local eolian = require("eolian") local getopt = require("getopt") local cutil = require("cutil") local util = require("util") local doc_root local root_nspace local verbose = false -- utils local make_page = function(path) return doc_root .. "/" .. path .. ".txt" end local mkdir_r = function(dirn) local fullp = dirn and (doc_root .. "/" .. dirn) or doc_root local prev for x in fullp:gmatch("[^/]+") do local p if prev then p = prev .. "/" .. x else p = x end prev = p if cutil.file_exists(p) then assert(cutil.file_is_dir(p)) else assert(cutil.file_mkdir(p)) end end end local mkdir_p = function(path) mkdir_r(path:match("(.+)/([^/]+)")) end local Writer = util.Object:clone { __ctor = function(self, path) local subs = path:gsub(":", "/"):lower() mkdir_p(subs) self.file = assert(io.open(make_page(subs), "w")) end, write_raw = function(self, ...) self.file:write(...) end, write_nl = function(self, n) self:write_raw(("\n"):rep(n or 1)) end, write_h = function(self, heading, level, nonl) local s = ("="):rep(7 - level) self:write_raw(s, " ", heading, " ", s, "\n") if not nonl then self:write_nl() end end, write_fmt = function(self, fmt1, fmt2, ...) self:write_raw(fmt1, ...) self:write_raw(fmt2) end, write_b = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("**", "**", ...) end, write_i = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("//", "//", ...) end, write_u = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("__", "__", ...) end, write_s = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("", "", ...) end, write_m = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("''", "''", ...) end, write_sub = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("", "", ...) end, write_sup = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("", "", ...) end, write_br = function(self, nl) self:write_raw("\\\\", nl and "\n" or " ") end, write_pre_inline = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("%%", "%%", ...) end, write_pre = function(self, ...) self:write_fmt("\n", "\n", ...) end, write_link = function(self, target, title) if not title then self:write_raw("[[", target:lower(), "|", target, "]]") return end target = target:lower() if type(title) == "string" then self:write_raw("[[", target, "|", title, "]]") return end self:write_raw("[[", target, "|") title(self) self:write_raw("]]") end, write_table = function(self, titles, tbl) self:write_raw("^ ", table.concat(titles, " ^ "), " ^\n") for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do self:write_raw("| ", table.concat(v, " | "), " |\n") end end, write_list = function(self, tbl, ord) local prec = ord and "-" or "*" for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do local lvl, str = 1, v if type(v) == "table" then lvl, str = v[1] + 1, v[2] end self:write_raw((" "):rep(lvl), prec, " ", str, "\n") end end, finish = function(self) self.file:close() end } local Buffer = Writer:clone { __ctor = function(self) self.buf = {} end, write_raw = function(self, ...) for i, v in ipairs({ ... }) do self.buf[#self.buf + 1] = v end end, finish = function(self) self.result = table.concat(self.buf) self.buf = {} return self.result end } -- eolian to various doc elements conversions local get_brief_doc = function(doc) if not doc then return "No description supplied." end return doc:summary_get() end local get_full_doc = function(doc) if not doc then return "No description supplied." end local sum = doc:summary_get() local desc = doc:description_get() if not desc then return sum end return sum .. "\n\n" .. desc end local gen_namespaces = function(v, subnspace, root) local nspaces = v:namespaces_get():to_array() for i = 1, #nspaces do nspaces[i] = nspaces[i]:lower() end nspaces[#nspaces + 1] = v:name_get() if subnspace then table.insert(nspaces, 1, subnspace) end if root then table.insert(nspaces, 1, ":" .. root_nspace) end return table.concat(nspaces, ":") end local funct_to_str = { [eolian.function_type.PROPERTY] = "property", [eolian.function_type.PROP_GET] = "property", [eolian.function_type.PROP_SET] = "property", [eolian.function_type.METHOD] = "method" } local gen_func_link = function(base, f) local ft = funct_to_str[f:type_get()] return base .. ":" .. ft .. ":" .. f:name_get():lower() end -- builders local classt_to_str = { [eolian.class_type.REGULAR] = "class", [eolian.class_type.ABSTRACT] = "class", [eolian.class_type.MIXIN] = "mixin", [eolian.class_type.INTERFACE] = "interface" } local build_reftable = function(f, title, ctitle, ctype, t) if not t or #t == 0 then return end f:write_h(title, 2) local nt = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do local lbuf = Buffer() lbuf:write_link(gen_namespaces(v, ctype, true), v:full_name_get()) nt[#nt + 1] = { lbuf:finish(), get_brief_doc(v:documentation_get()) } end