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* @addtogroup Evas_Object_Textblock
* @{
* @internal
* @section Evas_Object_Textblock_Internal Internal Textblock Object Tutorial
* This explains the internal design of the Evas Textblock Object.
* @subsection textblock_intro Introduction
* There are two main parts to the textblock object, the first being the node
* system, and the second being the layout system. The former is just an
* internal representation of the markup text, while the latter is the internal
* visual representation of the text (i.e positioning, sizing, fonts and etc).
* @subsection textblock_nodes The Nodes system
* The nodes mechanism consists of two main data types:
* ::Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text and ::Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format
* the former is for Text nodes and the latter is for format nodes.
* There's always at least one text node, even if there are only formats.
* @subsection textblock_nodes_text Text nodes
* Each text node is essentially a paragraph, it includes an @ref Eina_UStrbuf
* that stores the actual paragraph text, a utf8 string to store the paragraph
* text in utf8 (which is not used internally at all), A pointer to it's
* main @ref textblock_nodes_format "Format Node" and the paragraph's
* @ref evas_bidi_props "BiDi properties". The pointer to the format node may be
* NULL if there's no format node anywhere before the end of the text node,
* not even in previous text nodes. If not NULL, it points to the first format
* node pointing to text inside of the text node, or if there is none, it points
* to the previous's text nodes format node. Each paragraph has a format node
* representing a paragraph separator pointing to it's last position except
* for the last paragraph, which has no such constraint. This constraint
* happens because text nodes are paragraphs and paragraphs are delimited by
* paragraph separators.
* @subsection textblock_nodes_format Format Nodes
* Each format node stores a group of format information, for example the
* markup: \<font=Vera,Kochi font_size=10 align=left\> will all be inserted
* inside the same format node, altohugh it consists of different formatting
* commands.
* Each node has a pointer to it's text node, this pointer is NEVER NULL, even
* if there's only one format, and no text, a text node is created. Each format
* node includes an offset from the last format node of the same text node. For
* example, the markup "0<b>12</b>" will create two format nodes, the first
* having an offset of 1 and the second an offset of 2. Each format node also
* includes a @ref Eina_Strbuf that includes the textual representation of the
* format, and a boolean stating if the format is a visible format or not, see
* @ref textblock_nodes_format_visible
* @subsection textblock_nodes_format_visible Visible Format Nodes
* There are two types of format nodes, visible and invisible. They are the same
* in every way, except for the representation in the text node. While invisible
* format nodes have no representation in the text node, the visible ones do.
* The Uniceode replacement character (0xFFFD) is inserted to every place a
* visible format node points to. This makes it very easy to treat visible
* formats as items in the text, both for BiDi purposes and cursor handling
* purposes.
* Here are a few example visible an invisible formats:
* Visible: newline char, tab, paragraph separator and an embedded item.
* Invisible: setting the color, font or alignment of the text.
* @subsection textblock_layout The layout system
* @todo write @ref textblock_layout
#include "evas_common.h"
#include "evas_private.h"
/* save typing */
#define ENFN obj->layer->evas->engine.func
#define ENDT obj->layer->evas->engine.data.output
/* private magic number for textblock objects */
static const char o_type[] = "textblock";
/* The char to be inserted instead of visible formats */
/* private struct for textblock object internal data */
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock
* The actual textblock object.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock Evas_Object_Textblock;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Style_Tag
* The structure used for finding style tags.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Style_Tag Evas_Object_Style_Tag;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text
* A text node.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text;
* Defined in Evas.h
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph
* A layouting paragraph.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock_Line
* A layouting line.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Line Evas_Object_Textblock_Line;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock_Item
* A layouting item.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Item Evas_Object_Textblock_Item;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item
* A layouting format item.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item;
* @intrenal
* @typedef Evas_Object_Textblock_Format
* A textblock format.
typedef struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format Evas_Object_Textblock_Format;
/* the current state of the formatting */
* @intrenal
* @def GET_PREV(text, ind)
* Gets the index of the previous char in the text text, this simply returns
* the current char pointed to and decrements ind but ensures it stays in
* the text range.
#define GET_PREV(text, ind) (((ind) > 0) ? (text[(ind)--]) : (text[ind]))
* @intrenal
* @def GET_NEXT(text, ind)
* Gets the index of the next in the text text, this simply returns
* the current char pointed to and increments indd but ensures it stays in
* the text range.
#define GET_NEXT(text, ind) ((text[ind]) ? (text[(ind)++]) : (text[ind]))
/*FIXME: document the structs and struct items. */
struct _Evas_Object_Style_Tag
char *tag;
char *replace;
size_t tag_len;
size_t replace_len;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text
Eina_UStrbuf *unicode;
char * utf8;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *format_node;
Evas_BiDi_Paragraph_Props bidi_props;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format
Eina_Strbuf *format;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *text_node;
size_t offset;
Eina_Bool visible;
* @intrenal
* @def _NODE_TEXT(x)
* A convinience macro for casting to a text node.
#define _NODE_TEXT(x) ((Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *) (x))
* @intrenal
* @def _NODE_FORMAT(x)
* A convinience macro for casting to a format node.
#define _NODE_FORMAT(x) ((Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *) (x))
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
int x, y, w, h;
int par_no;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Line
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *items;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *format_items;
int x, y, w, h;
int baseline;
int line_no;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Item
Eina_Unicode *text;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *format;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *source_node;
int x, w, h;
int inset, baseline;
int source_pos;
unsigned char type;
Evas_BiDi_Props bidi_props;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item
const char *item;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *source_node;
int x, w, h, y, ascent, descent;
unsigned char vsize : 2;
unsigned char size : 2;
unsigned char formatme : 1;
unsigned char ___padding___ : 3;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock_Format
int ref;
double halign;
Eina_Bool halign_auto;
double valign;
struct {
const char *name;
const char *source;
const char *fallbacks;
int size;
void *font;
} font;
struct {
struct {
unsigned char r, g, b, a;
} normal, underline, underline2, outline, shadow, glow, glow2, backing,
} color;
struct {
int l, r;
} margin;
int tabstops;
int linesize;
double linerelsize;
int linegap;
double linerelgap;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
double linefill;
unsigned char style;
unsigned char wrap_word : 1;
unsigned char wrap_char : 1;
unsigned char underline : 1;
unsigned char underline2 : 1;
unsigned char strikethrough : 1;
unsigned char backing : 1;
struct _Evas_Textblock_Style
char *style_text;
char *default_tag;
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tags;
Eina_List *objects;
unsigned char delete_me : 1;
struct _Evas_Textblock_Cursor
Evas_Object *obj;
int pos;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *node;
struct _Evas_Object_Textblock
DATA32 magic;
Evas_Textblock_Style *style;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cursor;
Eina_List *cursors;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *text_nodes;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *format_nodes;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *paragraphs;
int last_w;
struct {
int l, r, t, b;
} style_pad;
char *markup_text;
void *engine_data;
const char *repch;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
struct {
int w, h;
unsigned char valid : 1;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
} formatted, native;
unsigned char redraw : 1;
unsigned char changed : 1;
/* private methods for textblock objects */
static void evas_object_textblock_init(Evas_Object *obj);
static void *evas_object_textblock_new(void);
static void evas_object_textblock_render(Evas_Object *obj, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y);
static void evas_object_textblock_free(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_render_pre(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_render_post(Evas_Object *obj);
static unsigned int evas_object_textblock_id_get(Evas_Object *obj);
static unsigned int evas_object_textblock_visual_id_get(Evas_Object *obj);
static void *evas_object_textblock_engine_data_get(Evas_Object *obj);
static int evas_object_textblock_is_opaque(Evas_Object *obj);
static int evas_object_textblock_was_opaque(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_coords_recalc(Evas_Object *obj);
static void evas_object_textblock_scale_update(Evas_Object *obj);
static const Evas_Object_Func object_func =
/* methods (compulsory) */
/* these are optional. NULL = nothing */
/* the actual api call to add a textblock */
#define TB_HEAD() \
Evas_Object_Textblock *o; \
MAGIC_CHECK(obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); \
return; \
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data); \
MAGIC_CHECK(o, Evas_Object_Textblock, MAGIC_OBJ_TEXTBLOCK); \
return; \
#define TB_HEAD_RETURN(x) \
Evas_Object_Textblock *o; \
MAGIC_CHECK(obj, Evas_Object, MAGIC_OBJ); \
return (x); \
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data); \
MAGIC_CHECK(o, Evas_Object_Textblock, MAGIC_OBJ_TEXTBLOCK); \
return (x); \
2005-05-21 19:49:50 -07:00
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *_evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur);
static size_t _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt);
static Eina_Bool _evas_textblock_format_is_visible(const char *s);
static void _evas_textblock_node_format_remove(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n);
static void _evas_textblock_node_format_free(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n);
static void _evas_textblock_node_text_free(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n);
static void _evas_textblock_changed(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object *obj);
static void _evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, int start, int offset);
static void _evas_textblock_cursors_set_node(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *new_node);
/* styles */
* @internal
* Clears the textblock style passed.
