Ephoto: More changes to the edjey overlay style!

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Stephen okra Houston 2016-05-26 17:46:43 -05:00
parent 86b827e5fa
commit e18e24a8a4
14 changed files with 1992 additions and 437 deletions

data/images/grid.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 563 B

data/images/single.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 539 B

View File

@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
#define FIXED_SIZE(_W, _H) \
min: _W _H; max: _W _H;
images {
image: "sel_border.png" COMP;
image: "sel_corner1.png" COMP;
image: "sel_corner3.png" COMP;
image: "sel_corner5.png" COMP;
image: "sel_corner7.png" COMP;
collections {
group { name: "ephoto,image,cropper,base";
script {
public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) {
if ((type == MSG_INT_SET) && (id == 1)) {
new movetype, cox, coy, pox, poy, ix, iy, iw, ih, cx, cy, cw, ch;
movetype = getarg(2);
cox = getarg(3);
coy = getarg(4);
get_geometry(PART:"ephoto.swallow.image", ix, iy, iw, ih);
get_geometry(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", cx, cy, cw, ch);
custom_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", "default", 0.0);
if (movetype == 0) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx+cox < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cx+cw+cox > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy+coy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cy+ch+coy > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
pox += cox;
poy += coy;
ppox += cox;
ppoy += coy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 1 || movetype == 2 || movetype == 8) {
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
if (cx+cox < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cy+coy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cw-cox < 20)
if (ch-coy < 20)
cox += pox;
coy += poy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, cox, coy);
if (movetype == 3) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx+cw+cox > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy+coy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cw+cox < 20)
if (ch-coy < 20)
poy += coy;
ppox += cox;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 4 || movetype == 5 || movetype == 6) {
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, pox, poy);
if (cx+cw+cox > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy+ch+coy > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
if (cw+cox < 20)
if (ch+coy < 20)
cox += pox;
coy += poy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, cox, coy);
if (movetype == 7) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx+cox < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cy+ch+coy > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
if (cw-cox < 20)
if (ch+coy < 20)
pox += cox;
ppoy += coy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 9) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cx+cw > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cy+ch > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
pox += cox;
ppox += cox;
poy += coy;
ppoy += coy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 10) {
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, 0, 0);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, 0, 0);
if (movetype == 11) {
new buf[32];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dx%d", cox, coy);
set_text(PART:"ephoto.cropper.size", buf);
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", "custom", 0.0);
if (movetype != 0) {
emit("cropper,changed", "ephoto.swallow.cropper");
parts {
part { name: "clipper";
type: RECT;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
part { name: "ephoto.swallow.image";
type: SWALLOW;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
part { name: "ephoto.swallow.cropper";
type: SWALLOW;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 1;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
min: 20 20;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.image";
rel1.relative: 0.2 0.2;
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.image";
rel2.relative: 0.8 0.8;
part { name: "ephoto.cropper.size";
type: TEXT;
effect: GLOW;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 255;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.cropper";
