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#include <Eina.h>
#include <eina_type_traits.hh>
#include <eina_range_types.hh>
#include <iterator>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
* @addtogroup Eina_Cxx_Containers_Group
* @{
namespace efl { namespace eina {
* @defgroup Eina_Cxx_Inline_Array_Group Inline Array
* @ingroup Eina_Cxx_Containers_Group
* Inline array is a container that stores the data itself not pointers to data,
* this means there is no memory fragmentation, also for small data types(such
* as char, short, int, etc.) it's more memory efficient.
* @{
* @internal
* Access traits for eina::inarray.
struct _inarray_access_traits {
template <typename T>
struct const_iterator
typedef T const* type; /**< Type for constant iterator. */
template <typename T>
struct iterator
typedef T* type; /**< Type for iterator. */
template <typename T>
struct const_native_handle
typedef Eina_Inarray const* type; /**< Type for constant native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
template <typename T>
struct native_handle
typedef Eina_Inarray* type; /**< Type for native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
* @brief Get a non-constant native @c Eina_Inarray handle from a constant one.
template <typename T>
static Eina_Inarray* native_handle_from_const(Eina_Inarray const* array)
return const_cast<Eina_Inarray*>(array);
* @brief Get a reference to the last element of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
template <typename T>
static T& back(Eina_Inarray* raw)
return *static_cast<T*>( ::eina_inarray_nth(raw, _inarray_access_traits::size<T>(raw)-1u));
* @brief Get a constant reference to the last element of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Version of @ref back(Eina_Inarray* raw) for const-qualified pointer
* to @c Eina_Inarray. Get a constant reference to the last element
* instead.
template <typename T>
static T const& back(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::back<T>(const_cast<Eina_Inarray*>(raw));
* @brief Get a reference to the first element of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
template <typename T>
static T& front(Eina_Inarray* raw)
return *static_cast<T*>( ::eina_inarray_nth(raw, 0u));
* @brief Get a constant reference to the first element of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Version of @ref front(Eina_Inarray* raw) for const-qualified
* pointer to @c Eina_Inarray. Get a constant reference to the first
* element instead.
template <typename T>
static T const& front(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::front<T>(const_cast<Eina_Inarray*>(raw));
* @brief Get an iterator to the begin of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
template <typename T>
static T* begin(Eina_Inarray* raw)
return !raw->members ? 0 : static_cast<T*>( ::eina_inarray_nth(raw, 0u));
* @brief Get an iterator to the end of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
template <typename T>
static T* end(Eina_Inarray* raw)
return !raw->members ? 0
: static_cast<T*>( ::eina_inarray_nth(raw, _inarray_access_traits::size<T>(raw) -1)) + 1;
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the begin of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Version of @ref begin(Eina_Inarray* raw) for const-qualified
* @c Eina_Inarray handles. Returns a constant iterator instead.
template <typename T>
static T const* begin(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::begin<T>(const_cast<Eina_Inarray*>(raw));
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the end of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Version of @ref end(Eina_Inarray* raw) const-qualified
* @c Eina_Inarray. Returns a constant iterator instead.
template <typename T>
static T const* end(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::end<T>(const_cast<Eina_Inarray*>(raw));
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the given Eina_Inarray.
* Version of @ref rbegin(Eina_Inarray* raw) for const-qualified
* Eina_Inarray handles. Returns a constant reverse iterator instead.
template <typename T>
static std::reverse_iterator<T const*> rbegin(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return std::reverse_iterator<T const*>(_inarray_access_traits::end<T>(raw));
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the given Eina_Inarray.
* Version of @ref rend(Eina_Inarray* raw) to const-qualified
* Eina_Inarray handles. Returns a constant reverse iterator instead.
template <typename T>
static std::reverse_iterator<T const*> rend(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return std::reverse_iterator<T const*>(_inarray_access_traits::begin<T>(raw));
* @brief Get a reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
template <typename T>
static std::reverse_iterator<T*> rbegin(Eina_Inarray* raw)
return std::reverse_iterator<T*>(_inarray_access_traits::end<T>(raw));
* @brief Get a reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
template <typename T>
static std::reverse_iterator<T*> rend(Eina_Inarray* raw)
return std::reverse_iterator<T*>(_inarray_access_traits::begin<T>(raw));
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the begin of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Works like @ref begin(Eina_Inarray const* raw) but is granted to
* return a constant iterator even for handles that are not
* const-qualified.
template <typename T>
static T const* cbegin(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::begin<T>(raw);
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the end of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Works like @ref end(Eina_Inarray const* raw) but is granted to
* return a constant iterator even for handles that are not
* const-qualified.
template <typename T>
static T const* cend(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::end<T>(raw);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator to the end of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Works like @ref rbegin(Eina_Inarray const* raw) but is granted to
* return a constant reverse iterator even for handles that are not
* const-qualified.
template <typename T>
static std::reverse_iterator<T const*> crbegin(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::rbegin<T const*>(raw);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator to the begin of the memory block of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* Works like @ref rend(Eina_Inarray const* raw) but is granted to
* return a constant reverse iterator even for handles that are not
* const-qualified.
template <typename T>
static std::reverse_iterator<T const*> crend(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::rend<T const*>(raw);
* @brief Check if the given Eina array is empty.
