#define E_COMP_WL #include "e.h" #include E_API E_Module_Api e_modapi = { E_MODULE_API_VERSION, "Wl_Drm" }; static Ecore_Event_Handler *activate_handler; static Ecore_Event_Handler *output_handler; static Eina_Bool session_state = EINA_FALSE; static Eina_Bool _e_mod_drm_cb_activate(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Drm_Event_Activate *e; if (!(e = event)) goto end; if (e->active) { E_Client *ec; if (session_state) goto end; session_state = EINA_TRUE; ecore_evas_show(e_comp->ee); E_CLIENT_FOREACH(ec) { if (ec->visible && (!ec->input_only)) e_comp_object_damage(ec->frame, 0, 0, ec->w, ec->h); } e_comp_render_queue(); e_comp_shape_queue_block(0); ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_COMPOSITOR_ENABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { session_state = EINA_FALSE; ecore_evas_hide(e_comp->ee); edje_file_cache_flush(); edje_collection_cache_flush(); evas_image_cache_flush(e_comp->evas); evas_font_cache_flush(e_comp->evas); evas_render_dump(e_comp->evas); e_comp_render_queue(); e_comp_shape_queue_block(1); ecore_event_add(E_EVENT_COMPOSITOR_DISABLE, NULL, NULL, NULL); } end: return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static Eina_Bool _e_mod_drm_cb_output(void *data EINA_UNUSED, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) { Ecore_Drm_Event_Output *e; char buff[PATH_MAX]; if (!(e = event)) goto end; if (!e->plug) { DBG("Caught Drm Output Unplug Event"); /* FIXME: This needs to remove output from e_comp_wl */ goto end; } snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", e->id); if (!e_comp_wl_output_init(buff, e->make, e->model, e->x, e->y, e->w, e->h, e->phys_width, e->phys_height, e->refresh, e->subpixel_order, e->transform)) { ERR("Could not setup new output: %s", buff); } end: if (!e_randr2_cfg->ignore_hotplug_events) e_randr2_screen_refresh_queue(EINA_TRUE); return ECORE_CALLBACK_PASS_ON; } static void _e_mod_drm_cb_ee_resize(Ecore_Evas *ee EINA_UNUSED) { e_comp_canvas_update(); } static Ecore_Drm_Output_Mode * _e_mod_drm_mode_screen_find(E_Randr2_Screen *s, Ecore_Drm_Output *output) { Ecore_Drm_Output_Mode *mode, *m = NULL; const Eina_List *l; int diff, distance = 0x7fffffff; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ecore_drm_output_modes_get(output), l, mode) { diff = (100 * abs(s->config.mode.w - mode->width)) + (100 * abs(s->config.mode.h - mode->height)) + abs((100 * s->config.mode.refresh) - (100 * mode->refresh)); if (diff < distance) { m = mode; distance = diff; } } return m; } static E_Randr2 * _drm_randr_create(void) { Ecore_Drm_Device *dev; Ecore_Drm_Output *output; const Eina_List *l, *ll; E_Randr2 *r = NULL; const char *conn_types[] = { "None", "VGA", "DVI-I", "DVI-D", "DVI-A", "Composite", "S-Video", "LVDS", "Component", "DIN", "DisplayPort", "HDMI-A", "HDMI-B", "TV", "eDP", "Virtual", "DSI", "UNKNOWN" }; E_Randr2_Connector rtype[] = { E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_DVI, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_DVI, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_DVI, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_PORT, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_HDMI_A, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_HDMI_B, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_PORT, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, E_RANDR2_CONNECTOR_UNDEFINED, }; unsigned int type; printf("DRM RRR: ................. info get!