/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" /* TODO List * * * setting up a new config value and a listener callback is too long winded - need to have helper funcs and macros do this so it's more like 1 line per new config value or 2 */ #if ((E17_PROFILE >= LOWRES_PDA) && (E17_PROFILE <= HIRES_PDA)) #define DEF_MENUCLICK 1.25 #else #define DEF_MENUCLICK 0.25 #endif E_Config *e_config = NULL; /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_config_save_cb(void *data); static void _e_config_free(void); static int _e_config_cb_timer(void *data); /* local subsystem globals */ static Ecore_Job *_e_config_save_job = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_module_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_font_fallback_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_font_default_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_theme_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_bindings_mouse_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_bindings_key_edd = NULL; static E_Config_DD *_e_config_path_append_edd = NULL; /* externally accessible functions */ int e_config_init(void) { _e_config_path_append_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Path_Dir", E_Path_Dir); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Path_Dir #define D _e_config_path_append_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, dir, STR); _e_config_theme_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Config_Theme", E_Config_Theme); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Config_Theme #define D _e_config_theme_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, category, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, file, STR); _e_config_module_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Config_Module", E_Config_Module); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Config_Module #define D _e_config_module_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, name, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, enabled, UCHAR); _e_config_font_default_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Font_Default", E_Font_Default); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Font_Default #define D _e_config_font_default_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, text_class, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, font, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, size, INT); _e_config_font_fallback_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Font_Fallback", E_Font_Fallback); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Font_Fallback #define D _e_config_font_fallback_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, name, STR); _e_config_bindings_mouse_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Config_Binding_Mouse", E_Config_Binding_Mouse); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Config_Binding_Mouse #define D _e_config_bindings_mouse_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, context, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, modifiers, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, action, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, params, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, button, UCHAR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, any_mod, UCHAR); _e_config_bindings_key_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Config_Binding_Key", E_Config_Binding_Key); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Config_Binding_Key #define D _e_config_bindings_key_edd E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, context, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, modifiers, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, key, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, action, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, params, STR); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, any_mod, UCHAR); _e_config_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW("E_Config", E_Config); #undef T #undef D #define T E_Config #define D _e_config_edd /**/ /* == already configurable via ipc */ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, config_version, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, show_splash, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, desktop_default_background, STR); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, menus_scroll_speed, DOUBLE); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, menus_fast_mouse_move_threshhold, DOUBLE); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, menus_click_drag_timeout, DOUBLE); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, border_shade_animate, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, border_shade_transition, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, border_shade_speed, DOUBLE); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, framerate, DOUBLE); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, image_cache, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, font_cache, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, zone_desks_x_count, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, zone_desks_y_count, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, use_virtual_roots, INT); /* should not make this a config option (for now) */ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, use_edge_flip, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, edge_flip_timeout, DOUBLE); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, language, STR); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, modules, _e_config_module_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, font_fallbacks, _e_config_font_fallback_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, font_defaults, _e_config_font_default_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, themes, _e_config_theme_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, mouse_bindings, _e_config_bindings_mouse_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, key_bindings, _e_config_bindings_key_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_data, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_images, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_fonts, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_themes, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_init, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_icons, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_modules, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_LIST(D, T, path_append_backgrounds, _e_config_path_append_edd); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, focus_policy, INT); /**/ E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, pass_click_on, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, always_click_to_raise, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, use_auto_raise, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, auto_raise_delay, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, use_resist, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, drag_resist, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, desk_resist, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, window_resist, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, gadget_resist, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_warp_while_selecting, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_warp_at_end, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_warp_speed, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_scroll_animate, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_scroll_speed, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_list_show_iconified, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_list_show_other_desk_windows, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_list_show_other_screen_windows, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_list_uncover_while_selecting, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_list_jump_desk_while_selecting, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_align_x, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_align_y, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_size_w, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_size_h, DOUBLE); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_min_w, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_min_h, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_max_w, INT); E_CONFIG_VAL(D, T, winlist_pos_max_h, INT); e_config = e_config_domain_load("e", _e_config_edd); if (e_config) { if (e_config->config_version < E_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION) { /* your config is too old - need new defaults */ _e_config_free(); ecore_timer_add(1.0, _e_config_cb_timer, _("Configuration data needed upgrading. Your old configuration\n" "has been wiped and a new set of defaults initialized. This\n" "will happen regularly during development, so don't report a\n" "bug. This simply means Enlightenment needs new configuration\n" "data by default for usable functionality that your old\n" "configuration simply lacks. This new set of defaults will fix\n" "that by adding it in. You can re-configure things now to your\n" "liking. Sorry for the hiccup in your configuration.\n")); } else if (e_config->config_version > E_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION) { /* your config is too new - what the fuck??? */ _e_config_free(); ecore_timer_add(1.0, _e_config_cb_timer, _("Your configuration is NEWER than Enlightenment. This is very\n" "strange. This should not happen unless you downgraded\n" "Enlightenment or copied the configuration from a place where\n" "a newer version of Enlightenment was running. This is bad and\n" "as a precaution your configuration has been now restored to\n" "defaults. Sorry for the inconvenience.\n")); } } if (!e_config) { /* DEFAULT CONFIG */ e_config = E_NEW(E_Config, 1); e_config->config_version = E_CONFIG_FILE_VERSION; e_config->show_splash = 1; e_config->desktop_default_background = strdup(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR"/data/themes/default.edj"); e_config->menus_scroll_speed = 1000.0; e_config->menus_fast_mouse_move_threshhold = 300.0; e_config->menus_click_drag_timeout = DEF_MENUCLICK; e_config->border_shade_animate = 1; e_config->border_shade_transition = E_TRANSITION_DECELERATE; e_config->border_shade_speed = 3000.0; e_config->framerate = 30.0; e_config->image_cache = 4096; e_config->font_cache = 512; e_config->zone_desks_x_count = 4; e_config->zone_desks_y_count = 1; e_config->use_virtual_roots = 0; e_config->use_edge_flip = 1; e_config->edge_flip_timeout = 0.25; e_config->evas_engine_default = E_EVAS_ENGINE_SOFTWARE_X11; e_config->evas_engine_container = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->evas_engine_init = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->evas_engine_menus = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->evas_engine_borders = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->evas_engine_errors = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->evas_engine_popups = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->evas_engine_drag = E_EVAS_ENGINE_DEFAULT; e_config->language = strdup(""); e_config->focus_policy = E_FOCUS_MOUSE; e_config->pass_click_on = 1; e_config->always_click_to_raise = 0; e_config->use_auto_raise = 0; e_config->auto_raise_delay = 0.5; e_config->use_resist = 1; e_config->drag_resist = 8; e_config->desk_resist = 32; e_config->window_resist = 12; e_config->gadget_resist = 32; e_config->winlist_warp_while_selecting = 1; e_config->winlist_warp_at_end = 1; e_config->winlist_warp_speed = 0.2; e_config->winlist_scroll_animate = 1; e_config->winlist_scroll_speed = 0.1; e_config->winlist_list_show_iconified = 1; e_config->winlist_list_show_other_desk_windows = 0; e_config->winlist_list_show_other_screen_windows = 0; e_config->winlist_list_uncover_while_selecting = 0; e_config->winlist_list_jump_desk_while_selecting = 0; e_config->winlist_pos_align_x = 0.5; e_config->winlist_pos_align_y = 0.5; e_config->winlist_pos_size_w = 0.5; e_config->winlist_pos_size_h = 0.5; e_config->winlist_pos_min_w = 0; e_config->winlist_pos_min_h = 0; e_config->winlist_pos_max_w = 320; e_config->winlist_pos_max_h = 320; { E_Config_Module *em; em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("start"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("ibar"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("dropshadow"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("clock"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("battery"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("cpufreq"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("temperature"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); em = E_NEW(E_Config_Module, 1); em->name = strdup("pager"); em->enabled = 1; e_config->modules = evas_list_append(e_config->modules, em); } { E_Font_Fallback* eff; eff = E_NEW(E_Font_Fallback, 1); eff->name = strdup("New-Sung"); e_config->font_fallbacks = evas_list_append(e_config->font_fallbacks, eff); eff = E_NEW(E_Font_Fallback, 1); eff->name = strdup("Kochi-Gothic"); e_config->font_fallbacks = evas_list_append(e_config->font_fallbacks, eff); eff = E_NEW(E_Font_Fallback, 1); eff->name = strdup("Baekmuk-Dotum"); e_config->font_fallbacks = evas_list_append(e_config->font_fallbacks, eff); } { E_Font_Default* efd; efd = E_NEW(E_Font_Fallback, 1); efd->text_class = strdup("default"); efd->font = strdup("Vera"); efd->size = 10; e_config->font_defaults = evas_list_append(e_config->font_defaults, efd); efd = E_NEW(E_Font_Fallback, 1); efd->text_class = strdup("title_bar"); efd->font = strdup("Vera"); efd->size = 10; e_config->font_defaults = evas_list_append(e_config->font_defaults, efd); } { E_Config_Theme *et; et = E_NEW(E_Config_Theme, 1); et->category = strdup("theme"); et->file = strdup("default.edj"); e_config->themes = evas_list_append(e_config->themes, et); } { E_Config_Binding_Mouse *eb; eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Mouse, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_BORDER; eb->button = 1; eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_move"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->mouse_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Mouse, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_BORDER; eb->button = 2; eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_resize"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->mouse_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Mouse, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_BORDER; eb->button = 3; eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_menu"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->mouse_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Mouse, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ZONE; eb->button = 1; eb->modifiers = 0; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("main"); e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->mouse_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Mouse, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ZONE; eb->button = 2; eb->modifiers = 0; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("clients"); e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->mouse_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Mouse, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ZONE; eb->button = 3; eb->modifiers = 0; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("favorites"); e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->mouse_bindings, eb); } { E_Config_Binding_Key *eb; eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Left"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_SHIFT | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_flip_by"); eb->params = strdup("-1 0"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Right"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_SHIFT | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_flip_by"); eb->params = strdup("1 0"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Up"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_SHIFT | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_flip_by"); eb->params = strdup("0 -1"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Down"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_SHIFT | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_flip_by"); eb->params = strdup("0 1"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Up"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_raise"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Down"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_lower"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("x"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_close"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("k"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_kill"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("w"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_menu"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("s"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_sticky_toggle"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("i"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_iconic_toggle"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("f"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_maximized_toggle"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("r"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("window_shaded_toggle"); eb->params = strdup(""); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Left"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_by"); eb->params = strdup("-1"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Right"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_by"); eb->params = strdup("1"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F1"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("0"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F2"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("1"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F3"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("2"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F4"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("3"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F5"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("4"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F6"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("5"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F7"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("6"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F8"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("7"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F9"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("8"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F10"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("9"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F11"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("10"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("F12"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("desk_linear_flip_to"); eb->params = strdup("11"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("m"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("main"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("a"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("favorites"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Menu"); eb->modifiers = 0; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("main"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Menu"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("clients"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Menu"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("menu_show"); eb->params = strdup("favorites"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Insert"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_CTRL | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("exec"); eb->params = strdup("Eterm"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Tab"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("winlist"); eb->params = strdup("next"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); eb = E_NEW(E_Config_Binding_Key, 1); eb->context = E_BINDING_CONTEXT_ANY; eb->key = strdup("Tab"); eb->modifiers = E_BINDING_MODIFIER_SHIFT | E_BINDING_MODIFIER_ALT; eb->any_mod = 0; eb->action = strdup("winlist"); eb->params = strdup("prev"); e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_append(e_config->key_bindings, eb); /* should do these - can't yet due to other things missing... */ /* need a yes/no dialog for these - to stop accidental logouts. for this * i'd make a special case that can ask u to log out, restart or shut down * or even reboot (if you have permissions to do so) */ /* CTRL+ALT Delete - logout */ /* CTRL+ALT End - restart */ /* need a way to display all focused windows nicely - subsystem for * this that also grabs the modifier on activate (if there are any) so * on release of modifier(s) OR on any new action this list aborts display */ /* ALT Tab - next window focus */ /* ALT_SHIFT Tab - prev window focus */ /* need to support fullscreen anyway for this - ie netwm and the border * system need to handle this as well as possibly using xrandr/xvidmode */ /* ALT Return - fullscreen window */ } e_config_save_queue(); } // e_config->evas_engine_container = E_EVAS_ENGINE_GL_X11; E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->menus_scroll_speed, 1.0, 20000.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->show_splash, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->menus_fast_mouse_move_threshhold, 1.0, 2000.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->menus_click_drag_timeout, 0.0, 10.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->border_shade_animate, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->border_shade_transition, 0, 3); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->border_shade_speed, 1.0, 20000.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->framerate, 1.0, 200.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->image_cache, 0, 256 * 1024); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->font_cache, 0, 32 * 1024); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->zone_desks_x_count, 1, 64); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->zone_desks_y_count, 1, 64); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->use_edge_flip, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->edge_flip_timeout, 0.0, 2.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->focus_policy, 0, 2); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->pass_click_on, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->always_click_to_raise, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->use_auto_raise, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->auto_raise_delay, 0.0, 5.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->use_resist, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->drag_resist, 0, 100); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->desk_resist, 0, 100); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->window_resist, 0, 100); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->gadget_resist, 0, 100); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_warp_while_selecting, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_warp_at_end, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_warp_speed, 0.0, 1.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_scroll_animate, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_scroll_speed, 0.0, 1.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_list_show_iconified, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_list_show_other_desk_windows, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_list_show_other_screen_windows, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_list_uncover_while_selecting, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_list_jump_desk_while_selecting, 0, 1); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_align_x, 0.0, 1.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_align_y, 0.0, 1.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_size_w, 0.0, 1.