#include "e_mod_tiling.h" /* types {{{ */ #define TILING_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT 5.0 #define TILING_RESIZE_STEP 5 #define TILING_WRAP_SPEED 0.1 typedef enum { TILING_RESIZE, TILING_MOVE, } tiling_change_t; typedef enum { INPUT_MODE_NONE, INPUT_MODE_SWAPPING, INPUT_MODE_MOVING, INPUT_MODE_GOING, INPUT_MODE_TRANSITION, } tiling_input_mode_t; typedef enum { MOVE_UP, MOVE_DOWN, MOVE_LEFT, MOVE_RIGHT, MOVE_COUNT } tiling_move_t; typedef struct geom_t { int x, y, w, h; } geom_t; typedef struct overlay_t { Evas_Object *popup; Evas_Object *obj; } overlay_t; typedef struct transition_overlay_t { overlay_t overlay; int stack; char key[4]; E_Client *ec; } transition_overlay_t; typedef struct Client_Extra { E_Client *client; geom_t expected; struct { geom_t geom; unsigned int layer; E_Stacking stacking; E_Maximize maximized; const char *bordername; } orig; overlay_t overlay; char key[4]; } Client_Extra; struct tiling_g tiling_g = { .module = NULL, .config = NULL, .log_domain = -1, .default_keyhints = "asdfg;lkjh", }; static void _add_client(E_Client *ec); /* }}} */ /* Globals {{{ */ static struct tiling_mod_main_g { char edj_path[PATH_MAX]; E_Config_DD *config_edd, *vdesk_edd; int currently_switching_desktop; Ecore_X_Window action_input_win; Ecore_Event_Handler *handler_key, *handler_client_resize, *handler_client_move, *handler_client_add, *handler_client_remove, *handler_client_iconify, *handler_client_uniconify, *handler_client_stick, *handler_client_unstick, *handler_desk_show, *handler_desk_before_show, *handler_desk_set, *handler_compositor_resize; E_Client_Hook *pre_client_assign_hook; Tiling_Info *tinfo; Eina_Hash *info_hash; Eina_Hash *client_extras; Eina_Hash *overlays; E_Action *act_togglefloat, *act_addstack, *act_removestack, *act_tg_stack, *act_swap, *act_move, *act_move_left, *act_move_right, *act_move_up, *act_move_down, *act_adjusttransitions, *act_go, *act_send_ne, *act_send_nw, *act_send_se, *act_send_sw; int warp_x, warp_y, old_warp_x, old_warp_y, warp_to_x, warp_to_y; Ecore_Timer *warp_timer; overlay_t move_overlays[MOVE_COUNT]; transition_overlay_t *transition_overlay; Ecore_Timer *action_timer; E_Client *focused_ec; void (*action_cb)(E_Client *ec, Client_Extra *extra); tiling_input_mode_t input_mode; char keys[4]; } _G = { .input_mode = INPUT_MODE_NONE, }; /* }}} */ /* Utils {{{ */ /* I wonder why noone has implemented the following one yet? */ static E_Desk * get_current_desk(void) { E_Manager *m = e_manager_current_get(); E_Comp *c = m->comp; E_Zone *z = e_zone_current_get(c); return e_desk_current_get(z); } static Tiling_Info * _initialize_tinfo(const E_Desk *desk) { Tiling_Info *tinfo; tinfo = E_NEW(Tiling_Info, 1); tinfo->desk = desk; eina_hash_direct_add(_G.info_hash, &tinfo->desk, tinfo); tinfo->conf = get_vdesk(tiling_g.config->vdesks, desk->x, desk->y, desk->zone->num); return tinfo; } static void check_tinfo(const E_Desk *desk) { if (!_G.tinfo || _G.tinfo->desk != desk) { _G.tinfo = eina_hash_find(_G.info_hash, &desk); if (!_G.tinfo) { /* lazy init */ _G.tinfo = _initialize_tinfo(desk); } if (!_G.tinfo->conf) { _G.tinfo->conf = get_vdesk(tiling_g.config->vdesks, desk->x, desk->y, desk->zone->num); } } } static int is_floating_window(const E_Client *ec) { return EINA_LIST_IS_IN(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec); } static int is_tilable(const E_Client *ec) { if (ec->icccm.min_h == ec->icccm.max_h && ec->icccm.max_h > 0) return false; if (ec->icccm.gravity == ECORE_X_GRAVITY_STATIC) return false; if (!tiling_g.config->tile_dialogs && ((ec->icccm.transient_for != 0) || (ec->netwm.type == E_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG))) return false; return true; } static void change_window_border(E_Client *ec, const char *bordername) { eina_stringshare_replace(&ec->bordername, bordername); ec->border.changed = true; ec->changes.border = true; ec->changed = true; DBG("%p -> border %s", ec, bordername); } static int get_stack(const E_Client *ec) { int i; for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { if (EINA_LIST_IS_IN(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec)) return i; } return -1; } static int get_stack_count(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) return i; } return TILING_MAX_STACKS; } static int get_window_count(void) { int res = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) break; res += eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]); } return res; } static int get_transition_count(void) { int res = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) break; res += eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]); } if (_G.tinfo->stacks[0]) res--; return res; } static void _theme_edje_object_set_aux(Evas_Object *obj, const char *group) { if (!e_theme_edje_object_set(obj, "base/theme/modules/tiling", group)) { edje_object_file_set(obj, _G.edj_path, group); } } #define _theme_edje_object_set(_obj, _group) \ if (!e_config->use_shaped_win) \ _theme_edje_object_set_aux(_obj, _group"/composite"); \ else \ _theme_edje_object_set_aux(_obj, _group); static Eina_Bool _info_hash_update(const Eina_Hash *hash __UNUSED__, const void *key __UNUSED__, void *data, void *fdata __UNUSED__) { Tiling_Info *tinfo = data; if (tinfo->desk) { tinfo->conf = get_vdesk(tiling_g.config->vdesks, tinfo->desk->x, tinfo->desk->y, tinfo->desk->zone->num); } else { tinfo->conf = NULL; } return true; } void e_tiling_update_conf(void) { eina_hash_foreach(_G.info_hash, _info_hash_update, NULL); } static void _e_client_move_resize(E_Client *ec, int x, int y, int w, int h) { DBG("%p -> %dx%d+%d+%d", ec, w, h, x, y); evas_object_geometry_set(ec->frame, x, y, w, h); } static void _e_client_move(E_Client *ec, int x, int y) { DBG("%p -> +%d+%d", ec, x, y); evas_object_move(ec->frame, x, y); } static void _e_client_resize(E_Client *ec, int w, int h) { DBG("%p -> %dx%d", ec, w, h); evas_object_resize(ec->frame, w, h); } static void _e_client_maximize(E_Client *ec, E_Maximize max) { DBG("%p -> %s", ec, (max & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_NONE ? "NONE" : (max & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL ? "VERTICAL" : (max & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL ? "HORIZONTAL" : "BOTH"); DBG("new_client:%s, ec->maximized=%x", ec->new_client? "true": "false", ec->maximized); e_client_maximize(ec, max); } static void _e_client_unmaximize(E_Client *ec, E_Maximize max) { DBG("%p -> %s", ec, (max & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_NONE ? "NONE" : (max & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL ? "VERTICAL" : (max & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL ? "HORIZONTAL" : "BOTH"); e_client_unmaximize(ec, max); } static void _restore_client(E_Client *ec) { Client_Extra *extra; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->orig.geom.x, extra->orig.geom.y, extra->orig.geom.w, extra->orig.geom.h); evas_object_layer_set(ec->frame, extra->orig.layer); if (extra->orig.maximized) { e_client_maximize(ec, extra->orig.maximized); ec->maximized = extra->orig.maximized; } DBG("Change window border back to %s for %p", extra->orig.bordername, ec); change_window_border(ec, (extra->orig.bordername) ? extra->orig.bordername : "default"); } static Client_Extra * _get_or_create_client_extra(E_Client *ec) { Client_Extra *extra; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { extra = E_NEW(Client_Extra, 1); *extra = (Client_Extra) { .client = ec, .expected = { .x = ec->x, .y = ec->y, .w = ec->w, .h = ec->h, }, .orig = { .geom = { .x = ec->x, .y = ec->y, .w = ec->w, .h = ec->h, }, .layer = ec->layer, .stacking = ec->netwm.state.stacking, .maximized = ec->maximized, .bordername = eina_stringshare_add(ec->bordername), }, }; eina_hash_direct_add(_G.client_extras, &extra->client, extra); } else { extra->expected = (geom_t) { .x = ec->x, .y = ec->y, .w = ec->w, .h = ec->h, }; } return extra; } /* }}} */ /* Overlays {{{*/ static void _overlays_free_cb(void *data) { Client_Extra *extra = data; if (extra->overlay.obj) { evas_object_del(extra->overlay.obj); extra->overlay.obj = NULL; } if (extra->overlay.popup) { evas_object_hide(extra->overlay.popup); evas_object_del(extra->overlay.popup); extra->overlay.popup = NULL; } extra->key[0] = '\0'; } static void end_special_input(void) { int i; if (_G.input_mode == INPUT_MODE_NONE) return; if (_G.overlays) { eina_hash_free(_G.overlays); _G.overlays = NULL; } if (_G.handler_key) { ecore_event_handler_del(_G.handler_key); _G.handler_key = NULL; } if (_G.action_input_win) { e_grabinput_release(_G.action_input_win, _G.action_input_win); ecore_x_window_free(_G.action_input_win); _G.action_input_win = 0; } if (_G.action_timer) { ecore_timer_del(_G.action_timer); _G.action_timer = NULL; } _G.focused_ec = NULL; _G.action_cb = NULL; switch(_G.input_mode) { case INPUT_MODE_MOVING: for (i = 0; i < MOVE_COUNT; i++) { overlay_t *overlay = &_G.move_overlays[i]; if (overlay->obj) { evas_object_del(overlay->obj); overlay->obj = NULL; } if (overlay->popup) { evas_object_hide(overlay->popup); evas_object_del(overlay->popup); overlay->popup = NULL; } } break; case INPUT_MODE_TRANSITION: if (_G.transition_overlay) { if (_G.transition_overlay->overlay.obj) { evas_object_del(_G.transition_overlay->overlay.obj); } if (_G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup) { evas_object_hide(_G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup); evas_object_del(_G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup); } E_FREE(_G.transition_overlay); _G.transition_overlay = NULL; } break; default: break; } _G.input_mode = INPUT_MODE_NONE; } static Eina_Bool overlay_key_down(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Key *ev = event; Client_Extra *extra; if (ev->event_window != _G.action_input_win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (strcmp(ev->key, "Return") == 0) goto stop; if (strcmp(ev->key, "Escape") == 0) goto stop; if (strcmp(ev->key, "Backspace") == 0) { char *key = _G.keys; while (*key) key++; *key = '\0'; return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } if (ev->key[0] && !ev->key[1] && strchr(tiling_g.config->keyhints, ev->key[1])) { char *key = _G.keys; while (*key) key++; *key++ = ev->key[0]; *key = '\0'; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.overlays, _G.keys); if (extra) { _G.action_cb(_G.focused_ec, extra); } else { return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } } stop: end_special_input(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } static Eina_Bool _timeout_cb(void *data __UNUSED__) { end_special_input(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _do_overlay(E_Client *focused_ec, void (*action_cb)(E_Client *, Client_Extra *), tiling_input_mode_t input_mode) { Ecore_X_Window parent; int nb_win; int hints_len; int key_len; int n = 0; int nmax; int i; end_special_input(); nb_win = get_window_count(); if (nb_win < 2) { return; } _G.input_mode = input_mode; _G.focused_ec = focused_ec; _G.action_cb = action_cb; _G.overlays = eina_hash_string_small_new(_overlays_free_cb); hints_len = strlen(tiling_g.config->keyhints); key_len = 1; nmax = hints_len; if (hints_len < nb_win) { key_len = 2; nmax *= hints_len; if (hints_len * hints_len < nb_win) { key_len = 3; nmax *= hints_len; } } for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { Eina_List *l; E_Client *ec; if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) break; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], l, ec) { if (ec != focused_ec && n < nmax) { Client_Extra *extra; Evas_Coord ew, eh; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); continue; } extra->overlay.obj = edje_object_add(ec->comp->evas); extra->overlay.popup = e_comp_object_util_add(extra->overlay.obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(extra->overlay.popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); e_theme_edje_object_set(extra->overlay.obj, "base/theme/borders", "e/widgets/border/default/resize"); switch (key_len) { case 1: extra->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n]; extra->key[1] = '\0'; break; case 2: extra->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len]; extra->key[1] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n % hints_len]; extra->key[2] = '\0'; break; case 3: extra->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len / hints_len]; extra->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len]; extra->key[1] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n % hints_len]; extra->key[2] = '\0'; break; } n++; eina_hash_add(_G.overlays, extra->key, extra); edje_object_part_text_set(extra->overlay.obj, "e.text.label", extra->key); edje_object_size_min_calc(extra->overlay.obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_geometry_set(extra->overlay.popup, (ec->x - ec->zone->x) + ((ec->w - ew) / 2), (ec->y - ec->zone->y) + ((ec->h - eh) / 2), ew, eh); evas_object_show(extra->overlay.popup); } } } /* Get input */ parent = _G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->win; _G.action_input_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(parent, 0, 0, 1, 1); if (!_G.action_input_win) { end_special_input(); return; } ecore_x_window_show(_G.action_input_win); if (!e_grabinput_get(_G.action_input_win, 0, _G.action_input_win)) { end_special_input(); return; } _G.action_timer = ecore_timer_add(TILING_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT, _timeout_cb, NULL); _G.keys[0] = '\0'; _G.handler_key = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, overlay_key_down, NULL); } /* }}} */ /* Reorganize Stacks {{{*/ static void _reorganize_stack(int stack) { Eina_List *l; if (stack < 0 || stack >= TILING_MAX_STACKS || !_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) return; if (_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->next) { int zx, zy, zw, zh, i = 0, count; e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, &zx, &zy, &zw, &zh); count = eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { int y, w, h, cw; y = _G.tinfo->pos[stack]; cw = 0; w = zw / count; h = _G.tinfo->size[stack]; for (l = _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]; l; l = l->next, i++) { E_Client *ec = l->data; Client_Extra *extra; int d = (i * 2 * zw) % count - (2 * cw) % count; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); continue; } if ((ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL) && count != 1) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); } /* let's use a bresenham here */ extra->expected.x = cw + zx; extra->expected.y = y; extra->expected.w = w + d; extra->expected.h = h; cw += extra->expected.w; _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } } else { int x, w, h, ch; x = _G.tinfo->pos[stack]; ch = 0; w = _G.tinfo->size[stack]; h = zh / count; for (l = _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]; l; l = l->next, i++) { E_Client *ec = l->data; Client_Extra *extra; int d = (i * 2 * zh) % count - (2 * ch) % count; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); continue; } if ((ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL) && count != 1) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); } /* let's use a bresenham here */ extra->expected.x = x; extra->expected.y = ch + zy; extra->expected.w = w; extra->expected.h = h + d; ch += extra->expected.h; _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } } } else { Client_Extra *extra; E_Client *ec = _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->data; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { int x, w; e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, &x, NULL, &w, NULL); extra->expected.x = x; extra->expected.y = _G.tinfo->pos[stack]; extra->expected.w = w; extra->expected.h = _G.tinfo->size[stack]; _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); } else { int y, h; e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, NULL, &y, NULL, &h); extra->expected.x = _G.tinfo->pos[stack]; extra->expected.y = y; extra->expected.w = _G.tinfo->size[stack]; extra->expected.h = h; _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); } } } static void _move_resize_stack(int stack, int delta_pos, int delta_size) { Eina_List *list = _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]; Eina_List *l; for (l = list; l; l = l->next) { E_Client *ec = l->data; Client_Extra *extra; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); continue; } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { extra->expected.y += delta_pos; extra->expected.h += delta_size; } else { extra->expected.x += delta_pos; extra->expected.w += delta_size; } _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } _G.tinfo->pos[stack] += delta_pos; _G.tinfo->size[stack] += delta_size; } static void _set_stack_geometry(int stack, int pos, int size) { Eina_List *l; for (l = _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]; l; l = l->next) { E_Client *ec = l->data; Client_Extra *extra; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); continue; } DBG("expected: %dx%d+%d+%d (%p)", extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, ec); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { extra->expected.y = pos; extra->expected.h = size; if (ec->maximized) { if (l->next && (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL)) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[1] && (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL)) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); } } else { extra->expected.x = pos; extra->expected.w = size; if (ec->maximized) { if (l->next && (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL)) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[1] && (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL)) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); } } _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } _G.tinfo->pos[stack] = pos; _G.tinfo->size[stack] = size; } static void _add_stack(void) { int nb_clients; Eina_List *l; int i; if (_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks == TILING_MAX_STACKS) return; _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks++; if (_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks == 1) { for (l = e_client_focus_stack_get(); l; l = l->next) { E_Client *ec; ec = l->data; if (ec->desk == _G.tinfo->desk) _add_client(ec); } } nb_clients = get_window_count(); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks - 2] && nb_clients >= _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { int nb_stacks = _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks - 1; int pos, s; /* Add stack */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, NULL, &pos, NULL, &s); else e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, &pos, NULL, &s, NULL); for (i = 0; i <= nb_stacks; i++) { int size = 0; size = s / (nb_stacks + 1 - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } for (i = nb_stacks - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) == 1) { _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1] = _G.tinfo->stacks[i]; _reorganize_stack(i+1); } else { E_Client *ec = eina_list_last(_G.tinfo->stacks[i])->data; EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec); _reorganize_stack(i); _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1] = NULL; EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[i+1], ec); _reorganize_stack(i+1); return; } } } } static void _remove_stack(void) { int i; Eina_List *l; if (!_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) return; _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks--; if (!_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { for (l = _G.tinfo->stacks[i]; l; l = l->next) { E_Client *ec = l->data; _restore_client(ec); } eina_list_free(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]); _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = NULL; } e_place_zone_region_smart_cleanup(_G.tinfo->desk->zone); } else { int nb_stacks = _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks; int stack = _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks; int pos, s; if (_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) { _G.tinfo->stacks[stack-1] = eina_list_merge( _G.tinfo->stacks[stack-1], _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]); _reorganize_stack(stack-1); } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, NULL, &pos, NULL, &s); } else { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, &pos, NULL, &s, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { int size = 0; size = s / (nb_stacks - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } } } static void _toggle_rows_cols(void) { int i; #if 0 Eina_List *wins = NULL; E_Client *ec; _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows = !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows; for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { EINA_LIST_FREE(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec) { EINA_LIST_APPEND(wins, ec); _restore_client(ec); } _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = NULL; _G.tinfo->pos[i] = 0; _G.tinfo->size[i] = 0; } DBG("reinsert (use_rows: %s)", _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows ? "true":"false"); EINA_LIST_FREE(wins, ec) { _add_client(ec); } #else int nb_stacks = get_stack_count(); int pos, s; _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows = !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, NULL, &pos, NULL, &s); } else { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone, &pos, NULL, &s, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { int size = 0; size = s / (nb_stacks - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { _reorganize_stack(i); } #endif } void change_desk_conf(struct _Config_vdesk *newconf) { E_Manager *m; E_Comp *c; E_Zone *z; E_Desk *d; int old_nb_stacks = 0, new_nb_stacks = newconf->nb_stacks; int i; Eina_List *l; m = e_manager_current_get(); if (!m) return; c = m->comp; z = e_comp_zone_number_get(c, newconf->zone_num); if (!z) return; d = e_desk_at_xy_get(z, newconf->x, newconf->y); if (!d) return; check_tinfo(d); if (_G.tinfo->conf) { old_nb_stacks = _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows != newconf->use_rows) { _G.tinfo->conf = newconf; _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows = !