_cfg->outputs, output_cfg);
output_changed = EINA_TRUE;
/* tell X about this new output */
ocount = eina_list_count(crtc_cfg->outputs);
printf("\tNum Outputs: %d\n", ocount);
if (ocount > 0)
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *couts;
Eina_List *o;
E_Randr_Output_Config *out;
couts = malloc(ocount * sizeof(Ecore_X_Randr_Output));
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, o, out)
printf("\t\tOutput: %d\n", out->xid);
couts[c] = out->xid;
printf("\tCrtc Settings: %d %d %d %d\n", crtc_cfg->xid,
crtc_cfg->x, crtc_cfg->y, crtc_cfg->mode);
ecore_x_randr_crtc_settings_set(ev->win, crtc_cfg->xid,
couts, ocount,
/* output without a crtc asssigned has been unplugged. Nothing to do in this case */
printf("\t\t\t\tOutput Unplugged\n");
/* just mark it as not existing */
output_cfg->exists = EINA_FALSE;
/* set flag */
output_removed = EINA_TRUE;
/* save the config if anything changed or we added a new one */
if ((output_changed) || (output_new) || (output_removed))
printf("\t\t\t\tOutput Changed, Added, or Removed. Saving Config\n");
/* if we added or removed any outputs, we need to reset */
if ((output_new) || (output_removed))
/* This function compares our crtc config against what X has and updates our
* view of this crtc. It returns EINA_TRUE is anything changed
* NB: This Does Not Handle Outputs on the Crtc.*/
static Eina_Bool
_e_randr_config_crtc_update(E_Randr_Crtc_Config *cfg)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE;
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc_Info *cinfo;
/* grab the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get crtc info from X */
if ((cinfo = ecore_x_randr_crtc_info_get(root, cfg->xid)))
/* check for changes */
if ((cfg->x != cinfo->x) || (cfg->y != cinfo->y) ||
(cfg->width != (int)cinfo->width) || (cfg->height != (int)cinfo->height) ||
(cfg->mode != cinfo->mode) || (cfg->orient != cinfo->rotation))
cfg->x = cinfo->x;
cfg->y = cinfo->y;
cfg->width = cinfo->width;
cfg->height = cinfo->height;
cfg->mode = cinfo->mode;
cfg->orient = cinfo->rotation;
ret = EINA_TRUE;
return ret;
static Eina_Bool
_e_randr_config_output_update(E_Randr_Output_Config *cfg)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE;
Ecore_X_Randr_Output primary = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc crtc;
Ecore_X_Randr_Connection_Status status;
/* int clone_count = 0; */
/* grab the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get which output is primary */
primary = ecore_x_randr_primary_output_get(root);
/* set this output policy */
/* get if this output is the primary */
if (cfg->primary != ((cfg->xid == primary)))
cfg->primary = ((cfg->xid == primary));
ret = EINA_TRUE;
/* get the crtc for this output */
crtc = ecore_x_randr_output_crtc_get(root, cfg->xid);
if (cfg->crtc != crtc)
cfg->crtc = crtc;
ret = EINA_TRUE;
/* does it exist in X ?? */
if (cfg->exists != (crtc != 0))
cfg->exists = (crtc != 0);
ret = EINA_TRUE;
/* record the edid for this output */
/* cfg->edid = ecore_x_randr_output_edid_get(root, cfg->xid, &cfg->edid_count); */
/* get the clones for this output */
/* cfg->clones = */
/* ecore_x_randr_output_clones_get(root, cfg->xid, &clone_count); */
/* cfg->clone_count = (unsigned long)clone_count; */
status = ecore_x_randr_output_connection_status_get(root, cfg->xid);
if (cfg->connected != (status == ECORE_X_RANDR_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED))
ret = EINA_TRUE;
return ret;
static E_Randr_Crtc_Config *
_e_randr_config_output_crtc_find(E_Randr_Output_Config *cfg)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg = NULL;
E_Randr_Output_Config *ocfg = NULL;
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc *possible;
int num = 0, i = 0;
Eina_List *l;
Eina_Bool crtc_found = EINA_FALSE;
printf("Find Crtc For Output: %d\n", cfg->xid);
/* grab the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get a list of possible crtcs for this output */
if (!(possible =
ecore_x_randr_output_possible_crtcs_get(root, cfg->xid, &num)))
printf("\tNo Possible Crtcs Found From X\n");
return NULL;
if (num == 0)
if (possible) free(possible);
return NULL;
printf("\tLooping Possible Crtcs\n");
/* loop the possible crtcs */
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(possible[i])))
printf("\tFound Possible Crtc %d in Config\n", crtc_cfg->xid);
/* try to find this output in this crtc config */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, l, ocfg)
printf("\t\tCrtc Has Output %d\n", ocfg->xid);
if (ocfg->xid == cfg->xid)
printf("\t\t\tFound Output %d in Crtc Config\n", cfg->xid);
crtc_found = EINA_TRUE;
if (crtc_found) break;
if (!crtc_found)
/* no existing crtc config was found which contained this output */
printf("\tChecking %d for Clone: %d\n", e_randr_cfg->primary, cfg->xid);
/* loop our config and try to find something we can clone to.
