#include #include #include "replay.h" Evas_Object* tab_replays = NULL; char* replays_dir = "replays/"; struct replay { char* filename; char* p1; char* p1code; char* p2; char* p2code; int game_state; }* replays = NULL; size_t replays_len = 0; unsigned dec_uint_be(unsigned char* arr, size_t len) { unsigned res = 0; for (int i = len-1, j = 0; i >= 0; (--i, ++j)) { res |= arr[i] << (j*8); } return res; } long fsize(FILE* FP) { long _ = ftell(FP); fseek(FP, 0, SEEK_END); long new_size = ftell(FP); fseek(FP, _, SEEK_SET); return new_size; } char* sstrstr(char* haystack, char* needle, size_t length) { size_t needle_length = strlen(needle); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i + needle_length > length) { return NULL; } if (strncmp(&haystack[i], needle, needle_length) == 0) { return &haystack[i]; } } return NULL; } char* ubjson_search(unsigned char* buf, long length, char const* key, long* offset) { size_t key_len = strlen(key); char* start = sstrstr(buf, key, length); if (!start) return NULL; start += key_len; // Just 8 bits for now... uint8_t value_len = start[0]; start++; char* value = calloc(1, value_len + 1); memcpy(value, start, value_len); start += value_len; if (offset) *offset = (long)start - (long)buf; return value; } static int parse_replay(struct replay* rpy) { unsigned char buf[1024] = {0}; char* filename; asprintf(&filename, "%s%s", replays_dir, rpy->filename); FILE* SLP = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!SLP) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } long filesize = fsize(SLP); // Skip begin header and raw data fseek(SLP, 11, SEEK_CUR); fread(buf, 1, 4, SLP); fseek(SLP, dec_uint_be(buf, 4), SEEK_CUR); fseek(SLP, -6, SEEK_CUR); fread(buf, 1, 1, SLP); fseek(SLP, 5, SEEK_CUR); rpy->game_state = buf[0]; // debug long length = filesize - ftell(SLP); fread(buf, 1, length, SLP); long off; char* bufx = buf; char* p1name = ubjson_search(bufx, length, "netplaySU", &off); length -= off; bufx += off; char* p1code = ubjson_search(bufx, length, "codeSU", &off); length -= off; bufx += off; char* p2name = ubjson_search(bufx, length, "netplaySU", &off); length -= off; bufx += off; char* p2code = ubjson_search(bufx, length, "codeSU", &off); length -= off; bufx += off; rpy->p1 = p1name; rpy->p1code = p1code; rpy->p2 = p2name; rpy->p2code = p2code; //printf("Reading %s\n", filename); abort: fclose(SLP); return 0; } static int recurse_replay_files() { DIR *dp; struct dirent *ep; dp = opendir(replays_dir); if (dp != NULL) { while ((ep = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (ep->d_name && ep->d_name[0] != '.') { replays = realloc(replays, sizeof(struct replay) * (replays_len+2)); struct replay* rpy = replays + replays_len++; rpy->filename = strdup(ep->d_name); // End parse_replay(rpy); //puts(ep->d_name); } } closedir(dp); return 0; } } char const* gameend2str(int code) { switch (code) { case 0: return "Unresolved"; case 1: return "TIME!"; case 2: return "GAME!"; case 3: return "Resolved."; case 7: return "No Contest."; } } static char* replays_strings(void* data, Evas_Object* obj, const char* part) { long idx = data; // Check this is text for the part we're expecting if (strcmp(part, "elm.text") == 0 && /* DQ after join */ (replays[idx].p1 != NULL && replays[idx].p2 != NULL)) { char* c; asprintf(&c, "[[%s]] %s [%s] Vs. %s [%s]", gameend2str(replays[idx].game_state), replays[idx].p1, replays[idx].p1code, replays[idx].p2, replays[idx].p2code); return c; } else if (replays[idx].p1 == NULL || replays[idx].p2 == NULL) printf("[Replay Warning] %s is a incomplete replay. Good idea to delete it.\n", replays[idx].filename); else return NULL; } // Need to fork in a thread or EFL spergs out void _launch_replay_job_cb(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread) { extern char* dolphin_replay_file; extern char* game_path; char const* argv[64] = {dolphin_replay_file, "-e", game_path, "-i", "play.json", "-b", NULL}; if (fork() == 0) { execvp(argv[0], argv); exit(0); } } static void _launch_replay_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj EINA_UNUSED, void *event_info EINA_UNUSED) { elm_object_disabled_set(data, EINA_TRUE); ecore_thread_run(_launch_replay_job_cb, NULL, NULL, data); } static void _item_select_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { long idx = data; char* jason; asprintf(&jason, "{\"replay\":\"%s%s\"}\n", replays_dir, replays[idx].filename); // Write to file FILE* outfile = fopen("play.json", "w"); fwrite(jason, 1, strlen(jason), outfile); fclose(outfile); ecore_thread_run(_launch_replay_job_cb, NULL, NULL, data); free(jason); } Evas_Object* tab_replays_setup(Evas_Object* parent) { tab_replays = elm_genlist_add(parent); elm_genlist_homogeneous_set(tab_replays, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_resize(tab_replays, 40, 40); Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *_itc = elm_genlist_item_class_new(); _itc->item_style = "default"; _itc->func.text_get = replays_strings; _itc->func.content_get = NULL; _itc->func.state_get = NULL; _itc->func.del = NULL; recurse_replay_files(); for (int i = 0; i < replays_len; ++i) { elm_genlist_item_append(tab_replays, _itc, i, // Item data NULL, // Parent item for trees, NULL if none ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_NONE, // Item type; this is the common one _item_select_cb, // Callback on selection of the item (long)i // Data for that callback function ); } evas_object_size_hint_align_set(tab_replays, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); return tab_replays; }