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows; _toggle_rows_cols(); return; } } else { newconf->nb_stacks = 0; } _G.tinfo->conf = newconf; _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks = old_nb_stacks; if (new_nb_stacks == old_nb_stacks) return; if (new_nb_stacks == 0) { for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { for (l = _G.tinfo->stacks[i]; l; l = l->next) { E_Client *ec = l->data; _restore_client(ec); } eina_list_free(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]); _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = NULL; } e_place_zone_region_smart_cleanup(z); } else if (new_nb_stacks > old_nb_stacks) { for (i = new_nb_stacks; i > old_nb_stacks; i--) { _add_stack(); } } else { for (i = new_nb_stacks; i < old_nb_stacks; i++) { _remove_stack(); } } _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks = new_nb_stacks; } static void _e_mod_action_add_stack_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk = get_current_desk(); end_special_input(); check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf) return; _add_stack(); e_config_save_queue(); } static void _e_mod_action_remove_stack_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk = get_current_desk(); end_special_input(); check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) return; _remove_stack(); e_config_save_queue(); } static void _e_mod_action_tg_stack_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk = get_current_desk(); end_special_input(); check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) return; _toggle_rows_cols(); e_config_save_queue(); } /* }}} */ /* Reorganize windows {{{*/ static void _add_client(E_Client *ec) { Client_Extra *extra; int stack; int i; if (!ec) { return; } if (is_floating_window(ec)) { return; } if (!is_tilable(ec)) { return; } if (ec->fullscreen) { return; } if (!_G.tinfo || !_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } extra = _get_or_create_client_extra(ec); /* Stack tiled window below so that winlist doesn't mix up stacking */ evas_object_layer_set(ec->frame, E_LAYER_CLIENT_BELOW); DBG("adding %p", ec); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[0]) { DBG("got stack 0"); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks - 1]) { DBG("using last stack"); stack = _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks - 1; if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->next) { _e_client_unmaximize(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->data, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); } EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); _reorganize_stack(stack); if (ec->maximized) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); } else { /* Add stack */ int nb_stacks = get_stack_count(); int x, y, w, h; int pos, s, size = 0; DBG("add stack"); assert((0 <= nb_stacks) && (nb_stacks < TILING_MAX_STACKS)); e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &x, &y, &w, &h); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { pos = y; s = h; } else { pos = x; s = w; } EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[nb_stacks], ec); for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { size = s / (nb_stacks + 1 - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } _G.tinfo->pos[nb_stacks] = pos; _G.tinfo->size[nb_stacks] = size; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { extra->expected.x = x; extra->expected.y = pos; extra->expected.w = w; extra->expected.h = size; _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); } else { extra->expected.x = pos; extra->expected.y = y; extra->expected.w = size; extra->expected.h = h; _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); } _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); stack = nb_stacks; } } else { DBG("lonely window"); e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &extra->expected.x, &extra->expected.y, &extra->expected.w, &extra->expected.h); if (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[0], ec); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, NULL, &_G.tinfo->pos[0], NULL, &_G.tinfo->size[0]); } else { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &_G.tinfo->pos[0], NULL, &_G.tinfo->size[0], NULL); } stack = 0; } DBG("expected: %dx%d+%d+%d (%p)", extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, ec); } static void _remove_client(E_Client *ec) { int stack; int nb_stacks; int i, j; nb_stacks = get_stack_count(); stack = get_stack(ec); if (stack < 0) return; DBG("removing %p (%d%c)", ec, stack, _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows? 'r':'c'); EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); eina_hash_del(_G.client_extras, ec, NULL); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) { _reorganize_stack(stack); } else { int nb_clients = get_window_count(); if (nb_stacks > nb_clients) { int pos, s; /* Remove stack */ nb_stacks--; assert((0 <= nb_stacks) && (nb_stacks < TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1)); for (i = stack; i < nb_stacks; i++) { _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1]; } _G.tinfo->stacks[nb_stacks] = NULL; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, NULL, &pos, NULL, &s); } else { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &pos, NULL, &s, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { int size; size = s / (nb_stacks - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } } else { for (i = stack+1; i < nb_stacks; i++) { if (eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) > 1) { for (j = stack; j < i - 1; j++) { _G.tinfo->stacks[j] = _G.tinfo->stacks[j+1]; _reorganize_stack(j); } ec = _G.tinfo->stacks[i]->data; EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec); _reorganize_stack(i); _G.tinfo->stacks[i-1] = NULL; EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[i-1], ec); _reorganize_stack(i-1); return; } } for (i = stack-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) == 1) { _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1] = _G.tinfo->stacks[i]; _reorganize_stack(i+1); } else { ec = eina_list_last(_G.tinfo->stacks[i])->data; EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec); _reorganize_stack(i); _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1] = NULL; EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[i+1], ec); _reorganize_stack(i+1); return; } } } } } static void _move_resize_client_stack(E_Client *ec, Client_Extra *extra, int stack, tiling_change_t change) { #define _MOVE_RESIZE_CLIENT_STACK(_pos, _size) \ if (change == TILING_RESIZE) { \ if (stack == TILING_MAX_STACKS || !_G.tinfo->stacks[stack + 1]) { \ /* You're not allowed to resize */ \ ec->_size = extra->expected._size; \ } else { \ int delta = ec->_size - extra->expected._size; \ \ if (delta + 1 > _G.tinfo->size[stack + 1]) \ delta = _G.tinfo->size[stack + 1] - 1; \ \ _move_resize_stack(stack, 0, delta); \ _move_resize_stack(stack + 1, delta, -delta); \ extra->expected._size = ec->_size; \ } \ } else { \ if (stack == 0) { \ /* You're not allowed to move */ \ ec->_pos = extra->expected._pos; \ } else { \ int delta = ec->_pos - extra->expected._pos; \ \ if (delta + 1 > _G.tinfo->size[stack - 1]) \ delta = _G.tinfo->size[stack - 1] - 1; \ \ _move_resize_stack(stack, delta, -delta); \ _move_resize_stack(stack - 1, 0, delta); \ extra->expected._pos = ec->_pos; \ } \ } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _MOVE_RESIZE_CLIENT_STACK(y, h) } else { _MOVE_RESIZE_CLIENT_STACK(x, w) } #undef _MOVE_RESIZE_CLIENT_STACK } static void _move_resize_client_in_stack(E_Client *ec, Client_Extra *extra, int stack, tiling_change_t change) { Eina_List *l; l = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); if (!l) { ERR("unable to ec %p in stack %d", ec, stack); return; } switch (change) { case TILING_RESIZE: if (!l->next) { if (l->prev) { E_Client *prevec = l->prev->data; Client_Extra *prevextra; prevextra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &prevec); if (!prevextra) { ERR("No extra for %p", prevec); return; } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { int delta; delta = ec->w - extra->expected.w; prevextra->expected.w -= delta; extra->expected.x -= delta; extra->expected.w = ec->w; } else { int delta; delta = ec->h - extra->expected.h; prevextra->expected.h -= delta; extra->expected.y -= delta; extra->expected.h = ec->h; } _e_client_resize(prevec, prevextra->expected.w, prevextra->expected.h); _e_client_move(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y); } else { /* You're not allowed to resize */ _e_client_resize(ec, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } } else { E_Client *nextec = l->next->data; Client_Extra *nextextra; nextextra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &nextec); if (!nextextra) { ERR("No extra for %p", nextec); return; } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { int min_width = MAX(nextec->icccm.base_w, 1); int delta; delta = ec->w - extra->expected.w; if (nextextra->expected.w - delta < min_width) delta = nextextra->expected.w - min_width; nextextra->expected.x += delta; nextextra->expected.w -= delta; extra->expected.w += delta; } else { int min_height = MAX(nextec->icccm.base_h, 1); int delta; delta = ec->h - extra->expected.h; if (nextextra->expected.h - delta < min_height) delta = nextextra->expected.h - min_height; nextextra->expected.y += delta; nextextra->expected.h -= delta; extra->expected.h += delta; } _e_client_move_resize(nextec, nextextra->expected.x, nextextra->expected.y, nextextra->expected.w, nextextra->expected.h); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } break; case TILING_MOVE: if (!l->prev) { /* You're not allowed to move */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { ec->x = extra->expected.x; } else { ec->y = extra->expected.y; } _e_client_move(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y); DBG("trying to move %p, but !l->prev", ec); } else { E_Client *prevec = l->prev->data; Client_Extra *prevextra; prevextra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &prevec); if (!prevextra) { ERR("No extra for %p", prevec); return; } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { int delta = ec->x - extra->expected.x; int min_width = MAX(prevec->icccm.base_w, 1); if (prevextra->expected.w - delta < min_width) delta = prevextra->expected.w - min_width; prevextra->expected.w += delta; extra->expected.x += delta; extra->expected.w -= delta; } else { int delta = ec->y - extra->expected.y; int min_height = MAX(prevec->icccm.base_h, 1); if (prevextra->expected.h - delta < min_height) delta = prevextra->expected.h - min_height; prevextra->expected.h += delta; extra->expected.y += delta; extra->expected.h -= delta; } _e_client_resize(prevec, prevextra->expected.w, prevextra->expected.h); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } break; default: ERR("invalid tiling change: %d", change); } } /* }}} */ /* Toggle Floating {{{ */ static void toggle_floating(E_Client *ec) { if (!ec) return; check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) return; if (EINA_LIST_IS_IN(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec)) { EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec); _add_client(ec); } else { _remove_client(ec); _restore_client(ec); EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec); } } static void _e_mod_action_toggle_floating_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { