#include "e_mod_main.h" typedef struct { char *path, *outfile; void *data; int w, h, stride, quality; size_t size; int fd; } Rgba_Writer_Data; static void _rgba_data_free(Rgba_Writer_Data *rdata) { free(rdata->path); free(rdata->outfile); free(rdata->data); close(rdata->fd); free(rdata); } static void _cb_rgba_writer_do(void *data, Ecore_Thread *th EINA_UNUSED) { Rgba_Writer_Data *rdata = data; if (write(rdata->fd, rdata->data, rdata->size) < 0) ERR("Write of shot rgba data failed"); } static void _cb_rgba_writer_done(void *data, Ecore_Thread *th EINA_UNUSED) { Rgba_Writer_Data *rdata = data; char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (rdata->outfile) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/upload '%s' %i %i %i %i '%s'", e_module_dir_get(shot_module), MODULE_ARCH, rdata->path, rdata->w, rdata->h, rdata->stride, rdata->quality, rdata->outfile); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/upload '%s' %i %i %i %i", e_module_dir_get(shot_module), MODULE_ARCH, rdata->path, rdata->w, rdata->h, rdata->stride, rdata->quality); share_save(buf); _rgba_data_free(rdata); } static void _cb_rgba_writer_cancel(void *data, Ecore_Thread *th EINA_UNUSED) { Rgba_Writer_Data *rdata = data; _rgba_data_free(rdata); } void save_to(const char *file) { int fd; char tmpf[256] = "e-shot-rgba-XXXXXX"; Eina_Tmpstr *path = NULL; int imw = 0, imh = 0, imstride; fd = eina_file_mkstemp(tmpf, &path); if (fd >= 0) { unsigned char *data = NULL; Rgba_Writer_Data *thdat = NULL; size_t size = 0; Evas_Object *img = preview_image_get(); ui_edit_prepare(); printf("C: %i %i %ix%i\n", crop.x, crop.y, crop.w, crop.h); if ((crop.x == 0) && (crop.y == 0) && (crop.w == 0) && (crop.h == 0)) { if (img) { int w = 0, h = 0; int stride = evas_object_image_stride_get(img); unsigned char *src_data = evas_object_image_data_get(img, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_image_size_get(img, &w, &h); if ((stride > 0) && (src_data) && (h > 0)) { imw = w; imh = h; imstride = stride; size = stride * h; data = malloc(size); if (data) memcpy(data, src_data, size); } } } else { if (img) { int w = 0, h = 0; int stride = evas_object_image_stride_get(img); unsigned char *src_data = evas_object_image_data_get(img, EINA_FALSE); evas_object_image_size_get(img, &w, &h); if ((stride > 0) && (src_data) && (h > 0)) { size = crop.w * crop.h * 4; data = malloc(size); if (data) { int y; unsigned char *s, *d; imw = crop.w; imh = crop.h; imstride = imw * 4; d = data; printf("Cpy dat %p -> %p | %ix%i\n", src_data, data, imw, imh); for (y = crop.y; y < (crop.y + crop.h); y++) { s = src_data + (stride * y) + (crop.x * 4); memcpy(d, s, crop.w * 4); d += crop.w * 4; } } } } } if (data) { thdat = calloc(1, sizeof(Rgba_Writer_Data)); if (thdat) { thdat->path = strdup(path); if (file) thdat->outfile = strdup(file); if ((thdat->path) && (((file) && (thdat->outfile)) || (!file))) { thdat->data = data; thdat->size = size; thdat->fd = fd; thdat->w = imw; thdat->h = imh; thdat->stride = imstride; thdat->quality = quality; ecore_thread_run(_cb_rgba_writer_do, _cb_rgba_writer_done, _cb_rgba_writer_cancel, thdat); } else { free(data); free(thdat->path); free(thdat->outfile); free(thdat); thdat = NULL; } } else free(data); } if (!thdat) close(fd); eina_tmpstr_del(path); } return; } void save_show(void) { char path[PATH_MAX + 512]; char path2[PATH_MAX + 512]; char buf[256]; const char *dirs[] = { "shots", NULL }; time_t tt; struct tm *tm; E_Action *a; ecore_file_mksubdirs(e_user_dir_get(), dirs); time(&tt); tm = localtime(&tt); if (quality == 100) strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "shot-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.png", tm); else strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "shot-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.jpg", tm); e_user_dir_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "shots/%s", buf); save_to(path); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/shots.desktop", e_module_dir_get(shot_module)); snprintf(path2, sizeof(path2), "%s/fileman/favorites/shots.desktop", e_user_dir_get()); if (!ecore_file_exists(path2)) ecore_file_cp(path, path2); a = e_action_find("fileman_show"); if (a) { a->func.go(NULL, "$E_HOME_DIR/shots"); } else e_util_dialog_show (_("Error - No Filemanager"), _("No filemanager action and/or module was found.
" "Cannot show the location of your screenshots.")); preview_abort(); }