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_size_h, 0.0, 1.0); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_min_w, 0, 4000); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_min_h, 0, 4000); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_max_w, 8, 4000); E_CONFIG_LIMIT(e_config->winlist_pos_max_h, 8, 4000); ; /* apply lang config - exception because config is loaded after intl setup */ if ((e_config->language) && (strlen(e_config->language) > 0)) e_intl_language_set(e_config->language); return 1; } int e_config_shutdown(void) { E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_config_edd); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_config_module_edd); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_config_font_default_edd); E_CONFIG_DD_FREE(_e_config_font_fallback_edd); return 1; } int e_config_save(void) { if (_e_config_save_job) { ecore_job_del(_e_config_save_job); _e_config_save_job = NULL; } return e_config_domain_save("e", _e_config_edd, e_config); } void e_config_save_flush(void) { if (_e_config_save_job) { ecore_job_del(_e_config_save_job); _e_config_save_job = NULL; e_config_domain_save("e", _e_config_edd, e_config); } } void e_config_save_queue(void) { if (_e_config_save_job) ecore_job_del(_e_config_save_job); _e_config_save_job = ecore_job_add(_e_config_save_cb, NULL); } void * e_config_domain_load(char *domain, E_Config_DD *edd) { Eet_File *ef; char buf[4096]; char *homedir; void *data = NULL; homedir = e_user_homedir_get(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/config/%s.cfg", homedir, domain); E_FREE(homedir); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_READ); if (ef) { data = eet_data_read(ef, edd, "config"); eet_close(ef); } return data; } int e_config_domain_save(char *domain, E_Config_DD *edd, void *data) { Eet_File *ef; char buf[4096]; char *homedir; int ok = 0; /* FIXME: check for other sessions fo E runing */ homedir = e_user_homedir_get(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/config/%s.cfg", homedir, domain); E_FREE(homedir); ef = eet_open(buf, EET_FILE_MODE_WRITE); if (ef) { ok = eet_data_write(ef, edd, "config", data, 0); eet_close(ef); } return ok; } E_Config_Binding_Mouse * e_config_binding_mouse_match(E_Config_Binding_Mouse *eb_in) { Evas_List *l; for (l = e_config->mouse_bindings; l; l = l->next) { E_Config_Binding_Mouse *eb; eb = l->data; if ((eb->context == eb_in->context) && (eb->button == eb_in->button) && (eb->modifiers == eb_in->modifiers) && (eb->any_mod == eb_in->any_mod) && (!strcmp(eb->action, eb_in->action)) && (!strcmp(eb->action, eb_in->action))) return eb; } return NULL; } E_Config_Binding_Key * e_config_binding_key_match(E_Config_Binding_Key *eb_in) { Evas_List *l; for (l = e_config->key_bindings; l; l = l->next) { E_Config_Binding_Key *eb; eb = l->data; if ((eb->context == eb_in->context) && (eb->modifiers == eb_in->modifiers) && (eb->any_mod == eb_in->any_mod) && (!strcmp(eb->key, eb_in->key)) && (!strcmp(eb->action, eb_in->action)) && (!strcmp(eb->action, eb_in->action))) return eb; } return NULL; } /* local subsystem functions */ static void _e_config_save_cb(void *data) { e_module_save_all(); e_config_domain_save("e", _e_config_edd, e_config); _e_config_save_job = NULL; } static void _e_config_free(void) { if (e_config) { while (e_config->modules) { E_Config_Module *em; em = e_config->modules->data; e_config->modules = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->modules, e_config->modules); E_FREE(em->name); E_FREE(em); } while (e_config->font_fallbacks) { E_Font_Fallback *eff; eff = e_config->font_fallbacks->data; e_config->font_fallbacks = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->font_fallbacks, e_config->font_fallbacks); E_FREE(eff->name); E_FREE(eff); } while (e_config->font_defaults) { E_Font_Default *efd; efd = e_config->font_defaults->data; e_config->font_defaults = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->font_defaults, e_config->font_defaults); E_FREE(efd->text_class); E_FREE(efd->font); E_FREE(efd); } while (e_config->themes) { E_Config_Theme *et; et = e_config->themes->data; e_config->themes = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->themes, e_config->themes); E_FREE(et->category); E_FREE(et->file); E_FREE(et); } while (e_config->mouse_bindings) { E_Config_Binding_Mouse *eb; eb = e_config->mouse_bindings->data; e_config->mouse_bindings = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->mouse_bindings, e_config->mouse_bindings); E_FREE(eb->action); E_FREE(eb->params); E_FREE(eb); } while (e_config->key_bindings) { E_Config_Binding_Key *eb; eb = e_config->key_bindings->data; e_config->key_bindings = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->key_bindings, e_config->key_bindings); E_FREE(eb->key); E_FREE(eb->action); E_FREE(eb->params); E_FREE(eb); } while (e_config->path_append_data) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_data->data; e_config->path_append_data = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_data, e_config->path_append_data); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_images) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_images->data; e_config->path_append_images = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_images, e_config->path_append_images); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_fonts) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_fonts->data; e_config->path_append_fonts = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_fonts, e_config->path_append_fonts); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_themes) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_themes->data; e_config->path_append_themes = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_themes, e_config->path_append_themes); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_init) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_init->data; e_config->path_append_init = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_init, e_config->path_append_init); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_icons) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_icons->data; e_config->path_append_icons = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_icons, e_config->path_append_icons); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_modules) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_modules->data; e_config->path_append_modules = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_modules, e_config->path_append_modules); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } while (e_config->path_append_backgrounds) { E_Path_Dir *epd; epd = e_config->path_append_backgrounds->data; e_config->path_append_backgrounds = evas_list_remove_list(e_config->path_append_backgrounds, e_config->path_append_backgrounds); E_FREE(epd->dir); E_FREE(epd); } E_FREE(e_config->desktop_default_background); E_FREE(e_config->language); E_FREE(e_config); } } static int _e_config_cb_timer(void *data) { e_error_dialog_show(_("Configuration Upgraded"), data); return 0; }