end_special_input(); toggle_floating(e_client_focused_get()); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Swap */ static void _action_swap(E_Client *ec_1, Client_Extra *extra_2) { Client_Extra *extra_1; E_Client *ec_2 = extra_2->client; Eina_List *l_1 = NULL, *l_2 = NULL; geom_t gt; unsigned int ec_2_maximized; int i; extra_1 = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec_1); if (!extra_1) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec_1); return; } for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { if ((l_1 = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec_1))) { break; } } for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { if ((l_2 = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec_2))) { break; } } if (!l_1 || !l_2) { return; } l_1->data = ec_2; l_2->data = ec_1; gt = extra_2->expected; extra_2->expected = extra_1->expected; extra_1->expected = gt; ec_2_maximized = ec_2->maximized; if (ec_2->maximized) _e_client_unmaximize(ec_2, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); if (ec_1->maximized) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec_1, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); _e_client_maximize(ec_2, ec_1->maximized); } if (ec_2_maximized) { _e_client_maximize(ec_1, ec_2_maximized); } _e_client_move_resize(ec_1, extra_1->expected.x, extra_1->expected.y, extra_1->expected.w, extra_1->expected.h); _e_client_move_resize(ec_2, extra_2->expected.x, extra_2->expected.y, extra_2->expected.w, extra_2->expected.h); } static void _e_mod_action_swap_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk; E_Client *focused_ec; desk = get_current_desk(); if (!desk) return; focused_ec = e_client_focused_get(); if (!focused_ec || focused_ec->desk != desk) return; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } _do_overlay(focused_ec, _action_swap, INPUT_MODE_SWAPPING); } /* }}} */ /* Move {{{*/ static void _check_moving_anims(const E_Client *ec, const Client_Extra *extra, int stack) { Eina_List *l = NULL; overlay_t *overlay; int nb_stacks = get_stack_count(); if (stack < 0) { stack = get_stack(ec); if (stack < 0) return; } if (!extra) { extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } } l = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); if (!l) return; /* move left */ overlay = &_G.move_overlays[MOVE_LEFT]; if ((_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && l->prev) || (!_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && !_G.tinfo->stacks[TILING_MAX_STACKS -1] && (ec != _G.tinfo->stacks[0]->data || _G.tinfo->stacks[0]->next))) { if (overlay->popup) { Evas_Coord ew, eh; edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_move(_G.move_overlays[MOVE_LEFT].popup, extra->expected.x - ew/2, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2 - eh/2); } else { Evas_Coord ew, eh; overlay->obj = edje_object_add(ec->comp->evas); _theme_edje_object_set(overlay->obj, "modules/tiling/move/left"); edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); overlay->popup = e_comp_object_util_add(overlay->obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(overlay->popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); evas_object_show(overlay->obj); evas_object_geometry_set(overlay->popup, extra->expected.x - ew/2 - ec->zone->x, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2 - eh/2 - ec->zone->y, ew, eh); evas_object_show(overlay->popup); } } else if (overlay->popup) { if (overlay->popup) { evas_object_hide(overlay->popup); evas_object_del(overlay->popup); overlay->popup = NULL; } } /* move right */ overlay = &_G.move_overlays[MOVE_RIGHT]; if ((_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && l->next) || (!_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && ( stack != TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1 && ((stack == nb_stacks - 1 && _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->next) || (stack != nb_stacks - 1))))) { if (overlay->popup) { Evas_Coord ew, eh; edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_move(_G.move_overlays[MOVE_RIGHT].popup, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w - ew/2, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2 - eh/2); } else { Evas_Coord ew, eh; overlay->obj = edje_object_add(ec->comp->evas); overlay->popup = e_comp_object_util_add(overlay->obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(overlay->popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); _theme_edje_object_set(overlay->obj, "modules/tiling/move/right"); edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_geometry_set(overlay->popup, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w - ew/2 - ec->zone->x, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2 - eh/2 - ec->zone->y, ew, eh); evas_object_show(overlay->popup); } } else if (overlay->popup) { if (overlay->popup) { evas_object_hide(overlay->popup); evas_object_del(overlay->popup); overlay->popup = NULL; } } /* move up */ overlay = &_G.move_overlays[MOVE_UP]; if ((!_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && l->prev) || (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && !_G.tinfo->stacks[TILING_MAX_STACKS -1] && (ec != _G.tinfo->stacks[0]->data || _G.tinfo->stacks[0]->next))) { if (overlay->popup) { Evas_Coord ew, eh; edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_move(_G.move_overlays[MOVE_UP].popup, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2 - ew/2, extra->expected.y - eh/2); } else { Evas_Coord ew, eh; overlay->obj = edje_object_add(ec->comp->evas); overlay->popup = e_comp_object_util_add(overlay->obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(overlay->popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); _theme_edje_object_set(overlay->obj, "modules/tiling/move/up"); edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_geometry_set(overlay->popup, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2 - ew/2 - ec->zone->x, extra->expected.y - eh/2 - ec->zone->y, ew, eh); evas_object_show(overlay->popup); } } else if (overlay->popup) { if (overlay->popup) { evas_object_hide(overlay->popup); evas_object_del(overlay->popup); overlay->popup = NULL; } } /* move down */ overlay = &_G.move_overlays[MOVE_DOWN]; if ((!_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && l->next) || (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows && ( stack != TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1 && ((stack == nb_stacks - 1 && _G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->next) || (stack != nb_stacks - 1))))) { if (overlay->popup) { Evas_Coord ew, eh; edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_move(_G.move_overlays[MOVE_DOWN].popup, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2 - ew/2, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h - eh/2); } else { Evas_Coord ew, eh; overlay->obj = edje_object_add(ec->comp->evas); overlay->popup = e_comp_object_util_add(overlay->obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(overlay->popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); _theme_edje_object_set(overlay->obj, "modules/tiling/move/down"); edje_object_size_min_calc(overlay->obj, &ew, &eh); evas_object_geometry_set(overlay->popup, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2 - ew/2 - ec->zone->x, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h - eh/2 - ec->zone->y, ew, eh); evas_object_show(overlay->popup); } } else if (overlay->popup) { if (overlay->popup) { evas_object_hide(overlay->popup); evas_object_del(overlay->popup); overlay->popup = NULL; } } } static void _move_right_rows_or_down_cols(E_Client *ec, Eina_Bool check_moving_anims) { E_Client *ec_1 = ec, *ec_2 = NULL; Client_Extra *extra_1 = NULL, *extra_2 = NULL; Eina_List *l_1 = NULL, *l_2 = NULL; int stack; stack = get_stack(ec); if (stack < 0) return; l_1 = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec_1); if (!l_1 || !l_1->next) return; l_2 = l_1->next; ec_2 = l_2->data; extra_1 = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec_1); if (!extra_1) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec_1); return; } extra_2 = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec_2); if (!extra_2) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec_2); return; } l_1->data = ec_2; l_2->data = ec_1; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { extra_2->expected.x = extra_1->expected.x; extra_1->expected.x += extra_2->expected.w; } else { extra_2->expected.y = extra_1->expected.y; extra_1->expected.y += extra_2->expected.h; } _e_client_move(ec_1, extra_1->expected.x, extra_1->expected.y); _e_client_move(ec_2, extra_2->expected.x, extra_2->expected.y); if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec_1, extra_1, stack); ecore_evas_pointer_warp(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, extra_1->expected.x + extra_1->expected.w/2, extra_1->expected.y + extra_1->expected.h/2); } static void _move_left_rows_or_up_cols(E_Client *ec, Eina_Bool check_moving_anims) { E_Client *ec_1 = ec, *ec_2 = NULL; Client_Extra *extra_1 = NULL, *extra_2 = NULL; Eina_List *l_1 = NULL, *l_2 = NULL; int stack; stack = get_stack(ec); assert(stack >= 0); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->data == ec) return; l_1 = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec_1); if (!l_1 || !l_1->prev) return; l_2 = l_1->prev; ec_2 = l_2->data; extra_1 = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec_1); if (!extra_1) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec_1); return; } extra_2 = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec_2); if (!extra_2) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec_2); return; } l_1->data = ec_2; l_2->data = ec_1; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { extra_1->expected.x = extra_2->expected.x; extra_2->expected.x += extra_1->expected.w; } else { extra_1->expected.y = extra_2->expected.y; extra_2->expected.y += extra_1->expected.h; } _e_client_move(ec_1, extra_1->expected.x, extra_1->expected.y); _e_client_move(ec_2, extra_2->expected.x, extra_2->expected.y); if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec_1, extra_1, stack); ecore_evas_pointer_warp(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, extra_1->expected.x + extra_1->expected.w/2, extra_1->expected.y + extra_1->expected.h/2); } static void _move_up_rows_or_left_cols(E_Client *ec, Eina_Bool check_moving_anims) { Client_Extra *extra; int stack; int i; int nb_stacks; stack = get_stack(ec); assert(stack >= 0); nb_stacks = get_stack_count(); extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } if (stack == 0) { int x, y, w, h, s; int size = 0, pos; if (nb_stacks >= TILING_MAX_STACKS) return; if (_G.tinfo->stacks[0]->data == ec && !