#include "e.h" /* TODO: * * Sanatize data received from acpi for message status into something * meaningful (ie: 00000002 == LID_CLOSED, etc, etc). * * Find someone with a WIFI that actually emits ACPI events and add/debug the * E_EVENT_ACPI for wifi. * * Add e_actions for bindings. */ /* local structures */ typedef struct _ACPIDevice ACPIDevice; // for mapping device names to type struct _ACPIDevice { const char *name; int type; }; /* local function prototypes */ static int _e_acpi_cb_server_del(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static int _e_acpi_cb_server_data(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); static void _e_acpi_cb_event_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *event); static int _e_acpi_lid_status_get(const char *device, const char *bus); static int _e_acpi_cb_event(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event); /* local variables */ static Ecore_Con_Server *_e_acpid = NULL; static Eina_List *_e_acpid_hdls = NULL; static Eina_Hash *_e_acpid_devices = NULL; static ACPIDevice _devices[] = { /* DO NOT TRANSLATE THESE. */ /* standardized ACPI device name, corresponding E_ACPI_TYPE */ {"ac_adapter", E_ACPI_TYPE_AC_ADAPTER}, {"battery", E_ACPI_TYPE_BATTERY}, {"button/lid", E_ACPI_TYPE_LID}, {"button/power", E_ACPI_TYPE_POWER}, {"button/sleep", E_ACPI_TYPE_SLEEP}, {"fan", E_ACPI_TYPE_FAN}, {"processor", E_ACPI_TYPE_PROCESSOR}, {"thermal_zone", E_ACPI_TYPE_THERMAL}, {"video", E_ACPI_TYPE_VIDEO}, {NULL, E_ACPI_TYPE_UNKNOWN} }; /* public variables */ EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_UNKNOWN = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_AC_ADAPTER = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_BATTERY = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_FAN = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_LID = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_POWER = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_PROCESSOR = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_SLEEP = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_THERMAL = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_VIDEO = 0; EAPI int E_EVENT_ACPI_WIFI = 0; /* public functions */ EAPI int e_acpi_init(void) { const ACPIDevice *dev; E_EVENT_ACPI_UNKNOWN = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_AC_ADAPTER = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_BATTERY = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_FAN = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_LID = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_POWER = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_PROCESSOR = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_SLEEP = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_THERMAL = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_VIDEO = ecore_event_type_new(); E_EVENT_ACPI_WIFI = ecore_event_type_new(); /* check for running acpid */ if (!ecore_file_exists("/var/run/acpid.socket")) return 1; /* try to connect to acpid socket */ _e_acpid = ecore_con_server_connect(ECORE_CON_LOCAL_SYSTEM, "/var/run/acpid.socket", -1, NULL); if (!_e_acpid) return 1; /* create new device hash and fill it */ _e_acpid_devices = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL); for (dev = _devices; dev->type > E_ACPI_TYPE_UNKNOWN; dev++) eina_hash_direct_add(_e_acpid_devices, dev->name, dev); /* setup handlers */ _e_acpid_hdls = eina_list_append(_e_acpid_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_SERVER_DEL, _e_acpi_cb_server_del, NULL)); _e_acpid_hdls = eina_list_append(_e_acpid_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(ECORE_CON_EVENT_SERVER_DATA, _e_acpi_cb_server_data, NULL)); /* Add handlers for standard acpi events */ _e_acpid_hdls = eina_list_append(_e_acpid_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_ACPI_AC_ADAPTER, _e_acpi_cb_event, NULL)); _e_acpid_hdls = eina_list_append(_e_acpid_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_ACPI_LID, _e_acpi_cb_event, NULL)); _e_acpid_hdls = eina_list_append(_e_acpid_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_ACPI_POWER, _e_acpi_cb_event, NULL)); _e_acpid_hdls = eina_list_append(_e_acpid_hdls, ecore_event_handler_add(E_EVENT_ACPI_SLEEP, _e_acpi_cb_event, NULL)); return 1; } EAPI int e_acpi_shutdown(void) { Ecore_Event_Handler *hdl; /* destroy the device hash */ if (_e_acpid_devices) eina_hash_free(_e_acpid_devices); _e_acpid_devices = NULL; /* cleanup event handlers */ EINA_LIST_FREE(_e_acpid_hdls, hdl) ecore_event_handler_del(hdl); /* kill the server if existing */ if (_e_acpid) ecore_con_server_del(_e_acpid); _e_acpid = NULL; return 1; } /* local functions */ static int _e_acpi_cb_server_del(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Con_Event_Server_Del *ev; Ecore_Event_Handler *hdl; ev = event; if (ev->server != _e_acpid) return 1; /* cleanup event handlers */ EINA_LIST_FREE(_e_acpid_hdls, hdl) ecore_event_handler_del(hdl); /* kill the server if existing */ if (_e_acpid) ecore_con_server_del(_e_acpid); _e_acpid = NULL; return 1; } static int _e_acpi_cb_server_data(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { Ecore_Con_Event_Server_Data *ev; ACPIDevice *dev; E_Event_Acpi *acpi_event; int res, sig, status, event_type; char device[1024], bus[1024]; ev = event; /* write out actual acpi received data to stdout for debugging res = fwrite(ev->data, ev->size, 1, stdout); */ /* parse out this acpi string into separate pieces */ if (sscanf(ev->data, "%s %s %d %d", device, bus, &sig, &status) != 4) return 1; /* printf("Device: %s\n", device); printf("Bus: %s\n", bus); printf("Signal: %d\n", sig); printf("Status: %d\n", status); printf("\n"); */ /* create new event structure to raise */ acpi_event = E_NEW(E_Event_Acpi, 1); acpi_event->bus_id = eina_stringshare_add(bus); acpi_event->signal = sig; acpi_event->status = status; /* determine which device this event is for */ if ((dev = eina_hash_find(_e_acpid_devices, device))) { acpi_event->device = eina_stringshare_add(dev->name); acpi_event->type = dev->type; } else { acpi_event->device = eina_stringshare_add(device); acpi_event->type = E_ACPI_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } /* based on device type, determine the event to raise */ switch (acpi_event->type) { case E_ACPI_TYPE_AC_ADAPTER: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_AC_ADAPTER; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_BATTERY: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_BATTERY; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_FAN: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_FAN; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_LID: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_LID; acpi_event->status = _e_acpi_lid_status_get(acpi_event->device, acpi_event->bus_id); break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_POWER: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_POWER; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_PROCESSOR: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_PROCESSOR; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_SLEEP: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_SLEEP; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_THERMAL: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_THERMAL; break; case E_ACPI_TYPE_VIDEO: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_VIDEO; break; default: event_type = E_EVENT_ACPI_UNKNOWN; break; } /* actually raise the event */ ecore_event_add(event_type, acpi_event, _e_acpi_cb_event_free, NULL); return 1; } static void _e_acpi_cb_event_free(void *data __UNUSED__, void *event) { E_Event_Acpi *ev; if (!(ev = event)) return; if (ev->device) eina_stringshare_del(ev->device); if (ev->bus_id) eina_stringshare_del(ev->bus_id); E_FREE(ev); } static int _e_acpi_lid_status_get(const char *device, const char *bus) { FILE *f; int i = 0; char buff[PATH_MAX], *ret; /* the acpi driver code in the kernel has a nice acpi function to return * the lid status easily, but that function is not exposed for user_space * so we need to check the proc fs to get the actual status */ /* make sure we have a device and bus */ if ((!device) || (!bus)) return E_ACPI_LID_UNKNOWN; /* open the state file from /proc */ snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "/proc/acpi/%s/%s/state", device, bus); if (!(f = fopen(buff, "r"))) return E_ACPI_LID_UNKNOWN; /* read the line from state file */ buff[0] = '\0'; ret = fgets(buff, 1024, f); fclose(f); /* parse out state file */ i = 0; while (buff[i] != ':') i++; while (!isalnum(buff[i])) i++; /* compare value from state file and return something sane */ if (!strcmp(buff, "open")) return E_ACPI_LID_OPEN; else if (!strcmp(buff, "closed")) return E_ACPI_LID_CLOSED; else return E_ACPI_LID_UNKNOWN; } static int _e_acpi_cb_event(void *data __UNUSED__, int type __UNUSED__, void *event) { E_Event_Acpi *ev; ev = event; e_bindings_acpi_event_handle(E_BINDING_CONTEXT_NONE, NULL, ev); return 1; }