/* * vim:ts=8:sw=3:sts=8:noexpandtab:cino=>5n-3f0^-2{2 */ #include "e.h" #include "e_mod_main.h" EAPI int wizard_page_init(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { return 1; } EAPI int wizard_page_shutdown(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { return 1; } EAPI int wizard_page_show(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *homedir; if ((e_config_profile_get()) && (strlen(e_config_profile_get()) > 0)) { // delete profile homedir = e_user_homedir_get(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.e/e/config/%s", homedir, e_config_profile_get()); if (ecore_file_is_dir(buf)) ecore_file_recursive_rm(buf); } // load profile as e_config e_config_load(); return 0; /* 1 == show ui, and wait for user, 0 == just continue */ } EAPI int wizard_page_hide(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { evas_object_del(pg->data); return 1; } EAPI int wizard_page_apply(E_Wizard_Page *pg) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *homedir; // setup ~/Desktop and ~/.e/e/fileman/favorites and // ~/.e/e/applications/bar/default, maybe ~/.e/e/applications/startup/.order homedir = e_user_homedir_get(); // FIXME: should become a wizard page on its own // setup fileman favorites snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "gzip -d -c < %s/data/other/efm_favorites.tar.gz | " "(cd %s/.e/e/ ; tar -xkf -)", e_prefix_data_get(), homedir); system(buf); // FIXME: efm favorites linked to desktop should be an option in another // wizard page // ~/Desktop snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Desktop", homedir); ecore_file_mkpath(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Desktop/home.desktop", homedir); ecore_file_symlink("../.e/e/fileman/favorites/home.desktop", buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Desktop/root.desktop", homedir); ecore_file_symlink("../.e/e/fileman/favorites/root.desktop", buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/Desktop/tmp.desktop", homedir); ecore_file_symlink("../.e/e/fileman/favorites/tmp.desktop", buf); // save the config now everyone has modified it e_config_save(); // restart e e_sys_action_do(E_SYS_RESTART, NULL); return 1; }