#include "e_mod_main.h" /* Popup function protos */ static Popup_Data *_notification_popup_new(E_Notification *n); static Popup_Data *_notification_popup_find(unsigned int id); static Popup_Data *_notification_popup_merge(E_Notification *n); static int _notification_popup_place(Popup_Data *popup, int num); static void _notification_popup_refresh(Popup_Data *popup); static void _notification_popup_del(unsigned int id, E_Notification_Closed_Reason reason); static void _notification_popdown(Popup_Data *popup, E_Notification_Closed_Reason reason); #define POPUP_LIMIT 7 static int popups_displayed = 0; /* Util function protos */ static void _notification_format_message(Popup_Data *popup); static int next_pos = 0; static Eina_Bool _notification_timer_cb(Popup_Data *popup) { _notification_popup_del(e_notification_id_get(popup->notif), E_NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_EXPIRED); return EINA_FALSE; } int notification_popup_notify(E_Notification *n, unsigned int replaces_id, const char *appname __UNUSED__) { double timeout; Popup_Data *popup = NULL; char urgency; urgency = e_notification_hint_urgency_get(n); switch (urgency) { case E_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LOW: if (!notification_cfg->show_low) return 0; break; case E_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_NORMAL: if (!notification_cfg->show_normal) return 0; break; case E_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_CRITICAL: if (!notification_cfg->show_critical) return 0; break; default: break; } if (notification_cfg->ignore_replacement) replaces_id = 0; if (replaces_id && (popup = _notification_popup_find(replaces_id))) { e_notification_ref(n); if (popup->notif) e_notification_unref(popup->notif); popup->notif = n; _notification_popup_refresh(popup); } else if (!replaces_id) { if ((popup = _notification_popup_merge(n))) _notification_popup_refresh(popup); } if (!popup) { popup = _notification_popup_new(n); if (!popup) return 0; notification_cfg->popups = eina_list_append(notification_cfg->popups, popup); edje_object_signal_emit(popup->theme, "notification,new", "notification"); } if (popup->timer) { ecore_timer_del(popup->timer); popup->timer = NULL; } timeout = e_notification_timeout_get(popup->notif); if (timeout < 0 || notification_cfg->force_timeout) timeout = notification_cfg->timeout; else timeout = (double)timeout / 1000.0; if (timeout > 0) popup->timer = ecore_timer_add(timeout, (Ecore_Task_Cb)_notification_timer_cb, popup); return 1; } void notification_popup_shutdown(void) { Popup_Data *popup; EINA_LIST_FREE(notification_cfg->popups, popup) _notification_popdown(popup, E_NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_REQUESTED); } void notification_popup_close(unsigned int id) { _notification_popup_del(id, E_NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_REQUESTED); } static Popup_Data * _notification_popup_merge(E_Notification *n) { Eina_List *l, *l2; Eina_List *i, *i2; E_Notification_Action *a, *a2; Popup_Data *popup; const char *str1, *str2; const char *body_old; const char *body_new; char *body_final; size_t len; str1 = e_notification_app_name_get(n); if (!str1) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(notification_cfg->popups, l, popup) { if (!popup->notif) continue; if (!(str2 = e_notification_app_name_get(popup->notif))) continue; if (str1 == str2) break; } if (!popup) { /* printf("- no poup to merge\n"); */ return NULL; } str1 = e_notification_summary_get(n); str2 = e_notification_summary_get(popup->notif); if (str1 && str2 && (str1 != str2)) { /* printf("- summary doesn match, %s, %s\n", str1, str2); */ return NULL; } l = e_notification_actions_get(popup->notif); l2 = e_notification_actions_get(n); if ((!!l) + (!!l2) == 1) { /* printf("- actions dont match\n"); */ return NULL; } for (i = l, i2 = l2; i && i2; i = i->next, i2 = i2->next) { if ((!!i) + (!!i2) == 1) return NULL; a = i->data, a2 = i2->data; if ((!!a) + (!!a2) == 1) return NULL; if (e_notification_action_id_get(a) != e_notification_action_id_get(a2)) return NULL; if (e_notification_action_name_get(a) != e_notification_action_name_get(a2)) return NULL; } /* TODO p->n is not fallback alert..