* @return @c true if the given array is empty, @c false otherwise.
* This functions returns @c true if the given @c Eina_Inarray contains
* no elements, otherwise it returns @c false.
template <typename T>
static inline bool empty(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return _inarray_access_traits::size<T>(raw) == 0;
* @brief Get the size of the given @c Eina_Inarray.
* @return Number of elements in the given array.
* This function returns the current number of elements inside of @p raw.
template <typename T>
static inline std::size_t size(Eina_Inarray const* raw)
return ::eina_inarray_count(raw);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the element at the given position.
* @param raw Constant pointer to an @c Eina_Inarray.
* @param i Position of the element.
* @return Constant reference to the element.
* Version of @ref index() for const-qualified @c Eina_Inarray. Returns
* a constant reference instead.
template <typename T>
static T const& index(Eina_Inarray const* raw, std::size_t i)
return *(_inarray_access_traits::begin<T>(raw) + i);
* @brief Get a reference to the element at the given position.
* @param raw Pointer to a @c Eina_Inarray.
* @param i Position of the element.
* @return Reference to the element.
* This member function returns a reference to the element at position
* @p i inside @p raw.
template <typename T>
static T& index(Eina_Inarray* raw, std::size_t i)
return *(_inarray_access_traits::begin<T>(raw) + i);
template <typename T>
class inarray;
* @ingroup Eina_Cxx_Range_Group
* Range class for @ref inarray.
template <typename T>
struct range_inarray : _range_template<T, _inarray_access_traits>
typedef _range_template<T, _inarray_access_traits> _base_type; /**< Type for the base class. */
typedef typename std::remove_const<T>::type value_type; /**< The type of each element. */
* @brief Creates a range from a native Eina inline array handle.
range_inarray(Eina_Inarray* array)
: _base_type(array)
* @brief Creates a range from a @c inarray object.
range_inarray(inarray<T>& array)
: _base_type(array.native_handle())
* @brief Get the element at the given position in the array.
* @param index Position of the element.
* @return Reference to the element at the given position.
value_type& operator[](std::size_t index) const
return _inarray_access_traits::index<T>(this->native_handle(), index);
* Common inarray interface for every value type.
struct _inarray_common_base
typedef std::size_t size_type; /**< Type for size information used in the array. */
typedef Eina_Inarray* native_handle_type; /** Type for the native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
typedef Eina_Inarray const* const_native_handle_type; /** Type for constant native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
* @brief Creates a new array object from a handle to a native @c Eina_Inarray.
* @param array Handler to a native @c Eina_Inarray
* This constructor wraps a pre-allocated @c Eina_Inarray providing an
* OO interface to it.
* @warning It is important to note that the created array object
* gains ownership of the handle, deallocating it at destruction time.
explicit _inarray_common_base(native_handle_type array)
: _array(array) {}
* @brief Allocates a array with the given size for each element.
* @param member_size Size of each element in the array.
* This constructor creates an inline array object with the given
* size (in bytes) for each element. All allocated memory will be
* released at destruction.
explicit _inarray_common_base(size_type member_size)
: _array( ::eina_inarray_new(member_size, 0) )
* @brief Release the inline array memory.
* This destructor release the internal native @c Eina_Inarray handle,
* freeing allocated memory.
* @brief Get the current size of the array.
* @return Number of elements in the array.
* This member function returns the current number of elements inside
* the inline array.
size_type size() const
return _inarray_access_traits::size<void>(_array);
* @brief Check if the array is empty.
* @return @c true if the array is empty, @c false otherwise.
* This member function returns @c true if the array does not contain
* any elements, otherwise it returns @c false.
bool empty() const
return _inarray_access_traits::empty<void>(_array);
* @brief Get the handle for the wrapped Eina_Inarray.
* @return Internal handle for the native Eina inline array.
* This member function returns the native @c Eina_Inarray handle that
* is wrapped inside this object.
* @warning It is important to take care when using it, since the
* handle will be automatically release upon object destruction.
native_handle_type native_handle() { return _array; }
* @brief Get a constant handle for the wrapped Eina_Inarray.