* @param ts The ts to be cleared. Must not be NULL.
static void
_style_clear(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (ts->style_text) free(ts->style_text);
if (ts->default_tag) free(ts->default_tag);
while (ts->tags)
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
tag = (Evas_Object_Style_Tag *)ts->tags;
ts->tags = (Evas_Object_Style_Tag *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(ts->tags), EINA_INLIST_GET(tag));
ts->style_text = NULL;
ts->default_tag = NULL;
ts->tags = NULL;
* @internal
* Searches inside the tags stored in the style for the tag who's
* replacement is s of size replace_len;
* @param ts The ts to be cleared. Must not be NULL.
* @param s The replace string to match.
* @param replace_len the length of the replace string.
* @param[out] tag_len The length of the tag found. - Must not be NULL.
* @return The tag found.
static inline const char *
_style_match_replace(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts, const char *s, size_t replace_len, size_t *tag_len)
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ts->tags, tag)
if (tag->replace_len != replace_len) continue;
if (!strcmp(tag->replace, s))
*tag_len = tag->tag_len;
return tag->tag;
*tag_len = 0;
return NULL;
* @internal
* Searches inside the tags stored in the style for the tag matching s.
* @param ts The ts to be cleared. Must not be NULL.
* @param s The tag to be matched.
* @param tag_len the length of the tag string.
* @param[out] replace_len The length of the replcaement found. - Must not be NULL.
* @return The replacement string found.
static inline const char *
_style_match_tag(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts, const char *s, size_t tag_len, size_t *replace_len)
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ts->tags, tag)
if (tag->tag_len != tag_len) continue;
if (!strcmp(tag->tag, s))
*replace_len = tag->replace_len;
return tag->replace;
*replace_len = 0;
return NULL;
* @internal
* Clears all the nodes (text and format) of the textblock object.
* @param obj The evas object, must not be NULL.
static void
_nodes_clear(const Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
while (o->text_nodes)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n;
n = o->text_nodes;
o->text_nodes = _NODE_TEXT(eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(o->text_nodes), EINA_INLIST_GET(n)));
while (o->format_nodes)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n;
n = o->format_nodes;
o->format_nodes = _NODE_FORMAT(eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(o->format_nodes), EINA_INLIST_GET(n)));
* @internal
* Unrefs and frees (if needed) a textblock format.
* @param obj The Evas_Object, Must not be NULL.
* @param fmt the format to be cleaned, must not be NULL.
2005-08-08 05:43:59 -07:00
static void
_format_unref_free(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
2005-08-08 05:43:59 -07:00
if (fmt->ref > 0) return;
if (fmt->font.name) eina_stringshare_del(fmt->font.name);
if (fmt->font.fallbacks) eina_stringshare_del(fmt->font.fallbacks);
if (fmt->font.source) eina_stringshare_del(fmt->font.source);
2005-08-08 05:43:59 -07:00
evas_font_free(obj->layer->evas, fmt->font.font);
* @internal
* Free a layout line.
* @param obj The evas object, must not be NULL.
* @param ln the layout line to be freed, must not be NULL.
static void
_line_free(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln)
while (ln->items)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ln->items;
ln->items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(ln->items), EINA_INLIST_GET(ln->items));
if (it->text) free(it->text);
_format_unref_free(obj, it->format);
while (ln->format_items)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ln->format_items;
ln->format_items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(ln->format_items),
if (fi->item) eina_stringshare_del(fi->item);
if (ln) free(ln);
/* table of html escapes (that i can find) this should be ordered with the
* most common first as it's a linear search to match - no hash for this.
* these are stored as one large string and one additional array that
* contains the offsets to the tokens for space efficiency.
* @internal
* @var escape_strings[]
* This string consists of NULL terminated pairs of strings, the first of
* every pair is an escape and the second is the value of the escape.
static const char escape_strings[] =
/* most common escaped stuff */
" \0" "\x20\0" /* NOTE: this here to avoid escaping to &nbsp */
"&nbsp;\0" "\x20\0" /* NOTE: we allow nsbp's to break as we map early - maybe map to ascii 0x01 and then make the rendering code think 0x01 -> 0x20 */
"&quot;\0" "\x22\0"
"&amp;\0" "\x26\0"
"&lt;\0" "\x3c\0"
"&gt;\0" "\x3e\0"
/* all the rest */
"&iexcl;\0" "\xc2\xa1\0"
"&cent;\0" "\xc2\xa2\0"
"&pound;\0" "\xc2\xa3\0"
"&curren;\0" "\xc2\xa4\0"
"&yen;\0" "\xc2\xa5\0"
"&brvbar;\0" "\xc2\xa6\0"
"&sect;\0" "\xc2\xa7\0"
"&uml;\0" "\xc2\xa8\0"
"&copy;\0" "\xc2\xa9\0"
"&ordf;\0" "\xc2\xaa\0"
"&laquo;\0" "\xc2\xab\0"
"&not;\0" "\xc2\xac\0"
"&reg;\0" "\xc2\xae\0"
"&macr;\0" "\xc2\xaf\0"
"&deg;\0" "\xc2\xb0\0"
"&plusmn;\0" "\xc2\xb1\0"
"&sup2;\0" "\xc2\xb2\0"
"&sup3;\0" "\xc2\xb3\0"
"&acute;\0" "\xc2\xb4\0"
"&micro;\0" "\xc2\xb5\0"
"&para;\0" "\xc2\xb6\0"
"&middot;\0" "\xc2\xb7\0"
"&cedil;\0" "\xc2\xb8\0"
"&sup1;\0" "\xc2\xb9\0"
"&ordm;\0" "\xc2\xba\0"
"&raquo;\0" "\xc2\xbb\0"
"&frac14;\0" "\xc2\xbc\0"
"&frac12;\0" "\xc2\xbd\0"
"&frac34;\0" "\xc2\xbe\0"
"&iquest;\0" "\xc2\xbf\0"
"&Agrave;\0" "\xc3\x80\0"
"&Aacute;\0" "\xc3\x81\0"
"&Acirc;\0" "\xc3\x82\0"
"&Atilde;\0" "\xc3\x83\0"
"&Auml;\0" "\xc3\x84\0"
"&Aring;\0" "\xc3\x85\0"
"&Aelig;\0" "\xc3\x86\0"
"&Ccedil;\0" "\xc3\x87\0"
"&Egrave;\0" "\xc3\x88\0"
"&Eacute;\0" "\xc3\x89\0"
"&Ecirc;\0" "\xc3\x8a\0"
"&Euml;\0" "\xc3\x8b\0"
"&Igrave;\0" "\xc3\x8c\0"
"&Iacute;\0" "\xc3\x8d\0"
"&Icirc;\0" "\xc3\x8e\0"
"&Iuml;\0" "\xc3\x8f\0"
"&Eth;\0" "\xc3\x90\0"
"&Ntilde;\0" "\xc3\x91\0"
"&Ograve;\0" "\xc3\x92\0"
"&Oacute;\0" "\xc3\x93\0"
"&Ocirc;\0" "\xc3\x94\0"
"&Otilde;\0" "\xc3\x95\0"
"&Ouml;\0" "\xc3\x96\0"
"&times;\0" "\xc3\x97\0"
"&Oslash;\0" "\xc3\x98\0"
"&Ugrave;\0" "\xc3\x99\0"
"&Uacute;\0" "\xc3\x9a\0"
"&Ucirc;\0" "\xc3\x9b\0"
"&Yacute;\0" "\xc3\x9d\0"
"&Thorn;\0" "\xc3\x9e\0"
"&szlig;\0" "\xc3\x9f\0"
"&agrave;\0" "\xc3\xa0\0"
"&aacute;\0" "\xc3\xa1\0"
"&acirc;\0" "\xc3\xa2\0"
"&atilde;\0" "\xc3\xa3\0"
"&auml;\0" "\xc3\xa4\0"
"&aring;\0" "\xc3\xa5\0"
"&aelig;\0" "\xc3\xa6\0"
"&ccedil;\0" "\xc3\xa7\0"
"&egrave;\0" "\xc3\xa8\0"
"&eacute;\0" "\xc3\xa9\0"
"&ecirc;\0" "\xc3\xaa\0"
"&euml;\0" "\xc3\xab\0"
"&igrave;\0" "\xc3\xac\0"
"&iacute;\0" "\xc3\xad\0"
"&icirc;\0" "\xc3\xae\0"
"&iuml;\0" "\xc3\xaf\0"
"&eth;\0" "\xc3\xb0\0"
"&ntilde;\0" "\xc3\xb1\0"
"&ograve;\0" "\xc3\xb2\0"
"&oacute;\0" "\xc3\xb3\0"
"&ocirc;\0" "\xc3\xb4\0"
"&otilde;\0" "\xc3\xb5\0"
"&ouml;\0" "\xc3\xb6\0"
"&divide;\0" "\xc3\xb7\0"
"&oslash;\0" "\xc3\xb8\0"
"&ugrave;\0" "\xc3\xb9\0"
"&uacute;\0" "\xc3\xba\0"
"&ucirc;\0" "\xc3\xbb\0"
"&uuml;\0" "\xc3\xbc\0"
"&yacute;\0" "\xc3\xbd\0"
"&thorn;\0" "\xc3\xbe\0"
"&yuml;\0" "\xc3\xbf\0"
"&alpha;\0" "\xce\x91\0"
"&beta;\0" "\xce\x92\0"
"&gamma;\0" "\xce\x93\0"
"&delta;\0" "\xce\x94\0"
"&epsilon;\0" "\xce\x95\0"
"&zeta;\0" "\xce\x96\0"
"&eta;\0" "\xce\x97\0"
"&theta;\0" "\xce\x98\0"
"&iota;\0" "\xce\x99\0"
"&kappa;\0" "\xce\x9a\0"
"&lambda;\0" "\xce\x9b\0"
"&mu;\0" "\xce\x9c\0"
"&nu;\0" "\xce\x9d\0"
"&xi;\0" "\xce\x9e\0"
"&omicron;\0" "\xce\x9f\0"
"&pi;\0" "\xce\xa0\0"
"&rho;\0" "\xce\xa1\0"
"&sigma;\0" "\xce\xa3\0"
"&tau;\0" "\xce\xa4\0"
"&upsilon;\0" "\xce\xa5\0"
"&phi;\0" "\xce\xa6\0"
"&chi;\0" "\xce\xa7\0"
"&psi;\0" "\xce\xa8\0"
"&omega;\0" "\xce\xa9\0"
"&hellip;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa6\0"
"&euro;\0" "\xe2\x82\xac\0"
"&larr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x90\0"
"&uarr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x91\0"
"&rarr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x92\0"
"&darr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x93\0"
"&harr;\0" "\xe2\x86\x94\0"
"&larr;\0" "\xe2\x87\x90\0"
"&rarr;\0" "\xe2\x87\x92\0"
"&forall;\0" "\xe2\x88\x80\0"
"&exist;\0" "\xe2\x88\x83\0"
"&nabla;\0" "\xe2\x88\x87\0"
"&prod;\0" "\xe2\x88\x8f\0"
"&sum;\0" "\xe2\x88\x91\0"
"&and;\0" "\xe2\x88\xa7\0"
"&or;\0" "\xe2\x88\xa8\0"
"&int;\0" "\xe2\x88\xab\0"
"&ne;\0" "\xe2\x89\xa0\0"
"&equiv;\0" "\xe2\x89\xa1\0"
"&oplus;\0" "\xe2\x8a\x95\0"
"&perp;\0" "\xe2\x8a\xa5\0"
"&dagger;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa0\0"
"&Dagger;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa1\0"
"&bull;\0" "\xe2\x80\xa2\0"
* @internal
* Checks if a char is a whitespace.
