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.\" Manpage for Terminology
2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
.TH man 1 "18 Nov 2013" "0.4" "Terminology man page"
Terminology \- Terminal Emulator written with EFL (Enligthenment Foundation Libraries).
.B terminology [options]
This is an EFL terminal emulator with some extra bells and whistles.
It has many features including split terminal support, support for tabs, preview
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icons for files and so on...
.B \-e, \-\-exec <cmnd>
Specify command to execute.
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Defaults to $SHELL (or passwd shell or /bin/sh)
.B \-d=CURRENT-DIRECTORY, \-\-current\-directory=CURRENT-DIRECTORY
Change to directory for execution of terminal command.
Type: STR.
.B \-t=THEME, \-\-theme=THEME
Use the named edje theme or path to theme file.
Type: STR.
.B \-b=BACKGROUND, \-\-background=BACKGROUND
Use the named file as a background wallpaper for terminology.
Type: STR.
.B \-g=GEOMETRY, \-\-geometry=GEOMETRY
Terminal geometry to use (eg 80x24 or 80x24+50+20 etc.).
Type: STR.
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.B \-n=NAME, \-\-name=NAME
Set window name.
Type: STR.
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.B \-r=ROLE, \-\-role=ROLE
Set window role.
Type: STR.
.B \-T=TITLE, \-\-title=TITLE
Set window title.
Type: STR.
.B \-i=ICON\-NAME, \-\-icon-name=ICON\-NAME
Set icon name.
Type: STR.
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.B \-f=FONT, \-\-font=FONT
Set font (NAME/SIZE for scalable, NAME for bitmap.
Type: STR.
.B \-v=VIDEO\-MODULE, \-\-video-module=VIDEO\-MODULE
Set emotion module to use. Choices are: auto, gstreamer, xine, generic.
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.B \-l=LOGIN, \-\-login=LOGIN
Run the shell as a login shell.
Type: BOOL.
.B \-m=VIDEO\-MUTE, \-\-video-mute=VIDEO\-MUTE
Set mute mode for video playback.
Type: BOOL.
.B \-c=CURSOR\-BLINK, \-\-cursor-blink=CURSOR\-BLINK
Set cursor blink mode.
Type: BOOL.
.B \-G=VISUAL\-BELL, \-\-visual\-bell=VISUAL\-BELL
Set visual bell mode.
Type: BOOL.
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.B \-F, \-\-fullscreen
Go into the fullscreen mode from start.
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.B \-I, \-\-iconic
Go into an iconic state from the start.
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.B \-B, \-\-borderless
Become a borderless managed window.
.B \-O, \-\-override
Become an override-redirect window.
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.B \-M, \-\-maximized
Become maximized from the start.
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.B \-W, \-\-nowm
Terminology is run without a wm.
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.B \-H, \-\-hold
Don't exit when the command process exits.
.B \-s, \-\-single
Force single executable if multi-instance is enabled..
.B \-2, \-\-256color
Set TERM to \fBxterm-256color\fP instead of \fBxterm\fP.
.B \-V, \-\-version
Show program version.
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.B \-C, \-\-copyright
Show copyright.
.B \-L, \-\-license
Show license.
.B \-h, \-\-help
Show this message.
2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
.B Shift+PgUp
Scroll terminology one page up
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.B Shift+PgDn
Scroll terminology one page down
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.B Shift+Insert
Paste Clipboard (ctrl+v/c) selection
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.B Shift+Ctrl+Insert
Paste Primary (highlight) selection
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.B Shift+Keypad\-Plus
Font size up by one unit.
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.B Shift+Keypad\-Minus
Font size down by one unit.
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.B Shift+Keypad\-Multiply
Reset font size to 10.
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.B Shift+Keypad\-Divide
Copy highlight to Clipboard (same as ctrl+c in gui apps).
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.B Ctrl+PgUp
Switch focus to previous terminal inside a window (when using splits).
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.B Ctrl+PgDn
Switch focus to next terminal inside a window (when using splits).
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.B Ctrl+Shift+t
Create a new terminal on top of current inside window (tabs).
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.B Ctrl+Shift+Home
Bring up "tab" switcher.
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.B Ctrl+Shift+PgUp
Split terminal horizontally (one terminal above the other).