\n"); r = E_NEW(E_Randr2, 1); if (!r) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ecore_drm_devices_get(), l, dev) { EINA_LIST_FOREACH(dev->outputs, ll, output) { E_Randr2_Screen *s; E_Config_Randr2_Screen *cs; const Eina_List *m; Ecore_Drm_Output_Mode *omode; size_t n, e = 0; unsigned int j; int priority; Eina_Bool ok = EINA_FALSE; Eina_Bool possible = EINA_FALSE; s = E_NEW(E_Randr2_Screen, 1); if (!s) continue; s->info.name = ecore_drm_output_name_get(output); printf("DRM RRR: .... out %s\n", s->info.name); s->info.connected = ecore_drm_output_connected_get(output); printf("DRM RRR: ...... connected %i\n", s->info.connected); if (s->info.connected) { s->info.edid = ecore_drm_output_edid_get(output); e = strlen(s->info.edid ?: ""); } n = strlen(s->info.name); s->id = malloc(n + e + 2); eina_str_join_len(s->id, n + e + 2, '/', s->info.name, n, s->info.edid ?: "", e); s->id[n + e + 1] = 0; type = MIN(ecore_drm_output_connector_type_get(output), EINA_C_ARRAY_LENGTH(conn_types) - 1); s->info.connector = rtype[type]; s->info.is_lid = ((type == DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_LVDS) || (type == DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_eDP)); s->info.lid_closed = (s->info.is_lid && e_acpi_lid_is_closed()); printf("DRM RRR: ...... lid_closed = %i (%i && %i)\n", s->info.lid_closed, s->info.is_lid, e_acpi_lid_is_closed()); s->info.backlight = ecore_drm_output_backlight_get(output); ecore_drm_output_physical_size_get(output, &s->info.size.w, &s->info.size.h); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ecore_drm_output_modes_get(output), m, omode) { E_Randr2_Mode *rmode; rmode = malloc(sizeof(E_Randr2_Mode)); if (!rmode) continue; rmode->w = omode->width; rmode->h = omode->height; rmode->refresh = omode->refresh; rmode->preferred = (omode->flags & DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED); s->info.modes = eina_list_append(s->info.modes, rmode); } /* TODO: this does NOT handle possibles yet */ cs = NULL; priority = 0; if (e_randr2_cfg) cs = e_randr2_config_screen_find(s, e_randr2_cfg); if (cs) priority = cs->priority; else if (ecore_drm_output_primary_get(dev) == output) priority = 100; s->config.priority = priority; for (j = 0; j < dev->crtc_count; j++) { if (dev->crtcs[j] == ecore_drm_output_crtc_id_get(output)) { ok = EINA_TRUE; break; } } if (!ok) { /* get possible crtcs, compare to output_crtc_id_get */ WRN("GET POSSIBLE CRTCS"); } if ((ok) && (!possible)) { unsigned int refresh; ecore_drm_output_position_get(output, &s->config.geom.x, &s->config.geom.y); ecore_drm_output_crtc_size_get(output, &s->config.geom.w, &s->config.geom.h); ecore_drm_output_current_resolution_get(output, &s->config.mode.w, &s->config.mode.h, &refresh); s->config.mode.refresh = refresh; s->config.enabled = ((s->config.mode.w != 0) && (s->config.mode.h != 0)); printf("DRM RRR: '%s' %i %i %ix%i\n", s->info.name, s->config.geom.x, s->config.geom.y, s->config.geom.w, s->config.geom.h); } r->screens = eina_list_append(r->screens, s); } } return r; } static Eina_Bool _drm_randr_available(void) { return EINA_TRUE; } static void _drm_randr_stub(void) {} static void _drm_randr_apply(void) { Ecore_Drm_Device *dev; Ecore_Drm_Output *out, **outconf; E_Randr2_Screen *s, **screenconf; const Eina_List *l, *ll; int nw, nh, pw, ph, ww, hh; int minw, minh, maxw, maxh; int top_priority = 0, i, numout; /* TODO: what the actual fuck */ nw = e_randr2->w; nh = e_randr2->h; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ecore_drm_devices_get(), l, dev) { int outputs_num, crtcs_num; ecore_drm_screen_size_range_get(dev, &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh); printf("DRM RRR: size range: %ix%i -> %ix%i\n", minw, minh, maxw, maxh); ecore_drm_outputs_geometry_get(dev, NULL, NULL, &pw, &ph); if (nw > maxw) nw = maxw; if (nh > maxh) nh = maxh; if (nw < minw) nw = minw; if (nh < minh) nh = minh; ww = nw; hh = nh; if (nw < pw) ww = pw; if (nh < ph) hh = ph; printf("DRM RRR: set vsize: %ix%i\n", ww, hh); outputs_num = eina_list_count(dev->outputs); crtcs_num = dev->crtc_count; if ((crtcs_num > 0) && (outputs_num > 0)) { outconf = calloc(crtcs_num, sizeof(Ecore_Drm_Output *)); screenconf = alloca(crtcs_num * sizeof(E_Randr2_Screen *)); memset(screenconf, 0, crtcs_num * sizeof(E_Randr2_Screen *)); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_randr2->screens, ll, s) { printf("DRM RRR: find output for '%s'\n", s->info.name); if (s->config.configured) { out = ecore_drm_device_output_name_find(dev, s->info.name); if (out) { printf("DRM RRR: enabled: %i\n", s->config.enabled); if (s->config.enabled) { if (s->config.priority > top_priority) top_priority = s->config.priority; for (i = 0; i < crtcs_num; i++) { if (!outconf[i]) { printf("DRM RRR: crtc slot empty: %i\n", i); /* TODO: get crtc info for dev->crtcs[i] */ /* check if this output can go on this crtc */ outconf[i] = out; screenconf[i] = s; break; } } } } } } numout = 0; for (i = 0; i < crtcs_num; i++) if (outconf[i]) numout++; if (numout) { for (i = 0; i < crtcs_num; i++) { /* TODO: find clones */ if (outconf[i]) { int orient = 0; Ecore_Drm_Output_Mode *mode; mode = _e_mod_drm_mode_screen_find(screenconf[i], outconf[i]); printf("DRM RRR: crtc on: %i = '%s' @ %i %i - %ix%i orient %i mode %s out %s\n", i, screenconf[i]->info.name, screenconf[i]->config.geom.x, screenconf[i]->config.geom.y, screenconf[i]->config.geom.w, screenconf[i]->config.geom.h, orient, mode->info.name, ecore_drm_output_name_get(outconf[i])); } } } else printf("DRM RRR: EERRRRRROOOORRRRRRR no outputs to configure!\n"); free(outconf); } } printf("DRM RRR: set vsize: %ix%i\n", nw, nh); } static E_Comp_Screen_Iface drmiface = { .available = _drm_randr_available, .init = _drm_randr_stub, .shutdown = _drm_randr_stub, .create = _drm_randr_create, .apply = _drm_randr_apply }; E_API void * e_modapi_init(E_Module *m) { int w = 0, h = 0; printf("LOAD WL_DRM MODULE\n"); /* try to init ecore_drm */ /* if (!ecore_drm_init()) */ /* { */ /* fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize ecore_drm"); */ /* return NULL; */ /* } */ if (e_comp_config_get()->engine == E_COMP_ENGINE_GL) { e_comp->ee = ecore_evas_new("gl_drm", 0, 0, 1, 1, NULL); e_comp_gl_set(!!e_comp->ee); } /* fallback to framebuffer drm (non-accel) */ if (!e_comp->ee) { if ((e_comp->ee = ecore_evas_new("drm", 0, 0, 1, 1, NULL))) { e_comp_gl_set(EINA_FALSE); elm_config_accel_preference_set("none"); elm_config_accel_preference_override_set(EINA_TRUE); elm_config_all_flush(); elm_config_save(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create ecore_evas_drm canvas"); return NULL; } } ecore_evas_data_set(e_comp->ee, "comp", e_comp); /* get the current screen geometry */ ecore_evas_screen_geometry_get(e_comp->ee, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); ecore_evas_callback_resize_set(e_comp->ee, _e_mod_drm_cb_ee_resize); e_comp->screen = &drmiface; if (!e_comp_wl_init()) return NULL; if (!e_comp_canvas_init(w, h)) return NULL; ecore_evas_pointer_xy_get(e_comp->ee, &e_comp->wl_comp_data->ptr.x, &e_comp->wl_comp_data->ptr.y); e_comp_wl_input_pointer_enabled_set(e_comp->wl_comp_data, EINA_TRUE); e_comp_wl_input_keyboard_enabled_set(e_comp->wl_comp_data, EINA_TRUE); /* comp->pointer = */ /* e_pointer_window_new(ecore_evas_window_get(comp->ee), 1); */ e_comp->pointer = e_pointer_canvas_new(e_comp->ee, EINA_TRUE); e_comp->pointer->color = EINA_TRUE; /* FIXME: We need a way to trap for user changing the keymap inside of E * without the event coming from X11 */ /* FIXME: We should make a decision here ... * * Fetch the keymap from drm, OR set this to what the E config is.... */ /* FIXME: This is just for testing at the moment.... * happens to jive with what drm does */ e_comp_wl_input_keymap_set(e_comp->wl_comp_data, NULL, NULL, NULL); activate_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_DRM_EVENT_ACTIVATE, _e_mod_drm_cb_activate, NULL); output_handler = ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_DRM_EVENT_OUTPUT, _e_mod_drm_cb_output, NULL); return m; } E_API int e_modapi_shutdown(E_Module *m EINA_UNUSED) { /* shutdown ecore_drm */ /* ecore_drm_shutdown(); */ if (output_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(output_handler); output_handler = NULL; if (activate_handler) ecore_event_handler_del(activate_handler); activate_handler = NULL; return 1; }