* @param c the unicode codepoint.
* @return EINA_TRUE if the unicode codepoint is a whitespace, EINA_FALSE otherwise.
static Eina_Bool
_is_white(Eina_Unicode c)
* unicode list of whitespace chars
* 0009..000D <control-0009>..<control-000D>
* 0020 SPACE
* 0085 <control-0085>
* 2000..200A EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE
if (
(c == 0x20) ||
((c >= 0x9) && (c <= 0xd)) ||
(c == 0x85) ||
(c == 0xa0) ||
(c == 0x1680) ||
(c == 0x180e) ||
((c >= 0x2000) && (c <= 0x200a)) ||
(c == 0x2028) ||
(c == 0x2029) ||
(c == 0x202f) ||
(c == 0x205f) ||
(c == 0x3000)
return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
* @internal
* Creates a copy of a string without the whitespaces between byte indexes
* clean_start and clean_end and frees str.
* @param clean_start The byte index of the location to start cleaning at.
* @param clean_end The byte index of the location to end cleaning at.
* @param str The string to copy and free.
* @return a copy of str cleaned of whitespaces.
static char *
_clean_white(int clean_start, int clean_end, char *str)
char *p, *p2, *str2 = NULL;
int white, pwhite, start, ok;
/*FIXME: fix this function */
return strdup(str);
str2 = malloc(strlen(str) + 2);
p = str;
p2 = str2;
white = 0;
start = 1;
ok = 1;
while (*p != 0)
pwhite = white;
if (_is_white(*p)) white = 1;
else white = 0;
if ((pwhite) && (white)) ok = 0;
if (!clean_start)
if ((start) && (pwhite) && (!white))
// *p2 = ' ';
// p2++;
ok = 1;
if (!white) start = 0;
if (clean_start)
if ((start) && (ok)) ok = 0;
if (ok)
*p2 = *p;
*p2 = 0;
if (clean_end)
while (p2 > str2)
if (!(isspace(*p2) || _is_white(*p2))) break;
*p2 = 0;
return str2;
* @internal
* Appends the text between s and p to the main cursor of the object.
* @param o The textblock to append to.
* @param[in] s start of the string
* @param[in] p end of the string
static void __UNUSED__
_append_text_run(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, const char *s, const char *p)
if ((s) && (p > s))
char *ts;
ts = alloca(p - s + 1);
strncpy(ts, s, p - s);
ts[p - s] = 0;
ts = _clean_white(0, 0, ts);
evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(o->cursor, ts);
* @internal
* Prepends the text between s and p to the main cursor of the object.
* @param o The textblock to prepend to.
* @param[in] s start of the string
* @param[in] p end of the string
static void
_prepend_text_run(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, const char *s, const char *p)
if ((s) && (p > s))
char *ts;
ts = alloca(p - s + 1);
strncpy(ts, s, p - s);
ts[p - s] = 0;
ts = _clean_white(0, 0, ts);
evas_textblock_cursor_text_prepend(o->cursor, ts);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* Returns the numeric value of HEX chars for example for ch = 'A'
* the function will return 10.
* @param ch The HEX char.
* @return numeric value of HEX.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static int
_hex_string_get(char ch)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) return (ch - '0');
else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F')) return (ch - 'A' + 10);
else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f')) return (ch - 'a' + 10);
return 0;
* @internal
* Parses a string of one of the formas:
* 1. "#RRGGBB"
* 2. "#RRGGBBAA"
* 3. "#RGB"
* 4. "#RGBA"
* To the rgba values.
* @param[in] str The string to parse - NOT NULL.
* @param[out] r The Red value - NOT NULL.
* @param[out] g The Green value - NOT NULL.
* @param[out] b The Blue value - NOT NULL.
* @param[out] a The Alpha value - NOT NULL.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_format_color_parse(const char *str, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b, unsigned char *a)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int slen;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
slen = strlen(str);
*r = *g = *b = *a = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (slen == 7) /* #RRGGBB */
*r = (_hex_string_get(str[1]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[2]));
*g = (_hex_string_get(str[3]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[4]));
*b = (_hex_string_get(str[5]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[6]));
*a = 0xff;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (slen == 9) /* #RRGGBBAA */
*r = (_hex_string_get(str[1]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[2]));
*g = (_hex_string_get(str[3]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[4]));
*b = (_hex_string_get(str[5]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[6]));
*a = (_hex_string_get(str[7]) << 4) | (_hex_string_get(str[8]));
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (slen == 4) /* #RGB */
*r = _hex_string_get(str[1]);
*r = (*r << 4) | *r;
*g = _hex_string_get(str[2]);
*g = (*g << 4) | *g;
*b = _hex_string_get(str[3]);
*b = (*b << 4) | *b;
*a = 0xff;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (slen == 5) /* #RGBA */
*r = _hex_string_get(str[1]);
*r = (*r << 4) | *r;
*g = _hex_string_get(str[2]);
*g = (*g << 4) | *g;
*b = _hex_string_get(str[3]);
*b = (*b << 4) | *b;
*a = _hex_string_get(str[4]);
*a = (*a << 4) | *a;
*r = (*r * *a) / 255;
*g = (*g * *a) / 255;
*b = (*b * *a) / 255;
2005-05-21 19:49:50 -07:00
/* The refcount for the formats. */
static int format_refcount = 0;
/* Holders for the stringshares */
static const char *fontstr = NULL;
static const char *font_fallbacksstr = NULL;
static const char *font_sizestr = NULL;
static const char *font_sourcestr = NULL;
static const char *colorstr = NULL;
static const char *underline_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *underline2_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *outline_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *shadow_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *glow_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *glow2_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *backing_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *strikethrough_colorstr = NULL;
static const char *alignstr = NULL;
static const char *valignstr = NULL;
static const char *wrapstr = NULL;
static const char *left_marginstr = NULL;
static const char *right_marginstr = NULL;
static const char *underlinestr = NULL;
static const char *strikethroughstr = NULL;
static const char *backingstr = NULL;
static const char *stylestr = NULL;
static const char *tabstopsstr = NULL;
static const char *linesizestr = NULL;
static const char *linerelsizestr = NULL;
static const char *linegapstr = NULL;
static const char *linerelgapstr = NULL;
static const char *itemstr = NULL;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
static const char *linefillstr = NULL;
* @internal
* Init the format strings.
static void
if (format_refcount == 0)
fontstr = eina_stringshare_add("font");
font_fallbacksstr = eina_stringshare_add("font_fallbacks");
font_sizestr = eina_stringshare_add("font_size");
font_sourcestr = eina_stringshare_add("font_source");
colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("color");
underline_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("underline_color");
underline2_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("underline2_color");
outline_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("outline_color");
shadow_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("shadow_color");
glow_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("glow_color");
glow2_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("glow2_color");
backing_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("backing_color");
strikethrough_colorstr = eina_stringshare_add("strikethrough_color");
alignstr = eina_stringshare_add("align");
valignstr = eina_stringshare_add("valign");
wrapstr = eina_stringshare_add("wrap");
left_marginstr = eina_stringshare_add("left_margin");
right_marginstr = eina_stringshare_add("right_margin");
underlinestr = eina_stringshare_add("underline");
strikethroughstr = eina_stringshare_add("strikethrough");
backingstr = eina_stringshare_add("backing");
stylestr = eina_stringshare_add("style");
tabstopsstr = eina_stringshare_add("tabstops");
linesizestr = eina_stringshare_add("linesize");
linerelsizestr = eina_stringshare_add("linerelsize");
linegapstr = eina_stringshare_add("linegap");
linerelgapstr = eina_stringshare_add("linerelgap");
itemstr = eina_stringshare_add("item");
linefillstr = eina_stringshare_add("linefill");
* @internal
* Shutdown the format strings.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
if (--format_refcount > 0) return;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
* @internal
* Copies str to dst while removing the \\ char, i.e unescape the escape sequences.
