/** * Move window to coordinates that do not account client decorations yet. * * This call will consider given position does not account client * decoration, so these values (e_comp_object_frame) will be * accounted automatically. This is specially useful when it is a new * client and has not be evaluated yet, in this case * the frame will be zeroed and no information is known. It * will mark pending requests so client will be accounted on * evalutation phase. * * @parm x horizontal position to place window. * @parm y vertical position to place window. * * @see e_client_move() */ static inline void e_client_util_move_without_frame(E_Client *ec, int x, int y) { if (!ec) return; e_comp_object_frame_xy_adjust(ec->frame, x, y, &x, &y); evas_object_move(ec->frame, x, y); } /** * Resize window to values that do not account client decorations yet. * * This call will consider given size does not account client * decoration, so these values (e_comp_object_frame) will be * accounted automatically. This is specially useful when it is a new * client and has not be evaluated yet, in this case * e_comp_object_frame will be zeroed and no information is known. It * will mark pending requests so client will be accounted on * evalutation phase. * * @parm w horizontal window size. * @parm h vertical window size. * * @see e_client_resize() */ static inline void e_client_util_resize_without_frame(E_Client *ec, int w, int h) { if (!ec) return; e_comp_object_frame_wh_adjust(ec->frame, w, h, &w, &h); evas_object_resize(ec->frame, w, h); } /** * Move and resize window to values that do not account client decorations yet. * * This call will consider given values already accounts client * decorations, so it will not be considered later. This will just * work properly with clients that have being evaluated and client * decorations are known (e_comp_object_frame). * * @parm x horizontal position to place window. * @parm y vertical position to place window. * @parm w horizontal window size. * @parm h vertical window size. * * @see e_client_move_resize() */ static inline void e_client_util_move_resize_without_frame(E_Client *ec, int x, int y, int w, int h) { e_client_util_move_without_frame(ec, x, y); e_client_util_resize_without_frame(ec, w, h); } static inline Eina_Bool e_client_util_ignored_get(const E_Client *ec) { if (!ec) return EINA_TRUE; return ec->override || ec->input_only || ec->ignored; } static inline Eina_Bool e_client_util_desk_visible(const E_Client *ec, const E_Desk *desk) { if (!ec) return EINA_FALSE; return ec->sticky || (ec->desk == desk); } static inline Ecore_Window e_client_util_pwin_get(const E_Client *ec) { if (!ec->pixmap) return 0; return e_pixmap_parent_window_get(ec->pixmap); } static inline Ecore_Window e_client_util_win_get(const E_Client *ec) { if (!ec->pixmap) return 0; return e_pixmap_window_get(ec->pixmap); } static inline Eina_Bool e_client_resizing_get(const E_Client *ec) { if (!ec) return EINA_FALSE; return (ec->resize_mode != E_POINTER_RESIZE_NONE); } static inline Eina_Bool e_client_util_borderless(const E_Client *ec) { if (!ec) return EINA_FALSE; return (ec->borderless || ec->mwm.borderless || (!ec->border.name) || (!strcmp(ec->border.name, "borderless"))); }