docs: We no longer have class type in URLs

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Andy Williams 2017-12-11 17:25:50 +00:00
parent 87900f49b0
commit 5ce17ae60a
1 changed files with 2 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1462,23 +1462,18 @@ M.DocTokenizer = Node:clone {
ref_get = function(self, root)
local tp, d1, d2 = self.tok:ref_get(eos:unit_get())
local reft = eolian.doc_ref_type
local ret
local ret = {}
if tp == reft.CLASS or tp == reft.FUNC or tp == reft.EVENT then
ret = { class_type_str[d1:type_get()] }
if not ret[1] then
if not class_type_str[d1:type_get()] then
error("unknown class type for class '"
.. d1:full_name_get() .. "'")
elseif tp == reft.ALIAS then
ret = { "alias" }
elseif tp == reft.STRUCT or tp == reft.STRUCT_FIELD then
-- TODO: point to field
ret = { "struct" }
elseif tp == reft.ENUM or tp == reft.ENUM_FIELD then
-- TODO: point to field
ret = { "enum" }
elseif tp == reft.VAR then
ret = { "var" }
error("invalid reference '" .. self:text_get() .. "'")