* @param[out] dst the destination string - Should not be NULL.
* @param[in] src the source string - Should not be NULL.
static void
_format_clean_param(char *dst, const char *src)
const char *ss;
char *ds;
ds = dst;
for (ss = src; *ss; ss++, ds++)
if ((*ss == '\\') && *(ss + 1)) ss++;
*ds = *ss;
*ds = 0;
* @internal
* Parses the cmd and parameter and adds the parsed format to fmt.
* @param obj the evas object - should not be NULL.
* @param fmt The format to populate - should not be NULL.
* @param[in] cmd the command to proccess, should be stringshared.
* @param[in] param the parameter of the command.
static void
_format_command(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, const char *cmd, const char *param)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int new_font = 0;
char *tmp_param;
tmp_param = alloca(strlen(param) + 1);
_format_clean_param(tmp_param, param);
if (cmd == fontstr)
if ((!fmt->font.name) ||
((fmt->font.name) && (strcmp(fmt->font.name, tmp_param))))
if (fmt->font.name) eina_stringshare_del(fmt->font.name);
fmt->font.name = eina_stringshare_add(tmp_param);
new_font = 1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (cmd == font_fallbacksstr)
if ((!fmt->font.fallbacks) ||
((fmt->font.fallbacks) && (strcmp(fmt->font.fallbacks, tmp_param))))
/* policy - when we say "fallbacks" do we prepend and use prior
* fallbacks... or should we replace. for now we replace
if (fmt->font.fallbacks) eina_stringshare_del(fmt->font.fallbacks);
fmt->font.fallbacks = eina_stringshare_add(tmp_param);
new_font = 1;
else if (cmd == font_sizestr)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int v;
v = atoi(tmp_param);
if (v != fmt->font.size)
fmt->font.size = v;
new_font = 1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (cmd == font_sourcestr)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if ((!fmt->font.source) ||
((fmt->font.source) && (strcmp(fmt->font.source, tmp_param))))
if (fmt->font.source) eina_stringshare_del(fmt->font.source);
fmt->font.source = eina_stringshare_add(tmp_param);
new_font = 1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (cmd == colorstr)
&(fmt->color.normal.r), &(fmt->color.normal.g),
&(fmt->color.normal.b), &(fmt->color.normal.a));
else if (cmd == underline_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.underline.r), &(fmt->color.underline.g),
&(fmt->color.underline.b), &(fmt->color.underline.a));
else if (cmd == underline2_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.underline2.r), &(fmt->color.underline2.g),
&(fmt->color.underline2.b), &(fmt->color.underline2.a));
else if (cmd == outline_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.outline.r), &(fmt->color.outline.g),
&(fmt->color.outline.b), &(fmt->color.outline.a));
else if (cmd == shadow_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.shadow.r), &(fmt->color.shadow.g),
&(fmt->color.shadow.b), &(fmt->color.shadow.a));
else if (cmd == glow_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.glow.r), &(fmt->color.glow.g),
&(fmt->color.glow.b), &(fmt->color.glow.a));
else if (cmd == glow2_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.glow2.r), &(fmt->color.glow2.g),
&(fmt->color.glow2.b), &(fmt->color.glow2.a));
else if (cmd == backing_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.backing.r), &(fmt->color.backing.g),
&(fmt->color.backing.b), &(fmt->color.backing.a));
else if (cmd == strikethrough_colorstr)
&(fmt->color.strikethrough.r), &(fmt->color.strikethrough.g),
&(fmt->color.strikethrough.b), &(fmt->color.strikethrough.a));
else if (cmd == alignstr)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "auto"))
fmt->halign_auto = EINA_TRUE;
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "middle")) fmt->halign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "center")) fmt->halign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "left")) fmt->halign = 0.0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "right")) fmt->halign = 1.0;
char *endptr = NULL;
double val = strtod(tmp_param, &endptr);
if (endptr)
while (*endptr && _is_white(*endptr))
if (*endptr == '%')
val /= 100.0;
fmt->halign = val;
if (fmt->halign < 0.0) fmt->halign = 0.0;
else if (fmt->halign > 1.0) fmt->halign = 1.0;
fmt->halign_auto = EINA_FALSE;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (cmd == valignstr)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "top")) fmt->valign = 0.0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "middle")) fmt->valign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "center")) fmt->valign = 0.5;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "bottom")) fmt->valign = 1.0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "baseline")) fmt->valign = -1.0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "base")) fmt->valign = -1.0;
char *endptr = NULL;
double val = strtod(tmp_param, &endptr);
if (endptr)
while (*endptr && _is_white(*endptr))
if (*endptr == '%')
val /= 100.0;
fmt->valign = val;
if (fmt->valign < 0.0) fmt->valign = 0.0;
else if (fmt->valign > 1.0) fmt->valign = 1.0;
else if (cmd == wrapstr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "word"))
fmt->wrap_word = 1;
fmt->wrap_char = 0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "char"))
fmt->wrap_word = 0;
fmt->wrap_char = 1;
fmt->wrap_word = 0;
fmt->wrap_char = 0;
else if (cmd == left_marginstr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "reset"))
fmt->margin.l = 0;
if (tmp_param[0] == '+')
fmt->margin.l += atoi(&(tmp_param[1]));
else if (tmp_param[0] == '-')
fmt->margin.l -= atoi(&(tmp_param[1]));
fmt->margin.l = atoi(tmp_param);
if (fmt->margin.l < 0) fmt->margin.l = 0;
else if (cmd == right_marginstr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "reset"))
fmt->margin.r = 0;
if (tmp_param[0] == '+')
fmt->margin.r += atoi(&(tmp_param[1]));
else if (tmp_param[0] == '-')
fmt->margin.r -= atoi(&(tmp_param[1]));
fmt->margin.r = atoi(tmp_param);
if (fmt->margin.r < 0) fmt->margin.r = 0;
else if (cmd == underlinestr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "off"))
fmt->underline = 0;
fmt->underline2 = 0;
else if ((!strcmp(tmp_param, "on")) ||
(!strcmp(tmp_param, "single")))
fmt->underline = 1;
fmt->underline2 = 0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "double"))
fmt->underline = 1;
fmt->underline2 = 1;
else if (cmd == strikethroughstr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "off"))
fmt->strikethrough = 0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "on"))
fmt->strikethrough = 1;
else if (cmd == backingstr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "off"))
fmt->backing = 0;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "on"))
fmt->backing = 1;
else if (cmd == stylestr)
if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "off")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "none")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "plain")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "outline")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "soft_outline")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_OUTLINE;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "outline_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "outline_soft_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SOFT_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "glow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_GLOW;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "far_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "soft_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW;
else if (!strcmp(tmp_param, "far_soft_shadow")) fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SOFT_SHADOW;
else fmt->style = EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_PLAIN;
else if (cmd == tabstopsstr)
fmt->tabstops = atoi(tmp_param);
if (fmt->tabstops < 1) fmt->tabstops = 1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (cmd == linesizestr)
fmt->linesize = atoi(tmp_param);
fmt->linerelsize = 0.0;
else if (cmd == linerelsizestr)
char *endptr = NULL;
double val = strtod(tmp_param, &endptr);
if (endptr)
while (*endptr && _is_white(*endptr))
if (*endptr == '%')
fmt->linerelsize = val / 100.0;
fmt->linesize = 0;
if (fmt->linerelsize < 0.0) fmt->linerelsize = 0.0;
else if (cmd == linegapstr)
fmt->linegap = atoi(tmp_param);
fmt->linerelgap = 0.0;
else if (cmd == linerelgapstr)
char *endptr = NULL;
double val = strtod(tmp_param, &endptr);
if (endptr)
while (*endptr && _is_white(*endptr))
if (*endptr == '%')
fmt->linerelgap = val / 100.0;
fmt->linegap = 0;
if (fmt->linerelgap < 0.0) fmt->linerelgap = 0.0;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
else if (cmd == itemstr)
// itemstr == replacement object items in textblock - inline imges
// for example
else if (cmd == linefillstr)
char *endptr = NULL;
double val = strtod(tmp_param, &endptr);
if (endptr)
while (*endptr && _is_white(*endptr))
if (*endptr == '%')
fmt->linefill = val / 100.0;
if (fmt->linefill < 0.0) fmt->linefill = 0.0;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (new_font)
void *of;
char *buf = NULL;
of = fmt->font.font;
if ((fmt->font.name) && (fmt->font.fallbacks))
buf = malloc(strlen(fmt->font.name) + 1 + strlen(fmt->font.fallbacks) + 1);
strcpy(buf, fmt->font.name);
strcat(buf, ",");
strcat(buf, fmt->font.fallbacks);
else if (fmt->font.name)
buf = strdup(fmt->font.name);
fmt->font.font = evas_font_load(obj->layer->evas,
buf, fmt->font.source,
(int)(((double)fmt->font.size) * obj->cur.scale));
if (buf) free(buf);
if (of) evas_font_free(obj->layer->evas, of);
2005-05-21 19:49:50 -07:00
* @internal
* Returns #EINA_TRUE if the item is a format parameter, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
* @param[in] item the item to check - Not NULL.
static Eina_Bool
_format_is_param(const char *item)
if (strchr(item, '=')) return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-02-06 18:12:36 -08:00
* @internal
* Parse the format item and populate key and val with the stringshares that
* corrospond to the formats parsed.
