#include "e.h" /* Motif window hints */ #define MWM_HINTS_FUNCTIONS (1L << 0) #define MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS (1L << 1) #define MWM_HINTS_INPUT_MODE (1L << 2) #define MWM_HINTS_STATUS (1L << 3) /* bit definitions for MwmHints.functions */ #define MWM_FUNC_ALL (1L << 0) #define MWM_FUNC_RESIZE (1L << 1) #define MWM_FUNC_MOVE (1L << 2) #define MWM_FUNC_MINIMIZE (1L << 3) #define MWM_FUNC_MAXIMIZE (1L << 4) #define MWM_FUNC_CLOSE (1L << 5) /* bit definitions for MwmHints.decorations */ #define MWM_DECOR_ALL (1L << 0) #define MWM_DECOR_BORDER (1L << 1) #define MWM_DECOR_RESIZEH (1L << 2) #define MWM_DECOR_TITLE (1L << 3) #define MWM_DECOR_MENU (1L << 4) #define MWM_DECOR_MINIMIZE (1L << 5) #define MWM_DECOR_MAXIMIZE (1L << 6) /* bit definitions for MwmHints.inputMode */ #define MWM_INPUT_MODELESS 0 #define MWM_INPUT_PRIMARY_APPLICATION_MODAL 1 #define MWM_INPUT_SYSTEM_MODAL 2 #define MWM_INPUT_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL 3 #define PROP_MWM_HINTS_ELEMENTS 5 /* Motif window hints */ typedef struct _mwmhints { int flags; int functions; int decorations; int inputMode; int status; } MWMHints; void e_icccm_move_resize(Window win, int x, int y, int w, int h) { e_window_send_event_move_resize(win, x, y, w, h); } void e_icccm_delete(Window win) { static Atom a_wm_delete_window = 0; static Atom a_wm_protocols = 0; int *props; int size; int del_win = 0; E_ATOM(a_wm_delete_window, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW"); E_ATOM(a_wm_protocols, "WM_PROTOCOLS"); props = e_window_property_get(win, a_wm_protocols, XA_ATOM, &size); if (props) { int i, num; num = size / sizeof(int); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (props[i] == (int)a_wm_delete_window) del_win = 1; } FREE(props); } if (del_win) { unsigned int data[5]; data[0] = a_wm_delete_window; data[1] = CurrentTime; e_window_send_client_message(win, a_wm_protocols, 32, data); } else { e_window_kill_client(win); } } void e_icccm_state_mapped(Window win) { static Atom a_wm_state = 0; unsigned int data[2]; E_ATOM(a_wm_state, "WM_STATE"); data[0] = NormalState; data[1] = 0; e_window_property_set(win, a_wm_state, a_wm_state, 32, data, 2); } void e_icccm_state_iconified(Window win) { static Atom a_wm_state = 0; unsigned int data[2]; E_ATOM(a_wm_state, "WM_STATE"); data[0] = IconicState; data[1] = 0; e_window_property_set(win, a_wm_state, a_wm_state, 32, data, 2); } void e_icccm_state_withdrawn(Window win) { static Atom a_wm_state = 0; unsigned int data[2]; E_ATOM(a_wm_state, "WM_STATE"); data[0] = WithdrawnState; data[1] = 0; e_window_property_set(win, a_wm_state, a_wm_state, 32, data, 2); } void e_icccm_adopt(Window win) { e_window_add_to_save_set(win); } void e_icccm_release(Window win) { e_window_del_from_save_set(win); } void e_icccm_get_size_info(Window win, E_Border *b) { int x, y, w, h; int base_w, base_h, min_w, min_h, max_w, max_h, grav, step_w, step_h; double aspect_min, aspect_max; int mask; XSizeHints hint; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0; h = 0; e_window_get_geometry(win, &x, &y, &w, &h); grav = NorthWestGravity; mask = 0; min_w = 0; min_h = 0; max_w = 65535; max_h = 65535; aspect_min = 0.0; aspect_max = 999999.0; step_w = 1; step_h = 1; base_w = 0; base_h = 0; if (e_window_get_wm_size_hints(win, &hint, &mask)) { if (!b->placed) { if (hint.flags & PWinGravity) grav = hint.win_gravity; if ((hint.flags & USPosition) || ((hint.flags & PPosition))) { } else { /* get x,y location of client */ x = rand()%640; y = rand()%480; } } else { int pl, pr, pt, pb; pl = pr = pt = pb = 0; if (b->bits.t) ebits_get_insets(b->bits.t, &pl, &pr, &pt, &pb); x = b->current.x + pl; y = b->current.y + pt; } if (hint.flags & PMinSize) { min_w = hint.min_width; min_h = hint.min_height; } if (hint.flags & PMaxSize) { max_w = hint.max_width; max_h = hint.max_height; if (max_w < min_w) max_w = min_w; if (max_h < min_h) max_h = min_h; } if (hint.flags & PResizeInc) { step_w = hint.width_inc; step_h = hint.height_inc; if (step_w < 1) step_w = 1; if (step_h < 1) step_h = 1; } if (hint.flags & PBaseSize) { base_w = hint.base_width; base_h = hint.base_height; if (base_w > max_w) max_w = base_w; if (base_h > max_h) max_h = base_h; } else { base_w = min_w; base_h = min_h; } if (hint.flags & PAspect) { if (hint.min_aspect.y > 0) aspect_min = ((double)hint.min_aspect.x) / ((double)hint.min_aspect.y); if (hint.max_aspect.y > 0) aspect_max = ((double)hint.max_aspect.x) / ((double)hint.max_aspect.y); } } else { if (!b->placed) { /* get x,y location of client */ x = rand()%640; y = rand()%480; } else { int pl, pr, pt, pb; pl = pr = pt = pb = 0; if (b->bits.t) ebits_get_insets(b->bits.t, &pl, &pr, &pt, &pb); x = b->current.x + pl; y = b->current.y + pt; } } { int pl, pr, pt, pb; pl = pr = pt = pb = 0; if (b->bits.t) ebits_get_insets(b->bits.t, &pl, &pr, &pt, &pb); b->current.requested.x = x - pl; b->current.requested.y = y - pt; b->current.requested.w = w + pl + pr; b->current.requested.h = h + pt + pb; b->client.min.w = min_w; b->client.min.h = min_h; b->client.max.w = max_w; b->client.max.h = max_h; b->client.base.w = base_w; b->client.base.h = base_h; b->client.step.w = step_w; b->client.step.h = step_h; b->client.min.aspect = aspect_min; b->client.max.aspect = aspect_max; b->changed = 1; } } void e_icccm_get_mwm_hints(Window win, E_Border *b) { static Atom a_motif_wm_hints = 0; MWMHints *mwmhints; int size; E_ATOM(a_motif_wm_hints, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS"); mwmhints = e_window_property_get(win, a_motif_wm_hints, a_motif_wm_hints, &size); if (mwmhints) { int num; num = size / sizeof(int); if (num < PROP_MWM_HINTS_ELEMENTS) { FREE(mwmhints); return; } if (mwmhints->flags & MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS) { b->client.border = 0; b->client.handles = 0; b->client.titlebar = 0; if (mwmhints->decorations & MWM_DECOR_ALL) { b->client.border = 1; b->client.handles = 1; b->client.titlebar = 1; } if (mwmhints->decorations & MWM_DECOR_BORDER) b->client.border = 1; if (mwmhints->decorations & MWM_DECOR_RESIZEH) b->client.handles = 1; if (mwmhints->decorations & MWM_DECOR_TITLE) b->client.titlebar = 1; } FREE(mwmhints); } } void e_icccm_get_layer(Window win, E_Border *b) { static Atom a_win_layer = 0; int *props; int size; E_ATOM(a_win_layer, "_WIN_LAYER"); props = e_window_property_get(win, a_win_layer, XA_CARDINAL, &size); if (props) { int num; num = size / sizeof(int); if (num > 0) b->client.layer = props[0]; FREE(props); } } void e_icccm_set_frame_size(Window win, int l, int r, int t, int b) { static Atom a_e_frame_size = 0; int props[4]; E_ATOM(a_e_frame_size, "_E_FRAME_SIZE"); props[0] = l; props[1] = r; props[2] = t; props[3] = b; e_window_property_set(win, a_e_frame_size, XA_CARDINAL, 32, props, 4); } void e_icccm_set_desk_area(Window win, int ax, int ay) { static Atom a_win_area = 0; int props[2]; E_ATOM(a_win_area, "_WIN_AREA"); props[0] = ax; props[1] = ay; e_window_property_set(win, a_win_area, XA_CARDINAL, 32, props, 2); } void e_icccm_set_desk_area_size(Window win, int ax, int ay) { static Atom a_win_area_count = 0; int props[2]; E_ATOM(a_win_area_count, "_WIN_AREA_COUNT"); props[0] = ax; props[1] = ay; e_window_property_set(win, a_win_area_count, XA_CARDINAL, 32, props, 2); } void e_icccm_set_desk(Window win, int d) { static Atom a_win_workspace = 0; int props[2]; E_ATOM(a_win_workspace, "_WIN_WORKSPACE"); props[0] = d; e_window_property_set(win, a_win_workspace, XA_CARDINAL, 32, props, 1); } void e_icccm_handle_property_change(Atom a, E_Border *b) { static Atom a_wm_normal_hints = 0; E_ATOM(a_wm_normal_hints, "WM_NORMAL_HINTS"); if (a == a_wm_normal_hints) e_icccm_get_size_info(b->win.client, b); } void e_icccm_handle_client_message(Ev_Message *e) { return; UN(e); } void e_icccm_advertise_e_compat(void) { } void e_icccm_advertise_mwm_compat(void) { static Atom a_motif_wm_info = 0; int props[2]; E_ATOM(a_motif_wm_info, "_MOTIF_WM_INFO"); props[0] = 2; props[0] = e_window_root(); e_window_property_set(0, a_motif_wm_info, a_motif_wm_info, 32, props, 2); } void e_icccm_advertise_gnome_compat(void) { static Atom a_win_supporting_wm_check = 0; static Atom a_win_protocols = 0; static Atom a_win_wm_name = 0; static Atom a_win_wm_version = 0; static Atom a_win_layer = 0; int props[32]; Window win; E_ATOM(a_win_protocols, "_WIN_PROTOCOLS"); E_ATOM(a_win_layer, "_WIN_LAYER"); props[0] = a_win_protocols; e_window_property_set(0, a_win_protocols, XA_ATOM, 32, props, 1); E_ATOM(a_win_wm_name, "_WIN_WM_NAME"); e_window_property_set(0, a_win_wm_name, XA_STRING, 8, "Enlightenment", strlen("Enlightenment")); E_ATOM(a_win_wm_version, "_WIN_WM_VERSION"); e_window_property_set(0, a_win_wm_version, XA_STRING, 8, "0.17.0", strlen("0.17.0")); E_ATOM(a_win_supporting_wm_check, "_WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK"); win = e_window_override_new(0, 0, 0, 7, 7); props[0] = win; e_window_property_set(win, a_win_supporting_wm_check, XA_CARDINAL, 32, props, 1); e_window_property_set(0, a_win_supporting_wm_check, XA_CARDINAL, 32, props, 1); } void e_icccm_advertise_kde_compat(void) { } void e_icccm_advertise_net_compat(void) { }