* @return Constant handle for the native Eina inline array.
* Version of @ref native_handle() for const-qualified objects.
* Return a constant handle instead.
const_native_handle_type native_handle() const { return _array; }
* @internal
* Member variable that holds the native @c Eina_Inarray handle.
native_handle_type _array;
/** Disabled copy constructor. */
_inarray_common_base(_inarray_common_base const& other);
/** Disabled assignment operator. */
_inarray_common_base& operator=(_inarray_common_base const& other);
* Optimized specialization of the base inline array for POD types.
template <typename T>
class _pod_inarray : _inarray_common_base
typedef _inarray_common_base _base_type; /**< Type for the base class. */
typedef T value_type; /**< The type of each element. */
typedef T& reference; /**< Type for a reference to an element. */
typedef T const& const_reference; /**< Type for a constant reference to an element. */
typedef T* pointer; /**< Type for a pointer to an element. */
typedef T const* const_pointer; /**< Type for a constant pointer for an element. */
* Type for a iterator for this container.
* Defined as a @ref pointer for performance reasons.
typedef pointer iterator;
* Type for a constant iterator for this container.
* Defined as a @ref const_pointer for performance reasons.
typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
typedef std::size_t size_type; /**< Type for size information used in the array. */
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; /**< Type to represent the distance between two iterators. */
typedef _base_type::native_handle_type native_handle_type; /** Type for the native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
typedef _base_type::const_native_handle_type const_native_handle_type; /** Type for constant native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator; /**< Type for reverse iterator of the array. */
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator; /** Type for constant reverse iterator of the array. */
using _base_type::size; /**< Type for size information used in the array. */
* @brief Check if the array is empty.
* @return @c true if the array is empty, @c false otherwise.
* This member function returns @c true if the array does not contain
* any elements, otherwise it returns @c false.
using _base_type::empty;
using _base_type::native_handle; /** Type for the native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
* @brief Create a new object from a handle to a native @c Eina_Inarray.
* @param array Handler to a native @c Eina_Inarray.
* This constructor wraps a pre-allocated @c Eina_Inarray providing an
* OOP interface to it.
* @warning It is important to note that the created object gains
* ownership of the handle, deallocating it at destruction time.
_pod_inarray(native_handle_type array)
: _base_type(array) {}
* @brief Default constructor. Create an empty array.
* This constructor creates an array object with no elements. Elements
* are declarated as having the same size of the given template
* typename argument.
_pod_inarray() : _base_type(sizeof(T))
* @brief Construct an array object with @p n copies of @p t.
* @param n Number of elements.
* @param t Value to be copied to each element.
* This constructor creates an inline array with @p n elements, each
* one as a copy of @p t.
_pod_inarray(size_type n, value_type const& t) : _base_type(sizeof(T))
* @brief Create a inline array with elements from the given range.
* @param i Iterator to the initial position. The element pointed by this iterator will be copied.
* @param j Iterator to the final position. The element pointed by this iterator will NOT be copied.
* This constructor creates a inline array with copies of the elements
* between @p i and @p j in the same order.
* @note The ending element (pointed by @p j) is not copied.
template <typename InputIterator>
_pod_inarray(InputIterator i, InputIterator const& j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0)
: _base_type(sizeof(T))
while(i != j)
* @brief Copy constructor. Creates a copy of the given inline array.
* @param other Another inline array of the same type.
* This constructor creates an inline array containing a copy of each
* element inside @p other in the same order.
_pod_inarray(_pod_inarray<T>const& other)
: _base_type(sizeof(T))
insert(end(), other.begin(), other.end());
* Do nothing, the native @c Eina_Inarray is already released in the
* base class destructor.
* @brief Replace the current content with the cotent of another array.
* @param other Another inline array of the same type.
* This assignment operator replaces the content of the array by a
* copy of the content of @p other. The array size is adjusted
* accordingly and the newly copied elements keep their original order.
_pod_inarray<T>& operator=(_pod_inarray<T>const& other)
insert(end(), other.begin(), other.end());
return *this;
* @brief Remove all the elements of the array.
void clear()
* @brief Add a copy of the given element at the end of the array.
* @param value Element to be added at the end of the array.
* This member function allocates a new element at the end of the
* inline array, the content of @p value is copied to the new element.
void push_back(T const& value)
size_type s = size();
eina_inarray_push(_array, &value);
assert(size() != s);
assert(size() == s + 1u);
* @brief Remove the last element of the array.
void pop_back()
* @brief Insert a new element at the given position.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the position where the new element will be inserted.
* @param t Value to be copied to the new element.
* @return Iterator pointing to the new element inserted.
