Wiki page changed with summary [] by Nate Drake

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Nate Drake 2017-12-01 05:54:39 -08:00 committed by apache
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commit 75cc287111
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@ -1,156 +1,85 @@
~~Title: About Terminology~~
==== Terminology ====
[[download|Download Terminology Here]]
# Terminology #
Code quality - [[|Coverity scan status]]
[Download Terminology Here](/download)
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![Terminology Icon](/_media/icon-terminology.png)
{{ :terminology-ls.png?&200|}}
Terminology is a terminal emulator for Linux/BSD/UNIX systems that use EFL. It has a whole bunch of bells and whistles. Use it as your regular vt100 terminal emulator with all the usual features, such as 256 color support. Terminology is designed to emulate Xterm as closely as possible in most respects.
Terminology is a terminal emulator for Linux/BSD/UNIX etc. systems
that uses EFL and has a whole bunch of bells and whistles. Use it as
your regular vt100 terminal emulator along with all the usual things
like 256 color support (we attempt to emulate Xterm as closely as
possible in most respects).
[![Terminology Colors](/_media/terminology-colors-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-colors.png?id=about-terminology)
Of course since it uses EFL, it works in X11, under a Wayland
compositor and even directly in the framebuffer on Linux. Replace your
boring text-mode VT with a graphical one that requires no display
As it uses EFL, Terminology works in X11, under a Wayland compositor and even directly in the framebuffer on Linux. This allows you to replace your boring text-mode VT with a graphical one which requires no display system.
We have config panels (just press right mouse or hold left mouse down for
about a second) and you can even customize the colors to your own
liking or just use the colors specified with your theme.
Terminology also has config panels. Simply click the right mouse button or hold the left one down for about a second to bring up the configuration menu. You can even customize the colors to your own liking or just use the ones which come with your default theme.
{{:terminology-colors.png?&200 |}}
[![Terminology HTOP](/_media/terminology-htop-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-htop.png?id=about-terminology)
Run all your regular terminal apps, like top, htop, ls, emacs, vim, mc
etc. as you always have, and enjoy one of the fastest terminal
emulators around in terms of it handling I/O. No waiting for scrolling
any longer than the application generating the output spends.
Terminology will keep scrollback in RAM, not on any file on disk to
keep things a bit more secure. In addition scrollback is compressed on
the fly to save space. It can even use OpenGL to render if you have
configured the acceleration preferences for EFL (Elementary).
Run all your regular terminal apps such as *top*, *htop*, *ls*, *emacs*, *vim* and *mc* as always and enjoy one of the fastest terminal emulators around in terms of handling I/O.
{{:terminology-htop.png?&200 |}}
Terminology will keep scrollback in RAM, not on any file on disk, so as to keep your data secure. Scrollback is also compressed on the fly to save space. It can even use OpenGL to render if you have configured the acceleration preferences for *Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL)*.
You will have a nice and unmistakable visual bell to let you know
something is wrong, as well as sound to get your attention (can be
turned off by muting alerts).
Terminology displays an easy to see bell to let you know something is wrong, as well as a sound to get your attention. This can be turned off by muting alerts.
{{ :terminology-bell.png?&200|}}
[![Terminology Bell](/_media/terminology-bell-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-bell.png?id=about-terminology)
Terminology understands full file paths, URL links and email addresses
in the terminal and will underline them on mouse-over so you can click
and get more information such as gravatar information for that e-mail
address, or to download the file from a URL (and if it's a video or
animated gif, play it, otherwise just display it).
Terminology understands full file paths, URL links and email addresses and will underline them on mouse-over. Click to get more details such as gravatar information for an e-mail address or to download the file from a URL. If the URL is a link to a video or animated gif, Terminology will play it. Otherwise the data will just be displayed.
