/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" /* PROTOTYPES - same all the time */ static void *_create_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd); static void _free_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static int _basic_apply_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static Evas_Object *_basic_create_widgets(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static int _advanced_apply_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); static Evas_Object *_advanced_create_widgets(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata); #define MODE_CUSTOM 0 #define MODE_BOTTOM_MIDDLE 1 #define MODE_BOTTOM_ALL 2 #define MODE_BOTTOM_DESKTOP 3 #define MODE_TOP_ALL 4 #define MODE_TOP_DESKTOP 5 /* Actual config data we will be playing with whil the dialog is active */ struct _E_Config_Dialog_Data { E_Shelf *es; E_Config_Shelf *escfg; /* BASIC */ int mode; int basic_size; /* ADVANCED */ char *style; int orient; int fit_along; int fit_size; int size; int layering; int overlapping; int autohiding; }; /* a nice easy setup function that does the dirty work */ EAPI void e_int_shelf_config(E_Shelf *es) { E_Config_Dialog *cfd; E_Config_Dialog_View *v; v = E_NEW(E_Config_Dialog_View, 1); if (v) { /* methods */ v->create_cfdata = _create_data; v->free_cfdata = _free_data; v->basic.apply_cfdata = _basic_apply_data; v->basic.create_widgets = _basic_create_widgets; v->advanced.apply_cfdata = _advanced_apply_data; v->advanced.create_widgets = _advanced_create_widgets; v->override_auto_apply = 1; /* create config diaolg for bd object/data */ cfd = e_config_dialog_new(es->zone->container, _("Shelf Configuration"), "E", "_shelf_config_dialog", "enlightenment/shelf", 0, v, es); es->config_dialog = cfd; } } /**--CREATE--**/ static void _fill_data(E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { cfdata->mode = MODE_CUSTOM; if ((cfdata->escfg->orient == E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM) && ((cfdata->escfg->style) && (!strcmp(cfdata->escfg->style, "default"))) && (cfdata->escfg->fit_along == 1) && (cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 200)) cfdata->mode = MODE_BOTTOM_MIDDLE; else if ((cfdata->escfg->orient == E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM) && ((cfdata->escfg->style) && (!strcmp(cfdata->escfg->style, "default"))) && (cfdata->escfg->fit_along == 0) && (cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 200)) cfdata->mode = MODE_BOTTOM_ALL; else if ((cfdata->escfg->orient == E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM) && ((cfdata->escfg->style) && (!strcmp(cfdata->escfg->style, "invisible"))) && (cfdata->escfg->fit_along == 0) && (!cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 1)) cfdata->mode = MODE_BOTTOM_DESKTOP; else if ((cfdata->escfg->orient == E_GADCON_ORIENT_TOP) && ((cfdata->escfg->style) && (!strcmp(cfdata->escfg->style, "default"))) && (cfdata->escfg->fit_along == 0) && (cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 200)) cfdata->mode = MODE_TOP_ALL; else if ((cfdata->escfg->orient == E_GADCON_ORIENT_TOP) && ((cfdata->escfg->style) && (!strcmp(cfdata->escfg->style, "invisible"))) && (cfdata->escfg->fit_along == 0) && (!cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 1)) cfdata->mode = MODE_TOP_DESKTOP; if (cfdata->escfg->style) cfdata->style = strdup(cfdata->escfg->style); else cfdata->style = strdup(""); cfdata->orient = cfdata->escfg->orient; cfdata->fit_along = cfdata->escfg->fit_along; cfdata->fit_size = cfdata->escfg->fit_size; cfdata->size = cfdata->escfg->size; cfdata->overlapping = cfdata->escfg->overlap; cfdata->autohiding = cfdata->escfg->autohide; if (cfdata->size <= 24) cfdata->basic_size = 24; else if (cfdata->size <= 32) cfdata->basic_size = 32; else if (cfdata->size <= 40) cfdata->basic_size = 40; else if (cfdata->size <= 48) cfdata->basic_size = 48; else if (cfdata->size >= 48) cfdata->basic_size = 56; if ((!cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 1)) cfdata->layering = 0; else if ((cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 0)) cfdata->layering = 1; else if ((cfdata->escfg->popup) && (cfdata->escfg->layer == 200)) cfdata->layering = 2; else cfdata->layering = 2; } static void * _create_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd) { /* Create cfdata - cfdata is a temporary block of config data that this * dialog will be dealing with while configuring. it will be applied to * the running systems/config in the apply methods */ E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata; cfdata = E_NEW(E_Config_Dialog_Data, 1); cfdata->es = cfd->data; cfdata->escfg = cfdata->es->cfg; _fill_data(cfdata); return cfdata; } static void _free_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { /* Free the cfdata */ cfdata->es->config_dialog = NULL; if (cfdata->style) free(cfdata->style); free(cfdata); } /**--APPLY--**/ static int _basic_apply_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { E_Zone *zone; int id; switch (cfdata->mode) { case MODE_BOTTOM_MIDDLE: cfdata->escfg->orient = E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM; if (cfdata->escfg->style) evas_stringshare_del(cfdata->escfg->style); cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add("default"); cfdata->escfg->fit_along = 1; cfdata->escfg->popup = 1; cfdata->escfg->layer = 200; break; case MODE_BOTTOM_ALL: cfdata->escfg->orient = E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM; if (cfdata->escfg->style) evas_stringshare_del(cfdata->escfg->style); cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add("default"); cfdata->escfg->fit_along = 0; cfdata->escfg->popup = 1; cfdata->escfg->layer = 200; break; case MODE_BOTTOM_DESKTOP: cfdata->escfg->orient = E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM; if (cfdata->escfg->style) evas_stringshare_del(cfdata->escfg->style); cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add("invisible"); cfdata->escfg->fit_along = 0; cfdata->escfg->popup = 0; cfdata->escfg->layer = 1; break; case MODE_TOP_ALL: cfdata->escfg->orient = E_GADCON_ORIENT_TOP; if (cfdata->escfg->style) evas_stringshare_del(cfdata->escfg->style); cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add("default"); cfdata->escfg->fit_along = 0; cfdata->escfg->popup = 1; cfdata->escfg->layer = 200; break; case MODE_TOP_DESKTOP: cfdata->escfg->orient = E_GADCON_ORIENT_TOP; if (cfdata->escfg->style) evas_stringshare_del(cfdata->escfg->style); cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add("invisible"); cfdata->escfg->fit_along = 0; cfdata->escfg->popup = 0; cfdata->escfg->layer = 1; break; default: break; } cfdata->escfg->size = cfdata->basic_size; cfdata->size = cfdata->basic_size; zone = cfdata->es->zone; id = cfdata->es->id; cfdata->es->config_dialog = NULL; e_object_del(E_OBJECT(cfdata->es)); cfdata->es = e_shelf_zone_new(zone, cfdata->escfg->name, cfdata->escfg->style, cfdata->escfg->popup, cfdata->escfg->layer, id); cfdata->es->cfg = cfdata->escfg; cfdata->es->fit_along = cfdata->escfg->fit_along; cfdata->es->fit_size = cfdata->escfg->fit_size; e_shelf_orient(cfdata->es, cfdata->escfg->orient); e_shelf_position_calc(cfdata->es); e_shelf_populate(cfdata->es); e_shelf_show(cfdata->es); e_config_save_queue(); cfdata->es->config_dialog = cfd; return 1; /* Apply was OK */ } static int _advanced_apply_data(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { E_Zone *zone; int id; int restart = 0; /* Only change style is we need to */ if (!cfdata->escfg->style) { cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add(cfdata->style); e_shelf_style_set(cfdata->es, cfdata->style); } else if ((cfdata->escfg->style) && (strcmp(cfdata->escfg->style, cfdata->style))) { if (cfdata->escfg->style) evas_stringshare_del(cfdata->escfg->style); cfdata->escfg->style = evas_stringshare_add(cfdata->style); e_shelf_style_set(cfdata->es, cfdata->style); } /* Only Change Orient if we need to */ if (cfdata->escfg->orient != cfdata->orient) { cfdata->escfg->orient = cfdata->orient; e_shelf_orient(cfdata->es, cfdata->orient); e_shelf_position_calc(cfdata->es); restart = 1; } /* Only Change fit along if we need to */ if (cfdata->escfg->fit_along != cfdata->fit_along) { cfdata->escfg->fit_along = cfdata->fit_along; cfdata->es->fit_along = cfdata->fit_along; restart = 1; } /* Only Change fit size if we need to */ if (cfdata->escfg->fit_size != cfdata->fit_size) { /* Not sure if this will need a restart or not */ cfdata->escfg->fit_size = cfdata->fit_size; cfdata->es->fit_size = cfdata->fit_size; restart = 1; } /* Only Change size if we need to */ if (cfdata->escfg->size != cfdata->size) { if (cfdata->size <= 24) cfdata->basic_size = 24; else if (cfdata->size <= 32) cfdata->basic_size = 32; else if (cfdata->size <= 40) cfdata->basic_size = 40; else if (cfdata->size <= 48) cfdata->basic_size = 48; else if (cfdata->size >= 48) cfdata->basic_size = 56; cfdata->escfg->size = cfdata->size; cfdata->es->size = cfdata->size; restart = 1; } if (cfdata->layering == 0) { if ((cfdata->escfg->popup != 0) || (cfdata->escfg->layer != 1)) { restart = 1; cfdata->escfg->popup = 0; cfdata->escfg->layer = 1; } } else if (cfdata->layering == 1) { if ((cfdata->escfg->popup != 1) || (cfdata->escfg->layer != 0)) { restart = 1; cfdata->escfg->popup = 1; cfdata->escfg->layer = 0; } } else if (cfdata->layering == 2) { if ((cfdata->escfg->popup != 1) || (cfdata->escfg->layer != 200)) { restart = 1; cfdata->escfg->popup = 1; cfdata->escfg->layer = 200; } } cfdata->escfg->overlap = cfdata->overlapping; cfdata->escfg->autohide = cfdata->autohiding; if (cfdata->escfg->autohide && !cfdata->es->hidden) e_shelf_toggle(cfdata->es, 0); else if (!cfdata->escfg->autohide && cfdata->es->hidden) e_shelf_toggle(cfdata->es, 1); if (restart) { zone = cfdata->es->zone; id = cfdata->es->id; cfdata->es->config_dialog = NULL; e_object_del(E_OBJECT(cfdata->es)); cfdata->es = e_shelf_zone_new(zone, cfdata->escfg->name, cfdata->escfg->style, cfdata->escfg->popup, cfdata->escfg->layer, id); cfdata->es->cfg = cfdata->escfg; cfdata->es->fit_along = cfdata->escfg->fit_along; cfdata->es->fit_size = cfdata->escfg->fit_size; e_shelf_orient(cfdata->es, cfdata->escfg->orient); e_shelf_position_calc(cfdata->es); e_shelf_populate(cfdata->es); e_shelf_show(cfdata->es); } e_config_save_queue(); cfdata->es->config_dialog = cfd; return 1; /* Apply was OK */ } static void _cb_configure(void *data, void *data2) { E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata; cfdata = data; if (!cfdata->es->gadcon->config_dialog) e_int_gadcon_config(cfdata->es->gadcon); } /**--GUI--**/ static Evas_Object * _basic_create_widgets(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { /* generate the core widget layout for a basic dialog */ Evas_Object *o, *of, *ob, *ol; E_Radio_Group *rg; o = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0); ol = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 1); of = e_widget_framelist_add(evas, _("Layout"), 0); rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&(cfdata->mode)); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_dock", 64, 24, MODE_BOTTOM_MIDDLE, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_panel", 64, 24, MODE_BOTTOM_ALL, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_bottom_desk", 64, 24, MODE_BOTTOM_DESKTOP, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_menu_bar", 64, 24, MODE_TOP_ALL, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_top_desk", 64, 24, MODE_TOP_DESKTOP, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_custom", 64, 24, MODE_CUSTOM, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, of, 1, 1, 0.5); of = e_widget_framelist_add(evas, _("Size"), 0); rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&(cfdata->basic_size)); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Tiny"), 24, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Small"), 32, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Medium"), 40, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Large"), 48, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Huge"), 56, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); e_widget_list_object_append(ol, of, 1, 1, 0.5); e_widget_list_object_append(o, ol, 0, 0, 0.5); ob = e_widget_button_add(evas, _("Configure Contents..."), "widget/config", _cb_configure, cfdata, NULL); e_widget_list_object_append(o, ob, 0, 0, 0.5); return o; } static Evas_Object * _advanced_create_widgets(E_Config_Dialog *cfd, Evas *evas, E_Config_Dialog_Data *cfdata) { /* generate the core widget layout for a basic dialog */ Evas_Object *o, *o2, *of, *ob, *oi, *oj; E_Radio_Group *rg; Evas_Coord wmw, wmh; Evas_List *styles, *l; int sel, n; /* FIXME: this is just raw config now - it needs UI improvments */ o = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 1); o2 = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0); of = e_widget_framelist_add(evas, _("Stacking"), 0); rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&(cfdata->layering)); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Above Everything"), 2, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Below Windows"), 1, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_radio_add(evas, _("Below Everything"), 0, rg); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Allow windows to overlap the shelf"), &(cfdata->overlapping)); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Auto-hide the shelf"), &(cfdata->autohiding)); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); e_widget_list_object_append(o2, of, 1, 1, 0.5); of = e_widget_frametable_add(evas, _("Layout"), 1); rg = e_widget_radio_group_new(&(cfdata->orient)); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_left", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_LEFT, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_right", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_RIGHT, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_top", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_TOP, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_bottom", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_BOTTOM, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_top_left", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_TL, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_top_right", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_TR, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_bottom_left", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_BL, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_bottom_right", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_BR, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_left_top", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_LT, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_right_top", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_RT, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_left_bottom", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_LB, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); ob = e_widget_radio_icon_add(evas, NULL, "enlightenment/shelf_position_right_bottom", 24, 24, E_GADCON_ORIENT_CORNER_RB, rg); e_widget_frametable_object_append(of, ob, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); e_widget_list_object_append(o2, of, 1, 1, 0.5); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 1, 1, 0.5); o2 = e_widget_list_add(evas, 0, 0); of = e_widget_framelist_add(evas, _("Size"), 0); ob = e_widget_check_add(evas, _("Shrink to Content Size"), &(cfdata->fit_along)); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_label_add(evas, _("Shelf Size")); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); ob = e_widget_slider_add(evas, 1, 0, _("%3.0f pixels"), 4, 120, 4, 0, NULL, &(cfdata->size), 100); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, ob); e_widget_list_object_append(o2, of, 1, 1, 0.5); of = e_widget_framelist_add(evas, _("Styles"), 0); oi = e_widget_ilist_add(evas, 128, 20, &(cfdata->style)); sel = 0; styles = e_theme_shelf_list(); for (n = 0, l = styles; l; l = l->next, n++) { char buf[4096]; ob = e_livethumb_add(evas); e_livethumb_vsize_set(ob, 256, 40); oj = edje_object_add(e_livethumb_evas_get(ob)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "e/shelf/%s/base", (char *)l->data); e_theme_edje_object_set(oj, "base/theme/shelf", buf); e_livethumb_thumb_set(ob, oj); e_widget_ilist_append(oi, ob, (char *)l->data, NULL, NULL, l->data); if (!strcmp(cfdata->es->style, (char *)l->data)) sel = n; } e_widget_min_size_get(oi, &wmw, &wmh); e_widget_min_size_set(oi, wmw, 120); e_widget_ilist_go(oi); e_widget_ilist_selected_set(oi, sel); e_widget_framelist_object_append(of, oi); e_widget_list_object_append(o2, of, 0, 0, 0.5); ob = e_widget_button_add(evas, _("Configure Contents..."), "widget/config", _cb_configure, cfdata, NULL); e_widget_list_object_append(o2, ob, 0, 0, 0.5); e_widget_list_object_append(o, o2, 0, 0, 0.0); return o; }