_G.tinfo->stacks[0]->next) return; EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[0], ec); for (i = TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1; i > 0; i--) { _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = _G.tinfo->stacks[i-1]; } _G.tinfo->stacks[0] = NULL; EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[0], ec); e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &x, &y, &w, &h); extra->expected.x = x; extra->expected.y = y; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { s = h; pos = x; size = s / (nb_stacks + 1); extra->expected.w = w; extra->expected.h = size; } else { s = w; pos = y; size = s / (nb_stacks + 1); extra->expected.w = size; extra->expected.h = h; } _G.tinfo->pos[0] = pos; _G.tinfo->size[0] = size; s -= size; pos += size; for (i = 1; i <= nb_stacks; i++) { size = s / (nb_stacks + 1 - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } _reorganize_stack(1); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); if (nb_stacks + 1 > _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks = nb_stacks + 1; e_config_save_queue(); } if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec, extra, 0); ecore_evas_pointer_warp(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2); return; } EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack - 1], ec); if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) { int pos, s; /* Remove stack */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, NULL, &pos, NULL, &s); } else { e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &pos, NULL, &s, NULL); } nb_stacks--; assert((0 <= nb_stacks) && (nb_stacks < TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1)); for (i = stack; i < nb_stacks; i++) { _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1]; } _G.tinfo->stacks[nb_stacks] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { int size; size = s / (nb_stacks - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } _reorganize_stack(stack - 1); } else { _reorganize_stack(stack); _reorganize_stack(stack - 1); } if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec, extra, stack - 1); ecore_evas_pointer_warp(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2); } static void _move_down_rows_or_right_cols(E_Client *ec, Eina_Bool check_moving_anims) { int stack; int nb_stacks; Client_Extra *extra; int i; stack = get_stack(ec); assert(stack >= 0); if (stack == TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1) return; nb_stacks = get_stack_count(); assert((0 < nb_stacks) && (nb_stacks < TILING_MAX_STACKS)); if (stack == nb_stacks - 1 && !_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]->next) return; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack + 1], ec); if (_G.tinfo->stacks[stack] && _G.tinfo->stacks[stack + 1]->next) { _reorganize_stack(stack); _reorganize_stack(stack + 1); if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec, extra, stack + 1); } else if (_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) { /* Add stack */ int x, y, w, h, s; int size = 0, pos; assert(nb_stacks < TILING_MAX_STACKS); _reorganize_stack(stack); e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &x, &y, &w, &h); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { pos = y; s = h; } else { pos = x; s = w; } for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { size = s / (nb_stacks + 1 - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } _G.tinfo->pos[nb_stacks] = pos; _G.tinfo->size[nb_stacks] = size; if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { extra->expected.x = x; extra->expected.y = pos; extra->expected.w = w; extra->expected.h = size; } else { extra->expected.x = pos; extra->expected.y = y; extra->expected.w = size; extra->expected.h = h; } _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); if (nb_stacks + 1 > _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { _G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks = nb_stacks + 1; e_config_save_queue(); } if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec, extra, stack + 1); } else { int x, y, w, h, s, pos; /* Remove stack */ e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &x, &y, &w, &h); nb_stacks--; assert((0 <= nb_stacks) && (nb_stacks < TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1)); for (i = stack; i < nb_stacks; i++) { _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = _G.tinfo->stacks[i + 1]; } if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { pos = y; s = h; } else { pos = x; s = w; } for (i = 0; i < nb_stacks; i++) { int size; size = s / (nb_stacks - i); _set_stack_geometry(i, pos, size); s -= size; pos += size; } _G.tinfo->stacks[nb_stacks] = NULL; _G.tinfo->pos[nb_stacks] = 0; _G.tinfo->size[nb_stacks] = 0; _reorganize_stack(stack); if (check_moving_anims) _check_moving_anims(ec, extra, stack); } ecore_evas_pointer_warp(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, extra->expected.x + extra->expected.w/2, extra->expected.y + extra->expected.h/2); } static Eina_Bool move_key_down(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Key *ev = event; if (ev->event_window != _G.action_input_win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; /* reset timer */ ecore_timer_delay(_G.action_timer, TILING_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT - ecore_timer_pending_get(_G.action_timer)); if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Up") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "k") == 0)) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_up_rows_or_left_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); else _move_left_rows_or_up_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Down") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "j") == 0)) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_down_rows_or_right_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); else _move_right_rows_or_down_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Left") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "h") == 0)) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_left_rows_or_up_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); else _move_up_rows_or_left_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Right") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "l") == 0)) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_right_rows_or_down_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); else _move_down_rows_or_right_cols(_G.focused_ec, true); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } if (strcmp(ev->key, "Return") == 0) goto stop; if (strcmp(ev->key, "Escape") == 0) goto stop; /* TODO: fallback */ return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; stop: end_special_input(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } static void _e_mod_action_move_direct_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params) { E_Desk *desk; E_Client *focused_ec; desk = get_current_desk(); if (!desk) return; focused_ec = e_client_focused_get(); if (!focused_ec || focused_ec->desk != desk) return; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } assert(params != NULL); switch (params[0]) { case 'l': /* left */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_left_rows_or_up_cols(focused_ec, false); else _move_up_rows_or_left_cols(focused_ec, false); break; case 'r': /* right */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_right_rows_or_down_cols(focused_ec, false); else _move_down_rows_or_right_cols(focused_ec, false); break; case 'u': /* up */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_up_rows_or_left_cols(focused_ec, false); else _move_left_rows_or_up_cols(focused_ec, false); break; case 'd': /* down */ if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_down_rows_or_right_cols(focused_ec, false); else _move_right_rows_or_down_cols(focused_ec, false); break; } } static void _e_mod_action_move_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk; E_Client *focused_ec; Ecore_X_Window parent; desk = get_current_desk(); if (!desk) return; focused_ec = e_client_focused_get(); if (!focused_ec || focused_ec->desk != desk) return; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } _G.focused_ec = focused_ec; _G.input_mode = INPUT_MODE_MOVING; /* Get input */ parent = focused_ec->zone->comp->win; _G.action_input_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(parent, 0, 0, 1, 1); if (!_G.action_input_win) { end_special_input(); return; } ecore_x_window_show(_G.action_input_win); if (!e_grabinput_get(_G.action_input_win, 0, _G.action_input_win)) { end_special_input(); return; } _G.action_timer = ecore_timer_add(TILING_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT, _timeout_cb, NULL); _G.handler_key = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, move_key_down, NULL); _check_moving_anims(focused_ec, NULL, -1); } /* }}} */ /* Adjust Transitions {{{ */ static void _transition_overlays_free_cb(void *data) { transition_overlay_t *trov = data; if (trov->overlay.popup) { evas_object_hide(trov->overlay.popup); evas_object_del(trov->overlay.popup); trov->overlay.popup = NULL; } if (trov != _G.transition_overlay) { E_FREE(trov); } } static void _transition_move_cols(tiling_move_t direction) { int delta = TILING_RESIZE_STEP; int stack; Evas_Object *popup = NULL; if (!_G.transition_overlay) return; stack = _G.transition_overlay->stack; if (_G.transition_overlay->ec) { Eina_List *l = NULL; E_Client *ec = _G.transition_overlay->ec, *nextec = NULL; Client_Extra *extra = NULL, *nextextra = NULL; int min_height = 0; int x, y; l = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); if (!l) { ERR("unable to ec %p in stack %d", ec, stack); return; } extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } nextec = l->next->data; nextextra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &nextec); if (!nextextra) { ERR("No extra for %p", nextec); return; } if (direction == MOVE_UP) { delta *= -1; } nextec = l->next->data; min_height = MAX(nextec->icccm.base_h, 1); if (nextextra->expected.h - delta < min_height) delta = nextextra->expected.h - min_height; nextextra->expected.y += delta; nextextra->expected.h -= delta; _e_client_move_resize(nextec, nextextra->expected.x, nextextra->expected.y, nextextra->expected.w, nextextra->expected.h); extra->expected.h += delta; _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); popup = _G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup; evas_object_geometry_get(popup, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); evas_object_move(popup, x, y + delta); } else { int x, y; if (stack == TILING_MAX_STACKS || !_G.tinfo->stacks[stack + 1]) { return; } if (direction == MOVE_LEFT) { delta *= -1; } if (delta + 1 > _G.tinfo->size[stack + 1]) delta = _G.tinfo->size[stack + 1] - 1; _move_resize_stack(stack, 0, delta); _move_resize_stack(stack+1, delta, -delta); popup = _G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup; evas_object_geometry_get(popup, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); evas_object_move(popup, x + delta, y); } } static void _transition_move_rows(tiling_move_t direction) { int delta = TILING_RESIZE_STEP; int stack; int x, y; Evas_Object *popup = NULL; if (!