{{ :terminology-link.png?&200|}}
[![Terminology Link](/_media/terminology-link-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-link.png?id=about-terminology)
Don't be mystified as to what is going on while it downloads, as
you'll get a nice progress bar to let you know how things are going,
Terminology also displays a progress bar to let you know how downloads are going.
{{:terminology-download.png?&200 |}}
[![Terminology Download](/_media/terminology-download-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-download.png?id=about-terminology)
And when the file is ready (instantly if local), it will display the
file for you in a nice popup inside the Terminal. It saves bringing up
another GUI application if all you wanted was to quickly see what was
going on in that file or URL. Of course Terminology can be configured
to bring up files with external application helpers.
Local files are displayed instantly inside the Terminal. This saves you the trouble of opening another GUI application if you only want a quick preview of a file or URL. That said, Terminology can open files with external application helpers if you wish.
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[![Terminology GIF](/_media/terminology-gif-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-gif.png?id=about-terminology)
Never again be stuck not being able to see cats do stupid things in
animated gifs when you don't have your web browser available. Your
terminal can give you all the fluffy fun you wanted by itself. You can
even use tycat (a special cat tool that provides metadata for
Terminology via escape sequences), to literally "cat" content inline
in your terminal. it even remembers it in scrollback. Even if it is a
video file. Scroll back and the video will play. With sound as well
(and controls to seek, pause etc.).
Terminology lets you see cats being silly in animated gifs when no web browser is available. You can even use tycat, a special cat tool that provides metadata for Terminology via escape sequences, to literally ``cat`` content inline in the terminal itself. The utility remembers files in scrollback, even videos with sound can be replayed, searched and paused.
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[![Terminology PNG](/_media/terminology-png-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-png.png?id=about-terminology)
Your image files will come up with all their glorious alpha channel
goodness. Even SVG files will scale properly, PDFs and PS files will
be visible and scalable. If you have libreoffice installed, you can
even cat PPT, ODP, DOC and even XLS files if you want.
Terminology can also display image files in all their alpha channel splendor. Even SVG, PDF and PS files will display and scale correctly. If you have [Libreoffice]( installed, you can
even ``cat`` PPT, ODP, DOC and even XLS files if you wish.
{{ :terminology-cat-video.png?&200|}}
[![Terminology cat video](/_media/terminology-cat-video-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-cat-video.png?id=about-terminology)
But don't just click on links or use "typop" to pop up files, and tycat
them, but even set them as backgrounds too. "tybg" can set a
background to any file you like, from a simple JPEG or PNG file
through to SVG, even MP4 videos, animated gifs, even PPT files can
become your terminal background if you like. Love that presentation on
rising finacialization of market innovation? Never live without it
again! Set it as a background and enjoy it all day, every day. In your
terminal. Want to watch a video of butts drifting by in your terminal
while using "tyls" to list files... along with their thumbnails? never
fear! Terminology will come to your rescue. Have cats trying to jump
and fail miserably by plummeting to the floor? You can have it all NOW!
You don't have to just click links or use *typop+ or *tycat* to open files - you can set them as backgrounds too. Use ``tybg`` to set a background using any file you like, from simple PNGs or JPGs, to SVGs or MP4 video files. Terminology also supports animated GIFs and PPT files. If, for instance, you want to reminisce over a particularly good presentation you created on market innovation, set it as your background and enjoy it every day. Similarly if you have a favorite video of cats falling over, this can serve as your background too.
{{:terminology-bg-video.png?&200 |}}
[![Terminology background video](/_media/terminology-bg-video-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-bg-video.png?id=about-terminology)
Terminology also supports translucency, so you can see what's going on behind the Terminal. Set this to 0% if you wish to get rid of the background entirely.
Also need translucency, so you can see what is below your terminal?
Fret not! Terminology has this bell and whistle also nicely stashed in
its chest of visual features. Feel free to set it to 0% to make your
display totally unusable as no background is then provided and you can
see everything behind clearly.
