#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "eo_ptr_indirection.h" #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #include #include #endif /* Start of pointer indirection: * * This feature is responsible of hiding from the developer the real pointer of * the Eo object to supply a better memory management by preventing bad usage * of the pointers. * * Eo * is no more a pointer but indexes to an entry into an ids table. * For a better memory usage: * - a tree structure is used, composed of a top level table pointing at * mid tables pointing at tables composed of entries. * - tables are allocated when needed (i.e no more empty entries in allocated tables. * - empty tables are freed, except one kept as spare table. * * An Eo id is contructed by bits manipulation of table indexes and a generation. * * id = Mid Table | Table | Entry | Generation * * Generation helps finding abuse of ids. When an entry is assigned to an * object, a generation is inserted into the id. If the developer uses this id * although the object is freed and another one has replaced it into the same * entry of the table, the generation will be different and an error will * occur when accessing with the old id. * * Each Table is composed of: * - an index 'start' indicating which free entry is the next one to use. * - 2 indexes 'fifo_head' and 'fifo_tail' defining a fifo, * that will help us to store the entries to be reused. It stores only the * entries that have been used at least one time. The entries that have * never been used are "pointed" by the start parameter. * - entries composed of: * - a pointer to the object * - an index 'next_in_fifo' used to chain the free entries in the fifo * - a flag indicating if the entry is active * - a generation assigned to the object * * When an entry is searched into a table, we first use one of the entries that * has never been used. If there is none, we try to pop from the fifo. * If a such entry doesn't exist, we pass to the next table. * When an entry is found, we reserve it to the object pointer * then contruct and return the related Eo id. * * Assigning all the entries of a table before trying to reuse them from * the fifo ensures that we are not going to soon recycle a released entry, * thus minimize the risks of an aggressive del() then use() on a single entry. * * The indexes and a reference to the last table which served an entry is kept * and is reused prior to the others untill it is full. * When an object is freed, the entry into the table is released by appending * it to the fifo. */ #if SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T == 4 /* 32 bits */ # define BITS_MID_TABLE_ID 5 # define BITS_TABLE_ID 5 # define BITS_ENTRY_ID 12 # define BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER 10 # define DROPPED_TABLES 0 # define DROPPED_ENTRIES 4 typedef int16_t Table_Index; typedef uint16_t Generation_Counter; #else /* 64 bits */ # define BITS_MID_TABLE_ID 11 # define BITS_TABLE_ID 11 # define BITS_ENTRY_ID 12 # define BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER 30 # define DROPPED_TABLES 2 # define DROPPED_ENTRIES 3 typedef int16_t Table_Index; typedef uint32_t Generation_Counter; #endif /* Shifts macros to manipulate the Eo id */ #define SHIFT_MID_TABLE_ID (BITS_TABLE_ID + \ BITS_ENTRY_ID + BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) #define SHIFT_TABLE_ID (BITS_ENTRY_ID + BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) #define SHIFT_ENTRY_ID (BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) /* Maximum ranges - a few tables and entries are dropped to minimize the amount * of wasted bytes, see _eo_id_mem_alloc */ #define MAX_MID_TABLE_ID (1 << BITS_MID_TABLE_ID) #define MAX_TABLE_ID ((1 << BITS_TABLE_ID) - DROPPED_TABLES ) #define MAX_ENTRY_ID ((1 << BITS_ENTRY_ID) - DROPPED_ENTRIES) #define MAX_GENERATIONS (1 << BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER) /* Masks */ #define MASK_MID_TABLE_ID (MAX_MID_TABLE_ID - 1) #define MASK_TABLE_ID ((1 << BITS_TABLE_ID) - 1) #define MASK_ENTRY_ID ((1 << BITS_ENTRY_ID) - 1) #define MASK_GENERATIONS (MAX_GENERATIONS - 1) #define MEM_HEADER_SIZE 16 #define MEM_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define MEM_MAGIC 0x3f61ec8a typedef struct _Mem_Header { size_t size; size_t magic; } Mem_Header; static void * _eo_id_mem_alloc(size_t size) { #ifdef __linux__ void *ptr; Mem_Header *hdr; size_t newsize; newsize = MEM_PAGE_SIZE * ((size + MEM_HEADER_SIZE + MEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / MEM_PAGE_SIZE); ptr = mmap(NULL, newsize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { ERR("mmap of eo id table region failed!"); return NULL; } hdr = ptr; hdr->size = newsize; hdr->magic = MEM_MAGIC; /* DBG("asked:%lu allocated:%lu wasted:%lu bytes", size, newsize, (newsize - size)); */ return (void *)(((unsigned char *)ptr) + MEM_HEADER_SIZE); #else return malloc(size); #endif } static void * _eo_id_mem_calloc(size_t num, size_t size) { void *ptr = _eo_id_mem_alloc(num * size); if (!ptr) return NULL; memset(ptr, 0, num * size); return ptr; } static void _eo_id_mem_free(void *ptr) { #ifdef __linux__ Mem_Header *hdr; if (!ptr) return; hdr = (Mem_Header *)(((unsigned char *)ptr) - MEM_HEADER_SIZE); if (hdr->magic != MEM_MAGIC) { ERR("unmap of eo table region has bad magic!"); return; } munmap(hdr, hdr->size); #else free(ptr); #endif } #ifdef EINA_DEBUG_MALLOC static void _eo_id_mem_protect(void *ptr, Eina_Bool may_not_write) { # ifdef __linux__ Mem_Header *hdr; if (!ptr) return; hdr = (Mem_Header *)(((unsigned char *)ptr) - MEM_HEADER_SIZE); if (hdr->magic != MEM_MAGIC) { ERR("mprotect of eo table region has bad magic!"); return; } mprotect(hdr, hdr->size, PROT_READ | ( may_not_write ? 0 : PROT_WRITE) ); # endif } # define PROTECT(_ptr_) _eo_id_mem_protect((_ptr_), EINA_TRUE) # define UNPROTECT(_ptr_) _eo_id_mem_protect((_ptr_), EINA_FALSE) #else # define PROTECT(_ptr_) # define UNPROTECT(_ptr_) #endif /* Entry */ typedef struct { /* Pointer to the object */ _Eo *ptr; /* Indicates where to find the next entry to recycle */ Table_Index next_in_fifo; /* Active flag */ unsigned int active : 1; /* Generation */ unsigned int generation : BITS_GENERATION_COUNTER; } _Eo_Id_Entry; /* Table */ typedef struct { /* Indicates where start the "never used" entries */ Table_Index start; /* Indicates where to find the next entry to recycle */ Table_Index fifo_head; /* Indicates where to add an entry to recycle */ Table_Index fifo_tail; /* Packed mid table and table indexes */ Eo_Id partial_id; /* Counter of free entries */ unsigned int free_entries; /* Entries of the table holding real pointers and generations */ _Eo_Id_Entry entries[MAX_ENTRY_ID]; } _Eo_Ids_Table; /* Tables handling pointers indirection */ static _Eo_Ids_Table **_eo_ids_tables[MAX_MID_TABLE_ID] = { NULL }; /* Current table used for following allocations */ static _Eo_Ids_Table *_current_table = NULL; /* Spare empty table */ static _Eo_Ids_Table *_empty_table = NULL; /* Next generation to use when assigning a new entry to a Eo pointer */ Generation_Counter _eo_generation_counter = 0; /* Macro used to compose an Eo id */ #define EO_COMPOSE_PARTIAL_ID(MID_TABLE, TABLE) \ (((Eo_Id)(MID_TABLE & MASK_MID_TABLE_ID) << SHIFT_MID_TABLE_ID) | \ ((Eo_Id)(TABLE & MASK_TABLE_ID) << SHIFT_TABLE_ID)) #define EO_COMPOSE_FINAL_ID(PARTIAL_ID, ENTRY, GENERATION) \ (PARTIAL_ID | \ ((ENTRY & MASK_ENTRY_ID) << SHIFT_ENTRY_ID) | \ (GENERATION & MASK_GENERATIONS )) /* Macro to extract from an Eo id the indexes of the tables */ #define EO_DECOMPOSE_ID(ID, MID_TABLE, TABLE, ENTRY, GENERATION) \ MID_TABLE = (ID >> SHIFT_MID_TABLE_ID) & MASK_MID_TABLE_ID; \ TABLE = (ID >> SHIFT_TABLE_ID) & MASK_TABLE_ID; \ ENTRY = (ID >> SHIFT_ENTRY_ID) & MASK_ENTRY_ID; \ GENERATION = ID & MASK_GENERATIONS; /* Macro used for readability */ #define TABLE_FROM_IDS _eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id][table_id] _Eo * _eo_obj_pointer_get(const Eo_Id obj_id) { #ifdef HAVE_EO_ID _Eo_Id_Entry *entry; Generation_Counter generation; Table_Index mid_table_id, table_id, entry_id; EO_DECOMPOSE_ID(obj_id, mid_table_id, table_id, entry_id, generation); /* Checking the validity of the entry */ if (_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id] && TABLE_FROM_IDS) { entry = &(TABLE_FROM_IDS->entries[entry_id]); if (entry && entry->active && (entry->generation == generation)) return entry->ptr; } ERR("obj_id %p is not pointing to a valid object. Maybe it has already been freed.", (void *)obj_id); return NULL; #else return (_Eo *)obj_id; #endif } static inline _Eo_Id_Entry * _get_available_entry(_Eo_Ids_Table *table) { _Eo_Id_Entry *entry = NULL; if (table->start != MAX_ENTRY_ID) { /* Serve never used entries first */ entry = &(table->entries[table->start]); UNPROTECT(table); table->start++; table->free_entries--; } else if (table->fifo_head != -1) { /* Pop a free entry from the fifo */ entry = &(table->entries[table->fifo_head]); UNPROTECT(table); if (entry->next_in_fifo == -1) table->fifo_head = table->fifo_tail = -1; else table->fifo_head = entry->next_in_fifo; table->free_entries--; } return entry; } static inline _Eo_Id_Entry * _search_tables() { _Eo_Ids_Table *table; _Eo_Id_Entry *entry; for (Table_Index mid_table_id = 0; mid_table_id < MAX_MID_TABLE_ID; mid_table_id++) { if (!