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.cropper";
text {
text: "";
font: FN;
size: 12;
align: 0.5 1.0;
part { name: "shader_top";
type: RECT;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 0 0 0 150;
rel1.to: "clipper";
rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.cropper";
rel2.relative: 1.0 0.0;
part { name: "shader_left";
type: RECT;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 0 0 0 150;
rel1.to: "shader_top";
rel1.relative: 0.0 1.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.cropper";
rel2.relative: 0.0 1.0;
part { name: "shader_bottom";
type: RECT;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 0 0 0 150;
rel1.to: "shader_left";
rel1.relative: 0.0 1.0;
rel2.to: "clipper";
rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;
part { name: "shader_right";
type: RECT;
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 0;
clip_to: "clipper";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 0 0 0 150;
rel1.to: "shader_top";
rel1.relative: 1.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "shader_bottom";
rel2.relative: 1.0 0.0;
group { name: "ephoto,image,cropper";
parts {
part { name: "cropper"; type: IMAGE;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 200;
image {
normal: "sel_border.png";
border: 3 3 3 3;
middle: NONE;
part { name: "dragger"; type: RECT;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
rel1 {
to: "handle1";
relative: 1.0 1.0;
rel2 {
to: "handle5";
relative: 0.0 0.0;
part { name: "handle1"; type: IMAGE;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
FIXED_SIZE(22, 22)
rel1.offset: 1 1;
align: 0.0 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
image.normal: "sel_corner1.png";
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 200;
part { name: "handle2"; type: RECT;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
rel1 {
to: "handle1";
relative: 1.0 0.0;
offset: 3 2;
rel2 {
to: "handle3";
relative: 0.0 1.0;
offset: -4 -2;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 80;
part { name: "handle3"; type: IMAGE;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
FIXED_SIZE(22, 22)
rel1.offset: 0 1;
rel2.offset: -2 -1;
align: 1.0 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
image.normal: "sel_corner3.png";
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 200;
part { name: "handle4"; type: RECT;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
rel1 {
to: "handle3";
relative: 0.0 1.0;
offset: 1 3;
rel2 {
to: "handle5";
relative: 1.0 0.0;
offset: -3 -4;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 80;
part { name: "handle5"; type: IMAGE;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
FIXED_SIZE(22, 22)
rel2.offset: -2 -2;
align: 1.0 1.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
image.normal: "sel_corner5.png";
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 200;
part { name: "handle6"; type: RECT;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {
to: "handle7";
relative: 1.0 0.0;
offset: 3 1;
rel2 {
to: "handle5";
relative: 0.0 1.0;
offset: -4 -3;
color: 255 255 255 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 80;
part { name: "handle7"; type: IMAGE;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
FIXED_SIZE(22, 22)
rel1.offset: 1 0;
rel2.offset: -1 -2;
align: 0.0 1.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
image.normal: "sel_corner7.png";
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 200;
part { name: "handle8"; type: RECT;
repeat_events: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
rel1 {
to: "handle1";
relative: 0.0 1.0;
offset: 2 3;
rel2 {
to: "handle7";
relative: 1.0 0.0;
offset: -2 -4;
color: 255 255 255 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 80;
program {
signal: "mouse,in"; source: "cropper";
action: STATE_SET "visible" 0.0;
transition: LINEAR 0.3 ;
targets: "handle1" "handle3" "handle5" "handle7";
program {
signal: "mouse,out"; source: "cropper";
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
transition: LINEAR 0.3 ;
targets: "handle1" "handle3" "handle5" "handle7";
program { signal: "mouse,in"; source: _NAME_; \
action: STATE_SET "visible" 0.0; \
transition: LINEAR 0.3 ; \
target: _NAME_; } \
program { signal: "mouse,out"; source: _NAME_; \
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0; \
transition: LINEAR 0.3 ; \
target: _NAME_; }

