[![Entice Logo](https://github.com/vtorri/entice/raw/master/data/icons/entice.png)](https://github.com/vtorri/entice) [![Github Build status](https://github.com/vtorri/entice/actions/workflows/c-cpp.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/vtorri/entice/actions?query=workflow%3A%22GitHub+CI%22) ### Entice ##### A simple cross-platform image viewer with basic features written with the EFL (Enlightement Fundation Libraries) ### License: This application is released under the BSD 2-Clause License ### Requirements: The EFL. ### Supported images The following image formats (with the corresponding file extension) are supported, if they are supported by the EFL: Image format | File extension ------------ | -------------- avif | .avif, .avifs, .avis bmp | .bmp dds | .dds gif | .gif heif | .heif ico | .ico, .cur jp2k | .jp2k, .jp2,.jpx, .jpf jpeg | .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif pmaps | .pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pnm png | .png psd | .psd raw | a lot.. svg | .svg, .svg.gz tga | .tga tgv | .tgv tiff | .tiff wbmp | .wbmp webp | .webp xcf | .xcf xpm | .xpm ### Animated images Animated images, like gif or avif, can also be played. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled in settings ### Shortcuts Action | Shortcut ------ | -------- Quit | Ctrl-q Fullscreen | F11 Next image | Space Previous image| BackSpace First image | Alt-home Last image | Alt-end rotation clockwise| Ctrl-r rotation counter-clockwise | Ctrl-Alt-r Original size | Ctrl-0 Best fit | f Zoom in | + Zoom out | - Manage Settings | s Show EXIF data | e Copy file name in clipboard | Ctrl-c Exit Settings | Esc ### Mouse Action | Shortcut ------ | -------- fullscreen | double click Open Settings | right click Exit Settings | right click Zoom in/out | Ctrl-mouse wheel