#include "ephoto.h" static void image_clicked(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info); typedef struct _Smart_Data Smart_Data; struct _Smart_Data { Evas_Object *obj; int visiblew; int visibleh; int paddingw; int paddingh; int tw; int th; int x; int y; int w; int h; int current_head; int current_page; int item_w, item_h; int items_per_page; int total_pages; int visible_items; Eina_List *items; Eina_List *images; }; static Evas_Smart *_smart = NULL; static void _table_smart_change_page(Smart_Data *sd, int direction); static void _table_smart_reconfigure(Smart_Data *sd); static void _table_smart_init(void); static void _table_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj); static void _table_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj); static void _table_smart_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y); static void _table_smart_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h); static void _table_smart_show(Evas_Object *obj); static void _table_smart_hide(Evas_Object *obj); static void _table_smart_color_set(Evas_Object *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a); static void _table_smart_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *clip); static void _table_smart_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj); static void move_left(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source); static void move_right(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source); static void connect_callback(void *data, Ethumb_Client *client, Eina_Bool success); static void thumb_generated(void *data, Ethumb_Client *client, int id, const char *file, const char *key, const char *thumb_path, const char *thumb_key, Eina_Bool success); static void move_left(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source) { ephoto_table_prev_page(em->image_browser); printf("Left\n"); } static void move_right(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source) { ephoto_table_next_page(em->image_browser); printf("Right\n"); } static void connect_callback(void *data, Ethumb_Client *client, Eina_Bool success) { printf("Connected to ethumb client: %d\n", success); ethumb_client_fdo_set(client, ETHUMB_THUMB_LARGE); ethumb_client_format_set(client, ETHUMB_THUMB_FDO); ethumb_client_aspect_set(client, ETHUMB_THUMB_KEEP_ASPECT); populate_thumbnails(); } static void thumb_generated(void *data, Ethumb_Client *client, int id, const char *file, const char *key, const char *thumb_path, const char *thumb_key, Eina_Bool success) { Evas_Imaging_Image *i; Evas_Object *img, *edje, *o; int tmiw, tmih, tmaw, tmah, w, h; if (success) { img = data; evas_object_event_callback_add(img, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, image_clicked, NULL); edje = edje_object_add(em->e); edje_object_file_set(edje, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/themes/default/ephoto.edj", "/ephoto/thumb/image"); edje_object_signal_emit(edje, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); evas_object_show(edje); o = ephoto_image_add(); evas_object_show(o); edje_object_part_swallow(edje, "ephoto.swallow.content", o); edje_object_part_swallow(img, "ephoto.swallow.content", edje); edje_object_size_min_get(edje, &tmiw, &tmih); edje_object_size_max_get(edje, &tmaw, &tmah); i = evas_imaging_image_load(file, NULL); evas_imaging_image_size_get(i, &w, &h); if (w > 120 || h > 120) { ephoto_image_fill_inside_set(o, 0); ephoto_image_file_set(o, thumb_path, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_resize(o, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(o, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(o, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_resize(edje, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(edje, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(edje, tmiw, tmih); } else { ephoto_image_fill_inside_set(o, 0); ephoto_image_file_set(o, thumb_path, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_resize(o, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(o, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(o, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_resize(edje, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(edje, tmiw, tmih); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(edje, tmiw, tmih); } } } static void image_clicked(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { Eina_List *node; Evas_Event_Mouse_Down *ev; Smart_Data *sd; ev = event_info; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(em->image_browser); if (ev->flags == EVAS_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK) { edje_object_signal_emit(em->image_browser, "ephoto.browser.hidden", "ephoto"); node = evas_object_data_get(obj, "image"); hide_image_browser(); show_flow_view(node, sd->images); return; } if (obj == em->sel) return; if (em->sel) edje_object_signal_emit(em->sel, "ephoto.thumb.deselected", "ephoto"); edje_object_signal_emit(obj, "ephoto.thumb.selected", "ephoto"); em->sel = obj; } Evas_Object *ephoto_table_add(Evas *e) { _table_smart_init(); return evas_object_smart_add(e, _smart); } void ephoto_table_padding_set(Evas_Object *obj, int paddingw, int paddingh) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; sd->paddingw = paddingw; sd->paddingh = paddingh; sd->items_per_page = (sd->visiblew / sd->item_w) * (sd->visibleh / sd->item_h); } void ephoto_table_pack(Evas_Object *obj, char *image) { Smart_Data *sd; Evas_Imaging_Image *i; Evas_Object *img; int w, h; const char *thumb; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); sd->images = eina_list_append(sd->images, strdup(image)); if (sd->visible_items+1 > sd->items_per_page) { char text[PATH_MAX]; int pages, remain; pages = eina_list_count(sd->images)/sd->items_per_page; remain = eina_list_count(sd->images)%sd->items_per_page; if (remain > 0) pages++; sd->total_pages = pages; snprintf(text, PATH_MAX, "Page: %d of %d", sd->current_page, sd->total_pages); edje_object_part_text_set(sd->obj, "ephoto.text.object", text); return; } img = edje_object_add(em->e); edje_object_file_set(img, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/themes/default/ephoto.edj", "/ephoto/thumb/shadow"); evas_object_show(img); evas_object_move(img, sd->tw, sd->th); edje_object_signal_emit(img, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); evas_object_data_set(img, "image", eina_list_nth_list(sd->images, eina_list_count(sd->images)-1)); evas_object_resize(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); sd->visible_items++; i = evas_imaging_image_load(image, NULL); evas_imaging_image_size_get(i, &w, &h); if (w > 120 || h > 120) { ethumb_client_file_set(em->thumb_cli, image, NULL); if (!ethumb_client_thumb_exists(em->thumb_cli)) ethumb_client_generate(em->thumb_cli, thumb_generated, img, NULL); else { ethumb_client_thumb_path_get(em->thumb_cli, &thumb, NULL); thumb_generated(img, em->thumb_cli, 0, image, NULL, thumb, NULL, EINA_TRUE); } } else thumb_generated(img, em->thumb_cli, 0, image, NULL, image, NULL, EINA_TRUE); evas_imaging_image_free(i); sd->tw += (sd->item_w + sd->paddingw); sd->items = eina_list_append(sd->items, img); if (sd->tw+(sd->item_w + sd->paddingw) >= sd->visiblew) { sd->th += (sd->item_h + sd->paddingh); sd->tw = 60; } } void ephoto_table_viewport_set(Evas_Object *obj, int w, int h) { Smart_Data *sd; char text[PATH_MAX]; int pages, remain; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if ((sd->visiblew == w) && (sd->visibleh == h)) return; sd->visiblew = w; sd->visibleh = h; sd->items_per_page = (sd->visiblew / sd->item_w) * (sd->visibleh / sd->item_h); evas_object_resize(sd->obj, sd->visiblew, sd->visibleh); if (!eina_list_count(sd->items)) return; pages = eina_list_count(sd->images)/sd->items_per_page; remain = eina_list_count(sd->images)%sd->items_per_page; if (remain > 0) pages++; if (pages <= sd->current_page) sd->total_pages = sd->current_page; else sd->total_pages = pages; snprintf(text, PATH_MAX, "Page: %d of %d", sd->current_page, sd->total_pages); edje_object_part_text_set(sd->obj, "ephoto.text.object", text); _table_smart_reconfigure(sd); } void ephoto_table_next_page(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); _table_smart_change_page(sd, 1); } void ephoto_table_prev_page(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); _table_smart_change_page(sd, 0); } static void _table_smart_change_page(Smart_Data *sd, int direction) { Evas_Imaging_Image *im; Evas_Object *i, *img; char *image, text[PATH_MAX]; const char *thumb; int w, h, j, vis, head, back, pages, remain; Eina_List *iterator, *iteratorb; pages = eina_list_count(sd->images)/sd->items_per_page; remain = eina_list_count(sd->images)%sd->items_per_page; if (remain > 0) pages++; sd->total_pages = pages; if (sd->current_page > sd->total_pages) { sd->current_page = sd->total_pages; iterator = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, sd->current_head); iteratorb = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, sd->current_head); } else if (direction && sd->current_page < sd->total_pages) { if (sd->current_page == 1) { iterator = sd->items; iteratorb = sd->images; } else { iterator = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, sd->current_head); iteratorb = eina_list_nth_list(sd->images, sd->current_head); } sd->current_page++; } else if (!direction && sd->current_page > 1) { if (sd->current_page == 1) { iterator = sd->items; iteratorb = sd->images; } else { iterator = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, sd->current_head); iteratorb = eina_list_nth_list(sd->images, sd->current_head); } sd->current_page--; } else return; snprintf(text, PATH_MAX, "Page: %d of %d", sd->current_page, sd->total_pages); edje_object_part_text_set(sd->obj, "ephoto.text.object", text); for (j = 0; j <= sd->items_per_page; j++) { i = eina_list_data_get(iterator); if (evas_object_visible_get(i)) { evas_object_hide(i); edje_object_signal_emit(i, "ephoto.thumb.hidden", "ephoto"); } iterator = eina_list_next(iterator); } if (sd->current_page == 1) { iterator = sd->items; iteratorb = sd->images; sd->current_head = 0; } else { vis = eina_list_count(sd->images)-((sd->current_page-1)*sd->items_per_page); if (vis < sd->items_per_page) { back = sd->items_per_page-vis; while (back > eina_list_count(sd->images)) back--; head = ((sd->current_page-1)*sd->items_per_page)-back; iterator = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, head); iteratorb = eina_list_nth_list(sd->images, head); sd->current_head = head; } else { sd->current_head = (sd->current_page-1)*sd->items_per_page; iterator = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, sd->current_head); iteratorb = eina_list_nth_list(sd->images, sd->current_head); } } sd->tw = 60; sd->th = 75; sd->visible_items = 0; for(j =0; j <= sd->items_per_page && eina_list_data_get(iterator) != NULL; j++) { i = eina_list_data_get(iterator); evas_object_show(i); evas_object_move(i, sd->tw, sd->th); edje_object_signal_emit(i, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); sd->visible_items++; sd->tw += (sd->item_w+sd->paddingw); if (sd->tw+(sd->item_w+sd->paddingw) >= sd->visiblew) { sd->th += (sd->item_h+sd->paddingh); sd->tw = 60; } iterator = eina_list_next(iterator); iteratorb = eina_list_next(iteratorb); } if (sd->visible_items < sd->items_per_page) { for (j=0; j <= sd->items_per_page && eina_list_data_get(iteratorb) != NULL; j++) { if (sd->visible_items+1 > sd->items_per_page) return; image = eina_list_data_get(iteratorb); img = edje_object_add(em->e); edje_object_file_set(img, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/themes/default/ephoto.edj", "/ephoto/thumb/shadow"); evas_object_move(img, sd->tw, sd->th); evas_object_show(img); evas_object_event_callback_add(img, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, image_clicked, NULL); edje_object_signal_emit(img, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); evas_object_data_set(img, "image", iteratorb); evas_object_resize(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); sd->visible_items++; im = evas_imaging_image_load(image, NULL); evas_imaging_image_size_get(im, &w, &h); if (w > 120 || h > 120) { ethumb_client_file_set(em->thumb_cli, image, NULL); if (!ethumb_client_thumb_exists(em->thumb_cli)) ethumb_client_generate(em->thumb_cli, thumb_generated, img, NULL); else { ethumb_client_thumb_path_get(em->thumb_cli, &thumb, NULL); thumb_generated(img, em->thumb_cli, 0, image, NULL, thumb, NULL, EINA_TRUE); } } else thumb_generated(img, em->thumb_cli, 0, image, NULL, image, NULL, EINA_TRUE); evas_imaging_image_free(im); sd->tw += (sd->item_w + sd->paddingw); sd->items = eina_list_append(sd->items, img); if (sd->tw+(sd->item_w + sd->paddingw) >= sd->visiblew) { sd->th += (sd->item_h + sd->paddingh); sd->tw = 60; } iteratorb = eina_list_next(iteratorb); } } return; } static void _table_smart_reconfigure(Smart_Data *sd) { Evas_Imaging_Image *im; Evas_Object *i, *img; char *image; const char *thumb; int w, h, j; Eina_List *iterator, *iteratorb; if (sd->current_page == 1) { iterator = sd->items; iteratorb = sd->images; } else { iterator = eina_list_nth_list(sd->items, sd->current_head); iteratorb = eina_list_nth_list(sd->images, sd->current_head); } sd->tw = 60; sd->th = 75; sd->visible_items = 0; for(j =0; j <= sd->items_per_page && eina_list_data_get(iterator) != NULL; j++) { i = eina_list_data_get(iterator); if (sd->visible_items+1 > sd->items_per_page) { evas_object_hide(i); edje_object_signal_emit(i, "ephoto.thumb.hidden", "ephoto"); } else { evas_object_show(i); edje_object_signal_emit(i, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); evas_object_move(i, sd->tw, sd->th); edje_object_signal_emit(i, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); sd->visible_items++; sd->tw += (sd->item_w+sd->paddingw); if (sd->tw+(sd->item_w+sd->paddingw) >= sd->visiblew) { sd->th += (sd->item_h+sd->paddingh); sd->tw = 60; } } iterator = eina_list_next(iterator); iteratorb = eina_list_next(iteratorb); } if (sd->visible_items < sd->items_per_page) { for (j=0; j <= sd->items_per_page && eina_list_data_get(iteratorb) != NULL; j++) { if (sd->visible_items+1 > sd->items_per_page) return; image = eina_list_data_get(iteratorb); img = edje_object_add(em->e); edje_object_file_set(img, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/themes/default/ephoto.edj", "/ephoto/thumb/shadow"); evas_object_move(img, sd->tw, sd->th); evas_object_show(img); evas_object_event_callback_add(img, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_UP, image_clicked, NULL); edje_object_signal_emit(img, "ephoto.thumb.visible", "ephoto"); evas_object_data_set(img, "image", iteratorb); evas_object_resize(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); evas_object_size_hint_max_set(img, sd->item_w, sd->item_h); sd->visible_items++; im = evas_imaging_image_load(image, NULL); evas_imaging_image_size_get(im, &w, &h); if (w > 120 || h > 120) { ethumb_client_file_set(em->thumb_cli, image, NULL); if (!ethumb_client_thumb_exists(em->thumb_cli)) ethumb_client_generate(em->thumb_cli, thumb_generated, img, NULL); else { ethumb_client_thumb_path_get(em->thumb_cli, &thumb, NULL); thumb_generated(img, em->thumb_cli, 0, image, NULL, thumb, NULL, EINA_TRUE); } } else thumb_generated(img, em->thumb_cli, 0, image, NULL, image, NULL, EINA_TRUE); evas_imaging_image_free(im); sd->tw += (sd->item_w + sd->paddingw); sd->items = eina_list_append(sd->items, img); if (sd->tw+(sd->item_w + sd->paddingw) >= sd->visiblew) { sd->th += (sd->item_h + sd->paddingh); sd->tw = 60; } iteratorb = eina_list_next(iteratorb); } } return; } static void _table_smart_init(void) { if (_smart) return; { static const Evas_Smart_Class sc = { "ephoto_table", EVAS_SMART_CLASS_VERSION, _table_smart_add, _table_smart_del, _table_smart_move, _table_smart_resize, _table_smart_show, _table_smart_hide, _table_smart_color_set, _table_smart_clip_set, _table_smart_clip_unset, NULL, NULL }; _smart = evas_smart_class_new(&sc); } } static void _table_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd; Evas_Object *img; int w, h; sd = calloc(1, sizeof(Smart_Data)); if (!sd) return; edje_object_part_geometry_get(em->bg, "ephoto.swallow.content", 0, 0, &w, &h); sd->visiblew = w; sd->visibleh = h; sd->tw = 60; sd->th = 75; sd->paddingw = 0; sd->paddingh = 0; sd->w = 0; sd->h = 0; sd->x = 0; sd->y = 0; sd->current_head = 0; sd->current_page = 1; sd->visible_items = 0; sd->total_pages = 1; sd->obj = edje_object_add(em->e); edje_object_file_set(sd->obj, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/themes/default/ephoto.edj", "/ephoto/image/browser"); evas_object_smart_data_set(obj, sd); edje_object_signal_callback_add(sd->obj, "mouse,up,1", "ephoto.move.left", move_left, NULL); edje_object_signal_callback_add(sd->obj, "mouse,up,1", "ephoto.move.right", move_right, NULL); img = edje_object_add(em->e); edje_object_file_set(img, PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/themes/default/ephoto.edj", "/ephoto/thumb/shadow"); edje_object_size_min_get(img, &sd->item_w, &sd->item_h); evas_object_del(img); sd->items_per_page = (sd->visiblew / sd->item_w) * (sd->visibleh / sd->item_h); em->thumb_cli = ethumb_client_connect(connect_callback, NULL, NULL); } static void _table_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; while (eina_list_data_get(sd->items)) { Evas_Object *child; child = eina_list_data_get(sd->items); if (evas_object_visible_get(child)) evas_object_del(child); sd->items = eina_list_next(sd->items); } evas_object_del(sd->obj); eina_list_free(sd->images); eina_list_free(sd->items); free(sd); } static void _table_smart_move(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; if ((x == sd->x) && (y == sd->y)) return; sd->x = x; sd->y = y; evas_object_move(sd->obj, x, y); } static void _table_smart_resize(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord w, Evas_Coord h) { Smart_Data *sd; int ibw, ibh; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; evas_object_geometry_get(sd->obj, 0, 0, &ibw, &ibh); if ((w == sd->w) && (h == sd->h)) return; sd->w = w; sd->h = h; evas_object_resize(sd->obj, w, h); if (!eina_list_count(sd->images)) return; if ((ibw == sd->visiblew) && (ibh == sd->visibleh)) return; else ephoto_table_viewport_set(obj, w, h); } static void _table_smart_show(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; evas_object_show(sd->obj); _table_smart_reconfigure(sd); } static void _table_smart_hide(Evas_Object *obj) { Eina_List *iterator; Evas_Object *o; Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; iterator = sd->items; while (eina_list_data_get(iterator)) { o = eina_list_data_get(iterator); edje_object_signal_emit(o, "ephoto.thumb.hidden", "ephoto"); evas_object_hide(o); iterator = eina_list_next(iterator); } evas_object_hide(sd->obj); } static void _table_smart_color_set(Evas_Object *obj, int r, int g, int b, int a) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; evas_object_color_set(sd->obj, r, g, b, a); } static void _table_smart_clip_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *clip) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; evas_object_clip_set(sd->obj, clip); return; } static void _table_smart_clip_unset(Evas_Object *obj) { Smart_Data *sd; sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(obj); if (!sd) return; evas_object_clip_unset(sd->obj); return; }