* This member function inserts a copy of the element @p t at the
* position @p i. The new element comes right before the element
* originally pointed by @p i.
* At the end, a valid iterator pointing to the element just inserted
* is returned.
iterator insert(iterator i, value_type const& t)
if(i != end())
T* q = static_cast<iterator>
( ::eina_inarray_alloc_at(_array, i - begin(), 1u));
std::memcpy(q, &t, sizeof(t));
return q;
return end()-1;
* @brief Insert @p n copies of @p t at the given position.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the position where the new elements will be inserted.
* @param n Number of elements to be inserted.
* @param t Value to be copied to each new inserted element.
* @return Iterator pointing to the first inserted element.
* This member function inserts @p n new elements at position @p i
* in the array, each one as a copy of @p t. The new elements come
* right before the element originally pointed by @p i.
* At the end, a valid iterator pointing to the first element inserted
* is returned.
iterator insert(iterator i, size_t n, value_type const& t)
T* q;
if(i != end())
q = static_cast<iterator>
( ::eina_inarray_alloc_at(_array, i - &_array->members, n));
q = eina_inarray_grow(_array, n);
for(T* p = q; n; --n, ++p)
std::memcpy(p, &t, sizeof(t));
return q;
* @brief Insert the elements between the given range at the given position.
* @param p Iterator pointing to the position where the new elements will be inserted.
* @param i Iterator to the initial position. The element pointed by this iterator will be copied.
* @param j Iterator to the final position. The element pointed by this iterator will NOT be copied.
* @return Iterator pointing to the first inserted element.
* This member function inserts a copy of the elements between @p i
* and @p j at the position @p p. The new elements come right before
* the element originally pointed by @p p. Note that the element
* pointed by @p j is not copied.
* At the end, a valid iterator pointing to the first element inserted
* is returned.
template <typename InputIterator>
iterator insert(iterator p, InputIterator i, InputIterator j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0)
size_type n = 0;
while(i != j)
p = insert(p, *i);
return p - n;
* @brief Remove the element at the given position.
* @param q Iterator pointing to the element to be removed.
* @return Iterator pointing to the element after the removed one.
* This member function removes the element pointed by the iterator
* @p q, reducing the array size by one. At the end, a valid iterator
* pointing to the element right after the removed one is returned.
iterator erase(iterator q)
::eina_inarray_remove_at(_array, q - begin());
return q;
* @brief Remove the elements between the given range.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the starting position to be removed.
* @param j Iterator pointing to the ending position to be removed.
* The element pointed by this iterator is not removed.
* @return Iterator pointing to the new position of the first
* non-removed element after the removed ones (i.e. the one
* originally pointed by @p j).
* This member function removes the elements between the iterators
* @p i and @p j, including the element pointed by @p i but not the
* element pointed by @j.
iterator erase(iterator i, iterator j)
while(i != j)
return i;
* @brief Replace the content of the array by the elements in the given range.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the beginning of the elements to be copied.
* @param j Iterator pointing to the end of the elements to be copied.
* Note that the element pointed by j will NOT be copied.
* This member function replaces the current elements by copies of the
* elements between the iterators @p i and @p j, including the element
* pointed by @p i but not the one pointed by @p j. The size of the
* array is adjusted accordingly and the newly copied elements remain
* in their original order.
template <typename InputIterator>
void assign(InputIterator i, InputIterator j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0);
* @brief Replace the content of the array by @p n copies @p t.
* @param n Number of elements.
* @param t Value to be copied to each element.
void assign(size_type n, value_type const& t);
* @brief Get a reference to the element at the given position.
* @param i Position of the element.
* @return Reference to the element at the ith position.
value_type& operator[](size_type i)
return *(begin() + i);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the element at the given position.
* @param i Position of the element.
* @return Constant reference to the element at the ith position.
* Version of @ref operator[](size_type i) for const-qualified inline
* array objects. Returns a constant reference instead.
value_type const& operator[](size_type i) const
return const_cast<inarray<T>&>(*this)[i];
* @brief Get a reference to the last element.
* @return Reference to the last element in the array.
value_type& back()
return _inarray_access_traits::back<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the last element.
* @return Constant reference to the last element in the array.
* Version of @ref back() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant reference instead.
value_type const& back() const
return _inarray_access_traits::back<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a reference to the first element.
* @return Reference to the first element of the array.
value_type& front()
return _inarray_access_traits::front<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the first element.
* @return Constant reference to the first element of the array.
* Version of @ref front() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant reference instead.
value_type const& front() const
return _inarray_access_traits::front<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get an iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
* @return Iterator to the initial position of the array.
