#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "elementary_config.h" #endif #define EFL_ACCESS_OBJECT_BETA #define EFL_ACCESS_COMPONENT_BETA #define EFL_ACCESS_COMPONENT_PROTECTED #define EFL_CANVAS_SCENE_BETA #include #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_X # include #endif #include "elm_suite.h" static const double _timeout1 = 0.1; static const double _timeout2 = 0.2; static const double _timeout3 = 0.3; static const double _timeout_fail = 2.0; static void _do_delete_request(Eo *win) { #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_X Ecore_X_Window xwin; xwin = elm_win_xwindow_get(win); ecore_x_window_delete_request_send(xwin); #endif (void) win; } static Eina_Bool _timer_delete_request_cb(void *data) { Eo *win = (Eo*) data; _do_delete_request(win); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _timer_del_window_cb(void *data) { Eo *win = (Eo*) data; evas_object_del(win); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _timer_hide_window_cb(void *data) { Eo *win = (Eo*) data; efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(win, EINA_FALSE); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _timer_exit_cb(void *data EINA_UNUSED) { elm_exit(); return EINA_FALSE; } static Eina_Bool _timer_fail_flag_cb(void *data) { Eina_Bool *fail_flag = (Eina_Bool*) data; *fail_flag = EINA_TRUE; elm_exit(); return EINA_FALSE; } EFL_START_TEST(elm_win_legacy_type_check) { Evas_Object *win, *win_socket, *win_inlined; const char *type; win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); type = elm_object_widget_type_get(win); ck_assert(type != NULL); ck_assert(!strcmp(type, "Elm_Win")); type = evas_object_type_get(win); ck_assert(type != NULL); ck_assert(!strcmp(type, "elm_win")); win_socket = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_SOCKET_IMAGE); type = elm_object_widget_type_get(win_socket); ck_assert(type != NULL); ck_assert(!strcmp(type, "Elm_Win")); type = evas_object_type_get(win_socket); ck_assert(type != NULL); ck_assert(!strcmp(type, "elm_win")); win_inlined = win_add(win, "win", ELM_WIN_INLINED_IMAGE); type = elm_object_widget_type_get(win_inlined); ck_assert(type != NULL); ck_assert(!strcmp(type, "Elm_Win")); type = evas_object_type_get(win_inlined); ck_assert(type != NULL); ck_assert(!strcmp(type, "elm_win")); } EFL_END_TEST EFL_START_TEST(elm_atspi_role_get) { Evas_Object *win; Efl_Access_Role role; win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); role = efl_access_object_role_get(win); ck_assert(role == EFL_ACCESS_ROLE_WINDOW); } EFL_END_TEST EFL_START_TEST(elm_atspi_component_screen_position) { Eina_Bool ret; int x, y; Eo *win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); ret = efl_access_component_screen_position_set(win, 45, 45); ck_assert(ret == EINA_TRUE); Ecore_Evas *ee = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(evas_object_evas_get(win)); ck_assert(ee != NULL); ecore_evas_geometry_get(ee, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); ck_assert((x == 45) && (y == 45)); } EFL_END_TEST EFL_START_TEST(elm_win_autohide) { Eo *win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); if (elm_win_xwindow_get(win)) { elm_win_autohide_set(win, EINA_TRUE); efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(win, EINA_TRUE); Eina_Bool fail_flag = EINA_FALSE; ecore_timer_add(_timeout1, _timer_delete_request_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout2, _timer_exit_cb, &fail_flag); elm_run(); Eina_Bool visible; visible = efl_gfx_entity_visible_get(win); ck_assert(visible == EINA_FALSE); } } EFL_END_TEST EFL_START_TEST (elm_win_test_app_exit_on_windows_close) { Eo *win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); Eo *app = efl_app_main_get(EFL_APP_CLASS); Eina_Value val, *exit_val; int code; val = eina_value_int_init(66); efl_ui_win_exit_on_all_windows_closed_set(win, &val); efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(win, EINA_TRUE); Eina_Bool fail_flag = EINA_FALSE; ecore_timer_add(_timeout1, _timer_del_window_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout_fail, _timer_fail_flag_cb, &fail_flag); exit_val = efl_loop_begin(efl_loop_get(win)); ck_assert(eina_value_int_get(exit_val, &code)); ck_assert_int_eq(code, 66); efl_ui_win_exit_on_all_windows_closed_set(app, &EINA_VALUE_EMPTY); } EFL_END_TEST EFL_START_TEST(elm_win_policy_quit_last_window_hidden) { elm_policy_set(ELM_POLICY_QUIT, ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_HIDDEN); Eo *win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(win, EINA_TRUE); Eina_Bool fail_flag = EINA_FALSE; ecore_timer_add(_timeout1, _timer_hide_window_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout_fail, _timer_fail_flag_cb, &fail_flag); elm_run(); Eina_Bool visible; visible = efl_gfx_entity_visible_get(win); ck_assert(fail_flag == EINA_FALSE); ck_assert(efl_ref_count(win) >= 1); ck_assert(visible == EINA_FALSE); } EFL_END_TEST EFL_START_TEST(elm_win_autohide_and_policy_quit_last_window_hidden) { elm_policy_set(ELM_POLICY_QUIT, ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_HIDDEN); Eo *win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); if (elm_win_xwindow_get(win)) { elm_win_autohide_set(win, EINA_TRUE); efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(win, EINA_TRUE); Eina_Bool fail_flag = EINA_FALSE; ecore_timer_add(_timeout1, _timer_delete_request_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout_fail, _timer_fail_flag_cb, &fail_flag); elm_run(); Eina_Bool visible; visible = efl_gfx_entity_visible_get(win); ck_assert(fail_flag == EINA_FALSE); ck_assert(efl_ref_count(win) >= 1); ck_assert(visible == EINA_FALSE); } } EFL_END_TEST /* a very lax definition of == for doubles */ #define VALEQ(a, b) ((fabs((a) - (b))) <= 0.001) static const Eina_Position2D points[2][4] = { { { 20, 20 }, { 40, 10 }, { 60, 120 }, { 80, 80 } }, { { 30, 30 }, { 50, 50 }, { 70, 60 }, { 80, 80 } }, }; static Eina_Bool _inputs_timer1_cb(void *data) { Efl_Input_Pointer *ptr; Eo *win = data; /* Send down events first (note: stupid, all at once) */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ptr = efl_add(EFL_INPUT_POINTER_CLASS, win); efl_input_pointer_position_set(ptr, points[0][i]); efl_input_pointer_tool_set(ptr, i); efl_input_pointer_button_set(ptr, 1); if (i == 0) { /* in first */ efl_input_pointer_action_set(ptr, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_IN); efl_event_callback_call(win, EFL_EVENT_POINTER_IN, ptr); /* move second */ efl_input_pointer_position_set(ptr, points[0][i]); efl_input_pointer_action_set(ptr, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_MOVE); efl_event_callback_call(win, EFL_EVENT_POINTER_MOVE, ptr); } /* down finally */ efl_input_pointer_action_set(ptr, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_DOWN); efl_event_callback_call(win, EFL_EVENT_POINTER_DOWN, ptr); } return ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } static Eina_Bool _inputs_timer2_cb(void *data) { Efl_Input_Pointer *ptr; Eina_Iterator *it; Eo *win = data; size_t cnt = 0; int i = 0; it = efl_canvas_scene_pointer_iterate(win, 0); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, ptr) { double x, y; int tool, ok = 0; fail_if(!efl_input_pointer_value_has_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_X)); fail_if(!efl_input_pointer_value_has_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_Y)); fail_if(!efl_input_pointer_value_has_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_TOOL)); fail_if(efl_input_pointer_action_get(ptr) != EFL_POINTER_ACTION_DOWN); x = efl_input_pointer_value_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_X); y = efl_input_pointer_value_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_Y); tool = efl_input_pointer_tool_get(ptr); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (tool == i) { fail_if(!VALEQ(x, points[0][i].x)); fail_if(!VALEQ(y, points[0][i].y)); ok = 1; break; } fail_if(!ok); cnt++; } eina_iterator_free(it); fail_if(cnt != 4); /* Send some moves */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ptr = efl_add(EFL_INPUT_POINTER_CLASS, win); efl_input_pointer_position_set(ptr, points[1][i]); efl_input_pointer_tool_set(ptr, i); efl_input_pointer_button_set(ptr, 1); /* move first */ efl_input_pointer_action_set(ptr, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_MOVE); efl_event_callback_call(win, EFL_EVENT_POINTER_MOVE, ptr); /* then up (one 2 fingers up: #1 and #3) */ if ((i % 2) == 1) { efl_input_pointer_action_set(ptr, EFL_POINTER_ACTION_UP); efl_event_callback_call(win, EFL_EVENT_POINTER_UP, ptr); } } return ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } static Eina_Bool _inputs_timer3_cb(void *data) { Efl_Input_Pointer *ptr; Eina_Position2D pos; Eina_Iterator *it; Eo *win = data; size_t cnt = 0; int i = 0; it = efl_canvas_scene_pointer_iterate(win, 0); EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(it, ptr) { int tool, ok = 0; double x, y; fail_if(!efl_input_pointer_value_has_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_X)); fail_if(!efl_input_pointer_value_has_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_Y)); fail_if(!efl_input_pointer_value_has_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_TOOL)); fail_if(efl_input_pointer_action_get(ptr) != EFL_POINTER_ACTION_MOVE); x = efl_input_pointer_value_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_X); y = efl_input_pointer_value_get(ptr, EFL_INPUT_VALUE_Y); tool = efl_input_pointer_tool_get(ptr); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (tool == i) { fail_if(!VALEQ(x, points[1][i].x)); fail_if(!VALEQ(y, points[1][i].y)); ok = 1; break; } fail_if(!ok); cnt++; } eina_iterator_free(it); fail_if(cnt != 2); // 2 moves (in the list), 2 ups (gone) fail_if(!efl_canvas_pointer_inside_get(win, NULL)); pos = efl_canvas_scene_pointer_position_get(win); ck_assert_int_eq(pos.x, points[1][0].x); ck_assert_int_eq(pos.y, points[1][0].y); elm_exit(); return ECORE_CALLBACK_DONE; } EFL_START_TEST(efl_ui_win_multi_touch_inputs) { Eina_Bool fail_flag = EINA_FALSE; Eo *win; /* this tests only multi touch inputs - a lot of code but quite basic * faking events is quite hard, as an exact sequence must be followed: * * pointer 0: in, move, down, move, move, ... * pointer x: down, move, move, ... */ elm_policy_set(ELM_POLICY_QUIT, ELM_POLICY_QUIT_LAST_WINDOW_CLOSED); win = win_add(NULL, "win", ELM_WIN_BASIC); elm_win_autohide_set(win, EINA_TRUE); efl_gfx_entity_visible_set(win, EINA_TRUE); efl_gfx_entity_size_set(win, EINA_SIZE2D(100, 100)); ecore_timer_add(_timeout1, _inputs_timer1_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout2, _inputs_timer2_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout3, _inputs_timer3_cb, win); ecore_timer_add(_timeout_fail, _timer_fail_flag_cb, &fail_flag); elm_run(); fail_if(fail_flag != EINA_FALSE); } EFL_END_TEST void elm_test_win(TCase *tc) { tcase_add_test(tc, elm_win_legacy_type_check); tcase_add_test(tc, elm_atspi_role_get); tcase_add_test(tc, elm_atspi_component_screen_position); tcase_add_test(tc, elm_win_policy_quit_last_window_hidden); tcase_add_test(tc, elm_win_test_app_exit_on_windows_close); tcase_add_test(tc, efl_ui_win_multi_touch_inputs); #ifdef HAVE_ELEMENTARY_X tcase_add_test(tc, elm_win_autohide); tcase_add_test(tc, elm_win_autohide_and_policy_quit_last_window_hidden); #endif }