elua: slight optimization of format func

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kolesa 2014-05-09 11:29:49 +01:00 committed by Daniel Kolesa
parent 006a49ddda
commit 8738ca957d
1 changed files with 40 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
-- elua core utilities used in other modules
local ffi = require("ffi")
local cast = ffi.cast
ffi.cdef [[
int isalnum(int c);
int isdigit(int c);
local C = ffi.C
local M = {}
@ -158,42 +166,48 @@ end
-- string fmt
local char = string.char
local tconc = table.concat
local fmt = string.format
local pcall = pcall
local error = error
local type = type
getmetatable("").__mod = function(s, params)
local bytes = { ("cdeEfgGiopuxXsq"):byte() }
for i, v in ipairs(bytes) do bytes[v] = true end
getmetatable("").__mod = function(fmts, params)
if not fmts then return nil end
if type(params) ~= "table" then params = { params } end
local iter = s:gmatch(".")
local s = cast("const char*", fmts)
local buf = {}
local c = iter()
local c
c, s = s[0], s + 1
local argn = 1
while c do
if c == "%" then
c = iter()
while c ~= 0 do
if c == 37 then -- %
c, s = s[0], s + 1
local nbuf = {}
while c and c:match("%w") do
while c ~= 0 and C.isalnum(c) ~= 0 do
nbuf[#nbuf + 1] = c
c = iter()
c, s = s[0], s + 1
if c == "$" then
c = iter()
local n = tconc(nbuf)
if c == 36 then -- $
c, s = s[0], s + 1
local n = char(unpack(nbuf))
nbuf = {}
while c:match("[-0-9%.]") do
while C.isdigit(c) ~= 0 or c == 45 or c == 46 do -- -, .
nbuf[#nbuf + 1] = c
c = iter()
c, s = s[0], s + 1
if not c:match("[cdeEfgGiopuxXsq]") then
if bytes[c] then
buf[#buf + 1] = n
buf[#buf + 1] = "$"
buf[#buf + 1] = c
buf[#buf + 1] = char(c)
nbuf[#nbuf + 1] = c
local idx = tonumber(n) or n
local stat, val = pcall(fmt, "%" .. tconc(nbuf),
local stat, val = pcall(fmt, "%" .. char(unpack(nbuf)),
if stat then
buf[#buf + 1] = val
@ -206,24 +220,26 @@ getmetatable("").__mod = function(s, params)
while c and c:match("[-0-9%.cdeEfgGiopuxXsq]") do
while c ~= 0 and (bytes[c] or C.isdigit(c) ~= 0
or c == 45 or c == 46) do
nbuf[#nbuf + 1] = c
c = iter()
c, s = s[0], s + 1
local stat, val = pcall(fmt, "%" .. tconc(nbuf), params[argn])
local stat, val = pcall(fmt, "%" .. char(unpack(nbuf)),
if stat then
buf[#buf + 1] = val
error("bad argument #" .. argn .. " to '%' "
.. val:match("%(.+%)"), 2)
if c then buf[#buf + 1] = c end
if c then buf[#buf + 1] = char(c) end
argn = argn + 1
buf[#buf + 1] = c
buf[#buf + 1] = char(c)
c = iter()
c, s = s[0], s + 1
return tconc(buf)