* It expects item to be of the structure:
* "key=val"
* @param[in] item the item to parse - Not NULL.
* @param[out] key where to store the key at - Not NULL.
* @param[out] val where to store the value at - Not NULL.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_format_param_parse(const char *item, const char **key, const char **val)
const char *equal, *end;
equal = strchr(item, '=');
*key = eina_stringshare_add_length(item, equal - item);
equal++; /* Advance after the '=' */
/* Null terminate before the spaces */
end = strchr(equal, ' ');
if (end)
*val = eina_stringshare_add_length(equal, end - equal);
*val = eina_stringshare_add(equal);
* @internal
* FIXME: comment.
static const char *
_format_parse(const char **s)
const char *p, *item;
const char *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
p = *s;
if (*p == 0) return NULL;
for (;;)
if (!s1)
if (*p != ' ') s1 = p;
if (*p == 0) break;
else if (!s2)
if ((p > *s) && (p[-1] != '\\'))
if (*p == ' ') s2 = p;
if (*p == 0) s2 = p;
if (s1 && s2)
item = s1;
*s = s2;
return item;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
*s = p;
return NULL;
2005-05-21 19:49:50 -07:00
* @internal
* Parse the format str and populate fmt with the formats found.
* @param obj The evas object - Not NULL.
* @param[out] fmt The format to populate - Not NULL.
* @param[in] str the string to parse.- Not NULL.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_format_fill(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, const char *str)
const char *s;
const char *item;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
s = str;
/* get rid of anything +s or -s off the start of the string */
while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '+') || (*s == '-')) s++;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
while ((item = _format_parse(&s)))
if (_format_is_param(item))
const char *key = NULL, *val = NULL;
_format_param_parse(item, &key, &val);
_format_command(obj, fmt, key, val);
/* immediate - not handled here */
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* Duplicate a format and return the duplicate.
* @param obj The evas object - Not NULL.
* @param[in] fmt The format to duplicate - Not NULL.
* @return the copy of the format.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *
_format_dup(Evas_Object *obj, const Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt2;
char *buf = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
fmt2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format));
memcpy(fmt2, fmt, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format));
fmt2->ref = 1;
if (fmt->font.name) fmt2->font.name = eina_stringshare_add(fmt->font.name);
if (fmt->font.fallbacks) fmt2->font.fallbacks = eina_stringshare_add(fmt->font.fallbacks);
if (fmt->font.source) fmt2->font.source = eina_stringshare_add(fmt->font.source);
if ((fmt2->font.name) && (fmt2->font.fallbacks))
buf = malloc(strlen(fmt2->font.name) + 1 + strlen(fmt2->font.fallbacks) + 1);
strcpy(buf, fmt2->font.name);
strcat(buf, ",");
strcat(buf, fmt2->font.fallbacks);
else if (fmt2->font.name)
buf = strdup(fmt2->font.name);
fmt2->font.font = evas_font_load(obj->layer->evas,
buf, fmt2->font.source,
(int)(((double)fmt2->font.size) * obj->cur.scale));
if (buf) free(buf);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return fmt2;
* @internal
* @typedef Ctxt
* A pack of information that needed to be passed around in the layout engine,
* packed for easier access.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
typedef struct _Ctxt Ctxt;
struct _Ctxt
Evas_Object *obj;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *paragraphs;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *par;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Eina_List *format_stack;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int x, y;
int w, h;
int wmax, hmax;
int maxascent, maxdescent;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int marginl, marginr;
int line_no;
int underline_extend;
int have_underline, have_underline2;
double align;
Eina_Bool align_auto;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* Adjust the ascent/descent of the format and context.
* @param c The context to work on - Not NUL.
* @param fmt The format to adjust - NOT NULL.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int ascent, descent;
if (fmt->font.font)
// ascent = c->ENFN->font_max_ascent_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font);
// descent = c->ENFN->font_max_descent_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font);
ascent = c->ENFN->font_ascent_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font);
descent = c->ENFN->font_descent_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font);
if (fmt->linesize > 0)
if ((ascent + descent) < fmt->linesize)
ascent = ((fmt->linesize * ascent) / (ascent + descent));
descent = fmt->linesize - ascent;
else if (fmt->linerelsize > 0.0)
descent = ((ascent + descent) * fmt->linerelsize) - (ascent * fmt->linerelsize);
ascent = ascent * fmt->linerelsize;
c->maxdescent += fmt->linegap;
c->maxdescent += ((ascent + descent) * fmt->linerelgap);
if (c->maxascent < ascent) c->maxascent = ascent;
if (c->maxdescent < descent) c->maxdescent = descent;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
if (fmt->linefill > 0.0)
int dh;
2010-06-19 23:32:05 -07:00
dh = c->obj->cur.geometry.h - (c->maxascent + c->maxdescent);
if (dh < 0) dh = 0;
dh = fmt->linefill * dh;
c->maxdescent += dh / 2;
c->maxascent += dh - (dh / 2);
// FIXME: set flag that says "if heigh changes - reformat"
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* Create a new line using the info from the format and update the format
* and context.
* @param c The context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt The format to use info from - NOT NULL.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_layout_line_new(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
c->ln = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Line));
c->align = fmt->halign;
c->align_auto = fmt->halign_auto;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->marginl = fmt->margin.l;
c->marginr = fmt->margin.r;
c->par->lines = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->par->lines), EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln));
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->x = 0;
c->maxascent = c->maxdescent = 0;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
c->ln->line_no = -1;
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(c, fmt);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* Create a new layout paragraph.
* @param c The context to work on - Not NULL.
static void
_layout_paragraph_new(Ctxt *c)
c->par = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph));
c->paragraphs = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->paragraphs), EINA_INLIST_GET(c->par));
c->x = 0;
c->par->par_no= -1;
* @internal
* Free the layout paragraph and all of it's lines.
* FIXME: should get the context
static void
_paragraph_free(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *par)
while (par->lines)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
ln = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *) par->lines;
par->lines = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(par->lines), EINA_INLIST_GET(par->lines));
_line_free(obj, ln);
* @internal
* Clear all the paragraphs from the inlist pars.
* @param obj the evas object - Not NULL.
* @param pars the paragraphs to clean - Not NULL.
static void
_paragraphs_clear(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *pars)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
while (pars)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *par;
par = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *) pars;
pars = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(pars), EINA_INLIST_GET(par));
_paragraph_free(obj, par);
* @internal
* Push fmt to the format stack, if fmt is NULL, will fush a default item.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt the format to push.
* @see _layout_format_pop()
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *
_layout_format_push(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
if (fmt)
fmt = _format_dup(c->obj, fmt);
c->format_stack = eina_list_prepend(c->format_stack, fmt);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
fmt = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format));
c->format_stack = eina_list_prepend(c->format_stack, fmt);
fmt->ref = 1;
fmt->halign = 0.0;
fmt->halign_auto = EINA_TRUE;
fmt->valign = -1.0;
fmt->tabstops = 32;
fmt->linesize = 0;
fmt->linerelsize = 0.0;
fmt->linegap = 0;
fmt->linerelgap = 0.0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return fmt;
* @internal
* Pop fmt to the format stack, if there's something in the stack free fmt
* and set it to point to the next item instead, else return fmt.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt the format to free.
* @return the next format in the stack, or format if there's none.
* @see _layout_format_pop()
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *
_layout_format_pop(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if ((c->format_stack) && (c->format_stack->next))
_format_unref_free(c->obj, fmt);
c->format_stack = eina_list_remove_list(c->format_stack, c->format_stack);
fmt = c->format_stack->data;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return fmt;
* @internal
* Parse item and fill fmt with the item.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt the format to fill - not null.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_layout_format_value_handle(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, const char *item)
const char *key = NULL, *val = NULL;
char *tmp;
tmp = alloca(strlen(item) + 1);
strcpy(tmp, item);
_format_param_parse(tmp, &key, &val);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if ((key) && (val)) _format_command(c->obj, fmt, key, val);
if (key) eina_stringshare_del(key);
if (val) eina_stringshare_del(val);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->align = fmt->halign;
c->align_auto = fmt->halign_auto;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->marginl = fmt->margin.l;
c->marginr = fmt->margin.r;
#define VSIZE_FULL 0
#define VSIZE_ASCENT 1
#define SIZE 0
#define SIZE_ABS 1
#define SIZE_REL 2
* @internal
* Get the current line's alignment from the context.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
static inline double
_layout_line_align_get(Ctxt *c)
if (c->align_auto && c->ln && c->ln->items)
if (c->ln->items->source_node &&
/* Align right*/
return 1.0;
/* Align left */
return 0.0;
return c->align;
* @internal
* Create a new line and append it to the lines in the context.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt the format to use.
