/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e_fm_hal.h" #define E_FM_SHARED_CODEC #include "e_fm_shared.h" #undef E_FM_SHARED_CODEC static void _e_fm2_volume_write(E_Volume *v) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1); static void _e_fm2_volume_erase(E_Volume *v) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1); static void _e_fm2_hal_mount_ok(E_Fm2_Mount *m) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1); static int _e_fm2_hal_mount_timeout(E_Fm2_Mount *m) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1); static Eina_List *_e_stores = NULL; static Eina_List *_e_vols = NULL; EAPI void e_fm2_hal_storage_add(E_Storage *s) { if (e_fm2_hal_storage_find(s->udi)) return; s->validated = 1; _e_stores = eina_list_append(_e_stores, s); /* printf("STO+\n" " udi: %s\n" " bus: %s\n" " drive_type: %s\n" " model: %s\n" " vendor: %s\n" " serial: %s\n" " removable: %i\n" " media_available: %i\n" " media_size: %lli\n" " requires_eject: %i\n" " hotpluggable: %i\n" " media_check_enabled: %i\n" " icon.drive: %s\n" " icon.volume: %s\n\n" , s->udi, s->bus, s->drive_type, s->model, s->vendor, s->serial, s->removable, s->media_available, s->media_size, s->requires_eject, s->hotpluggable, s->media_check_enabled, s->icon.drive, s->icon.volume); */ if ((s->removable == 0) && (s->media_available == 0) && (s->media_size == 0) && (s->requires_eject == 0) && (s->hotpluggable == 0) && (s->media_check_enabled == 0)) { // printf(" Ignore this storage\n"); } else { s->trackable = 1; } } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_storage_del(E_Storage *s) { // printf("STO- %s\n", s->udi); _e_stores = eina_list_remove(_e_stores, s); _e_storage_free(s); } EAPI E_Storage * e_fm2_hal_storage_find(const char *udi) { Eina_List *l; if (!udi) return NULL; for (l = _e_stores; l; l = l->next) { E_Storage *s; s = l->data; if (!strcmp(udi, s->udi)) return s; } return NULL; } #define TEBIBYTE_SIZE 1099511627776LL #define GIBIBYTE_SIZE 1073741824 #define MEBIBYTE_SIZE 1048576 #define KIBIBYTE_SIZE 1024 EAPI void e_fm2_hal_volume_add(E_Volume *v) { E_Storage *s; if (e_fm2_hal_volume_find(v->udi)) return; v->validated = 1; _e_vols = eina_list_append(_e_vols, v); /* printf("VOL+\n" " udi: %s\n" " uuid: %s\n" " fstype: %s\n" " size: %llu\n" " label: %s\n" " partition: %d\n" " partition_number: %d\n" " partition_label: %s\n" " mounted: %d\n" " mount_point: %s\n" " parent: %s\n" , v->udi, v->uuid, v->fstype, v->size, v->label, v->partition, v->partition_number, v->partition ? v->partition_label : "(not a partition)", v->mounted, v->mount_point, v->parent); */ /* Check mount point */ if ((!v->mount_point) || (v->mount_point[0] == 0)) { if (v->mount_point) free(v->mount_point); v->mount_point = NULL; v->mount_point = e_fm2_hal_volume_mountpoint_get(v); if ((!v->mount_point) || (v->mount_point[0] == 0)) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *id; if (v->mount_point) free(v->mount_point); v->mount_point = NULL; id = "disk"; if ((v->uuid) && (v->uuid[0])) id = v->uuid; if (ecore_file_is_dir("/media")) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/media/%s", id); else if (ecore_file_is_dir("/mnt")) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/mnt/%s", id); else if (ecore_file_is_dir("/tmp")) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/%s", id); else buf[0] = 0; v->mount_point = strdup(buf); } } /* Search parent storage */ if ((s = e_fm2_hal_storage_find(v->parent))) { v->storage = s; s->volumes = eina_list_append(s->volumes, v); } if ((v->storage) && ((!v->mount_point) || (strcmp(v->mount_point, "/") && strcmp(v->mount_point, "/home") && strcmp(v->mount_point, "/tmp")))) { char label[1024] = {0}; char size[256] = {0}; char *icon = NULL; unsigned long long sz; /* Compute the size in a readable form */ if (v->size) { if ((sz = (v->size / TEBIBYTE_SIZE)) > 0) snprintf(size, sizeof(size) - 1, _("%llu TiB"), sz); else if ((sz = (v->size / GIBIBYTE_SIZE)) > 0) snprintf(size, sizeof(size) - 1, _("%llu GiB"), sz); else if ((sz = (v->size / MEBIBYTE_SIZE)) > 0) snprintf(size, sizeof(size) - 1, _("%llu MiB"), sz); else if ((sz = (v->size / KIBIBYTE_SIZE)) > 0) snprintf(size, sizeof(size) - 1, _("%llu KiB"), sz); else snprintf(size, sizeof(size) - 1, _("%llu B"), v->size); } /* Choose the label */ if ((v->label) && (v->label[0])) {} else