* This member function returns an iterator pointing to the first
* element of the array. If the array is empty the returned iterator
* is the same as the one returned by @ref end().
iterator begin()
return _inarray_access_traits::begin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get an iterator to the position following the last element of the array.
* @return Iterator to the final position of the array.
* This member function returns an iterator to the position following
* the last element in the array. If the array is empty the returned
* iterator is the same as the one returned by @ref begin().
* @note Note that attempting to access this position causes undefined
* behavior.
iterator end()
return _inarray_access_traits::end<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the initial position of the array.
* Version of @ref begin() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant iterator instead.
const_iterator begin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::begin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the position following the last element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the final position of the array.
* Version of @ref end() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant iterator instead.
const_iterator end() const
return _inarray_access_traits::end<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* Version of @ref rbegin() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant reverse iterator instead.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::rbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* Version of @ref rend() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant reverse iterator instead.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return _inarray_access_traits::rend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* @return Reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* This member function returns a reverse iterator pointing to the
* last element of the array. If the array is empty the returned
* reverse iterator is the same as the one returned by @ref rend().
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return _inarray_access_traits::rbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* @return Reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* This member function returns a reverse iterator pointing to the
* position before the first element of the array. If the array is
* empty the returned iterator is the same as the one returned by
* @ref rbegin().
* @note Note that attempting to access this position causes undefined
* behavior.
reverse_iterator rend()
return _inarray_access_traits::rend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the initial position of the array.
* This member function works like @ref begin() const but is granted
* to return a constant iterator even for arrays that are not
* const-qualified.
const_iterator cbegin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::cbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the position following the last element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the final position of the array.
* This member function works like @ref end() const but is granted to
* return a constant iterator even for arrays that are not
* const-qualified.
const_iterator cend() const
return _inarray_access_traits::cend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* This member function works like @ref rbegin() const but is granted
* to return a constant reverse iterator even for arrays that are not
* const-qualified.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::crbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* This member function works like @ref rend() const but is granted to
* return a constant reverse iterator even for arrays that are not
* const-qualified.
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
return _inarray_access_traits::crend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Swap content between two inline arrays.
* @param other Other inline array of the same type.
void swap(_pod_inarray<T>& other)
std::swap(_array, other._array);
* @brief Get the maximum number of elements a inline array can hold.
* @return Maximum number of elements a inline array can hold.
size_type max_size() const { return -1; }
* @brief Get a handle for the wrapped Eina_Inarray.
* @return Handle for the native Eina inline array.
* This member function returns the native Eina_Inarray handle that is
* wrapped inside this object.
* @warning It is important to take care when using it, since the
* handle will be automatically release upon object destruction.
native_handle_type native_handle()
return this->_array;
* @brief Get a constant handle for the wrapped Eina_Inarray.
* @return Constant handle for the native Eina inline array.
* Version of @ref native_handle() for const-qualified objects.Returns
* a constant handle instead.
* @see native_handle()
const_native_handle_type native_handle() const
return this->_array;
template <typename T>
class _nonpod_inarray : _inarray_common_base
typedef _inarray_common_base _base_type; /**< Type for the base class. */
typedef T value_type; /**< The type of each element. */
typedef T& reference; /**< Type for a reference to an element. */
typedef T const& const_reference; /**< Type for a constant reference to an element. */
typedef T* pointer; /**< Type for a pointer to an element. */
typedef T const* const_pointer; /**< Type for a constant pointer for an element. */
* Type for a iterator to this kind of inline array.
* Defined as a @ref pointer for performance reasons.
typedef pointer iterator;
* Type for a constant iterator for this kind of inline array.
* Defined as a @ref const_pointer for performance reasons.
typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
typedef std::size_t size_type; /**< Type for size information used in the array. */
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; /**< Type to represent the distance between two iterators. */
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator; /** Type for the native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator; /** Type for constant native @c Eina_Inarray handle. */
using _base_type::size;
using _base_type::empty;
* @brief Create a new object from a handle to a native Eina_Inarray.
* @param array Handle to a native Eina_Inarray.
* This constructor wraps a pre-allocated Eina_Inarray providing an
* OOP interface to it.
* @warning It is important to note that the created object gains
* ownership of the handle, deallocating it at destruction time.
_nonpod_inarray(Eina_Inarray* array)
: _base_type(array) {}
* @brief Default constructor. Create an empty array.
* This constructor creates an array object with no elements. Elements
* are declarated as having the same size of the given template
* typename argument.
_nonpod_inarray() : _base_type(sizeof(T))
* @brief Construct an array object with @p n copies of @p t.
* @param n Number of elements.
* @param t Value to be copied to each element.
* This constructor creates an inline array with @p n elements, each
* one as a copy of @p t.