static void
_layout_line_advance(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
c->maxascent = c->maxdescent = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!c->ln->items)
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(c, fmt);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(c->ln->items, it)
int endx;
if (it->format->font.font)
it->baseline = c->ENFN->font_max_ascent_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font);
_layout_format_ascent_descent_adjust(c, it->format);
endx = it->x + it->w;
if (endx > c->ln->w) c->ln->w = endx;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(c->ln->format_items, fi)
int endx;
if (!fi->formatme) continue;
endx = fi->x + fi->w;
if (endx > c->ln->w) c->ln->w = endx;
switch (fi->size)
case SIZE:
case SIZE_ABS:
switch (fi->vsize)
if (fi->h > (c->maxdescent + c->maxascent))
c->maxascent += fi->h - (c->maxdescent + c->maxascent);
fi->y = -c->maxascent;
fi->y = -(fi->h - c->maxdescent);
if (fi->h > c->maxascent)
c->maxascent = fi->h;
fi->y = -fi->h;
fi->y = -fi->h;
case SIZE_REL:
switch (fi->vsize)
fi->y = -fi->ascent;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->ln->y = c->y + c->o->style_pad.t;
c->ln->h = c->maxascent + c->maxdescent;
c->ln->baseline = c->maxascent;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (c->have_underline2)
if (c->maxdescent < 4) c->underline_extend = 4 - c->maxdescent;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
else if (c->have_underline)
if (c->maxdescent < 2) c->underline_extend = 2 - c->maxdescent;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->ln->line_no = c->line_no;
c->y += c->maxascent + c->maxdescent;
if (c->w >= 0)
c->ln->x = c->marginl + c->o->style_pad.l +
((c->w - c->ln->w -
c->o->style_pad.l - c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr) * _layout_line_align_get(c));
if ((c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l) > c->wmax)
c->wmax = c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginl + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l;
c->ln->x = c->marginl + c->o->style_pad.l;
if ((c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l) > c->wmax)
c->wmax = c->ln->x + c->ln->w + c->marginl + c->marginr - c->o->style_pad.l;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
_layout_line_new(c, fmt);
* @internal
* Create a new layout item from the string and the format.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt the format to use.
* @param str the string to use.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *
_layout_item_new(Ctxt *c __UNUSED__, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, const Eina_Unicode *str)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
it = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Item));
it->format = fmt;
it->text = eina_unicode_strdup(str);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return it;
* @internal
* Return the cutoff of the text in the text item.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param fmt the format to use. - Not NULL.
* @param it the item to check - Not null.
* @return -1 on error, cutoff index on success.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static int
_layout_text_cutoff_get(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
if (fmt->font.font)
return c->ENFN->font_last_up_to_pos(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props,
c->w -
c->o->style_pad.l -
c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl -
c->marginr -
return -1;
* @internal
* Cut the text in the item up until cut.
* @param c the context to work on - Not NULL.
* @param it the item to cut - not null.
* @param cut the cut index.
static void
_layout_item_text_cutoff(Ctxt *c __UNUSED__, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it, int cut)
Eina_Unicode *ts;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
ts = it->text;
ts[cut] = 0;
it->text = eina_unicode_strdup(ts);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* Return the start of the last word up until start.
* @param str the string to work on.
* @param start the start of where to look at.
* @return the start of the last word up until start.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static int
_layout_word_start(const Eina_Unicode *str, int start)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int p, tp, chr = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
p = start;
chr = GET_NEXT(str, p);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (_is_white(chr))
tp = p;
while (_is_white(chr) && (p >= 0))
tp = p;
chr = GET_NEXT(str, p);
return tp;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
p = start;
tp = p;
2007-09-13 16:16:11 -07:00
while (p > 0)
chr = GET_PREV(str, p);
if (_is_white(chr)) break;
tp = p;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (p < 0) p = 0;
if ((p >= 0) && (_is_white(chr)))
GET_NEXT(str, p);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return p;
* @internal
* Checks if the string ends with whitespace
* @param str the string to work on.
* @return #EINA_TRUE if it does, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
static Eina_Bool
_str_ends_with_whitespace(const Eina_Unicode *str)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int p, chr;
p = eina_unicode_strlen(str) - 1;
if (p < 0) return EINA_FALSE;
chr = GET_NEXT(str, p);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return _is_white(chr);
* @internal
* Strips trailing whitespace from the item's text.
* @param c the context to work with - NOT NULL.
* @param fmt does nothing.
* @param it the item to strip.
* @return #EINA_TRUE if it stripped, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
static Eina_Bool
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt __UNUSED__, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int p, tp, chr, adv, tw, th;
p = eina_unicode_strlen(it->text) - 1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
tp = p;
if (p >= 0)
chr = GET_PREV(it->text, p);
if (_is_white(chr))
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, tp);
adv = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props);
tw = th = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props, &tw, &th);
it->w = tw;
it->h = th;
c->x = it->x + adv;
return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* FIXME: document
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
static int
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
_layout_item_abort(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
if (it->text) free(it->text);
_format_unref_free(c->obj, it->format);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (c->ln->items)
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items))->last;
return _layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, fmt, it);
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
return 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* checks if the last item ends with a whitespace.
* @param c the context to work with - NOT NULL.
* @return #EINA_TRUE if it stripped, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
static Eina_Bool
_layout_last_item_ends_with_whitespace(Ctxt *c)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!c->ln->items) return EINA_TRUE;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items))->last;
return _str_ends_with_whitespace(it->text);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* @internal
* returns the index of the words end starting from p
* @param str the str to work on - NOT NULL.
* @param p start position - must be within strings range..
* @return the position of the end of the word. -1 on error.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static int
_layout_word_end(const Eina_Unicode *str, int p)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int ch, tp;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
tp = p;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, tp);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
while ((!_is_white(ch)) && (tp >= 0) && (ch != 0))
p = tp;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, tp);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (ch == 0) return -1;
return p;
* @internal
* returns the index of the start of the next word.
* @param str the str to work on - NOT NULL.
* @param p start position - must be within strings range..
* @return the position of the start of the next word. -1 on error.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static int
_layout_word_next(Eina_Unicode *str, int p)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int ch, tp;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
tp = p;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, tp);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
while ((!_is_white(ch)) && (tp >= 0) && (ch != 0))
p = tp;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, tp);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (ch == 0) return -1;
while ((_is_white(ch)) && (tp >= 0) && (ch != 0))
p = tp;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, tp);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (ch == 0) return -1;
return p;
* FIXME: doc
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_layout_walk_back_to_item_word_redo(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *pit, *new_it = NULL;
Eina_List *remove_items = NULL, *l;
Eina_Inlist *data;
2005-10-08 03:43:14 -07:00
int index, tw, th, inset, adv;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* it is not appended yet */
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (_str_ends_with_whitespace(pit->text))
index = eina_unicode_strlen(pit->text) - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
index = _layout_word_start(pit->text, index);
if (index == 0)
remove_items = eina_list_prepend(remove_items, pit);
new_it = _layout_item_new(c, pit->format, pit->text + index);
new_it->source_node = pit->source_node;
new_it->source_pos = pit->source_pos + index;
new_it->bidi_props.start = new_it->source_pos;
new_it->bidi_props.props = &new_it->source_node->bidi_props;
evas_bidi_shape_string(new_it->text, &new_it->bidi_props,
# endif
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, pit, index);
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, pit->format, pit);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(remove_items, l, data)
c->ln->items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items), data);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* new line now */
if (remove_items)
pit = remove_items->data;
_layout_line_advance(c, pit->format);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
_layout_line_advance(c, it->format);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (new_it)
/* append new_it */
tw = th = 0;
if (new_it->format->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, new_it->format->font.font, new_it->text, &it->bidi_props, &tw, &th);
new_it->w = tw;
new_it->h = th;
inset = 0;
if (new_it->format->font.font)
inset = c->ENFN->font_inset_get(c->ENDT, new_it->format->font.font, new_it->text);
new_it->inset = inset;
new_it->x = c->x;
adv = 0;
if (new_it->format->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, new_it->format->font.font, new_it->text, &new_it->bidi_props);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items), EINA_INLIST_GET(new_it));
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
while (remove_items)
pit = remove_items->data;
remove_items = eina_list_remove_list(remove_items, remove_items);
/* append pit */
pit->x = c->x;
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, pit->format->font.font, pit->text, &pit->bidi_props);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items), EINA_INLIST_GET(pit));
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (it)
/* append it */
it->x = c->x;
adv = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, it->format->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items), EINA_INLIST_GET(it));
* @internal
* Appends the text from node n starting at start ending at off to the layout.
* It uses the fmt for the formatting.
* @param c the current context- NOT NULL.
* @param fmt the format to use.
* @param n the text node. - Not null.
* @param start the start position. - in range.
* @param off the offset - start + offset in range. if offset is -1, it'll add everything to the end of the string if offset = 0 it'll return with doing nothing.
