module_files = [] module_ldflags = '-module -avoid-version' module_includes = [ '../../..', '../../bin', '../../bin/efx' ] module_includes2 = [ '../..' , '../bin' , '../bin/efx' ] module_deps = [ deps_e, dep_dl ] mods = [ # standard run of the mill modules with cion and desktop 'ibar', 'pager', 'pager_plain', 'temperature', 'mixer', 'notification', 'everything', 'ibox', 'start', 'winlist', 'fileman', 'fileman_opinfo', 'conf', 'msgbus', 'music-control', 'conf_applications', 'conf_shelves', 'conf_window_remembers', 'conf_window_manipulation', 'conf_menus', 'conf_dialogs', 'conf_performance', 'conf_paths', 'conf_interaction', 'gadman', 'geolocation', 'connman', 'bluez4', 'syscon', 'systray', 'appmenu', 'quickaccess', 'shot', 'backlight', 'tasks', 'conf_randr', 'xkbswitch', 'tiling', 'packagekit', 'wireless', 'time', 'luncher', 'teamwork', 'vkbd', # modules have a custom binary as well 'battery', 'cpufreq', 'clock', 'sysinfo', # custyom sub modules and custom data 'wizard', # also standard modules, just with only a desktop file using a generic icon 'conf_theme', 'conf_intl', 'conf_display', 'conf_bindings', # also standard modules with no icon or desktop file 'xwayland', 'lokker', 'wl_x11', 'wl_wl', 'wl_buffer', 'wl_drm', 'wl_text_input', 'wl_desktop_shell', 'wl_weekeyboard', ### XXX: disabled for now # 'wl_fb' ] foreach m: mods desktop_only = false no_icon = false disable = false cargs = '' data = [] deps = [] inc = [] _dir = join_paths(dir_module_e, m) _dir_bin = join_paths(_dir, module_arch) subdir(m) opt = '-'.join(m.split('_')) if get_option(opt) == true and disable == false _inc2 = [] foreach i: inc _inc2 += join_paths('.', m, i) endforeach _inc = include_directories(module_includes2, join_paths('.', m), _inc2) _conf = 'USE_MODULE_' + m.underscorify().to_upper() module_files += join_paths(_dir_bin, m + '.so') if desktop_only == true _data = [ join_paths(m, 'module.desktop') ] elif no_icon == true _data = [] else _data = [ join_paths(m, 'e-module-' + m + '.edj'), join_paths(m, 'module.desktop') ] endif foreach d: data _data += join_paths(m, d) endforeach if _data.length() > 0 install_data(_data, install_dir: _dir) endif config_h.set(_conf, '1') if cargs == '' shared_module(m, src, include_directories: _inc, name_prefix : '', dependencies : [ module_deps, deps ], install_dir : _dir_bin, install : true, link_args : '-Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-object-files' ) else shared_module(m, src, include_directories: _inc, c_args : cargs, name_prefix : '', dependencies : [ module_deps, deps ], install_dir : _dir_bin, install : true, link_args : '-Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-object-files' ) endif endif endforeach