data/themes/ephoto.edc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
#define FIXED_SIZE(_W, _H) \
min: _W _H; max: _W _H;
collections {
images {
image: "images/shadow_circle_horiz.png" COMP;
image: "images/shadow_circle_vert.png" COMP;
image: "images/tile.png" COMP;
image: "images/shadow.png" COMP;
image: "images/sel_border.png" COMP;
image: "images/sel_corner1.png" COMP;
image: "images/sel_corner3.png" COMP;
image: "images/sel_corner5.png" COMP;
image: "images/sel_corner7.png" COMP;
group { name: "ephoto,main,layout";
script {
public offseth = 0;
public offsetv = 0;
public custom = 0 ;
public custom_folders = 0;
public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) {
if ((type == MSG_INT_SET) && (id == 1)) {
new hoffset = getarg(2);
new voffset = getarg(3);
new hoff, voff, roneoff;
set_int(custom, 1);
hoffset *= -1;
voffset *= -1;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", STATE_REL1_OFFSET,
0, roneoff);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", STATE_REL2_OFFSET,
hoff, voff);
roneoff -= get_int(offsetv);
roneoff += voffset;
hoff -= get_int(offseth);
voff -= get_int(offsetv);
hoff += hoffset;
voff += voffset;
set_int(offseth, hoffset);
set_int(offsetv, voffset);
custom_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", "default", 0.0);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", STATE_REL1_OFFSET,
0, roneoff);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", STATE_REL2_OFFSET,
hoff, voff);
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", "custom", 0.0);
if ((type == MSG_INT_SET) && (id == 2)) {
new minw = getarg(2);
set_int(custom_folders, 1);
custom_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.folders", "visible", 0.0);
STATE_MIN, minw, 0);
parts {
rect { name: "ephoto,main,clip";
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
image { name: "background_tile";
scale: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,main,clip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
image.normal: "images/tile.png";
color: 210 210 210 255;
fill {
size.relative: 0.0 0.0;
size.offset: 32 32;
swallow { name: "ephoto.swallow.main";
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,main,clip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,editor";
rel2.relative: 0.0 1.0;
rect { name: "ephoto,editor";
scale: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,main,clip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.editor";
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.editor";
visible: 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: default 0.0;
visible: 1;
image { name: "editor_shadow";
mouse_events: 0;
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
image.normal: "images/shadow_circle_vert.png";
min: 32 0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
visible: 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto,editor";
rel1.relative: 1.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,editor";
color: 255 255 255 128;
visible: 1;
rect { name: "editor_base";
clip_to: "ephoto,editor";
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 15 15 15 150;
rel1.to: "ephoto,editor";
rel2.to: "ephoto,editor";
swallow { name: "ephoto.swallow.editor";
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,editor";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto,main,clip";
rel1.relative: 1.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,main,clip";
rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;
visible: 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
rel1.to: "ephoto,main,clip";
rel1.relative: 1.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,main,clip";
rel2.relative: 1.0 1.0;
align: 1.0 0.0;
visible: 1;
rect { name: "ephoto,folders";
clip_to: "ephoto,main,clip";
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
min: 220 0;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.folders";
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.folders";
visible: 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: default 0.0;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.folders";
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.folders";
visible: 1;
image { name: "folders_shadow";
mouse_events: 0;
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
image.normal: "images/shadow_circle_vert.png";
min: 32 0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
visible: 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto,folders";
rel1.relative: 1.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,folders";
color: 255 255 255 128;
visible: 1;
rect { name: "folders_base";
clip_to: "ephoto,folders";
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 15 15 15 150;
rel1.to: "ephoto,folders";
rel2.to: "ephoto,folders";
swallow { name: "ephoto.swallow.folders";
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,folders";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto,controls";
rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,controls";
rel2.relative: 0.0 0.0;
visible: 0;
description { state: "visible" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.main";
rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto,controls";
rel2.relative: 0.0 0.0;
align: 0.0 0.0;
visible: 1;
rect { name: "ephoto,controls";
scale: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,main,clip";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 0 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.controls";
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.controls";
color: 255 255 255 255;
visible: 1;
description { state: "hidden" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
visible: 0;
rect { name: "controls_base";
clip_to: "ephoto,controls";
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
color: 15 15 15 150;
rel1.to: "ephoto,controls";
rel2.to: "ephoto,controls";
image { name: "controls_shadow";
mouse_events: 0;
scale: 1;
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "controls_base";
rel1.relative: 0.0 0.0;
rel2.to: "controls_base";
rel2.relative: 1.0 0.0;
image.normal: "images/shadow_circle_horiz.png";
min: 0 32;
color: 255 255 255 128;
description { state: "hidden" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
visible: 0;
swallow { name: "ephoto.swallow.controls";
scale: 1;