*/ /* TODO both allow merging */ body_old = e_notification_body_get(popup->notif); body_new = e_notification_body_get(n); len = strlen(body_old); len += strlen(body_new); if (len < 65536) body_final = alloca(len + 5); else body_final = malloc(len + 5); snprintf(body_final, len + 1, "%s%s", body_old, body_new); /* printf("set body %s\n", body_final); */ e_notification_body_set(n, body_final); e_notification_unref(popup->notif); popup->notif = n; e_notification_ref(popup->notif); if (len >= 65536) free(body_final); return popup; } static void _notification_theme_cb_deleted(Popup_Data *popup, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *source __UNUSED__) { _notification_popup_refresh(popup); edje_object_signal_emit(popup->theme, "notification,new", "notification"); } static void _notification_theme_cb_close(Popup_Data *popup, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *source __UNUSED__) { _notification_popup_del(e_notification_id_get(popup->notif), E_NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_DISMISSED); } static void _notification_theme_cb_find(Popup_Data *popup, Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__, const char *emission __UNUSED__, const char *source __UNUSED__) { Eina_List *l; E_Border *bd; if (!popup->app_name) return; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(e_border_client_list(), l, bd) { size_t len, test; len = strlen(popup->app_name); test = eina_strlen_bounded(bd->client.icccm.name, len + 1); /* We can't be sure that the app_name really match the application name. * Some plugin put their name instead. But this search gives some good * results. */ if (strncasecmp(bd->client.icccm.name, popup->app_name, (test < len) ? test : len)) continue; e_desk_show(bd->desk); e_border_show(bd); e_border_raise(bd); e_border_focus_set_with_pointer(bd); break; } } static Popup_Data * _notification_popup_new(E_Notification *n) { E_Container *con; Popup_Data *popup; char buf[PATH_MAX]; const Eina_List *l, *screens; E_Screen *scr; E_Zone *zone; if (popups_displayed > POPUP_LIMIT) return 0; popup = E_NEW(Popup_Data, 1); if (!popup) return NULL; e_notification_ref(n); popup->notif = n; con = e_container_current_get(e_manager_current_get()); screens = e_xinerama_screens_get(); if (notification_cfg->dual_screen && ((notification_cfg->corner == CORNER_BR) || (notification_cfg->corner == CORNER_TR))) l = eina_list_last(screens); else l = screens; if (l) { scr = eina_list_data_get(l); EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_GOTO(scr, error); EINA_LIST_FOREACH(con->zones, l, zone) if ((int)zone->num == scr->screen) break; if ((int)zone->num != scr->screen) goto error; } else zone = e_zone_current_get(con); popup->zone = zone; /* Create the popup window */ popup->win = e_popup_new(zone, 0, 0, 0, 0); popup->e = popup->win->evas; /* Setup the theme */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/e-module-notification.edj", notification_mod->dir); popup->theme = edje_object_add(popup->e); if (!e_theme_edje_object_set(popup->theme, "base/theme/modules/notification", "modules/notification/main")) edje_object_file_set(popup->theme, buf, "modules/notification/main"); e_popup_edje_bg_object_set(popup->win, popup->theme); evas_object_show(popup->theme); edje_object_signal_callback_add (popup->theme, "notification,deleted", "theme", (Edje_Signal_Cb)_notification_theme_cb_deleted, popup); edje_object_signal_callback_add (popup->theme, "notification,close", "theme", (Edje_Signal_Cb)_notification_theme_cb_close, popup); edje_object_signal_callback_add (popup->theme, "notification,find", "theme", (Edje_Signal_Cb)_notification_theme_cb_find, popup); _notification_popup_refresh(popup); next_pos = _notification_popup_place(popup, next_pos); e_popup_show(popup->win); e_popup_layer_set(popup->win, 999); popups_displayed++; return popup; error: free(popup); e_notification_unref(n); return NULL; } static int _notification_popup_place(Popup_Data *popup, int pos) { int w, h, sw, sh; int gap = 10; int to_edge = 15; sw = popup->zone->w; sh = popup->zone->h; evas_object_geometry_get(popup->theme, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); /* XXX for now ignore placement requests */ switch (notification_cfg->corner) { case CORNER_TL: e_popup_move(popup->win, to_edge, to_edge + pos); break; case CORNER_TR: e_popup_move(popup->win, sw - (w + to_edge), to_edge + pos); break; case CORNER_BL: e_popup_move(popup->win, to_edge, (sh - h) - (to_edge + pos)); break; case CORNER_BR: e_popup_move(popup->win, sw - (w + to_edge), (sh - h) - (to_edge + pos)); break; default: break; } return pos + h + gap; } static void _notification_popups_place() { Popup_Data *popup; Eina_List *l; int pos = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(notification_cfg->popups, l, popup) { pos = _notification_popup_place(popup, pos); } next_pos = pos; } static void _notification_popup_refresh(Popup_Data *popup) { const char *icon_path; const char *app_icon_max; void *img; int w, h, width = 80, height = 80; if (!popup) return; popup->app_name = e_notification_app_name_get(popup->notif); if (popup->app_icon) { evas_object_del(popup->app_icon); popup->app_icon = NULL; } app_icon_max = edje_object_data_get(popup->theme, "app_icon_max"); if (app_icon_max) { char *endptr; errno = 0; width = strtol(app_icon_max, &endptr, 10); if (errno || (width < 1) || (endptr == app_icon_max)) { width = 80; height = 80; } else { endptr++; if (endptr) { height = strtol(endptr, NULL, 10); if (errno || (height < 1)) height = 80; } else height = 80; } } /* Check if the app specify an icon either by a path or by a hint */ img = e_notification_hint_image_data_get(popup->notif); if (!img) { icon_path = e_notification_hint_image_path_get(popup->notif); if ((!icon_path) || (!icon_path[0])) icon_path = e_notification_app_icon_get(popup->notif); if (icon_path) { if (!strncmp(icon_path, "file://", 7)) icon_path += 7; if (!ecore_file_exists(icon_path)) { const char *new_path; unsigned int size; size = e_util_icon_size_normalize(width * e_scale); new_path = efreet_icon_path_find(e_config->icon_theme, icon_path, size); if (new_path) icon_path = new_path; else { Evas_Object *o = e_icon_add(popup->e); if (!e_util_icon_theme_set(o, icon_path)) evas_object_del(o); else { popup->app_icon = o; w = width; h = height; } } } if (!popup->app_icon) { popup->app_icon = e_icon_add(popup->e); if (!e_icon_file_set(popup->app_icon, icon_path)) { evas_object_del(popup->app_icon); popup->app_icon = NULL; } else e_icon_size_get(popup->app_icon, &w, &h); } } } if ((!img) && (!popup->app_icon)) img = e_notification_hint_icon_data_get(popup->notif); if (img) { popup->app_icon = e_notification_image_evas_object_add(popup->e, img); evas_object_image_filled_set(popup->app_icon, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_image_alpha_set(popup->app_icon, EINA_TRUE); evas_object_image_size_get(popup->app_icon, &w, &h); } if (!popup->app_icon) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/e-module-notification.edj", notification_mod->dir); popup->app_icon = edje_object_add(popup->e); if (!e_theme_edje_object_set(popup->app_icon, "base/theme/modules/notification", "modules/notification/logo")) edje_object_file_set(popup->app_icon, buf, "modules/notification/logo"); w = width; h = height; } if ((w > width) || (h > height)) { int v; v = w > h ? w : h; h = h * height / v; w = w * width / v; } edje_extern_object_min_size_set(popup->app_icon, w, h); edje_extern_object_max_size_set(popup->app_icon, w, h); edje_object_calc_force(popup->theme); edje_object_part_swallow(popup->theme, "notification.swallow.app_icon", popup->app_icon); edje_object_signal_emit(popup->theme, "notification,icon", "notification"); /* Fill up the event message */ _notification_format_message(popup); /* Compute the new size of the popup */ edje_object_calc_force(popup->theme); edje_object_size_min_calc(popup->theme, &w, &h); e_popup_resize(popup->win, w, h); evas_object_resize(popup->theme, w, h); _notification_popups_place(); } static Popup_Data * _notification_popup_find(unsigned int id) { Eina_List *l; Popup_Data *popup; if (!id) return NULL; EINA_LIST_FOREACH(notification_cfg->popups, l, popup) { if (e_notification_id_get(popup->notif) == id) return popup; } return NULL; } static void _notification_popup_del(unsigned int id, E_Notification_Closed_Reason reason) { Popup_Data *popup; Eina_List *l, *l2; int pos = 0; EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(notification_cfg->popups, l, l2, popup) { if (e_notification_id_get(popup->notif) == id) { _notification_popdown(popup, reason); notification_cfg->popups = eina_list_remove_list(notification_cfg->popups, l); } else pos = _notification_popup_place(popup, pos); } next_pos = pos; } static void _notification_popdown(Popup_Data *popup, E_Notification_Closed_Reason reason) { if (popup->timer) ecore_timer_del(popup->timer); e_popup_hide(popup->win); popups_displayed--; evas_object_del(popup->app_icon); evas_object_del(popup->theme); e_object_del(E_OBJECT(popup->win)); e_notification_closed_set(popup->notif, 1); e_notification_daemon_signal_notification_closed (notification_cfg->daemon, e_notification_id_get(popup->notif), reason); e_notification_unref(popup->notif); free(popup); } static void _notification_format_message(Popup_Data *popup) { Evas_Object *o = popup->theme; const char *title = e_notification_summary_get(popup->notif); const char *b = e_notification_body_get(popup->notif); edje_object_part_text_set(o, "notification.textblock.message", b); edje_object_part_text_set(o, "notification.text.title", title); }