ector,ecore,eio,emotion: convert some docs

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kolesa 2015-06-10 14:34:54 +01:00
parent f1519f3334
commit 7d40ec0ad9
5 changed files with 80 additions and 87 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Ecore.Idle.Exiter (Eo.Base)
eo_prefix: ecore_idle_exiter;
methods {
constructor {
/*@ Constructor. */
legacy: null;
params {
@in func: Ecore_Task_Cb;

View File

@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ abstract Ector.Generic.Surface (Eo.Base)
methods {
@property size {
set {
/*@ Changes the size of the given Evas object. */
[[Changes the size of the given Evas object.]]
get {
/*@ Retrieves the (rectangular) size of the given Evas object. */
[[Retrieves the (rectangular) size of the given Evas object.]]
values {
w: int; /*@ in */
h: int; /*@ in */
w: int;
h: int;
@property reference_point {
set {
/*@ This define where is (0,0) in pixels coordinate inside the surface */
[[This define where is (0,0) in pixels coordinate inside the surface]]
values {
x: int;

View File

@ -24,45 +24,41 @@ abstract Ector.Renderer.Generic.Base (Eo.Base)
@property visibility {
set {
/*@ Makes the given Ector renderer visible or invisible. */
[[Makes the given Ector renderer visible or invisible.]]
get {
/*@ Retrieves whether or not the given Ector renderer is visible. */
[[Retrieves whether or not the given Ector renderer is visible.]]
values {
v: bool; /*@ @c EINA_TRUE if to make the object visible, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise */
v: bool; [[true if to make the object visible, false otherwise]]
@property color {
set {
Sets the general/main color of the given Ector renderer to the given
[[Sets the general/main color of the given Ector renderer to the
given one.
@note These color values are expected to be premultiplied by @p a.
@ingroup Ector_Renderer_Group_Basic */
These color values are expected to be premultiplied by alpha.
get {
Retrieves the general/main color of the given Ector renderer.
[[Retrieves the general/main color of the given Ector renderer.
Retrieves the main color's RGB component (and alpha channel)
values, <b>which range from 0 to 255</b>. For the alpha channel,
which defines the object's transparency level, 0 means totally
transparent, while 255 means opaque. These color values are
premultiplied by the alpha value.
Retrieves the main color's RGB component (and alpha channel)
values, which range from 0 to 255. For the alpha channel,
which defines the object's transparency level, 0 means totally
transparent, while 255 means opaque. These color values are
premultiplied by the alpha value.
@note Use @c NULL pointers on the components you're not interested
in: they'll be ignored by the function.
@ingroup Ector_Renderer_Group_Basic */
Use null pointers on the components you're not interested in,
they'll be ignored by the function.
values {
r: int; /*@ The red component of the given color. */
g: int; /*@ The green component of the given color. */
b: int; /*@ The blue component of the given color. */
a: int; /*@ The alpha component of the given color. */
r: int; [[The red component of the given color.]]
g: int; [[The green component of the given color.]]
b: int; [[The blue component of the given color.]]
a: int; [[The alpha component of the given color.]]
@property mask {
@ -92,7 +88,7 @@ abstract Ector.Renderer.Generic.Base (Eo.Base)
return: bool @warn_unused;
params {
@in op: Ector_Rop;
@in clips: array<Eina_Rectangle *> *; /*@ array of Eina_Rectangle clip */
@in clips: array<Eina_Rectangle *> *; [[array of Eina_Rectangle clip]]
@in mul_col: uint;

View File

@ -3,30 +3,30 @@ class Eio.Model (Eo.Base, Efl.Model.Base)
legacy_prefix: null;
methods {
children_filter_set {
/*@ Set children filter callback.
This function sets, along with user's private data userdata,
the Eio's Eio_Filter_Direct_Cb which is a mid-step
before receiving the real data. Once in filter
callback we can decide, by returning either EINA_FALSE, to abort
the notification or EINA_TRUE to keep it.
@see Eio.h
@see emodel_children_slice_fetch
@def emodel_children_filter_set
@since 1.11
@in filter_cb
@in userdata */
params {
filter_cb: Eio_Filter_Direct_Cb; /*@ Filter callback */
userdata: void *; /*@ User's private data */
[[Set children filter callback.
This function sets, along with user's private data userdata,
the Eio's Eio_Filter_Direct_Cb which is a mid-step before
receiving the real data. Once in filter callback we can decide,
by returning either EINA_FALSE, to abort the notification or
EINA_TRUE to keep it.
See also @emodel_children_slice_fetch, @emodel_children_filter_set.
@since 1.11
params {
filter_cb: Eio_Filter_Direct_Cb; [[Filter callback]]
userdata: void *; [[User's private data]]
path_set {
/*@ Custom Eio_Model constructor.
@def eio_model_constructor
[[Custom Eio_Model constructor.
@since 1.11
@in path */
params {
@in path: const(char)*; /*@ Root path provided by caller */
@in path: const(char)*; [[Root path provided by caller]]

View File

@ -3,52 +3,49 @@ class Emotion.Object (Evas.Object_Smart, Efl.File, Efl.Player, Efl.Image) {
methods {
@property option {
set {
* @brief Set the specified option for the current module.
* This function allows one to mute the video or audio of the emotion object.
* @note Please don't use this function, consider using
* emotion_object_audio_mute_set() and emotion_object_video_mute_set() instead.
* @see emotion_object_audio_mute_set()
* @see emotion_object_video_mute_set()
* @ingroup Emotion_Init
[[Set the specified option for the current module.
This function allows one to mute the video or audio of the
emotion object.
Please don't use this function, consider using
@emotion_object_audio_mute_set() and
@emotion_object_video_mute_set instead.
legacy: emotion_object_module_option_set;
values {
opt: const(char) *; /*@ The option that is being set. Currently supported optiosn: "video" and "audio". */
val: const(char) *; /*@ The value of the option. Currently only supports "off" (?!?!?!) */
opt: const(char) *; [[The option that is being set. Currently
supported options: "video" and "audio".]]
val: const(char) *; [[The value of the option. Currently only
supports "off" (?!?!?!)]]
@property engine {
set {
* @brief Initializes an emotion object with the specified module.
* This function is required after creating the emotion object, in order to
* specify which module will be used with this object. Different objects can
* use different modules to play a media file. The current supported modules are
* @b gstreamer and @b xine.
* To use any of them, you need to make sure that support for them was compiled
* correctly.
* @note It's possible to disable the build of a module with
* --disable-module_name.
* @see emotion_object_add()
* @see emotion_object_file_set()
* @ingroup Emotion_Init
[[Initializes an emotion object with the specified module.
This function is required after creating the emotion object,
in order to specify which module will be used with this
object. Different objects can use different modules to
play a media file. The current supported modules are
gstreamer and xine.
To use any of them, you need to make sure that support for
them was compiled correctly.
It's possible to disable the build of a module with
See also @emotion_object_add and @emotion_object_file_set.
legacy: emotion_object_init;
return: bool; /*@ @c EINA_TRUE if the specified module was successfully initialized for this object, @c EINA_FALSE otherwise. */
return: bool; [[true if the specified module was successfully
initialized for this object, false otherwise.]]
values {
module_filename: const(char) *; /*@ The name of the module to be used (gstreamer or xine). */
module_filename: const(char) *; [[The name of the module to be
used (gstreamer or xine).]]