_nonpod_inarray(size_type n, value_type const& t) : _base_type(sizeof(T))
* @brief Create a inline array coping the elements from the given range.
* @param i Iterator to the initial position. The element pointed by this iterator will be copied.
* @param j Iterator to the final position. The element pointed by this iterator will NOT be copied.
* This constructor creates a inline array with copies of the elements
* between @p i and @p j in the same order. Note that the ending
* element (pointed by @p j) is excluded.
template <typename InputIterator>
_nonpod_inarray(InputIterator i, InputIterator const& j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0)
: _base_type(sizeof(T))
while(i != j)
* @brief Copy constructor. Creates a copy of the given inline array.
* @param other Another inline array of the same type.
* This constructor creates an inline array containing a copy of each
* element inside @p other in the same order.
_nonpod_inarray(_nonpod_inarray<T>const& other)
: _base_type(sizeof(T))
insert(end(), other.begin(), other.end());
* @brief Destructor of array for non-POD elements.
* Calls the destructor of each allocated element, before the base
* class destructor releases their memory.
for(T* first = static_cast<T*>(_array->members)
, *last = first + _array->len; first != last; ++first)
* @brief Replace current content with the cotent of another array.
* @param other Another inline array of the same type.
* This assignment operator replaces the content of the array by a
* copy of the content of the given array @p other. The array size is
* adjusted accordingly and the newly copied elements keep their
* original order.
_nonpod_inarray<T>& operator=(_nonpod_inarray<T>const& other)
insert(end(), other.begin(), other.end());
return *this;
* @brief Remove all the elements of the array.
void clear()
for(T* first = static_cast<T*>(_array->members)
, *last = first + _array->len; first != last; ++first)
* @brief Add a copy of the given element at the end of the array.
* @param value Element to be added at the end of the array.
* This member function allocates a new element at the end of the
* inline array, the content of @p value is copied to the new element.
void push_back(T const& value)
insert(end(), 1u, value);
* @brief Remove the last element of the array.
void pop_back()
T* elem = static_cast<T*>(_array->members) + _array->len - 1;
* @brief Insert a new element at the given position.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the position where the new element will be inserted.
* @param t Value to be copied to the new element.
* @return Iterator pointing to the new element inserted.
* This member function inserts a copy of the element @p t at the
* position @p i. The new element comes right before the element
* originally pointed by @p i.
* At the end, a valid iterator pointing to the element just inserted
* is returned.
iterator insert(iterator i, value_type const& t)
return insert(i, 1u, t);
* @brief Insert @p n copies of @p t at the given position.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the position where the new elements will be inserted.
* @param n Number of elements to be inserted.
* @param t Value to be copied to each new inserted element.
* @return Iterator pointing to the first inserted element.
* This member function inserts @p n new elements at position @p i
* in the array, each one as a copy of @p t. The new elements come
* right before the element originally pointed by @p i.
* At the end, a valid iterator pointing to the first element inserted
* is returned.
iterator insert(iterator i, size_t n, value_type const& t)
if(_array->max - _array->len >= n)
iterator end = static_cast<T*>(_array->members)
+ _array->len
, last = end + n;
_array->len += n;
dest(last), src(end), src_end(i);
for(;src != src_end; ++src)
if(dest.base() <= end)
*dest++ = *src;
new (&*dest++) T(*src);
iterator j = i;
for(size_type k = 0;k != n;++k)
if(j < end)
*j = t;
new (&*j++) T(t);
size_type index = i - static_cast<iterator>(_array->members);
Eina_Inarray* old_array = eina_inarray_new(_array->member_size, 0);
*old_array = *_array;
_array->len = _array->max = 0;
_array->members = 0;
eina_inarray_resize(_array, old_array->len+n);
_array->len = old_array->len+n;
iterator old_first = static_cast<iterator>(old_array->members)
, first = begin()
, last = first + _array->len;
i = index + begin();
while(first != i)
new (&*first++) T(*old_first);
for(size_type j = 0;j != n;++j)
new (&*first++) T(t);
2014-02-26 07:12:21 -08:00
std::size_t diff = last - first;
2014-02-26 07:12:21 -08:00
assert(diff == _array->len - index - n);
while(first != last)
new (&*first++) T(*old_first);
return i;
* @brief Insert the elements between the given range at the given position.
* @param p Iterator pointing to the position where the new elements will be inserted.
* @param i Iterator to the initial position. The element pointed by this iterator will be copied.
* @param j Iterator to the final position. The element pointed by this iterator will NOT be copied.
* @return Iterator pointing to the first inserted element.
