## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in EXTRA_DIST = \ manual.raw \ kernel-doc.in \ stylesheet.css \ figures/*.gif # Add any images you create here ## Fill in all source files that you documented ## with extractable comments here: ## SOURCEDOC = $(top_srcdir)/src/e.h ## For details on what can be specified in the ## comments, see the beginning of kernel-doc ## in this directory! -- cK. SGMLFILE = $(PACKAGE)-manual.sgml docs: manual.raw $(SOURCEDOC) ./kernel-doc -docbook $(SGMLFILE) if HAVE_JADE FULLNAME = $(PACKAGE)-manual-$(VERSION) html-docs: docs html-customizations.dsl $(mkinstalldirs) ./$(FULLNAME)/figures cd $(FULLNAME) && @JADE@ -t sgml -d ../html-customizations.dsl ../$(SGMLFILE) - cd figures && cp -f *.gif ../$(FULLNAME)/figures - cd figures && cp -f *.png ../$(FULLNAME)/figures - cd figures && cp -f *.jpg ../$(FULLNAME)/figures cp -f stylesheet.css $(FULLNAME)/stylesheet.css tar cfvz $(FULLNAME).tar.gz $(FULLNAME) html-filetypes: filetypes.xsl $(mkinstalldirs) ./$(FULLNAME)/filetypes cp -fr filetypes-templates/* ./$(FULLNAME)/filetypes ./generate-trees.sh ./$(FULLNAME)/filetypes endif