mouse_events: 1;
clip_to: "ephoto,controls";
description { state: "default" 0.0;
fixed: 1 1;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.main";
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.main";
rel1.relative: 0.0 1.0;
rel1.offset: 0 -1;
rel2.offset: 0 -1;
align: 0.5 1.0;
color: 255 255 255 255;
visible: 1;
description { state: "hidden" 0.0;
inherit: "default" 0.0;
color: 255 255 255 0;
rel1.to: "ephoto.swallow.main";
rel1.relative: 0.0 1.0;
rel2.to: "ephoto.swallow.main";
rel2.relative: 1.0 2.0;
visible: 0;
programs {
program { signal: "ephoto,editor,hide";
source: "ephoto";
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
target: "ephoto.swallow.editor";
target: "editor_shadow";
target: "ephoto,editor";
program { signal: "ephoto,editor,show";
source: "ephoto";
action: STATE_SET "visible" 0.0;
target: "ephoto.swallow.editor";
target: "editor_shadow";
target: "ephoto,editor";
program { signal: "ephoto,folders,hide";
source: "ephoto";
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;
target: "ephoto.swallow.folders";
target: "folders_shadow";
target: "ephoto,folders";
program { signal: "ephoto,folders,show";
source: "ephoto";
script {
if (get_int(custom_folders)) {
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.folders", "custom", 0.0);
else {
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.folders", "visible", 0.0);
set_state(PART:"folders_shadow", "visible", 0.0);
set_state(PART:"ephoto,folders", "visible", 0.0);
program { signal: "ephoto,controls,hide";
source: "ephoto";
action: STATE_SET "hidden" 0.0;
target: "ephoto.swallow.controls";
target: "controls_shadow";
target: "ephoto,controls";
program { signal: "ephoto,controls,show";
source: "ephoto";
script {
if (get_int(custom)) {
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", "custom", 0.0);
else {
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.controls", "default", 0.0);
set_state(PART:"controls_shadow", "default", 0.0);
set_state(PART:"ephoto,controls", "default", 0.0);
group { "elm/label/base/info";
mouse_events: 0;
styles {
style { name: "info_style";
base: "font=Sans font_size=10 align=center valign=0.5 color=#ffffff style=glow glow_color=#151515 glow_color2=#000000 wrap=mixed text_class=info color_class=text";
parts {
textblock { "elm.text";
scale: 1;
desc {
text {
style: "info_style";
min: 1 1;
ellipsis: -1;
group { name: "ephoto,image,cropper,base";
script {
public message(Msg_Type:type, id, ...) {
if ((type == MSG_INT_SET) && (id == 1)) {
new movetype, cox, coy, pox, poy, ix, iy, iw, ih, cx, cy, cw, ch;
movetype = getarg(2);
cox = getarg(3);
coy = getarg(4);
get_geometry(PART:"ephoto.swallow.image", ix, iy, iw, ih);
get_geometry(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", cx, cy, cw, ch);
custom_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", "default", 0.0);
if (movetype == 0) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx+cox < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cx+cw+cox > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy+coy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cy+ch+coy > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
pox += cox;
poy += coy;
ppox += cox;
ppoy += coy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 1 || movetype == 2 || movetype == 8) {
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
if (cx+cox < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cy+coy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cw-cox < 20)
if (ch-coy < 20)
cox += pox;
coy += poy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, cox, coy);
if (movetype == 3) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx+cw+cox > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy+coy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cw+cox < 20)
if (ch-coy < 20)
poy += coy;
ppox += cox;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 4 || movetype == 5 || movetype == 6) {
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, pox, poy);
if (cx+cw+cox > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy+ch+coy > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
if (cw+cox < 20)
if (ch+coy < 20)
cox += pox;
coy += poy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, cox, coy);
if (movetype == 7) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx+cox < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cy+ch+coy > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
if (cw-cox < 20)
if (ch+coy < 20)
pox += cox;
ppoy += coy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 9) {
new ppox, ppoy;
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
get_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (cx < ix)
cox = ix-cx;
if (cx+cw > ix+iw)
cox = (ix+iw)-(cx+cw);
if (cy < iy)
coy = iy-cy;
if (cy+ch > iy+ih)
coy = (iy+ih)-(cy+ch);
pox += cox;
ppox += cox;
poy += coy;
ppoy += coy;
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, pox, poy);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, ppox, ppoy);
if (movetype == 10) {
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL1_OFFSET, 0, 0);
set_state_val(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", STATE_REL2_OFFSET, 0, 0);
if (movetype == 11) {
new buf[32];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dx%d", cox, coy);
set_text(PART:"ephoto.cropper.size", buf);
set_state(PART:"ephoto.swallow.cropper", "custom", 0.0);
if (movetype != 0) {
emit("cropper,changed", "ephoto.swallow.cropper");
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color: 255 255 255 200;
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normal: "images/sel_border.png";
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programs {
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signal: "mouse,in"; source: "cropper";
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program {
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targets: "handle1" "handle3" "handle5" "handle7";
program { \
signal: "mouse,in"; source: _NAME_; \
action: STATE_SET "visible" 0.0; \
transition: LINEAR 0.3 ; \
target: _NAME_; \
} \
program { \
signal: "mouse,out"; source: _NAME_; \
action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0; \
transition: LINEAR 0.3 ; \
target: _NAME_; \

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