if ((v->partition_label) && (v->partition_label[0])) snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s", v->partition_label); else if (((v->storage->vendor) && (v->storage->vendor[0])) && ((v->storage->model) && (v->storage->model[0]))) { if (size[0] != '\0') snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s %s - %s", v->storage->vendor, v->storage->model, size); else snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s %s", v->storage->vendor, v->storage->model); } else if ((v->storage->model) && (v->storage->model[0])) { if (size[0] != '\0') snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s - %s", v->storage->model, size); else snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s", v->storage->model); } else if ((v->storage->vendor) && (v->storage->vendor[0])) { if (size[0] != '\0') snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s - %s", v->storage->vendor, size); else snprintf(label, sizeof(label) - 1, "%s", v->storage->vendor); } else snprintf(label, sizeof(label), _("Unknown Volume")); if ((label) && (label[0])) { if (v->label) free(v->label); v->label = strdup(label); } /* Choose the icon */ /* http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html */ if (v->storage->icon.volume) icon = v->storage->icon.volume; else { if (!strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "disk")) { if (v->storage->removable == 0) icon = "drive-harddisk"; else icon = "drive-removable-media"; } else if (!strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "cdrom")) icon = "drive-optical"; else if (!strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "floppy")) icon = "media-floppy"; else if (!strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "tape")) icon = "media-tape"; else if (!strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "compact_flash") || !strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "memory_stick") || !strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "smart_media") || !strcmp(v->storage->drive_type, "sd_mmc")) icon = "media-flash"; } if (icon) { if (v->icon) free(v->icon); v->icon = strdup(icon); } _e_fm2_volume_write(v); } } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_volume_del(E_Volume *v) { // printf("VOL- %s\n", v->udi); if (v->storage) v->storage->volumes = eina_list_remove(v->storage->volumes, v); _e_vols = eina_list_remove(_e_vols, v); _e_fm2_volume_erase(v); _e_volume_free(v); } static void _e_fm2_volume_write(E_Volume *v) { char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[PATH_MAX]; FILE *f; const char *id; if (!v->storage) return; id = ecore_file_file_get(v->storage->udi); // printf("vol write %s\n", id); e_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "fileman/favorites/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); f = fopen(buf, "w"); if (f) { fprintf(f, "[Desktop Entry]\n" "Encoding=UTF-8\n" "Type=Link\n" "X-Enlightenment-Type=Removable\n" "X-Enlightenment-Removable-State=Full\n" "Name=%s\n" "Icon=%s\n" "Comment=%s\n" "URL=file:/%s\n" , v->label, v->icon, _("Removable Device"), v->udi); fclose(f); if (e_config->hal_desktop) { e_user_homedir_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "Desktop/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); ecore_file_symlink(buf, buf2); } /* FIXME: manipulate icon directly */ _e_fm2_file_force_update(buf); //_e_fm2_file_force_update(buf2); } } #undef TEBIBYTE_SIZE #undef GIBIBYTE_SIZE #undef MEBIBYTE_SIZE #undef KIBIBYTE_SIZE static void _e_fm2_volume_erase(E_Volume *v) { char buf[PATH_MAX] = {0}; const char *id; if (!v->storage) return; id = ecore_file_file_get(v->storage->udi); e_user_homedir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Desktop/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); ecore_file_unlink(buf); _e_fm2_file_force_update(buf); if (e_config->hal_desktop) { e_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "fileman/favorites/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); ecore_file_unlink(buf); _e_fm2_file_force_update(buf); } } EAPI E_Volume * e_fm2_hal_volume_find(const char *udi) { Eina_List *l; if (!udi) return NULL; for (l = _e_vols; l; l = l->next) { E_Volume *v; v = l->data; if (!strcmp(udi, v->udi)) return v; } return NULL; } EAPI char * e_fm2_hal_volume_mountpoint_get(E_Volume *v) { char