and add yuv conversion code

SVN revision: 8069
This commit is contained in:
Carsten Haitzler 2003-12-10 01:23:24 +00:00
parent 58d0647f41
commit 1771ecd4ee
1 changed files with 508 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
#include "evas_common.h"
#ifdef BUILD_MMX
#include "evas_mmx.h"
static void _evas_yuv_init (void);
static void _evas_yv12torgb_mmx (unsigned char **yuv, unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h);
static void _evas_yv12torgb_raster(unsigned char **yuv, unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h);
static void _evas_yv12torgb_diz (unsigned char **yuv, unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h);
#define CRV 104595
#define CBU 132251
#define CGU 25624
#define CGV 53280
#define YMUL 76283
#define OFF 32768
#define BITRES 16
/* calculation float resolution in bits */
/* ie RES = 6 is 10.6 fixed point */
/* RES = 8 is 8.8 fixed point */
/* RES = 4 is 12.4 fixed point */
/* NB: going above 6 will lead to overflow... :( */
#define RES 6
#define RZ(i) (i >> (BITRES - RES))
#define FOUR(i) {i, i, i, i}
#ifdef BUILD_MMX
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_crvcrv[4] = FOUR(RZ(CRV));
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_cbucbu[4] = FOUR(RZ(CBU));
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_cgucgu[4] = FOUR(RZ(CGU));
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_cgvcgv[4] = FOUR(RZ(CGV));
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_ymul [4] = FOUR(RZ(YMUL));
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_128 [4] = FOUR(128);
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_32 [4] = FOUR(RZ(OFF));
__attribute__ ((aligned (8))) const volatile unsigned short _const_16 [4] = FOUR(16);
#define CONST_CRVCRV *_const_crvcrv
#define CONST_CBUCBU *_const_cbucbu
#define CONST_CGUCGU *_const_cgucgu
#define CONST_CGVCGV *_const_cgvcgv
#define CONST_YMUL *_const_ymul
#define CONST_128 *_const_128
#define CONST_32 *_const_32
#define CONST_16 *_const_16
/* for C non aligned cleanup */
const int _crv = RZ(CRV); /* 1.596 */
const int _cbu = RZ(CBU); /* 2.018 */
const int _cgu = RZ(CGU); /* 0.391 */
const int _cgv = RZ(CGV); /* 0.813 */
#ifdef BUILD_C
/* shortcut speedup lookup-tables */
static short _v1164[256];
static short _v1596[256];
static short _v813[256];
static short _v391[256];
static short _v2018[256];
static unsigned char _clip_lut[1024];
#define LUT_CLIP(i) ((_clip_lut+384)[(i)])
#define CMP_CLIP(i) ((i&256)? (~(i>>10)) : i);
evas_common_convert_yuv_420p_601_rgba(DATA8 **src, DATA8 *dst, int w, int h)
#ifdef BUILD_MMX
int mmx, sse, sse2;
evas_common_cpu_can_do(&mmx, &sse, &sse2);
if (mmx) _evas_yv12torgb_mmx(src, dst, w, h);
#ifdef BUILD_C
static int initted = 0;
if (!initted) _evas_yuv_init();
initted = 1;
/* FIXME: diz may be faster sometimes */
_evas_yv12torgb_raster(src, dst, w, h);
/* Thanks to Diz for this code. i've munged it a little and turned it into */
/* inline macros. I tried beating it with a different algorithm using MMX */
/* but failed. So here we are. This is the fastest YUV->RGB i know of for */
/* x86. It has an issue that it doesnt convert colours accurately so the */
/* image looks a little "yellowy". This is a result of only 10.6 fixed point */
/* resolution as opposed to 16.16 in the C code. This could be fixed by */
/* processing half the number of pixels per cycle and going up to 32bits */
/* per element during compute, but it would all but negate the speedup */
/* from mmx I think :( It might be possible to use SSE and SSE2 here, but */
/* I haven't tried yet. Let's see. */
static void
_evas_yv12torgb_mmx(unsigned char **yuv, unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h)
#ifdef BUILD_MMX
int xx, yy;
register unsigned char *yp1, *up, *vp;
unsigned char *dp1;
/* destination pointers */
dp1 = rgb;
for (yy = 0; yy < h; yy++)
/* plane pointers */