_G.transition_overlay) return; stack = _G.transition_overlay->stack; if (_G.transition_overlay->ec) { Eina_List *l = NULL; E_Client *ec = _G.transition_overlay->ec, *nextec = NULL; Client_Extra *extra = NULL, *nextextra = NULL; int min_width = 0; l = eina_list_data_find_list(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack], ec); if (!l) { ERR("unable to ec %p in stack %d", ec, stack); return; } extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } nextec = l->next->data; nextextra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &nextec); if (!nextextra) { ERR("No extra for %p", nextec); return; } if (direction == MOVE_LEFT) { delta *= -1; } nextec = l->next->data; min_width = MAX(nextec->icccm.base_w, 1); if (nextextra->expected.w - delta < min_width) delta = nextextra->expected.w - min_width; nextextra->expected.x += delta; nextextra->expected.w -= delta; _e_client_move_resize(nextec, nextextra->expected.x, nextextra->expected.y, nextextra->expected.w, nextextra->expected.h); extra->expected.w += delta; _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); popup = _G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup; evas_object_geometry_get(popup, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); evas_object_move(popup, x + delta, y); } else { if (stack == TILING_MAX_STACKS || !_G.tinfo->stacks[stack + 1]) { return; } if (direction == MOVE_UP) { delta *= -1; } if (delta + 1 > _G.tinfo->size[stack + 1]) delta = _G.tinfo->size[stack + 1] - 1; _move_resize_stack(stack, 0, delta); _move_resize_stack(stack+1, delta, -delta); popup = _G.transition_overlay->overlay.popup; evas_object_geometry_get(popup, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); evas_object_move(popup, x, y + delta); } } static Eina_Bool _transition_overlay_key_down(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Event_Key *ev = event; if (ev->event_window != _G.action_input_win) return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; if (strcmp(ev->key, "Return") == 0) goto stop; if (strcmp(ev->key, "Escape") == 0) goto stop; /* reset timer */ ecore_timer_delay(_G.action_timer, TILING_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT - ecore_timer_pending_get(_G.action_timer)); if (_G.transition_overlay) { DBG("ev->key='%s'; %p %d", ev->key, _G.transition_overlay->ec, _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows); if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Up") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "k") == 0)) { if (_G.transition_overlay->ec && !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_cols(MOVE_UP); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if (!_G.transition_overlay->ec && _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_rows(MOVE_UP); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } } else if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Down") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "j") == 0)) { if (_G.transition_overlay->ec && !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_cols(MOVE_DOWN); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if (!_G.transition_overlay->ec && _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_rows(MOVE_DOWN); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } } else if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Left") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "h") == 0)) { if (!_G.transition_overlay->ec && !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_cols(MOVE_LEFT); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if (_G.transition_overlay->ec && _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_rows(MOVE_LEFT); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } } else if ((strcmp(ev->key, "Right") == 0) || (strcmp(ev->key, "l") == 0)) { if (!_G.transition_overlay->ec && !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_cols(MOVE_RIGHT); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } else if (_G.transition_overlay->ec && _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { _transition_move_rows(MOVE_RIGHT); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } else { if (strcmp(ev->key, "Backspace") == 0) { char *key = _G.keys; while (*key) key++; *key = '\0'; return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } if (ev->key[0] && !ev->key[1] && strchr(tiling_g.config->keyhints, ev->key[1])) { transition_overlay_t *trov = NULL; E_Client *ec = NULL; Client_Extra *extra = NULL; Evas_Coord ew, eh; char *key = _G.keys; while (*key) key++; *key++ = ev->key[0]; *key = '\0'; trov = eina_hash_find(_G.overlays, _G.keys); if (!trov) { return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } ec = trov->ec; _G.transition_overlay = trov; eina_hash_free(_G.overlays); _G.overlays = NULL; if (ec) { extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); goto stop; } } if (!trov->overlay.obj) { trov->overlay.obj = edje_object_add(e_comp_get(_G.tinfo->desk)->evas); } if (!trov->overlay.popup) { trov->overlay.popup = e_comp_object_util_add(trov->overlay.obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(trov->overlay.popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); } if ((ec && !_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) || (!ec && _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows)) { _theme_edje_object_set(trov->overlay.obj, "modules/tiling/transition/horizontal"); } else { _theme_edje_object_set(trov->overlay.obj, "modules/tiling/transition/vertical"); } edje_object_size_min_calc(trov->overlay.obj, &ew, &eh); if (ec) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (extra->expected.x - trov->ec->zone->x + extra->expected.w - (ew / 2)), (extra->expected.y - trov->ec->zone->y + ((extra->expected.h - eh) / 2)), ew, eh); } else { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (extra->expected.x - trov->ec->zone->x + ((extra->expected.w - ew) / 2)), (extra->expected.y - trov->ec->zone->y + extra->expected.h - (eh / 2)), ew, eh); } } else { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (trov->ec->zone->w/2 - ew/2), (_G.tinfo->pos[trov->stack] + _G.tinfo->size[trov->stack] - trov->ec->zone->y - eh/2), ew, eh); } else { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (_G.tinfo->pos[trov->stack] + _G.tinfo->size[trov->stack] - trov->ec->zone->x - ew/2), (trov->ec->zone->h/2 - eh/2), ew, eh); } } evas_object_show(trov->overlay.popup); return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } } stop: end_special_input(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } static void _do_transition_overlay(void) { int nb_transitions; Ecore_X_Window parent; int hints_len; int key_len; int n = 0; int nmax; int i; end_special_input(); nb_transitions = get_transition_count(); if (nb_transitions < 1) { return; } _G.input_mode = INPUT_MODE_TRANSITION; _G.overlays = eina_hash_string_small_new(_transition_overlays_free_cb); hints_len = strlen(tiling_g.config->keyhints); key_len = 1; nmax = hints_len; if (hints_len < nb_transitions) { key_len = 2; nmax *= hints_len; if (hints_len * hints_len < nb_transitions) { key_len = 3; nmax *= hints_len; } } for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { Eina_List *l; E_Client *ec; if (!_G.tinfo->stacks[i]) break; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], l, ec) { if (l->next && n < nmax) { Client_Extra *extra; Evas_Coord ew, eh; transition_overlay_t *trov; extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); continue; } trov = E_NEW(transition_overlay_t, 1); trov->overlay.obj = edje_object_add(ec->comp->evas); trov->overlay.popup = e_comp_object_util_add(trov->overlay.obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(trov->overlay.popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); e_theme_edje_object_set(trov->overlay.obj, "base/theme/borders", "e/widgets/border/default/resize"); switch (key_len) { case 1: trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n]; trov->key[1] = '\0'; break; case 2: trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len]; trov->key[1] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n % hints_len]; trov->key[2] = '\0'; break; case 3: trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len / hints_len]; trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len]; trov->key[1] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n % hints_len]; trov->key[2] = '\0'; break; } n++; trov->stack = i; trov->ec = ec; eina_hash_add(_G.overlays, trov->key, trov); edje_object_part_text_set(trov->overlay.obj, "e.text.label", trov->key); edje_object_size_min_calc(trov->overlay.obj, &ew, &eh); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (extra->expected.x - trov->ec->zone->x + extra->expected.w - (ew / 2)), (extra->expected.y - trov->ec->zone->y + ((extra->expected.h - eh) / 2)), ew, eh); } else { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (extra->expected.x - trov->ec->zone->x + ((extra->expected.w - ew) / 2)), (extra->expected.y - trov->ec->zone->y + extra->expected.h - (eh / 2)), ew, eh); } evas_object_show(trov->overlay.popup); } } if (i != (TILING_MAX_STACKS - 1) && _G.tinfo->stacks[i+1] && n < nmax) { Evas_Coord ew, eh; transition_overlay_t *trov; trov = E_NEW(transition_overlay_t, 1); trov->overlay.obj = edje_object_add(e_comp_get(_G.tinfo->desk)->evas); trov->overlay.popup = e_comp_object_util_add(trov->overlay.obj, E_COMP_OBJECT_TYPE_POPUP); evas_object_layer_set(trov->overlay.popup, E_LAYER_CLIENT_NORMAL); e_theme_edje_object_set(trov->overlay.obj, "base/theme/borders", "e/widgets/border/default/resize"); switch (key_len) { case 1: trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n]; trov->key[1] = '\0'; break; case 2: trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len]; trov->key[1] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n % hints_len]; trov->key[2] = '\0'; break; case 3: trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len / hints_len]; trov->key[0] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n / hints_len]; trov->key[1] = tiling_g.config->keyhints[n % hints_len]; trov->key[2] = '\0'; break; } n++; trov->stack = i; trov->ec = NULL; eina_hash_add(_G.overlays, trov->key, trov); edje_object_part_text_set(trov->overlay.obj, "e.text.label", trov->key); edje_object_size_min_calc(trov->overlay.obj, &ew, &eh); if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (trov->ec->zone->w/2 - ew/2), (_G.tinfo->pos[trov->stack] + _G.tinfo->size[trov->stack] - trov->ec->zone->y - eh/2), ew, eh); } else { evas_object_geometry_set(trov->overlay.popup, (_G.tinfo->pos[trov->stack] + _G.tinfo->size[trov->stack] - trov->ec->zone->x - ew/2), (trov->ec->zone->h/2 - eh/2), ew, eh); } evas_object_show(trov->overlay.popup); } } /* Get input */ parent = _G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->win; _G.action_input_win = ecore_x_window_input_new(parent, 0, 0, 1, 1); if (!