#include "e.h" static void e_cb_mouse_in(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh); static void e_cb_mouse_out(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh); static void e_cb_mouse_down(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh); static void e_cb_mouse_up(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh); static void e_cb_mouse_move(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh); static int mv_prev_x, mv_prev_y; static void e_cb_mouse_in(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh) { E_Shelf *sh; sh = data; return; UN(o); UN(bt); UN(ox); UN(oy); UN(ow); UN(oh); } static void e_cb_mouse_out(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh) { E_Shelf *sh; sh = data; return; UN(o); UN(bt); UN(ox); UN(oy); UN(ow); UN(oh); } static void e_cb_mouse_down(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh) { E_Shelf *sh; sh = data; if (!strcmp(class, "Title_Bar")) { mv_prev_x = x; mv_prev_y = y; sh->state.moving = 1; } if (!strcmp(class, "Resize")) { mv_prev_x = x; mv_prev_y = y; sh->state.resizing = 1; } if (!strcmp(class, "Resize_Horizontal")) { mv_prev_x = x; mv_prev_y = y; sh->state.resizing = 1; } if (!strcmp(class, "Resize_Vertical")) { mv_prev_x = x; mv_prev_y = y; sh->state.resizing = 1; } if (!strcmp(class, "Menu")) { } if (!strcmp(class, "Close")) { } return; UN(o); UN(bt); UN(ox); UN(oy); UN(ow); UN(oh); } static void e_cb_mouse_up(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh) { E_Shelf *sh; sh = data; if (sh->state.moving) sh->state.moving = 0; if (sh->state.resizing) sh->state.resizing = 0; return; UN(o); UN(bt); UN(ox); UN(oy); UN(ow); UN(oh); } static void e_cb_mouse_move(void *data, Ebits_Object o, char *class, int bt, int x, int y, int ox, int oy, int ow, int oh) { E_Shelf *sh; sh = data; if (sh->state.moving) { e_shelf_move_by(sh, x - mv_prev_x, y - mv_prev_y); mv_prev_x = x; mv_prev_y = y; } if (sh->state.resizing) { if (sh->state.resizing == 1) { e_shelf_resize_by(sh, x - mv_prev_x, y - mv_prev_y); mv_prev_x = x; mv_prev_y = y; } } return; UN(o); UN(bt); UN(ox); UN(oy); UN(ow); UN(oh); } void e_shelf_free(E_Shelf *sh) { IF_FREE(sh->name); FREE(sh); } E_Shelf * e_shelf_new(void) { E_Shelf *sh; sh = NEW(E_Shelf, 1); ZERO(sh, E_Shelf, 1); OBJ_INIT(sh, e_shelf_free); return sh; } void e_shelf_set_name(E_Shelf *sh, char *name) { IF_FREE(sh->name); sh->name = strdup(name); } void e_shelf_set_view(E_Shelf *sh, E_View *v) { sh->view = v; } void e_shelf_realize(E_Shelf *sh) { int pl, pr, pt, pb; sh->bit.border = ebits_load(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR"/data/config/appearance/default/shelves/default.bits.db"); if (sh->bit.border) { ebits_add_to_evas(sh->bit.border, sh->view->evas); ebits_move(sh->bit.border, sh->x, sh->y); ebits_resize(sh->bit.border, sh->w, sh->h); ebits_set_layer(sh->bit.border, 5); if (sh->visible) ebits_show(sh->bit.border); #define HOOK_CB(_class) \ ebits_set_bit_callback(sh->bit.border, _class, CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN, e_cb_mouse_in, sh); \ ebits_set_bit_callback(sh->bit.border, _class, CALLBACK_MOUSE_OUT, e_cb_mouse_out, sh); \ ebits_set_bit_callback(sh->bit.border, _class, CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, e_cb_mouse_down, sh); \ ebits_set_bit_callback(sh->bit.border, _class, CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, e_cb_mouse_up, sh); \ ebits_set_bit_callback(sh->bit.border, _class, CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE, e_cb_mouse_move, sh); HOOK_CB("Title_Bar"); HOOK_CB("Resize"); HOOK_CB("Resize_Horizontal"); HOOK_CB("Resize_Vertical"); HOOK_CB("Close"); HOOK_CB("Iconify"); HOOK_CB("Max_Size"); HOOK_CB("Menu"); } sh->obj.clipper = evas_add_rectangle(sh->view->evas); evas_set_layer(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper, 9); evas_set_color(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper, 255, 255, 255, 255); pl = pr = pt = pb = 0; if (sh->bit.border) ebits_get_insets(sh->bit.border, &pl, &pr, &pt, &pb); evas_move(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper, sh->x + pl, sh->y + pt); evas_resize(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper, sh->w - pl - pr, sh->h - pt - pb); if ((sh->visible) && (sh->icon_count > 0)) evas_show(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper); } void e_shelf_show(E_Shelf *sh) { if (sh->visible) return; sh->visible = 1; } void e_shelf_hide(E_Shelf *sh) { if (!sh->visible) return; sh->visible = 0; } void e_shelf_move(E_Shelf *sh, int x, int y) { int dx, dy; dx = x - sh->x; dy = y - sh->y; e_shelf_move_by(sh, dx, dy); } void e_shelf_move_by(E_Shelf *sh, int dx, int dy) { Evas_List l; sh->x += dx; sh->y += dy; if (sh->bit.border) ebits_move(sh->bit.border, sh->x, sh->y); if (sh->obj.clipper) { int pl, pr, pt, pb; pl = pr = pt = pb = 0; if (sh->bit.border) ebits_get_insets(sh->bit.border, &pl, &pr, &pt, &pb); evas_move(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper, sh->x + pl, sh->y + pt); printf("move to %i %i\n", sh->x + pl, sh->y + pt); } for (l = sh->view->icons; l; l = l->next) { E_Icon *icon; int x, y; icon = l->data; if (icon->shelf == sh) { e_icon_get_xy(icon, &x, &y); e_icon_set_xy(icon, x + dx, y + dy); } } } void e_shelf_resize(E_Shelf *sh, int w, int h) { sh->w = w; sh->h = h; if (sh->bit.border) ebits_resize(sh->bit.border, sh->w, sh->h); if (sh->obj.clipper) { int pl, pr, pt, pb; pl = pr = pt = pb = 0; if (sh->bit.border) ebits_get_insets(sh->bit.border, &pl, &pr, &pt, &pb); evas_resize(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper, sh->w - pl - pr, sh->h - pt - pb); printf("resize to %i %i\n", sh->w - pl - pr, sh->h - pt - pb); } } void e_shelf_resize_by(E_Shelf *sh, int dw, int dh) { e_shelf_resize(sh, sh->w + dw, sh->h + dh); } void e_shelf_add_icon(E_Shelf *sh, E_Icon *icon) { if (icon->shelf) e_shelf_del_icon(icon->shelf, icon); icon->shelf = sh; sh->icon_count++; if (sh->icon_count > 0) evas_show(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper); evas_set_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.icon, sh->obj.clipper); evas_set_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.filename, sh->obj.clipper); evas_set_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.sel1, sh->obj.clipper); evas_set_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.sel2, sh->obj.clipper); if (icon->obj.sel_icon) ebits_set_clip(icon->obj.sel_icon, sh->obj.clipper); } void e_shelf_del_icon(E_Shelf *sh, E_Icon *icon) { if (icon->shelf != sh) return; icon->shelf = NULL; if (sh->icon_count <= 0) evas_hide(sh->view->evas, sh->obj.clipper); evas_unset_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.icon); evas_unset_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.filename); evas_unset_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.sel1); evas_unset_clip(sh->view->evas, icon->obj.sel2); if (icon->obj.sel_icon) ebits_unset_clip(icon->obj.sel_icon); }