* This member function inserts a copy of the elements between @p i
* and @p j at the position @p p. The new elements come right before
* the element originally pointed by @p p. Note that the element
* pointed by @p j is not copied.
template <typename InputIterator>
iterator insert(iterator p, InputIterator i, InputIterator j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0)
size_type n = 0;
while(i != j)
p = insert(p, *i);
return p - n;
* @brief Remove the element at the given position.
* @param q Iterator pointing to the element to be removed.
* @return Iterator pointing to the element after the removed one.
* This member function removes the element pointed by the iterator
* @p q, reducing the array size by one. At the end, a valid iterator
* pointing to the element right after the removed one is returned.
iterator erase(iterator q)
return erase(q, q+1);
* @brief Remove the elements between the given range.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the starting position to be removed.
* @param j Iterator pointing to the ending position to be removed.
* The element pointed by this iterator is not removed.
* @return Iterator pointing to the new position of the first
* non-removed element after the removed ones (i.e. the one
* originally pointed by j).
* This member function removes the elements between the iterators
* @p i and @p j, including the element pointed by @p i but not the
* element pointed by @j.
iterator erase(iterator i, iterator j)
iterator last = end();
iterator k = i, l = j;
while(l != last)
*k++ = *l++;
while(k != last)
_array->len -= j - i;
return i;
* @brief Replace the content of the array by the elements in the given range.
* @param i Iterator pointing to the beginning of the elements to be copied.
* @param j Iterator pointing to the end of the elements to be copied.
* Note that the element pointed by j will NOT be copied.
* This member function replaces the current elements by copies of the
* elements between the iterators @p i and @p j, including the element
* pointed by @p i but not the one pointed by @p j. The size of the
* array is adjusted accordingly and the newly copied elements remain
* in their original order.
template <typename InputIterator>
void assign(InputIterator i, InputIterator j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0);
* @brief Replace the content of the array by @p n copies @p t.
* @param n Number of elements.
* @param t Value to be copied to each element.
void assign(size_type n, value_type const& t);
* @brief Get a reference to the element at the given position.
* @param i Position of the element.
* @return Reference to the element at the ith position.
value_type& operator[](size_type i)
return *(begin() + i);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the element at the given position.
* @param i Position of the element.
* @return Constant reference to the element at the ith position.
* Version of @ref operator[](size_type i) for const-qualified inline
* array objects. Return a constant reference instead.
value_type const& operator[](size_type i) const
return const_cast<inarray<T>&>(*this)[i];
* @brief Get a reference to the last element.
* @return Reference to the last element in the array.
value_type& back()
return _inarray_access_traits::back<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the last element.
* @return Constant reference to the last element in the array.
* Version of @ref back() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Return a constant reference instead.
value_type const& back() const
return _inarray_access_traits::back<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a reference to the first element.
* @return Reference to the first element of the array.
value_type& front()
return _inarray_access_traits::front<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reference to the first element.
* @return Constant reference to the first element of the array.
* Version of @ref front() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Return a constant reference instead.
value_type const& front() const
return _inarray_access_traits::front<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get an iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
* @return Iterator to the initial position of the array.
* This member function returns an iterator pointing to the first
* element of the array. If the array is empty the returned iterator
* is the same as the one returned by @ref end().
iterator begin()
return _inarray_access_traits::begin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get an iterator to the position following the last element of the array.
* @return Iterator to the final position of the array.
* This member function returns an iterator to the position following
* the last element in the array. If the array is empty the returned
* iterator is the same as the one returned by @ref begin().
* Note that attempting to access this position causes undefined
* behavior.
iterator end()
return _inarray_access_traits::end<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the initial position of the array.
* Version of @ref begin() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant iterator instead.
const_iterator begin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::begin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the position following the last element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the final position of the array.
* Version of @ref end() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant iterator instead.
const_iterator end() const
return _inarray_access_traits::end<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* Version of @ref rbegin() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant reverse iterator instead.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::rbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* Version of @ref rend() for const-qualified inline array objects.
* Returns a constant reverse iterator instead.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return _inarray_access_traits::rend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* @return Reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* This member function returns a reverse iterator pointing to the
* last element of the array. If the array is empty the returned
* reverse iterator is the same as the one returned by @ref rend().
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return _inarray_access_traits::rbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* @return Reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* This member function returns a reverse iterator pointing to the
* position before the first element of the array. If the array is
* empty the returned iterator is the same as the one returned by
* @ref rbegin().
* @note Note that attempting to access this position causes undefined
* behavior.
reverse_iterator rend()
return _inarray_access_traits::rend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator pointing to the first element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the initial position of the array.
* This member function works like the constant overload of @ref begin()
* but is granted to return a constant iterator even for arrays that
* are not const-qualified.
const_iterator cbegin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::cbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant iterator to the position following the last element of the array.