yp1 = yuv[yy];
up = yuv[h + (yy / 2)];
vp = yuv[h + (h / 2) + (yy / 2)];
for (xx = 0; xx < (w - 7); xx += 8)
movq_m2r(*yp1, mm0);
movq_r2r(mm0, mm1);
psrlw_i2r(8, mm0);
psllw_i2r(8, mm1);
psrlw_i2r(8, mm1);
pxor_r2r(mm7, mm7);
movd_m2r(*up, mm3);
movd_m2r(*vp, mm2);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm7, mm2);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm7, mm3);
movq_m2r(CONST_16, mm4);
psubsw_r2r(mm4, mm0);
psubsw_r2r(mm4, mm1);
movq_m2r(CONST_128, mm5);
psubsw_r2r(mm5, mm2);
psubsw_r2r(mm5, mm3);
movq_m2r(CONST_YMUL, mm4);
pmullw_r2r(mm4, mm0);
pmullw_r2r(mm4, mm1);
movq_m2r(CONST_CRVCRV, mm7);
pmullw_r2r(mm3, mm7);
movq_m2r(CONST_CBUCBU, mm6);
pmullw_r2r(mm2, mm6);
movq_m2r(CONST_CGUCGU, mm5);
pmullw_r2r(mm2, mm5);
movq_m2r(CONST_CGVCGV, mm4);
pmullw_r2r(mm3, mm4);
movq_r2r(mm0, mm2);
paddsw_r2r(mm7, mm2);
paddsw_r2r(mm1, mm7);
psraw_i2r(RES, mm2);
psraw_i2r(RES, mm7);
packuswb_r2r(mm7, mm2);
pxor_r2r(mm7, mm7);
movq_r2r(mm2, mm3);
punpckhbw_r2r(mm7, mm2);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm3, mm7);
por_r2r(mm7, mm2);
movq_r2r(mm0, mm3);
psubsw_r2r(mm5, mm3);
psubsw_r2r(mm4, mm3);
paddsw_m2r(CONST_32, mm3);
movq_r2r(mm1, mm7);
psubsw_r2r(mm5, mm7);
psubsw_r2r(mm4, mm7);
paddsw_m2r(CONST_32, mm7);
psraw_i2r(RES, mm3);
psraw_i2r(RES, mm7);
packuswb_r2r(mm7, mm3);
pxor_r2r(mm7, mm7);
movq_r2r(mm3, mm4);
punpckhbw_r2r(mm7, mm3);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm4, mm7);
por_r2r(mm7, mm3);
movq_m2r(CONST_32, mm4);
paddsw_r2r(mm6, mm0);
paddsw_r2r(mm6, mm1);
paddsw_r2r(mm4, mm0);
paddsw_r2r(mm4, mm1);
psraw_i2r(RES, mm0);
psraw_i2r(RES, mm1);
packuswb_r2r(mm1, mm0);
pxor_r2r(mm7, mm7);
movq_r2r(mm0, mm5);
punpckhbw_r2r(mm7, mm0);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm5, mm7);
por_r2r(mm7, mm0);
pxor_r2r(mm1, mm1);
movq_r2r(mm0, mm5);
movq_r2r(mm3, mm6);
movq_r2r(mm2, mm7);
punpckhbw_r2r(mm3, mm2);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm6, mm7);
punpckhbw_r2r(mm1, mm0);
punpcklbw_r2r(mm1, mm5);
movq_r2r(mm7, mm1);
punpckhwd_r2r(mm5, mm7);
punpcklwd_r2r(mm5, mm1);
movq_r2r(mm2, mm4);
punpckhwd_r2r(mm0, mm2);
punpcklwd_r2r(mm0, mm4);
movntq_r2m(mm1, *(dp1));
movntq_r2m(mm7, *(dp1 + 8));
movntq_r2m(mm4, *(dp1 + 16));
movntq_r2m(mm2, *(dp1 + 24));
yp1 += 8;
up += 4;
vp += 4;
dp1 += 8 * 4;
/* cleanup pixles that arent a multiple of 8 pixels wide */
if (xx < w)
int y, u, v, r, g, b;
for (; xx < w; xx += 2)
u = (*up++) - 128;
v = (*vp++) - 128;
y = RZ(YMUL) * ((*yp1++) - 16);
r = (y + (_crv * v)) >> RES;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
R_VAL(dp1) = r;
g = (y - (_cgu * u) - (_cgv * v) + RZ(OFF)) >> RES;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
G_VAL(dp1) = g;
b = (y + (_cbu * u) + RZ(OFF)) >> RES;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
B_VAL(dp1) = b;
dp1 += 4;
y = RZ(YMUL) * ((*yp1++) - 16);
r = (y + (_crv * v)) >> RES;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
R_VAL(dp1) = r;
g = (y - (_cgu * u) - (_cgv * v) + RZ(OFF)) >> RES;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
G_VAL(dp1) = g;
b = (y + (_cbu * u) + RZ(OFF)) >> RES;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
B_VAL(dp1) = b;
dp1 += 4;
_evas_yv12torgb_raster(yuv, rgb, w, h);
static void
#ifdef BUILD_C
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
_v1164[i] = (int)(((float)(i - 16 )) * 1.164);
_v1596[i] = (int)(((float)(i - 128)) * 1.596);
_v813[i] = (int)(((float)(i - 128)) * 0.813);
_v391[i] = (int)(((float)(i - 128)) * 0.391);
_v2018[i] = (int)(((float)(i - 128)) * 2.018);
for (i = -384; i < 640; i++)
_clip_lut[i+384] = i < 0 ? 0 : (i > 255) ? 255 : i;
static void
_evas_yv12torgb_diz(unsigned char **yuv, unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h)
#ifdef BUILD_C
int xx, yy;
int y, u, v, r, g, b;
unsigned char *yp1, *yp2, *up, *vp;
unsigned char *dp1, *dp2;