table.sort(nt, function(v1, v2) return v1[1] < v2[1] end) f:write_table({ ctitle, "Brief description" }, nt) f:write_nl() end local build_functable = function(f, title, ctitle, cl, tp) local t = cl:functions_get(tp):to_array() if #t == 0 then return end local cns = gen_namespaces(cl, classt_to_str[cl:type_get()], true) f:write_h(title, 3) local nt = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do local lbuf = Buffer() local ftype = funct_to_str[v:type_get()] lbuf:write_link(gen_func_link(cns, v), v:name_get()) nt[#nt + 1] = { lbuf:finish(), get_brief_doc(v:documentation_get(eolian.function_type.METHOD)) } end table.sort(nt, function(v1, v2) return v1[1] < v2[1] end) f:write_table({ ctitle, "Brief description" }, nt) f:write_nl() end local build_ref = function() local f = Writer("reference") f:write_h("EFL Reference", 2) local classes = {} local ifaces = {} local mixins = {} local clt = eolian.class_type for cl in eolian.all_classes_get() do local tp = cl:type_get() if tp == clt.REGULAR or tp == clt.ABSTRACT then classes[#classes + 1] = cl elseif tp == clt.MIXIN then mixins[#mixins + 1] = cl elseif tp == clt.INTERFACE then ifaces[#ifaces + 1] = cl else error("unknown class: " .. cl:full_name_get()) end end build_reftable(f, "Classes", "Class name", "class", classes) build_reftable(f, "Interfaces", "Interface name", "interface", ifaces) build_reftable(f, "Mixins", "Mixin name", "mixin", mixins) build_reftable(f, "Aliases", "Alias name", "alias", eolian.typedecl_all_aliases_get():to_array()) build_reftable(f, "Structures", "Struct name", "struct", eolian.typedecl_all_structs_get():to_array()) build_reftable(f, "Enums", "Enum name", "enum", eolian.typedecl_all_enums_get():to_array()) build_reftable(f, "Constants", "Constant name", "constant", eolian.variable_all_constants_get():to_array()) build_reftable(f, "Globals", "Global name", "global", eolian.variable_all_globals_get():to_array()) f:finish() end local write_full_doc = function(f, doc) f:write_raw(get_full_doc(doc)) f:write_nl(2) local since = doc and doc:since_get() or nil if since then f:write_i(since) f:write_nl(2) end end local build_inherits build_inherits = function(cl, t, lvl) t = t or {} lvl = lvl or 0 local lbuf = Buffer() local cltp = classt_to_str[cl:type_get()] lbuf:write_link(gen_namespaces(cl, cltp, true), cl:full_name_get()) lbuf:write_raw(" ") lbuf:write_i("(" .. cltp .. ")") if lvl == 0 then lbuf:write_b(lbuf:finish()) end t[#t + 1] = { lvl, lbuf:finish() } for cln in cl:inherits_get() do local acl = eolian.class_get_by_name(cln) if not acl then error("error retrieving inherited class " .. cln) end build_inherits(acl, t, lvl + 1) end return t end local build_class = function(cl) local f = Writer(gen_namespaces(cl, classt_to_str[cl:type_get()], false)) f:write_h(cl:full_name_get(), 2) f:write_h("Inheritance hierarchy", 3) f:write_list(build_inherits(cl)) f:write_h("Description", 3) write_full_doc(f, cl:documentation_get()) build_functable(f, "Methods", "Method name", cl, eolian.function_type.METHOD) build_functable(f, "Properties", "Property name", cl, eolian.function_type.PROPERTY) f:write_h("Events", 3) local evs = cl:events_get():to_array() if #evs == 0 then f:write_raw("This class does not define any events.\n") else for i, ev in ipairs(evs) do f:write_h(ev:name_get(), 4) write_full_doc(f, ev:documentation_get()) end end f:finish() end local build_classes = function() for cl in eolian.all_classes_get() do local ct = cl:type_get() if not classt_to_str[ct] then error("unknown class: " .. cl:full_name_get()) end build_class(cl) end end getopt.parse { args = arg, descs = { { category = "General" }, { "h", "help", nil, help = "Show this message.", metavar = "CATEGORY", callback = getopt.help_cb(io.stdout) }, -- TODO: implement verbose mode { "v", "verbose", false, help = "Be verbose." }, { category = "Generator" }, { "r", "root", true, help = "Root path of the docs." }, { "n", "namespace", true, help = "Root namespace of the docs." } }, error_cb = function(parser, msg) io.stderr:write(msg, "\n") getopt.help(parser, io.stderr) end, done_cb = function(parser, opts, args) if opts["v"] then verbose = true end root_nspace = opts["n"] or "efl" if not opts["r"] then error("no documentation root supplied") end doc_root = opts["r"] .. "/" .. root_nspace:gsub(":", "/") if not args[1] then if not eolian.system_directory_scan() then error("failed scanning system directory") end else if not eolian.directory_scan(args[1]) then error("failed scanning directory: " .. args[1]) end end if not eolian.all_eot_files_parse() then error("failed parsing eo type files") end if not eolian.all_eo_files_parse() then error("failed parsing eo files") end mkdir_r(nil) build_ref() build_classes() end } return true