_G.action_input_win) { end_special_input(); return; } ecore_x_window_show(_G.action_input_win); if (!e_grabinput_get(_G.action_input_win, 0, _G.action_input_win)) { end_special_input(); return; } _G.action_timer = ecore_timer_add(TILING_OVERLAY_TIMEOUT, _timeout_cb, NULL); _G.keys[0] = '\0'; _G.handler_key = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, _transition_overlay_key_down, NULL); } static void _e_mod_action_adjust_transitions(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk; desk = get_current_desk(); if (!desk) return; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } _do_transition_overlay(); } /* }}} */ /* Go {{{ */ static Eina_Bool _warp_timer(void *data __UNUSED__) { if (_G.warp_timer) { double spd = TILING_WRAP_SPEED; _G.old_warp_x = _G.warp_x; _G.old_warp_y = _G.warp_y; _G.warp_x = (_G.warp_x * (1.0 - spd)) + (_G.warp_to_x * spd); _G.warp_y = (_G.warp_y * (1.0 - spd)) + (_G.warp_to_y * spd); ecore_evas_pointer_warp(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, _G.warp_x, _G.warp_y); if (abs(_G.warp_x - _G.old_warp_x) <= 1 && abs(_G.warp_y - _G.old_warp_y) <= 1) { _G.warp_timer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; } _G.warp_timer = NULL; return ECORE_CALLBACK_CANCEL; } static void _action_go(E_Client *data __UNUSED__, Client_Extra *extra_2) { E_Client *ec = extra_2->client; _G.warp_to_x = ec->x + (ec->w / 2); _G.warp_to_y = ec->y + (ec->h / 2); ecore_evas_pointer_xy_get(_G.tinfo->desk->zone->comp->ee, &_G.warp_x, &_G.warp_y); e_client_focus_latest_set(ec); _G.warp_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.01, _warp_timer, NULL); } static void _e_mod_action_go_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params __UNUSED__) { E_Desk *desk; desk = get_current_desk(); if (!desk) return; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } _do_overlay(NULL, _action_go, INPUT_MODE_GOING); } /* }}} */ /* Send to a corner {{{ */ static void _e_mod_action_send_cb(E_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *params) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(2) { E_Desk *desk; E_Client *ec; int x, y, w, h; geom_t g; assert(params != NULL); desk = get_current_desk(); if (!desk) return; ec = e_client_focused_get(); if (!ec || ec->desk != desk) return; if (!is_tilable(ec)) return; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf) return; /* Fill initial values if not already done */ _get_or_create_client_extra(ec); if (!tiling_g.config->show_titles) { if ((ec->bordername && strcmp(ec->bordername, "pixel")) || !ec->bordername) { change_window_border(ec, "pixel"); } } if (ec->maximized) _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); /* add to floating */ if (!EINA_LIST_IS_IN(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec)) { _remove_client(ec); EINA_LIST_APPEND(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec); } e_zone_useful_geometry_get(ec->zone, &x, &y, &w, &h); g.w = w / 2; g.h = h / 2; if (params[0] == 'n') { g.y = 0; if (params[1] == 'w') { /* NW */ g.x = 0; } else { /* NE */ g.x = w / 2; } } else { g.y = h / 2; if (params[1] == 'w') { /* SW */ g.x = 0; } else { /* SE */ g.x = w / 2; } } _e_client_move_resize(ec, g.x, g.y, g.w, g.h); } /* }}} */ /* Hooks {{{*/ static void _pre_client_assign_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, E_Client *ec) { if (tiling_g.config->show_titles) return; if (!ec) { return; } check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } if (is_floating_window(ec)) { return; } if (!is_tilable(ec)) { return; } if (ec->fullscreen) { return; } /* Fill initial values if not already done */ _get_or_create_client_extra(ec); if ((ec->bordername && strcmp(ec->bordername, "pixel")) || !ec->bordername) { change_window_border(ec, "pixel"); } } static void _move_or_resize(E_Client *ec) { Client_Extra *extra; int stack = -1; if (!ec) { return; } check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } stack = get_stack(ec); if (stack < 0) { return; } DBG("Resize: %p / '%s' / '%s', (%d,%d), changes(size=%d, position=%d, client=%d)" " g:%dx%d+%d+%d ecname:'%s' (stack:%d%c) maximized:%s fs:%s", ec, ec->icccm.title, ec->netwm.name, ec->desk->x, ec->desk->y, ec->changes.size, ec->changes.pos, ec->changes.border, ec->w, ec->h, ec->x, ec->y, ec->bordername, stack, _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows? 'r':'c', (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_NONE ? "NONE" : (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL ? "VERTICAL" : (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL ? "HORIZONTAL" : "BOTH", ec->fullscreen? "true": "false"); extra = eina_hash_find(_G.client_extras, &ec); if (!extra) { ERR("No extra for %p", ec); return; } DBG("expected: %dx%d+%d+%d", extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y); DBG("delta:%dx%d,%d,%d. step:%dx%d. base:%dx%d", ec->w - extra->expected.w, ec->h - extra->expected.h, ec->x - extra->expected.x, ec->y - extra->expected.y, ec->icccm.step_w, ec->icccm.step_h, ec->icccm.base_w, ec->icccm.base_h); if (stack == 0 && !_G.tinfo->stacks[1] && !_G.tinfo->stacks[0]->next) { if (ec->maximized) { extra->expected.x = ec->x; extra->expected.y = ec->y; extra->expected.w = ec->w; extra->expected.h = ec->h; } else { /* TODO: what if a window doesn't want to be maximized? */ _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); _e_client_maximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_EXPAND | E_MAXIMIZE_BOTH); } } if (ec->x == extra->expected.x && ec->y == extra->expected.y && ec->w == extra->expected.w && ec->h == extra->expected.h) { return; } if (ec->maximized) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) { if (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } if (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL && eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) > 1) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } } else { if (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } if (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL && eina_list_count(_G.tinfo->stacks[stack]) > 1) { _e_client_unmaximize(ec, E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL); _e_client_move_resize(ec, extra->expected.x, extra->expected.y, extra->expected.w, extra->expected.h); } } } if (abs(extra->expected.w - ec->w) >= MAX(ec->icccm.step_w, 1)) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_resize_client_in_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_RESIZE); else _move_resize_client_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_RESIZE); } if (abs(extra->expected.h - ec->h) >= MAX(ec->icccm.step_h, 1)) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_resize_client_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_RESIZE); else _move_resize_client_in_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_RESIZE); } if (extra->expected.x != ec->x) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_resize_client_in_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_MOVE); else _move_resize_client_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_MOVE); } if (extra->expected.y != ec->y) { if (_G.tinfo->conf->use_rows) _move_resize_client_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_MOVE); else _move_resize_client_in_stack(ec, extra, stack, TILING_MOVE); } if (_G.input_mode == INPUT_MODE_MOVING && ec == _G.focused_ec) { _check_moving_anims(ec, extra, stack); } } static Eina_Bool _resize_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client *event) { E_Client *ec = event->ec; _move_or_resize(ec); return true; } static Eina_Bool _move_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client*event) { E_Client *ec = event->ec; _move_or_resize(ec); return true; } static Eina_Bool _add_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client *event) { E_Client *ec = event->ec; int stack = -1; if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; if (_G.input_mode != INPUT_MODE_NONE && _G.input_mode != INPUT_MODE_MOVING && _G.input_mode != INPUT_MODE_TRANSITION) { end_special_input(); } check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return true; } if (!is_tilable(ec)) { return true; } stack = get_stack(ec); if (stack >= 0) { return true; } DBG("Add: %p / '%s' / '%s', (%d,%d), changes(size=%d, position=%d, client=%d)" " g:%dx%d+%d+%d ecname:'%s' (stack:%d%c) maximized:%s fs:%s", ec, ec->icccm.title, ec->netwm.name, ec->desk->x, ec->desk->y, ec->changes.size, ec->changes.pos, ec->changes.border, ec->w, ec->h, ec->x, ec->y, ec->bordername, stack, _G.tinfo->conf->use_rows? 'r':'c', (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_NONE ? "NONE" : (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_VERTICAL ? "VERTICAL" : (ec->maximized & E_MAXIMIZE_DIRECTION) == E_MAXIMIZE_HORIZONTAL ? "HORIZONTAL" : "BOTH", ec->fullscreen? "true": "false"); _add_client(ec); return true; } static Eina_Bool _remove_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client *event) { E_Client *ec = event->ec; if (e_client_util_ignored_get(ec)) return ECORE_CALLBACK_RENEW; end_special_input(); if (_G.currently_switching_desktop) return true; check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf) return true; if (EINA_LIST_IS_IN(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec)) { EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec); return true; } _remove_client(ec); return true; } static bool _iconify_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client *event) { E_Client *ec = event->ec; DBG("iconify hook: %p", ec); end_special_input(); if (ec->deskshow) return true; check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf) return true; if (EINA_LIST_IS_IN(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ec)) { return true; } _remove_client(ec); return true; } static bool _uniconify_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client *event) { E_Client *ec = event->ec; int stack = -1; if (_G.input_mode != INPUT_MODE_NONE && _G.input_mode != INPUT_MODE_MOVING && _G.input_mode != INPUT_MODE_TRANSITION) { end_special_input(); } if (ec->deskshow) return true; check_tinfo(ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return true; } if (!is_tilable(ec)) { return true; } stack = get_stack(ec); if (stack >= 0) { return true; } _add_client(ec); return true; } static Eina_Bool _stick_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event __UNUSED__) { DBG("TODO"); return true; } static Eina_Bool _unstick_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event __UNUSED__) { DBG("TODO"); return true; } static Eina_Bool _desk_show_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event __UNUSED__) { _G.currently_switching_desktop = 0; end_special_input(); return true; } static Eina_Bool _desk_before_show_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event __UNUSED__) { end_special_input(); _G.currently_switching_desktop = 1; return true; } static bool _desk_set_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Client_Desk_Set *ev) { DBG("%p: from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)", ev->ec, ev->desk->x, ev->desk->y, ev->ec->desk->x, ev->ec->desk->y); end_special_input(); check_tinfo(ev->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf) { return true; } if (is_floating_window(ev->ec)) { EINA_LIST_REMOVE(_G.tinfo->floating_windows, ev->ec); } else { if (get_stack(ev->ec) >= 0) { _remove_client(ev->ec); _restore_client(ev->ec); } } check_tinfo(ev->ec->desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf) { return true; } if (get_stack(ev->ec) < 0) _add_client(ev->ec); return true; } static bool _compositor_resize_hook(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, E_Event_Compositor_Resize *ev) { Eina_List *l; E_Zone *zone; int x, y, i; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ev->comp->zones, l, zone) { for (x = 0; x < zone->desk_x_count; x++) { for (y = 0; y < zone->desk_y_count; y++) { E_Desk *desk = zone->desks[x + (y * zone->desk_x_count)]; Eina_List *wins = NULL; E_Client *ec; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { EINA_LIST_FREE(_G.tinfo->stacks[i], ec) { EINA_LIST_APPEND(wins, ec); _restore_client(ec); } _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = NULL; _G.tinfo->pos[i] = 