_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]) { /* Allocate a new intermediate table */ _eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id] = _eo_id_mem_calloc(MAX_TABLE_ID, sizeof(_Eo_Ids_Table*)); } for (Table_Index table_id = 0; table_id < MAX_TABLE_ID; table_id++) { table = TABLE_FROM_IDS; if (!table) { if (_empty_table) { /* Recycle the available empty table */ table = _empty_table; _empty_table = NULL; UNPROTECT(table); } else { /* Allocate a new one and reserve the first entry */ table = _eo_id_mem_calloc(1, sizeof(_Eo_Ids_Table)); } table->start = 1; table->free_entries = MAX_ENTRY_ID - 1; table->fifo_head = table->fifo_tail = -1; table->partial_id = EO_COMPOSE_PARTIAL_ID(mid_table_id, table_id); entry = &(table->entries[0]); UNPROTECT(_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]); TABLE_FROM_IDS = table; PROTECT(_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]); } else entry = _get_available_entry(table); if (entry) { /* Store table info into current table */ _current_table = table; return entry; } } } ERR("no more available entries to store eo objects"); _current_table = NULL; return NULL; } Eo_Id _eo_id_allocate(const _Eo *obj) { #ifdef HAVE_EO_ID _Eo_Id_Entry *entry = NULL; if (_current_table) entry = _get_available_entry(_current_table); if (!entry) { entry = _search_tables(); if (!entry) return 0; } /* [1;max-1] thus we never generate an Eo_Id equal to 0 */ _eo_generation_counter++; if (_eo_generation_counter == MAX_GENERATIONS) _eo_generation_counter = 1; /* An entry was found - fill it */ entry->ptr = (_Eo *)obj; entry->active = 1; entry->generation = _eo_generation_counter; PROTECT(_current_table); return EO_COMPOSE_FINAL_ID(_current_table->partial_id, (entry - _current_table->entries), entry->generation); #else return (Eo_Id)obj; #endif } void _eo_id_release(const Eo_Id obj_id) { #ifdef HAVE_EO_ID _Eo_Ids_Table *table; _Eo_Id_Entry *entry; Generation_Counter generation; Table_Index mid_table_id, table_id, entry_id; EO_DECOMPOSE_ID(obj_id, mid_table_id, table_id, entry_id, generation); /* Checking the validity of the entry */ if (_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id] && (table = TABLE_FROM_IDS)) { entry = &(table->entries[entry_id]); if (entry && entry->active && (entry->generation == generation)) { UNPROTECT(table); table->free_entries++; /* Disable the entry */ entry->active = 0; entry->next_in_fifo = -1; /* Push the entry into the fifo */ if (table->fifo_tail == -1) { table->fifo_head = table->fifo_tail = entry_id; } else { table->entries[table->fifo_tail].next_in_fifo = entry_id; table->fifo_tail = entry_id; } PROTECT(table); if (table->free_entries == MAX_ENTRY_ID) { UNPROTECT(_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]); TABLE_FROM_IDS = NULL; PROTECT(_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]); /* Recycle or free the empty table */ if (!_empty_table) _empty_table = table; else _eo_id_mem_free(table); if (_current_table == table) _current_table = NULL; } return; } } ERR("obj_id %p is not pointing to a valid object. Maybe it has already been freed.", (void *)obj_id); #else (void) obj_id; #endif } void _eo_free_ids_tables() { for (Table_Index mid_table_id = 0; mid_table_id < MAX_MID_TABLE_ID; mid_table_id++) { if (_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]) { for (Table_Index table_id = 0; table_id < MAX_TABLE_ID; table_id++) { if (TABLE_FROM_IDS) { _eo_id_mem_free(TABLE_FROM_IDS); } } _eo_id_mem_free(_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]); } _eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id] = NULL; } if (_empty_table) _eo_id_mem_free(_empty_table); _empty_table = _current_table = NULL; } #ifdef EFL_DEBUG void _eo_print() { _Eo_Id_Entry *entry; unsigned long obj_number = 0; for (Table_Index mid_table_id = 0; mid_table_id < MAX_MID_TABLE_ID; mid_table_id++) { if (_eo_ids_tables[mid_table_id]) { for (Table_Index table_id = 0; table_id < MAX_TABLE_ID; table_id++) { if (TABLE_FROM_IDS) { for (Table_Index entry_id = 0; entry_id < MAX_ENTRY_ID; entry_id++) { entry = &(TABLE_FROM_IDS->entries[entry_id]); if (entry->active) { printf("%ld: %p -> (%p, %p, %p, %p)\n", obj_number++, entry->ptr, (void *)mid_table_id, (void *)table_id, (void *)entry_id, (void *)entry->generation); } } } } } } } #endif