int crv, cbu, cgu, cgv;
/* destination pointers */
dp1 = rgb;
dp2 = rgb + (w * 4);
crv = CRV; /* 1.596 */
cbu = CBU; /* 2.018 */
cgu = CGU; /* 0.391 */
cgv = CGU; /* 0.813 */
for (yy = 0; yy < h; yy += 2)
/* plane pointers */
yp1 = yuv[yy];
yp2 = yuv[yy + 1];
up = yuv[h + (yy / 2)];
vp = yuv[h + (h / 2) + (yy / 2)];
for (xx = 0; xx < w; xx += 2)
/* collect u & v for 2x2 pixel block */
u = (*up++) - 128;
v = (*vp++) - 128;
/* do the top 2 pixels of the 2x2 block whcih shared u & v */
/* yuv to rgb */
y = YMUL * ((*yp1++) - 16);
r = (y + (crv * v)) >> 16;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
R_VAL(dp1) = r;
g = (y - (cgu * u) - (cgv * v) + OFF) >>16;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
G_VAL(dp1) = g;
b = (y + (cbu * u) + OFF) >> 16;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
B_VAL(dp1) = b;
dp1 += 4;
/* yuv to rgb */
y = YMUL * ((*yp1++) - 16);
r = (y + (crv * v)) >> 16;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
R_VAL(dp1) = r;
g = (y - (cgu * u) - (cgv * v) + OFF) >>16;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
G_VAL(dp1) = g;
b = (y + (cbu * u) + OFF) >> 16;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
B_VAL(dp1) = b;
dp1 += 4;
/* do the bottom 2 pixels */
/* yuv to rgb */
y = YMUL * ((*yp2++) - 16);
r = (y + (crv * v)) >> 16;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
R_VAL(dp2) = r;
g = (y - (cgu * u) - (cgv * v) + OFF) >>16;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
G_VAL(dp2) = g;
b = (y + (cbu * u) + OFF) >> 16;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
B_VAL(dp2) = b;
dp2 += 4;
/* yuv to rgb */
y = YMUL * ((*yp2++) - 16);
r = (y + (crv * v)) >> 16;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
R_VAL(dp2) = r;
g = (y - (cgu * u) - (cgv * v) + OFF) >>16;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
G_VAL(dp2) = g;
b = (y + (cbu * u) + OFF) >> 16;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
B_VAL(dp2) = b;
dp2 += 4;
/* jump down one line since we are doing 2 at once */
dp1 += (w * 4);
dp2 += (w * 4);
static void
_evas_yv12torgb_raster(unsigned char **yuv, unsigned char *rgb, int w, int h)
#ifdef BUILD_C
int xx, yy;
int y, u, v, r, g, b;
unsigned char *yp1, *yp2, *up, *vp;
unsigned char *dp1, *dp2;
/* destination pointers */
dp1 = rgb;
dp2 = rgb + (w * 4);
for (yy = 0; yy < h; yy += 2)
/* plane pointers */
yp1 = yuv[yy];
yp2 = yuv[yy + 1];
up = yuv[h + (yy / 2)];
vp = yuv[h + (h / 2) + (yy / 2)];
for (xx = 0; xx < w; xx += 2)
int vmu;
/* collect u & v for 2x2 pixel block */
u = *up++;
v = *vp++;
/* save lookups */
vmu = _v813[v] + _v391[u];
u = _v2018[u];
v = _v1596[v];
/* do the top 2 pixels of the 2x2 block whcih shared u & v */
/* yuv to rgb */
y = _v1164[*yp1++];
r = y + v;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
g = y - vmu;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
b = y + u;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
R_VAL(dp1) = r;
G_VAL(dp1) = g;
B_VAL(dp1) = b;
dp1 += 4;
/* yuv to rgb */
y = _v1164[*yp1++];
r = y + v;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
g = y - vmu;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
b = y + u;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
R_VAL(dp1) = r;
G_VAL(dp1) = g;
B_VAL(dp1) = b;
dp1 += 4;
/* do the bottom 2 pixels */
/* yuv to rgb */
y = _v1164[*yp2++];
r = y + v;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
g = y - vmu;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
b = y + u;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
R_VAL(dp2) = r;
G_VAL(dp2) = g;
B_VAL(dp2) = b;
dp2 += 4;
/* yuv to rgb */
y = _v1164[*yp2++];
r = y + v;
r = LUT_CLIP(r);
g = y - vmu;
g = LUT_CLIP(g);
b = y + u;
b = LUT_CLIP(b);
R_VAL(dp2) = r;
G_VAL(dp2) = g;
B_VAL(dp2) = b;
dp2 += 4;
/* jump down one line since we are doing 2 at once */
dp1 += (w * 4);
dp2 += (w * 4);