0; _G.tinfo->size[i] = 0; } EINA_LIST_FREE(wins, ec) { _add_client(ec); } } } } return true; } /* }}} */ /* Module setup {{{*/ static void _clear_info_hash(void *data) { Tiling_Info *ti = data; int i; eina_list_free(ti->floating_windows); for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { eina_list_free(ti->stacks[i]); ti->stacks[i] = NULL; } E_FREE(ti); } static void _clear_border_extras(void *data) { Client_Extra *extra = data; eina_stringshare_del(extra->orig.bordername); E_FREE(extra); } EAPI E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Tiling" }; EAPI void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { E_Desk *desk; Eina_List *l; tiling_g.module = m; if (tiling_g.log_domain < 0) { tiling_g.log_domain = eina_log_domain_register("tiling", NULL); if (tiling_g.log_domain < 0) { EINA_LOG_CRIT("could not register log domain 'tiling'"); } } _G.info_hash = eina_hash_pointer_new(_clear_info_hash); _G.client_extras = eina_hash_pointer_new(_clear_border_extras); _G.pre_client_assign_hook = e_client_hook_add( E_CLIENT_HOOK_EVAL_PRE_FRAME_ASSIGN, _pre_client_assign_hook, NULL); #define HANDLER(_h, _e, _f) \ _h = ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_##_e, \ (Ecore_Event_Handler_Cb) _f, \ NULL); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_resize, CLIENT_RESIZE, _resize_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_move, CLIENT_MOVE, _move_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_add, CLIENT_ADD, _add_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_remove, CLIENT_REMOVE, _remove_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_iconify, CLIENT_ICONIFY, _iconify_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_uniconify, CLIENT_UNICONIFY, _uniconify_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_stick, CLIENT_PROPERTY, _stick_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_client_unstick, CLIENT_PROPERTY, _unstick_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_desk_show, DESK_SHOW, _desk_show_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_desk_before_show, DESK_BEFORE_SHOW, _desk_before_show_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_desk_set, CLIENT_DESK_SET, _desk_set_hook); HANDLER(_G.handler_compositor_resize, COMPOSITOR_RESIZE, _compositor_resize_hook); #undef HANDLER #define ACTION_ADD(_act, _cb, _title, _value, _params, _example, _editable) \ { \ E_Action *_action = _act; \ const char *_name = _value; \ if ((_action = e_action_add(_name))) { \ _action->func.go = _cb; \ e_action_predef_name_set(N_("Tiling"), _title, _name, \ _params, _example, _editable); \ } \ } /* Module's actions */ ACTION_ADD(_G.act_togglefloat, _e_mod_action_toggle_floating_cb, N_("Toggle floating"), "toggle_floating", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_addstack, _e_mod_action_add_stack_cb, N_("Add a stack"), "add_stack", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_removestack, _e_mod_action_remove_stack_cb, N_("Remove a stack"), "remove_stack", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_tg_stack, _e_mod_action_tg_stack_cb, N_("Toggle between rows and columns"), "tg_cols_rows", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_swap, _e_mod_action_swap_cb, N_("Swap a window with an other"), "swap", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_move, _e_mod_action_move_cb, N_("Move window"), "move", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_move_left, _e_mod_action_move_direct_cb, N_("Move window to the left"), "move_left", "left", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_move_right, _e_mod_action_move_direct_cb, N_("Move window to the right"), "move_right", "right", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_move_up, _e_mod_action_move_direct_cb, N_("Move window up"), "move_up", "up", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_move_down, _e_mod_action_move_direct_cb, N_("Move window down"), "move_down", "down", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_adjusttransitions, _e_mod_action_adjust_transitions, N_("Adjust transitions"), "adjust_transitions", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_go, _e_mod_action_go_cb, N_("Focus a particular window"), "go", NULL, NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_send_ne, _e_mod_action_send_cb, N_("Send to upper right corner"), "send_ne", "ne", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_send_nw, _e_mod_action_send_cb, N_("Send to upper left corner"), "send_nw", "nw", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_send_se, _e_mod_action_send_cb, N_("Send to lower right corner"), "send_se", "se", NULL, 0); ACTION_ADD(_G.act_send_sw, _e_mod_action_send_cb, N_("Send to lower left corner"), "send_sw", "sw", NULL, 0); #undef ACTION_ADD /* Configuration entries */ snprintf(_G.edj_path, sizeof(_G.edj_path),"%s/e-module-tiling.edj", e_module_dir_get(m)); e_configure_registry_category_add("windows", 50, _("Windows"), NULL, "preferences-system-windows"); e_configure_registry_item_add("windows/tiling", 150, _("Tiling"), NULL, _G.edj_path, e_int_config_tiling_module); /* Configuration itself */ _G.config_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("Tiling_Config", Config); _G.vdesk_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("Tiling_Config_VDesk", struct _Config_vdesk); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.config_edd, Config, tile_dialogs, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.config_edd, Config, show_titles, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.config_edd, Config, keyhints, STR); E_CONFIG_LIST(_G.config_edd, Config, vdesks, _G.vdesk_edd); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.vdesk_edd, struct _Config_vdesk, x, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.vdesk_edd, struct _Config_vdesk, y, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.vdesk_edd, struct _Config_vdesk, zone_num, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.vdesk_edd, struct _Config_vdesk, nb_stacks, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(_G.vdesk_edd, struct _Config_vdesk, use_rows, INT); tiling_g.config = e_config_domain_load("module.tiling", _G.config_edd); if (!tiling_g.config) { tiling_g.config = E_NEW(Config, 1); tiling_g.config->tile_dialogs = 1; tiling_g.config->show_titles = 1; } if (!tiling_g.config->keyhints) tiling_g.config->keyhints = strdup(tiling_g.default_keyhints); else tiling_g.config->keyhints = strdup(tiling_g.config->keyhints); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(tiling_g.config->tile_dialogs, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(tiling_g.config->show_titles, 0, 1); for (l = tiling_g.config->vdesks; l; l = l->next) { struct _Config_vdesk *vd; vd = l->data; E_CONFIG_LIMIT(vd->nb_stacks, 0, TILING_MAX_STACKS); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(vd->use_rows, 0, 1); } desk = get_current_desk(); _G.tinfo = _initialize_tinfo(desk); _G.input_mode = INPUT_MODE_NONE; _G.currently_switching_desktop = 0; _G.action_cb = NULL; return m; } static void _disable_desk(E_Desk *desk) { Eina_List *l; int i; check_tinfo(desk); if (!_G.tinfo->conf || !_G.tinfo->conf->nb_stacks) { return; } for (i = 0; i < TILING_MAX_STACKS; i++) { for (l = _G.tinfo->stacks[i]; l; l = l->next) { E_Client *ec = l->data; _restore_client(ec); } eina_list_free(_G.tinfo->stacks[i]); _G.tinfo->stacks[i] = NULL; } } static void _disable_all_tiling(void) { const Eina_List *l, *ll; E_Comp *comp; E_Zone *zone; E_Desk *desk; int x, y; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_comp_list(), l, comp) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(comp->zones, ll, zone) { for (x = 0; x < zone->desk_x_count; x++) { for (y = 0; y < zone->desk_y_count; y++) { desk = zone->desks[x + (y * zone->desk_x_count)]; _disable_desk(desk); } } e_place_zone_region_smart_cleanup(zone); } } } EAPI int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m __UNUSED__) { _disable_all_tiling(); if (tiling_g.log_domain >= 0) { eina_log_domain_unregister(tiling_g.log_domain); tiling_g.log_domain = -1; } if (_G.pre_client_assign_hook) { e_client_hook_del(_G.pre_client_assign_hook); _G.pre_client_assign_hook = NULL; } #define FREE_HANDLER(x) \ if (x) { \ ecore_event_handler_del(x); \ x = NULL; \ } FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_resize); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_move); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_add); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_remove); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_iconify); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_uniconify); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_stick); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_client_unstick); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_desk_show); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_desk_before_show); FREE_HANDLER(_G.handler_desk_set); #undef FREE_HANDLER #define ACTION_DEL(act, title, value) \ if (act) { \ e_action_predef_name_del("Tiling", title); \ e_action_del(value); \ act = NULL; \ } ACTION_DEL(_G.act_togglefloat, "Toggle floating", "toggle_floating"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_addstack, "Add a stack", "add_stack"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_removestack, "Remove a stack", "remove_stack"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_tg_stack, "Toggle between rows and columns", "tg_cols_rows"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_swap, "Swap a window with an other", "swap"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_move, "Move window", "move"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_move_left, "Move window to the left", "move_left"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_move_right, "Move window to the right", "move_right"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_move_up, "Move window up", "move_up"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_move_down, "Move window down", "move_down"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_adjusttransitions, "Adjust transitions", "adjust_transitions"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_go, "Focus a particular window", "go"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_send_ne, "Send to upper right corner", "send_ne"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_send_nw, "Send to upper left corner", "send_nw"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_send_se, "Send to lower right corner", "send_se"); ACTION_DEL(_G.act_send_sw, "Send to lower left corner", "send_sw"); #undef ACTION_DEL e_configure_registry_item_del("windows/tiling"); e_configure_registry_category_del("windows"); end_special_input(); free(tiling_g.config->keyhints); E_FREE(tiling_g.config); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_G.config_edd); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_G.vdesk_edd); tiling_g.module = NULL; eina_hash_free(_G.info_hash); _G.info_hash = NULL; eina_hash_free(_G.client_extras); _G.client_extras = NULL; _G.tinfo = NULL; return 1; } EAPI int e_modapi_save(E_Module *m __UNUSED__) { e_config_domain_save("module.tiling", _G.config_edd, tiling_g.config); return true; } /* }}} */