* @param repch TBD.
static void
_layout_text_append(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, int start, int off, const char *repch)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int adv, inset, tw, th, new_line, empty_item;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
int wrap, twrap, ch, index, white_stripped;
Eina_Unicode *alloc_str = NULL;
const Eina_Unicode *str = EINA_UNICODE_EMPTY_STRING;
const Eina_Unicode *tbase;
2005-10-08 03:43:14 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
/* FIXME: explain the algorithm. */
if (n)
if ((repch) && (eina_ustrbuf_length_get(n->unicode)))
int i, len, ind;
Eina_Unicode *ptr;
Eina_Unicode urepch;
len = eina_unicode_strlen(eina_ustrbuf_string_get(n->unicode));
str = alloca((len + 1) * sizeof(Eina_Unicode));
tbase = str;
ind = 0;
urepch = evas_common_encoding_utf8_get_next(
(const unsigned char *)repch, &ind);
for (i = 0, ptr = (Eina_Unicode *)tbase; i < len; ptr++, i++)
*ptr = urepch;
*ptr = 0;
int len;
int orig_off = off;
len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(n->unicode);
if (off == 0) return;
else if (off < 0) off = len - start;
if (start < 0)
start = 0;
else if ((start == 0) && (off == 0) && (orig_off == -1))
/* Special case that means that we need to add an empty
* item */
goto skip;
else if ((start >= len) || (off > len))
str = eina_ustrbuf_string_get(n->unicode);
alloc_str = eina_unicode_strdup(str + start);
if (off > 0)
alloc_str[off] = 0;
str = alloc_str;
tbase = str;
// printf("add: wrap: %i|%i, width: %i '%s'\n", fmt->wrap_word, fmt->wrap_char, c->w, str);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
new_line = 0;
empty_item = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
while (str)
/* if this is the first line item and it starts with spaces - remove them */
wrap = 0;
white_stripped = 0;
it = _layout_item_new(c, fmt, str);
it->source_node = n;
it->source_pos = start + str - tbase;
if (it->source_node)
it->bidi_props.start = it->source_pos;
it->bidi_props.props = &it->source_node->bidi_props;
evas_bidi_shape_string(it->text, &it->bidi_props,
# endif
tw = th = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props, &tw, &th);
if ((c->w >= 0) &&
((fmt->wrap_word) || (fmt->wrap_char)) &&
((c->x + tw) >
(c->w - c->o->style_pad.l - c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr)))
wrap = _layout_text_cutoff_get(c, fmt, it);
if (wrap == 0)
GET_NEXT(str, wrap);
if (wrap > 0)
if (fmt->wrap_word)
index = wrap;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, index);
if (!_is_white(ch))
wrap = _layout_word_start(str, wrap);
if (wrap > 0)
twrap = wrap;
ch = GET_PREV(str, twrap);
/* the text intersects the wrap point on a whitespace char */
if (_is_white(ch))
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, wrap);
twrap = wrap;
/*we don't want to move next, that's why it's
* commented out.
* ch = evas_common_font_utf8_get_next((unsigned char *)str, &twrap);
str += twrap;
/* intersects a word */
/* walk back to start of word */
twrap = _layout_word_start(str, wrap);
if (twrap != 0)
wrap = twrap;
ch = GET_PREV(str, twrap);
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, twrap);
str += wrap;
empty_item = 1;
if (it->text) free(it->text);
_format_unref_free(c->obj, it->format);
if (c->ln->items)
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items))->last;
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, fmt, it);
twrap = _layout_word_end(str, wrap);
if (twrap >= 0)
ch = GET_NEXT(str, twrap);
str += twrap;
str = NULL;
/* wrap now is the index of the word START */
index = wrap;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, index);
if (!_is_white(ch) &&
_layout_walk_back_to_item_word_redo(c, it);
goto end;
if (c->ln->items != NULL)
white_stripped = _layout_item_abort(c, fmt, it);
empty_item = 1;
if (wrap <= 0)
wrap = 0;
twrap = _layout_word_end(it->text, wrap);
wrap = twrap;
if (twrap >= 0)
ch = GET_NEXT(str, wrap);
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, twrap);
if (wrap > 0)
str += wrap;
str = NULL;
str = NULL;
else if (fmt->wrap_char)
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, wrap);
str += wrap;
new_line = 1;
/* wrap now is the index of the word START */
if (wrap <= 0)
if (wrap < 0) wrap = 0;
index = wrap;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, index);
if (!_is_white(ch) &&
_layout_walk_back_to_item_word_redo(c, it);
goto end;
if (c->ln->items != NULL)
white_stripped = _layout_item_abort(c, fmt, it);
empty_item = 1;
new_line = 1;
if (wrap <= 0)
wrap = 0;
twrap = _layout_word_end(it->text, wrap);
wrap = _layout_word_next(it->text, wrap);
if (twrap >= 0)
_layout_item_text_cutoff(c, it, twrap);
if (wrap >= 0)
str += wrap;
str = NULL;
str = NULL;
new_line = 1;
if (!empty_item)
tw = th = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
c->ENFN->font_string_size_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props, &tw, &th);
str = NULL;
if (empty_item) empty_item = 0;
it->w = tw;
it->h = th;
inset = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
inset = c->ENFN->font_inset_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text);
it->inset = inset;
it->x = c->x;
adv = 0;
if (fmt->font.font)
adv = c->ENFN->font_h_advance_get(c->ENDT, fmt->font.font, it->text, &it->bidi_props);
c->x += adv;
c->ln->items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items), EINA_INLIST_GET(it));
if (new_line)
if (str)
if (!white_stripped)
index = 0;
ch = GET_NEXT(str, index);
if (_is_white(ch)) str += index;
new_line = 0;
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (alloc_str) free(alloc_str);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* @internal
* Add a format item from the format node n and the item item.
* @param c the current context- NOT NULL.
* @param n the source format node - not null.
* @param item the format text - not null.
* @return the new format item.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *
_layout_format_item_add(Ctxt *c, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n, const char *item)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item));
fi->item = eina_stringshare_add(item);
fi->source_node = n;
c->ln->format_items = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->format_items),
return fi;
* @internal
* Returns true if the item is a line spearator, false otherwise
* @def _IS_LINE_SEPARATOR(item)
#define _IS_LINE_SEPARATOR(item) \
(!strcmp(item, "\n") || !strcmp(item, "\\n"))
* @internal
* Returns true if the item is a paragraph separator, false otherwise
(!strcmp(item, "ps")) /* Paragraph separator */
* @internal
* Handles a format by proccessing a format node. It returns the relevant format
* through _fmt and updates the padding throught style_pad_*. If needed,
* it creates a format item.
* @param obj the evas object - NOT NULL.
* @param c the current context- NOT NULL.
* @param _fmt the format that holds the result.
* @param n the source format node - not null.
* @param style_pad_l the pad to update.
* @param style_pad_r the pad to update.
* @param style_pad_t the pad to update.
* @param style_pad_b the pad to update.
static void
_layout_do_format(const Evas_Object *obj, Ctxt *c,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format **_fmt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n,
int *style_pad_l, int *style_pad_r, int *style_pad_t, int *style_pad_b)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt = *_fmt;
/* FIXME: comment the algo */
const char *s;
const char *item;
int handled = 0;
s = eina_strbuf_string_get(n->format);
if (!strncmp(s, "+ item ", 7))
// one of:
// item size=20x10 href=name
// item relsize=20x10 href=name
// item abssize=20x10 href=name
// optional arguments:
// vsize=full
// vsize=ascent
// size == item size (modifies line size) - can be multiplied by
// scale factor
// relsize == relative size (height is current font height, width
// modified accordingly keeping aspect)
// abssize == absolute size (modifies line size) - never mulitplied by
// scale factor
// href == name of item - to be found and matched later and used for
// positioning
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
int x2, w = 1, h = 1;
int vsize = 0, size = 0;
char *p;
// don't care
//href = strstr(s, " href=");
p = strstr(s, " vsize=");
if (p)
p += 7;
if (!strncmp(p, "full", 4)) vsize = VSIZE_FULL;
else if (!strncmp(p, "ascent", 6)) vsize = VSIZE_ASCENT;
p = strstr(s, " size=");
if (p)
p += 6;
if (sscanf(p, "%ix%i", &w, &h) == 2)
w = w * obj->cur.scale;
h = h * obj->cur.scale;
size = SIZE;
p = strstr(s, " absize=");
if (p)
p += 8;
if (sscanf(p, "%ix%i", &w, &h) == 2)
size = SIZE_ABS;
p = strstr(s, " relsize=");
if (p)
p += 9;
if (sscanf(p, "%ix%i", &w, &h) == 2)
int sz = 1;
size = SIZE_REL;
if (vsize == VSIZE_FULL)
sz = c->maxdescent + c->maxascent;
else if (vsize == VSIZE_ASCENT)
sz = c->maxascent;
w = (w * sz) / h;
h = sz;
x2 = c->x + w;
if (x2 >
(c->w - c->o->style_pad.l -
c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr))
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
x2 = w;
fi = _layout_format_item_add(c, n, NULL);
fi->x = c->x;
fi->vsize = vsize;
fi->size = size;
fi->formatme = 1;
fi->w = w;
fi->h = h;
fi->ascent = c->maxascent;
fi->descent = c->maxdescent;
c->x = x2;
handled = 1;
if (!handled)
if (s[0] == '+')
fmt = _layout_format_push(c, fmt);
else if (s[0] == '-')
fmt = _layout_format_pop(c, fmt);
while ((item = _format_parse(&s)))
char *tmp = alloca(s - item + 1);
strncpy(tmp, item, s - item);
tmp[s - item] = '\0';
if (_format_is_param(item))
_layout_format_value_handle(c, fmt, item);
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = _layout_format_item_add(c, n, item);
fi->x = c->x;
fi->w = 0;
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
else if (_IS_LINE_SEPARATOR(item))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
fi = _layout_format_item_add(c, n, item);
fi->x = c->x;
fi->w = 0;
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
else if ((!strcmp(item, "\t")) || (!strcmp(item, "\\t")))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
int x2;
x2 = (fmt->tabstops * ((c->x + fmt->tabstops) / fmt->tabstops));
if (x2 >
(c->w - c->o->style_pad.l -
c->o->style_pad.r -
c->marginl - c->marginr))
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
x2 = (fmt->tabstops * ((c->x + fmt->tabstops) / fmt->tabstops));
if (c->ln->items)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->ln->items))->last;
_layout_strip_trailing_whitespace(c, fmt, it);
fi = _layout_format_item_add(c, n, item);
fi->x = c->x;
fi->w = x2 - c->x;
c->x = x2;
evas_text_style_pad_get(fmt->style, style_pad_l, style_pad_r, style_pad_t, style_pad_b);
if (fmt->underline2)
c->have_underline2 = 1;
else if (fmt->underline)
c->have_underline = 1;
*_fmt = fmt;
* @internal
* Create the layout from the nodes.