* @return Constant iterator to the final position of the array.
* This member function works like the constant overload of @ref end()
* but is granted to return a constant iterator even for arrays that
* are not const-qualified.
const_iterator cend() const
return _inarray_access_traits::cend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse begin of the array.
* This member function works like the constant overload of @ref rbegin()
* but is granted to return a constant reverse iterator even for
* arrays that are not const-qualified.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
return _inarray_access_traits::crbegin<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Get a constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* @return Constant reverse iterator pointing to the reverse end of the array.
* This member function works like the constant overload of @ref rend()
* but is granted to return a constant reverse iterator even for
* arrays that are not const-qualified.
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
return _inarray_access_traits::crend<value_type>(_array);
* @brief Swap content between two inline arrays.
* @param other Other inline array of the same type.
void swap(_nonpod_inarray<T>& other)
std::swap(_array, other._array);
* @brief Get the maximum number of elements a inline array can hold.
* @return Maximum number of elements a inline array can hold.
size_type max_size() const { return -1; }
* @brief Get the handle for the wrapped Eina_Inarray.
* @return Internal handle for the native Eina inline array.
* This member function returns the native Eina_Inarray handle that is
* wrapped inside this object. It is important to take care when using
* it, since the handle will be automatically release upon object
* destruction.
Eina_Inarray* native_handle()
return this->_array;
* @brief Get the handle for the wrapped Eina_Inarray.
* @return Internal handle for the native Eina inline array.
* This member function returns the native Eina_Inarray handle that is
* wrapped inside this object. It is important to take care when using
* it, since the handle will be automatically release upon object
* destruction.
Eina_Inarray const* native_handle() const
return this->_array;
* Inline array class. It provides an OOP interface to the
* @c Eina_Inarray functions, and automatically take care of allocating
* and deallocating resources using the RAII programming idiom.
* It also provides additional member functions to facilitate the access
* to the array content, much like a STL vector.
template <typename T>
class inarray : public eina::if_<eina::is_pod<T>, _pod_inarray<T>
, _nonpod_inarray<T> >::type
typedef typename eina::if_<eina::is_pod<T>, _pod_inarray<T>
, _nonpod_inarray<T> >::type _base_type; /**< Type for the base class. */
* @brief Create a new object from a handle to a native Eina_Inarray.
* @param array Handle to a native Eina_Inarray.
* This constructor wraps a pre-allocated Eina_Inarray providing an
* OOP interface to it.
* @warning It is important to note that the created object gains
* ownership of the handle, deallocating it at destruction time.
inarray(Eina_Inarray* array)
: _base_type(array) {}
* @brief Default constructor. Creates an empty array.
inarray() : _base_type() {}
* @brief Construct an array object with @p n copies of @p t.
* @param n Number of elements.
* @param t Value to be copied to each element.
* This constructor creates an inline array with @p n elements, each
* one as a copy of @p t.
inarray(typename _base_type::size_type n, typename _base_type::value_type const& t)
: _base_type(n, t) {}
* @brief Create a inline array with elements from the given range.
* @param i Iterator to the initial position. The element pointed by this iterator will be copied.
* @param j Iterator to the final position. The element pointed by this iterator will NOT be copied.
* This constructor creates a inline array with copies of the elements
* between @p i and @p j in the same order.
* @note The ending element (pointed by @p j) is not copied.
template <typename InputIterator>
inarray(InputIterator i, InputIterator const& j
, typename eina::enable_if<!eina::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = 0)
: _base_type(i, j)
* @brief Check if two inline arrays are equal.
* @param lhs Inline array at the left side of the expression.
* @param rhs Inline array at the right side of the expression.
* @return @c true if the arrays are equals, @c false otherwise.
* This operator checks if the given inline arrays are equal. To be
* considered equal both arrays need to have the same number of
* elements, and each element in one array must be equal to the element
* at the same position in the other array.
template <typename T>
bool operator==(inarray<T> const& lhs, inarray<T> const& rhs)
return lhs.size() == rhs.size() &&
std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
* @brief Check if two inline arrays are different.
* @param lhs Inline array at the left side of the expression.
* @param rhs Inline array at the right side of the expression.
* @return @c true if the arrays are not equal , @c false otherwise.
* This operator returns the opposite of @ref operator==(inarray<T> const& lhs, inarray<T> const& rhs).
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(inarray<T> const& lhs, inarray<T> const& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
* @brief Swap content between two inline arrays.
* @param other Other inline array of the same type.
template <typename T>
void swap(inarray<T>& lhs, inarray<T>& rhs)
* @}
} }
* @}