* starting with the primary output */
if (e_randr_cfg->primary != (int)cfg->xid)
/* E_Randr_Crtc_Config *pcfg = NULL; */
printf("\t\tTrying to get Primary Crtc Config\n");
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(e_randr_cfg->primary)))
printf("\t\t\tFound Primary Config\n");
/* found the crtc config for the primary monitor */
crtc_found = EINA_TRUE;
if (!crtc_found)
printf("\tNo Crtc Found Yet\n");
/* no existing crtc config was found which contained this output */
/* loop our config and see if we have a crtc which has no outputs existing */
/* loop the possible crtcs */
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(possible[i])))
printf("\tFound Possible Crtc %d in Config\n", crtc_cfg->xid);
if (eina_list_count(crtc_cfg->outputs) == 0)
printf("\t\tCrtc Config has No Outputs\n");
crtc_found = EINA_TRUE;
if (!crtc_cfg->mode)
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode;
/* get the preferred mode for this output */
if ((mode = _e_randr_config_output_preferred_mode_get(cfg->xid)))
Evas_Coord mw = 0, mh = 0;
ecore_x_randr_mode_size_get(root, mode, &mw, &mh);
crtc_cfg->mode = mode;
crtc_cfg->width = mw;
crtc_cfg->height = mh;
printf("\t\tNo Mode Found\n");
if (crtc_found) return crtc_cfg;
return NULL;
static Ecore_X_Randr_Mode
_e_randr_config_output_preferred_mode_get(unsigned int xid)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode *modes;
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode;
int n = 0, p = 0;
printf("Get Preferred Mode for Output %d\n", xid);
/* grab the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get the list of modes for this output */
if (!(modes = ecore_x_randr_output_modes_get(root, xid, &n, &p)))
printf("\tNo Modes returned from X\n");
return 0;
if (n == 0)
if (modes) free(modes);
return 0;
printf("\tNum Modes: %d\n", n);
printf("\tP: %d\n", p);
if (p > 0)
mode = modes[p - 1];
mode = modes[0];
printf("\tFound Preferred Mode: %d\n", mode);
return mode;
static E_Randr_Output_Config *
_e_randr_config_output_new(unsigned int id)
E_Randr_Output_Config *cfg = NULL;
if ((cfg = E_NEW(E_Randr_Output_Config, 1)))
/* assign output xid */
cfg->xid = id;
/* check (and update if needed) our output config */
return cfg;
static E_Randr_Crtc_Config *
_e_randr_config_crtc_find(Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc crtc)
Eina_List *l;
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, crtc_cfg)
if (crtc_cfg->xid == crtc)
return crtc_cfg;
return NULL;
static E_Randr_Output_Config *
_e_randr_config_output_find(Ecore_X_Randr_Output output)
Eina_List *l;
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg;
E_Randr_Output_Config *output_cfg;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, crtc_cfg)
Eina_List *ll;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, ll, output_cfg)
if (output_cfg->xid == output)
return output_cfg;
return NULL;
static void
_e_randr_config_screen_size_calculate(int *sw, int *sh)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Output *outputs;
int noutputs = 0;
int minw = 0, minh = 0;
int maxw = 0, maxh = 0;
/* get the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get the min and max screen size */
ecore_x_randr_screen_size_range_get(root, &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh);
/* get outputs from X */
if ((outputs = ecore_x_randr_outputs_get(root, &noutputs)))
int i = 0;
/* loop X outputs */
for (i = 0; i < noutputs; i++)
E_Randr_Output_Config *output_cfg;
Ecore_X_Randr_Connection_Status status =
Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient =
Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode = 0;
int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
Eina_Rectangle rect;
/* get connection status */
status =
ecore_x_randr_output_connection_status_get(root, outputs[i]);
/* skip this output if it is not connected */
/* see if we have this output in our config */
if ((output_cfg = _e_randr_config_output_find(outputs[i])))
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg;
/* try to find the crtc config for this output */
if ((crtc_cfg = _e_randr_config_crtc_find(output_cfg->crtc)))
/* if this crtc is disabled in our config, skip it
* NB: Since we will end up disabling this crtc, then
* we should not use it to calculate screen size */
if (!crtc_cfg->mode) continue;
/* get geometry and mode */
x = crtc_cfg->x;
y = crtc_cfg->y;
w = crtc_cfg->width;
h = crtc_cfg->height;
mode = crtc_cfg->mode;
orient = crtc_cfg->orient;
/* if we have no config for this output. get values from X */
if ((!w) || (!h))
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc crtc = 0;
Ecore_X_Randr_Crtc_Info *cinfo;
crtc = ecore_x_randr_output_crtc_get(root, outputs[i]);
/* get crtc info from X */
if ((cinfo = ecore_x_randr_crtc_info_get(root, crtc)))
x = cinfo->x;
y = cinfo->y;
w = cinfo->width;
h = cinfo->height;
mode = cinfo->mode;
orient = cinfo->rotation;
/* at this point, we should have geometry, mode and orientation.
* We can now proceed to calculate screen size */
_e_randr_config_mode_geometry(mode, orient, &rect);
x += rect.x;
y += rect.y;
w = rect.w;
h = rect.h;
if ((x + w) > *sw)
*sw = (x + w);
if ((y + h) > *sh)
*sh = (y + h);
/* free any space allocated */
if ((*sw > maxw) || (*sh > maxh))
printf("Calculated Screen Size %dx%d is Larger Than Max %dx%d!!!\n",
*sw, *sh, maxw, maxh);
if (*sw < minw) *sw = minw;
if (*sh < minh) *sh = minh;
static void
_e_randr_config_mode_geometry(Ecore_X_Randr_Mode mode, Ecore_X_Randr_Orientation orient, Eina_Rectangle *rect)
Ecore_X_Window root = 0;
Evas_Point p[4];
int mw = 0, mh = 0;
int mode_width = 0, mode_height = 0;
int i = 0;
Eina_Rectangle tmp;
/* get the root window */
root = ecore_x_window_root_first_get();
/* get the size of this mode */
ecore_x_randr_mode_size_get(root, mode, &mode_width, &mode_height);
/* based on orientation, calculate mode sizes */
switch (orient)
mw = mode_width;
mh = mode_height;
mw = mode_height;
mh = mode_width;
p[0].x = 0;
p[0].y = 0;
p[1].x = mw;
p[1].y = 0;
p[2].x = mw;
p[2].y = mh;
p[3].x = 0;
p[3].y = mh;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
x = p[i].x;
y = p[i].y;
eina_rectangle_coords_from(&tmp, floor(x), floor(y), ceil(x), ceil(y));
if (i == 0)
*rect = tmp;
if (tmp.x < rect->x) rect->x = tmp.x;
if (tmp.y < rect->y) rect->y = tmp.y;
if (tmp.w > rect->w) rect->w = tmp.w;
if (tmp.h > rect->h) rect->h = tmp.h;
static void
Eina_List *l, *ll;
E_Randr_Crtc_Config *crtc_cfg;
E_Randr_Output_Config *output_cfg;
/* unmark all existing outputs as the primary */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, crtc_cfg)
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, ll, output_cfg)
output_cfg->primary = EINA_FALSE;
/* find the first existing output and mark it as primary */
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr_cfg->crtcs, l, crtc_cfg)
if (!crtc_cfg->exists) continue;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(crtc_cfg->outputs, ll, output_cfg)
if (!output_cfg->exists) continue;
e_randr_cfg->primary = output_cfg->xid;
output_cfg->primary = EINA_TRUE;