[![Terminology Transparency](/_media/terminology-transparency-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-transparency.png?id=about-terminology)
{{ :terminology-transparency.png?&200|}}
Terminology also supports tabs. You can arrange them across the top of the Terminal with individual titles in the usual way. However if you've chosen a video background, it will still play across tabs. Videos in hidden tabs will be "paused" (actually, entirely evicted from memory) until you reopen the tab again.
Is this not enough? Never mind then, We also have Tabs. Good
old-fashioned Tabs the way most people like them. Lined up along the
top of your terminal showing the current title for that Tab. And fear
not - your background videos will still play across all the Tabs you
have. Yes - the ones in hidden Tabs will be "paused" (actually entirely
evicted from memory until you come around to open up that Tab again).
[![Terminology tabs](/_media/terminology-tabs-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-tabs.png?id=about-terminology)
{{:terminology-tabs.png?&200 |}}
Click the 4 boxes at the top-right of a terminal, or hit CTRL+SHIFT+Home to enter *Tab switcher* mode. A grid of terminals will appear. You can navigate and select them with your mouse or keyboard. All the mini versions of each Terminal window are live and show all current content complete with background, even if this is a video.
But do you want something a bit funkier with Tabs? Then hit the 4
boxes at the top-right of a terminal, or hit CTRL+SHIFT+Home and go
into "Tab switcher" mode. A grid of terminals much like Esposé will
do will appear. You can navigate with the mouse or keyboard and
select what you want. All the miniatures will be live, showing
current content scrolling by or updating, and if they have a
background - even a video, it will be playing. Live.
[![Terminology Tab Switcher](/_media/terminology-tab-switcher-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-tab-switcher.png?id=about-terminology)
{{ :terminology-tab-switcher.png?&200|}}
Terminology can split the terminal into vertical or horizontal panes. Splits can nest, so you can divide panes as many times as you like. They are each resizable and can hold tabs. Feel free to slice and dice your terminal any way you wish.
If Tabs are not enough, Terminology also offers Splits. This allows
you to split the terminal into panes with a left/right half, or
top/bottom half. Splits can nest, so you can split a Split again as
many times as you like. They are resizable, and each Split can hold as
many Tabs as you like. So slice and dice your terminal any way you like.
[![Terminology Splits](/_media/terminology-splits-thumb.png)](_detail/terminology-splits.png?id=about-terminology)
{{:terminology-splits.png?&200 |}}
Split Terminology panes act in the same way as using Terminology in a single window. You can play videos, display wallpapers and update your content as normal.
But don't worry, all your Splits will keep playing your videos,
displaying your wallpapers and updating their content as you might
expect them to.
[![Terminology Splits Full](/_media/terminology-splits-full-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-splits-full.png?id=about-terminology)
{{ :terminology-splits-full.png?&200|}}
Terminology has many configuration options. Simply right click or hold down the left mouse button to open up *Settings*. From here, you can customize the theme, background, font, sizing and more. Terminology will automatically save your changes unless you choose *Temporary*.
And of course we have a large set of configuration options as well.
Want something to behave a bit differently, or change look? Switch
theme? Select background visually? Change font and sizing? Just right
click or hold left mouse down and bring up the settings panels.
Customize to your liking. Terminology will store your changes for
future annoyance (unless "Temporary" is selected).
[![Terminology Settings](/_media/terminology-settings-thumb.png)](/_detail/terminology-settings.png?id=about-terminology)
{{:terminology-settings.png?&200 |}}
See our video below for more of Terminology's features.
Of course if a bunch of still images is not enough for you, Below we
have a video showing off more of what Terminology can do for you. It
showcases most of the features, but just know that features keep being
added all the time, and this may not represent everything you can do
Note that Terminology is in constant development, so the best way to see everything Terminology has to offer is to download it and try it for yourself:
[![Terminology Youtube Video](/_media/terminology-youtube-thumb.png)](
Code quality - [Coverity scan status](