Elementary 1.12.1 ================= ****************************************************************************** FOR ANY ISSUES PLEASE EMAIL: enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ****************************************************************************** Elementary is a basic widget set library that is easy to use and is based on EFL. It provides the basic building blocks for creating applications and user interfaces. For more details about elementary widgets and how to use them kindly refer to the following link for the latest documentation: http://www.enlightenment.org/p.php?p=docs COMPONENTS ---------- **Library:** //LGPL v2 license// The library you will find in src/lib/ and modules it loads as demos or actual implementations in src/modules/. The library depends on at least on default theme that is built in data/themes/ and some default config installed from config/. **Theme:** The default theme is large and includes data for every widget and then some. The Theme includes some images that are creative-commons licensed (see COPYING.images) and is otherwise considered LGPL as well as the library. **Test App:** There is a full test app in src/bin/ and you will find its main source as test.c with every test split into test_*.c files. This should serve as a general tester for Elementary as well as example code on writing UIs with Elementary. Run this app (once installed) with elementary_test. **Configuration App:** A simple rough configuration tool is provided called elementary_config. This tool allows you to play with some basic configuration of elementary and it saves your config in your home directory in ~/.elementary as well as applying it to all Elementary using applications. Themes are normally looked for in ~/.elementary/themes and the system elementary data dir (PREFIX/share/elementary/themes/). COMPILING AND INSTALLING ------------------------ ./configure make sudo make install If you have doxygen, then you can build documentation with: make doc You will find documentation in the doc/ directory. COMPILER FLAGS -------------- You likely don't need static libraries most of the time so you can disable them with: --disable-static You may want to change the install prefix for EFL with: --prefix=/path/to/prefix There are also examples in src/examples/ as well. To compile examples use this option to configure: --enable-build-examples Also you may wish to install the examples, then use: --enable-install-examples REQUIREMENTS ------------ Elementary requires EFL to be installed and available first. CONFIGURATION ------------- Configuration for a user is normally stored in ~/.elementary/config, but if this does not exist, the system configuration in PREFIX/share/elementary/config is used instead. Overriding either of these is per-screen or per-virtual-desktop configuration that may be stored on the root window as a property in X11 or via appropriate other protocols depending on display system. By default the profile.cfg file contains a config key that indicates the name of the profile to use. See config/Makefile.am as to how to generate this. The directories each contain per-profile configuration. The cfg files are files generated by Eet and can be generated from text. See the above Makefile.am