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* @page Examples Examples
* Here is a page with examples.
* @ref Example_Evas_Buffer_Simple
* @ref Example_Evas_Init_Shutdown
* @ref Example_Evas_Load_Error_Str
* @ref Example_Evas_Events
* @ref Example_Evas_Object_Manipulation
* @ref Example_Evas_Aspect_Hints
* @ref Example_Evas_Size_Hints
* @ref Example_Evas_Stacking
* @page Example_Evas_Buffer_Simple Simple Evas canvas example
* The canvas will here use the buffer engine.
* @include evas-buffer-simple.c
* @example evas-buffer-simple.c
2011-06-10 14:31:26 -07:00
* @page Example_Evas_Init_Shutdown Evas' init/shutdown routines example
* @include evas-init-shutdown.c
* @example evas-init-shutdown.c
* @page Example_Evas_Load_Error_Str Some image object functions and evas_load_error_str() example
* @dontinclude evas-load-error-str.c
* In this example, we add two images to a canvas, each one having a
* quarter of the canvas' size, positioned on the top left and bottom
* right corners, respectively:
* @skip img1 = evas_object_image_add(evas);
* @until ecore_main_loop_begin
* See there is a border image around the top left one, <b>which is
* the one that should be displayed</b>. The other one will (on
* purpose) fail to load, because we set a wrong file path as image
* source on it:
* @dontinclude evas-load-error-str.c
* @skip valid_path
* @until bogus_path
* This is how one is supposed to test for success when binding source
* images to image objects: evas_object_image_load_error_get(),
* followed by evas_load_error_str(), if one wants to pretty print/log
* the error.
* To interact with the program, there's a command line interface,
* whose help string can be asked for with the 'h' key:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "h") == 0)
* @until }
* The first four commands will change the top left images's @b fill property
* values, which dictate how the source image (Enlightenment's logo)
* is to be displayed through the image object's area. Experiment with
* those switches until you get the idea of evas_object_fill_set().
* The 'f' command will toggle that image's "filled" property, which
* is wheter it should track its size and set the fill one to fit the
* object's boundaries perfectly (stretching). Note that this command
* and the four above it will conflict: in real usage one would use
* one or other ways of setting an image object's viewport with regard
* to its image source.
* The full example follows.
* @include evas-load-error-str.c
* @example evas-load-error-str.c
* @page Example_Evas_Events Evas events (canvas and object ones) and some canvas operations example
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* In this example we illustrate how to interact with canvas' (and
* its objects') events and other canvas operations.
* After we grab our canvas pointer, we registrate two event callbacks on it:
* @skip evas_event_callback_add(d.canvas, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_FLUSH_PRE,
* @until two canvas event callbacks
* The first of them, whose code is
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip render flush callback
* @until }
* will be called whenever our canvas has to flush its rendering pipeline.
* In this example, two ways of observing that message which is printed in
* the cited callback are:
* - to resize the example's window (thus resizing the canvas' viewport)
* - let the animation run
* When one resizes the canvas, there's at least one operation it has
* to do which will require new calculation for rendering: the
* resizing of the background rectangle:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip here just to keep
* @until }
* The animation we talked about comes from a timer we register just before
* we start the example's main loop:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip d.resize_timer = ecore
* @until d.resize_timer = ecore
* being the timer's callback what follows:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip put some action
* @until }
* As you see, the resizing of the image will also force the canvas to
* repaint itself, thus flushing the rendering pipeline whenever the
* timer ticks. When you start this example, this animation will be
* running, by default. To interact with the program, there's a
* command line interface, whose help string can be asked for with the
* 'h' key:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "h") == 0)
* @until }
* These are the commands the example will accept at any time, except
* when one triggers the 'f' one:
* @skip if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "f") == 0)
* @until }
* This command will exemplify evas_event_freeze(), which interrupts
* @b all input events processing for the canvas (in the example, just
* for 3 seconds). Try to issue events for it during that freeze time.
