/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" static char *xdg_sel = NULL; static Eina_List *menus = NULL; EAPI int wizard_page_init(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { const char *dirs[] = { "/etc/xdg", "/usr/etc/xdg", "/usr/local/etc/xdg", "/usr/opt/etc/xdg", "/usr/opt/xdg", // FIXME: add more "known locations" NULL }; int i; for (i = 0; dirs[i]; i++) { Ecore_List *files; char buf[PATH_MAX], *file; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/menus", dirs[i]); files = ecore_file_ls(buf); if (files) { ecore_list_first_goto(files); while ((file = ecore_list_current(files))) { if (e_util_glob_match(file, "*.menu")) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/menus/%s", dirs[i], file); menus = eina_list_append(menus, strdup(buf)); } ecore_list_next(files); } ecore_list_destroy(files); } } return 1; } EAPI int wizard_page_shutdown(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { // FIXME: free menus return 1; } EAPI int wizard_page_show(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { Evas_Object *o, *of, *ob; Eina_List *l; int i, sel = -1; o = e_widget_list_add(pg->evas, 1, 0); e_wizard_title_set(_("Menus")); of = e_widget_framelist_add(pg->evas, _("Select application menu"), 0); ob = e_widget_ilist_add(pg->evas, 32 * e_scale, 32 * e_scale, &xdg_sel); e_widget_min_size_set(ob, 140 * e_scale, 140 * e_scale); e_widget_ilist_freeze(ob); for (i = 0, l = menus; l; l = l->next, i++) { char buf[PATH_MAX], *file, *p, *p2, *tlabel, *tdesc; const char *label; file = l->data; label = file; tlabel = NULL; tdesc = NULL; if (!strcmp("/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu", file)) { label = _("System Default"); sel = i; } else { p = strrchr(file, '/'); if (p) { p++; p2 = strchr(p, '-'); if (!p2) p2 = strrchr(p, '.'); if (p2) { tlabel = malloc(p2 - p + 1); if (tlabel) { strncpy(tlabel, p, p2 - p); tlabel[p2 - p] = 0; tlabel[0] = toupper(tlabel[0]); if (*p2 == '-') { p2++; p = strrchr(p2, '.'); if (p) { tdesc = malloc(p - p2 + 1); if (tdesc) { strncpy(tdesc, p2, p - p2); tdesc[p - p2] = 0; tdesc[0] = toupper(tdesc[0]); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s (%s)", tlabel, tdesc); } else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tlabel); } else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tlabel); } else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", tlabel); label = buf; } } else label = p; } } e_widget_ilist_append(ob, NULL, label, NULL, NULL, file); if (tlabel) free(tlabel); if (tdesc) free(tdesc); free(file); } if (!menus) { e_widget_ilist_append(ob, NULL, _("No menus found"), NULL, NULL, NULL); sel = 0; } if (menus) evas_list_free(menus); e_widget_ilist_go(ob); e_widget_ilist_thaw(ob); if (sel >= 0) e_widget_ilist_selected_set(ob, sel); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); e_widget_list_object_append(o, of, 0, 0, 0.5); evas_object_show(ob); evas_object_show(of); e_wizard_page_show(o); pg->data = of; return 1; /* 1 == show ui, and wait for user, 0 == just continue */ } EAPI int wizard_page_hide(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { evas_object_del(pg->data); return 1; } EAPI int wizard_page_apply(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { if (!strcmp("/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu", xdg_sel)) xdg_sel = NULL; if (xdg_sel) e_config->default_system_menu = eina_stringshare_add(xdg_sel); else e_config->default_system_menu = NULL; efreet_menu_file_set(e_config->default_system_menu); // FIXME: no normal config dialog to change this! return 1; }