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.B Ctrl+Shift+PgDn
Split terminal vertically (one terminal to the left of the other).
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.B Alt+Home
Enter command mode (enter commands to control terminology itself)
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.B Alt+Return
Paste primary selection.
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.B Ctrl+Shift+c
Copy current selection to clipboard.
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.B Ctrl+Shift+v
Paste current clipboard selection.
2013-05-06 22:51:02 -07:00
.B Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+0
Switch to terminal tab 1 through 10
.B Right mouse click
Bring up controls menus.
.B Middle mouse click
Paste highlight selection.
.B Left mouse click/drag
Make a selection highlight.
.B Ctrl + Left mouse click/drag
Make a block selection.
.B Wheel
Scroll up or down in history.
.B Ctrl + Wheel
Zoom font size up/down.
To enter command mode in terminology press Alt+Home. Currently command mode
understands the following commands:
.B f
Reset font to default setting saved in config.
.B f+
Increase font size. Note that it works on scalable fonts only.
.B f\-
Decrease font size. Note that it works on scalable fonts only.
.B fb
Display big font size (10x20 bitmap, or size 20 with scalable).
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.B gNxM
Make terminal NxM chars in size (if possible). e.g. g80x48 g40x20.
If just one number is provided, it will use the following shortcuts:
g0=80x24; g1=80x40; g2=80x60; g3=80x80; g4=120x24; g5=120x40; g6=120x60;
g7=120x80; g8=120x120
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.B b
Reset the background (no media)
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Set the background media to an absolute file PATH
.B [\\\033][}][COMMAND][\\\000]
1. ESC char (\\033 or 0x1b)
2. } char
3... sequence of UTF8 chars other than nul (\\000 or 0x00).
4 \\000 char (nul byte or 0x00 to indicate end of sequence)
echo \-n '\\033}Hello world\000'
2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
.B Commands:
any values inside square brackets [] are to be replaced by some
content (numbers, strings, paths, url's etc.). example:
aa[PATH\-OF\-FILE] should be come something like:
or aa[true/false] should become something like:
= popup the given media file/url now
= quque a popup for the given media file/url
= set the terminal background media file/url temporarily
= set the terminal background media file/url permanently
= set the terminal alpha state to be on, or off temporarily
= set the terminal alpha state to be on, or off permanently
= query grid and font size. stdin will have written to it:
where W is the width of the terminal grid in characters
where H is the height of the terminal grid in characters
where FW is the width of 1 character cell in pixels
where FH is the height of 1 character cell in pixels
= insert STRETCHED media (where image will stretch to fill the cell area)
and define expected cell area to be W cells wide and H cells high,
with the image/media/url.
where C is the replace character to be identified in later text
where W is the width in character cells (up to 511).
where H is the height in character cells (up to 511).
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note that this escape alone has no effect. it indicates a future
intention of inserting media into the terminal. the terminal will
EXPECT a grid of WxH "replace characters" to follow, with each
sequence of such replace characters bebung with a 'ib' escape command
and ending with an 'ie' escape command.
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the FULL\-PATH\-OR\-URL for all the i commands (is, ic, if, it) may
be of the form:
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2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
where a newline character separates a URI for a link and a full
path to a file to display in the region. the link is the
destination URI when a user may clikc on the given media image.
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2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
"\\\033}ib#####\\\033}ie\\\n", "/tmp/icon.png");
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note that '#' is the replace character, and later '#' chars if inside
begin/end escapes, will be replaced by the given media indicated
in the insert media escape.
= insert CENTERED media (centered in cell area). otherwise paramaters are
identical to the "is" command, but retains aspect and is padded by
blank space.
= insert FILLED media (fill in cell area). otherwise paramaters are
identical to the "is" command but ensures the entire area is
filled like a background even if media goes beyond cell bounds and is
= insert THUMB media (thumbnail cell area). otherwise paramaters are
identical to the "is" command, but uses thumbnail generation to
make a fast to load but low resolution version (cached) of the media.
= begin media replace sequence run
= end media replace sequence run
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If you find a bug or for known issues/bugs/feature requests please email
enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net or visit the place where all the hard
2013-11-16 06:27:18 -08:00
work is done http://phab.enlightenment.org/
Terminology was writtern by Carsten Haitzler <raster@rasterman.com> and others. See
AUTHORS file for other contributors.