* The 'd' command will unregister those two canvas callbacks for you,
* so you won't see the messages about the focused object and the
* rendering process anymore:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "d") == 0)
* @until }
* The second of those callbacks has the following code:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip called when our rectangle gets focus
* @until }
* It will take place whenever an object in the canvas receives
* focus. In this example, we use the focus to handle the input
* events:
* @skip so we get input events
* @until }
* The background rectangle is the chosen object to receive the
* focus. This also illustrates the use of
* evas_object_event_callback_add(), which registers an event callback
* on an Evas @b object (in this case, the event of a key being
* pressed down). On this callback, we examine each key pressed and,
* if they match one between the expected, we take some actions:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip examine the keys pressed
* @until key grab
* We do so by examining the @c ev->keyname string (remember the event
* information struct for key down events is the #Evas_Event_Key_Down
* one). There's one more trick for grabbing input events on this
* example -- evas_object_key_grab(). The 'c' command will, when
* firstly used, @b unfocus the background rectangle. Unfocused
* objects on an Evas canvas will @b never receive key events. We
* grab, then, the keys we're interested at, to the object forcefully:
* @skip if (d.focus)
* @until got here by key grabs
* This shows how one can handle input not depending on focus issues
* -- you can grab them globally. Switch back and forth focus and
* forced key grabbing with the 'c' key, and observe the messages
* printed about the focused object. Observe, also, that we register
* two more @b object callbacks, this time on the image object
* (Enlightenment logo):
* @skip evas_object_show(d.img);
* @until mouse_out, NULL
* whose code blocks are
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip mouse enters the object's area
* @until mouse exits the object's area
* Experiment with moving the mouse pointer over the image, letting it
* enter and exit its area (stop the animation with 'a', for a better
* experience). When you start the example, Evas will consider this
* area by being the whole boundary rectangle around the picture. If
* you issue the 'p' command, though, you get a demonstration of Evas'
* precise point collision detection on objects:
* @dontinclude evas-events.c
* @skip if (strcmp(ev->keyname, "p") == 0)
* @until }
* With evas_object_precise_is_inside_get(), one can make Evas
* consider the transparent areas of an object (the middle of the
* logo's E letter, in the case) as not belonging to it when
* calculating mouse in/out/up/down events. To finish the example, try
* the command bound to Cotrol + 'o':
* @skip mods = evas_key_modifier_get(evas);
* @until end of obscured region command
* It exemplifies Evas' <b>obscured regions</b>. When firstly pressed,
* you'll get the same contents, in a region in the middle of the
* canvas, at the time the key was pressed, until you toggle the
* effect off again (make sure the animation is running on to get the
* idea better). When you toggle this effect off, we also demonstrate
* the use of evas_render_updates(), which will force immediate
* updates on the canvas rendering, bringing back the obscured
* region's contents to normal.
* What follows is the complete code for this example.
* @include evas-events.c
* @example evas-events.c
* @page Example_Evas_Object_Manipulation Evas objects basic manipulation example
* @include evas-object-manipulation.c
* @example evas-object-manipulation.c
* @page Example_Evas_Aspect_Hints Evas aspect hints example
* @include evas-aspect-hints.c
* @example evas-aspect-hints.c
* @page Example_Evas_Size_Hints Evas alignment, minimum size, maximum size, padding and weight hints example
* @include evas-hints.c
* @example evas-hints.c
* @page Example_Evas_Stacking Evas object stacking functions (and some event handling)
* @dontinclude evas-stacking.c
* In this example, we illustrate how to stack objects in a custom
* manner and how to deal with layers.
* We have three objects of interest in it -- white background, red
* rectangle, green rectangle and blue rectangle.
* @skip d.bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(d.canvas);
* @until evas_object_resize(d.bg, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
* @skip d.rects[2] = evas_object_rectangle_add(d.canvas);
* @until evas_object_show(d.rects[0]);
* @dontinclude evas-stacking.c
* Like in other Evas examples, one interacts with it be means of key commands:
* @skip "commands are:\n"
* @until "\th - print help\n");
* At any given point, like seem above, you'll be operating one rectangle only.
* Try stacking it below an adjacent object with "b":
* @skip evas_object_stack_below(d.rects[d.cur_rect], neighbour);
* @until evas_object_stack_below(d.rects[d.cur_rect], neighbour);
* @dontinclude evas-stacking.c
* "a" will do the opposite:
* @skip evas_object_stack_above(d.rects[d.cur_rect], neighbour);
* @until evas_object_stack_above(d.rects[d.cur_rect], neighbour);
* To bring it directly to the top/bottom, use "t"/"m", respectively:
* @dontinclude evas-stacking.c
* @skip evas_object_raise(d.rects[d.cur_rect]);
* @until evas_object_raise(d.rects[d.cur_rect]);
* @skip evas_object_lower(d.rects[d.cur_rect]);
* @until evas_object_lower(d.rects[d.cur_rect]);
* At any time, use the "s" command to see the status of the
* ordering. It will show the background's ordering too. Note that it
* also shows the @b layer for this object. It starts at a @b
* different layer than the others. Use "l" to change its layer
* (higher layer numbers mean higher layers). If the background is on
* the same layer as the others (0), you'll see it interact with them
* on the ordering. If it's in the layer above, no matter what you do,
* you'll see nothing but the white rectangle: it covers the other
* layers. For the initial layer (-1), it will never mess nor occlude
* the others.
* The last two commands available are "p" and "r", which will make
* the target rectangle to @b pass (ignore) and @b repeat the mouse
* events occurring on it (the commands will cycle through on and off
* states). This is demonstrated with the following
* #EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN callback, registered on each of the
* colored rectangles:
* @dontinclude evas-stacking.c
* @skip static void
* @until }
* Try to change these properties on the three rectangles while
* experimenting with mouse clicks on their intersection region.
* The full example follows.
* @include evas-stacking.c
* @example evas-stacking.c