buf[PATH_MAX] = {0}; if (!v) return NULL; if (v->mount_point) { // printf("GET MOUNTPOINT = %s\n", v->mount_point); return strdup(v->mount_point); } if (v->label && v->label[0] != '\0') snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "/media/%s", v->label); else if (v->uuid && v->uuid[0] != '\0') snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "/media/%s", v->uuid); else if ((v->storage) && (v->storage->serial) && v->storage->serial[0] != '\0') snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "/media/%s", v->storage->serial); else { static int mount_count = 1; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "/media/unknown-%i", mount_count++); } // printf("GET MOUNTPOINT = %s\n", buf); return strdup(buf); } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_mount_add(E_Volume *v, const char *mountpoint) { Eina_List *l; v->mounted = 1; v->mount_point = strdup(mountpoint); for (l = v->mounts; l; l = l->next) _e_fm2_hal_mount_ok(l->data); // printf("MOUNT %s %s\n", v->udi, v->mount_point); } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_mount_del(E_Fm2_Mount *m) { if (!m) return; if (m->udi) eina_stringshare_del(m->udi); if (m->mount_point) eina_stringshare_del(m->mount_point); if (m->timeout) { ecore_timer_del(m->timeout); m->timeout = NULL; } free(m); } EAPI E_Fm2_Mount * e_fm2_hal_mount_find(const char *path) { Eina_List *l; for (l = _e_vols; l; l = l->next) { E_Volume *v; v = l->data; if (v->mounted && !strncmp(path, v->mount_point, strlen(v->mount_point)) && v->mounts) return v->mounts->data; } return NULL; } EAPI E_Fm2_Mount * e_fm2_hal_mount(E_Volume *v, void (*mount_ok) (void *data), void (*mount_fail) (void *data), void (*unmount_ok) (void *data), void (*unmount_fail) (void *data), void *data) { E_Fm2_Mount *m; if (!v) return NULL; m = calloc(1, sizeof(E_Fm2_Mount)); if (!m) return NULL; m->udi = eina_stringshare_add(v->udi); m->mount_ok = mount_ok; m->mount_fail = mount_fail; m->unmount_ok = unmount_ok; m->unmount_fail = unmount_fail; m->data = data; m->volume = v; m->mounted = v->mounted; v->mounts = eina_list_prepend(v->mounts, m); // printf("BEGIN MOUNT %p '%s'\n", m, v->mount_point); if (!v->mounted) { if (m->timeout) ecore_timer_del(m->timeout); m->timeout = ecore_timer_add(10.0, (int (*)(void*))_e_fm2_hal_mount_timeout, m); _e_fm2_client_mount(v->udi, v->mount_point); } return m; } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_unmount(E_Fm2_Mount *m) { E_Volume *v; if (!(v = m->volume)) return; v->mounts = eina_list_remove(v->mounts, m); e_fm2_hal_mount_del(m); if (!eina_list_count(v->mounts)) _e_fm2_client_unmount(v->udi); } static void _e_fm2_hal_mount_ok(E_Fm2_Mount *m) { m->mounted = 1; if (m->volume) m->mount_point = eina_stringshare_add(m->volume->mount_point); if (m->timeout) { ecore_timer_del(m->timeout); m->timeout = NULL; } if (m->mount_ok) m->mount_ok(m->data); // printf("MOUNT OK '%s'\n", m->mount_point); } static int _e_fm2_hal_mount_timeout(E_Fm2_Mount *m) { m->mount_fail(m->data); m->timeout = NULL; return 0; } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_show_desktop_icons(void) { Eina_List *l; E_Volume *v; char buf[PATH_MAX] = {0}; char buf2[PATH_MAX] = {0}; const char *id; for (l = _e_vols; l; l = eina_list_next(l)) { v = eina_list_data_get(l); if (!v) continue; if (!v->storage) continue; id = ecore_file_file_get(v->storage->udi); e_user_dir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "fileman/favorites/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); e_user_homedir_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "Desktop/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); if (ecore_file_exists(buf) && !ecore_file_exists(buf2)) { ecore_file_symlink(buf, buf2); _e_fm2_file_force_update(buf2); } } } EAPI void e_fm2_hal_hide_desktop_icons(void) { Eina_List *l; E_Volume *v; char buf[PATH_MAX] = {0}; const char *id; for (l = _e_vols; l; l = eina_list_next(l)) { v = eina_list_data_get(l); if (!v) continue; if (!v->storage) continue; id = ecore_file_file_get(v->storage->udi); e_user_homedir_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Desktop/|%s_%d.desktop", id, v->partition_number); if (ecore_file_exists(buf)) { ecore_file_unlink(buf); _e_fm2_file_force_update(buf); } } } EAPI Eina_List* e_fm2_hal_volume_list_get(void) { return _e_vols; }