Embryo 0.0.1 OK a lot of peolpe ask this. What is Embryo? It is a cleanup/imlementation of the SMALL programming/scripting language. You can find documentation on the language, syntax and the original code here: http://www.compuphase.com/small.htm There are PDF's on the language syntax which are 100% relevant for Embryo. Embryo is based on the 2.5.0 codebase but has some MAJOR changes. I will list these later. Embryo is basically a compler/virtual machine combination. The compiler takes Small language scripts and compiles them into bytecode. This bytecode is interpreted by the Small Virtual Machine (Abstract Machine - or AMX). The Embryo AMX is a stripped down and cleaned up version of the Small original - with windows specific support removed and the coding style mostly changed to fit enlightenment coding style. The compiler is still almost verbatim. It works on x86 and PPC now. It needs work.