* @param obj the evas object - NOT NULL.
* @param calc_only true if should only calc sizes false if should also create the layout..
* @param w the object's w.
* @param h the object's h.
* @param w_ret the object's calculated w.
* @param h_ret the object's calculated h.
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
static void
_layout(const Evas_Object *obj, int calc_only, int w, int h, int *w_ret, int *h_ret)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Ctxt ctxt, *c;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n;
Eina_List *removes = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format *fmt = NULL;
int style_pad_l = 0, style_pad_r = 0, style_pad_t = 0, style_pad_b = 0;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* setup context */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
c = &ctxt;
c->obj = (Evas_Object *)obj;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->o = o;
c->paragraphs = c->par = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->format_stack = NULL;
c->x = c->y = 0;
c->w = w;
c->h = h;
c->wmax = c->hmax = 0;
c->maxascent = c->maxdescent = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
c->marginl = c->marginr = 0;
c->have_underline = 0;
c->have_underline2 = 0;
c->underline_extend = 0;
c->line_no = 0;
c->align = 0.0;
c->align_auto = EINA_TRUE;
c->ln = NULL;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* setup default base style */
if ((c->o->style) && (c->o->style->default_tag))
fmt = _layout_format_push(c, NULL);
_format_fill(c->obj, fmt, c->o->style->default_tag);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!fmt)
if (w_ret) *w_ret = 0;
if (h_ret) *h_ret = 0;
/* run through all text and format nodes generating lines */
if (!c->o->text_nodes && !c->o->format_nodes)
/* If there are no nodes and lines, do the inital creation. */
if (!c->par && !c->ln)
_layout_line_new(c, fmt);
_layout_text_append(c, fmt, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
/* Go through all the text nodes to create the layout from */
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(c->o->text_nodes, n)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode;
size_t start;
int off;
/*FIXME-tom: A hack, so we'll only have one paragraph
* until full support is implemented */
if (!c->par)
_layout_paragraph_new(c); /* Each node is a paragraph */
if (!c->ln) _layout_line_new(c, fmt);
/* For each text node to thorugh all of it's format nodes
* append text from the start to the offset of the next format
* using the last format got. if needed it also creates format items
* this is the core algorithm of the layout mechanism.
* Skip the unicode replacement chars when there are because
* we don't want to print them. */
fnode = n->format_node;
start = off = 0;
while (fnode && (fnode->text_node == n))
off += fnode->offset;
/* No need to skip on the first run, or a non-visible one */
_layout_text_append(c, fmt, n, start, off, o->repch);
_layout_do_format(obj, c, &fmt, fnode, &style_pad_l, &style_pad_r, &style_pad_t, &style_pad_b);
if ((c->have_underline2) || (c->have_underline))
if (style_pad_b < c->underline_extend)
style_pad_b = c->underline_extend;
c->have_underline = 0;
c->have_underline2 = 0;
c->underline_extend = 0;
start += off;
if (fnode->visible)
off = -1;
off = 0;
fnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->next);
_layout_text_append(c, fmt, n, start, -1, o->repch);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* Advance the line so it'll calculate the size */
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if ((c->ln) && (c->ln->items) && (fmt))
_layout_line_advance(c, fmt);
/* Clean the rest of the format stack */
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
while (c->format_stack)
fmt = c->format_stack->data;
c->format_stack = eina_list_remove_list(c->format_stack, c->format_stack);
_format_unref_free(c->obj, fmt);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(c->par->lines, ln)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (ln->line_no == -1)
removes = eina_list_append(removes, ln);
if ((ln->y + ln->h) > c->hmax) c->hmax = ln->y + ln->h;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
/* Remove the lines we marked for removal, mostly lines added after
* just to force calculation of line sizes */
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
while (removes)
ln = removes->data;
c->par->lines = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)eina_inlist_remove(EINA_INLIST_GET(c->par->lines), EINA_INLIST_GET(ln));
removes = eina_list_remove_list(removes, removes);
_line_free(obj, ln);
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (w_ret) *w_ret = c->wmax;
if (h_ret) *h_ret = c->hmax;
if ((o->style_pad.l != style_pad_l) || (o->style_pad.r != style_pad_r) ||
(o->style_pad.t != style_pad_t) || (o->style_pad.b != style_pad_b))
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lines;
lines = c->par->lines;
c->par->lines = NULL;
o->style_pad.l = style_pad_l;
o->style_pad.r = style_pad_r;
o->style_pad.t = style_pad_t;
o->style_pad.b = style_pad_b;
_layout(obj, calc_only, w, h, w_ret, h_ret);
_paragraphs_clear(obj, c->paragraphs);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!calc_only)
o->paragraphs = c->paragraphs;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (c->paragraphs) _paragraphs_clear(obj, c->paragraphs);
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* FIXME: doc
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
static void
_relayout(const Evas_Object *obj)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *paragraphs;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
paragraphs = o->paragraphs;
o->paragraphs = NULL;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
obj->cur.geometry.w, obj->cur.geometry.h,
&o->formatted.w, &o->formatted.h);
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->formatted.valid = 1;
if (paragraphs) _paragraphs_clear(obj, paragraphs);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
o->last_w = obj->cur.geometry.w;
o->changed = 0;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->redraw = 1;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* @internal
* Find the layout item and line that match the text node and position passed.
* @param obj the evas object - NOT NULL.
* @param n the text node - Not null.
* @param pos the position to look for - valid.
* @param[out] lnr the line found - not null.
* @param[out] itr the item found - not null.
* @see _find_layout_format_item_line_match()
static void
_find_layout_item_line_match(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, int pos, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line **lnr, Evas_Object_Textblock_Item **itr)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(obj);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *lnn;
lnn = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *)(((Eina_Inlist *)ln)->next);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ln->items, it)
if (it->source_node == n)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *itn;
int p;
itn = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)(((Eina_Inlist *)it)->next);
p = (int)(it->source_pos + eina_unicode_strlen(it->text));
if ((p > pos) ||
((p == pos) && (!lnn) &&
((!itn) ||
((itn) && (itn->source_node != n)))))
*lnr = ln;
*itr = it;
* @internal
* Find the layout format item and line that match the format node passed.
* @param obj the evas object - NOT NULL.
* @param n the text node - Not null.
* @param[out] lnr the line found - not null.
* @param[out] fir the item found - not null.
* @see _find_layout_item_line_match()
static void
_find_layout_format_item_line_match(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n, Evas_Object_Textblock_Line **lnr, Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item **fir)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(obj);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ln->format_items, fi)
if (fi->source_node == n)
*lnr = ln;
*fir = fi;
* @internal
* Return the line number 'line'.
* @param obj the evas object - NOT NULL.
* @param line the line to find
* @return the line of line number or NULL if no line found.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *
_find_layout_line_num(const Evas_Object *obj, int line)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln)
if (ln->line_no == line) return ln;
return NULL;
* Adds a textblock to the given evas.
* @param e The given evas.
* @return The new textblock object.
EAPI Evas_Object *
evas_object_textblock_add(Evas *e)
Evas_Object *obj;
return NULL;
obj = evas_object_new(e);
evas_object_inject(obj, e);
return obj;
* Creates a new textblock style.
* @return The new textblock style.
EAPI Evas_Textblock_Style *
Evas_Textblock_Style *ts;
ts = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Style));
return ts;
* Destroys a textblock style.
* @param ts The textblock style to free.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_style_free(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (!ts) return;
if (ts->objects)
ts->delete_me = 1;
* Sets the style ts to the style passed as text by text.
* Expected a string consisting of many (or none) tag='format' pairs.
* @param ts the style to set.
* @param text the text to parse - NOT NULL.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_style_set(Evas_Textblock_Style *ts, const char *text)
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Object *obj;
if (!ts) return;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ts->objects, l, obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (o->markup_text)
o->markup_text = NULL;
if (text) ts->style_text = strdup(text);
if (ts->style_text)
// format MUST be KEY='VALUE'[KEY='VALUE']...
char *p;
char *key_start, *key_stop, *val_start, *val_stop;
key_start = key_stop = val_start = val_stop = NULL;
p = ts->style_text;
while (*p)
if (!key_start)
if (!isspace(*p))
key_start = p;
else if (!key_stop)
if ((*p == '=') || (isspace(*p)))
key_stop = p;
else if (!val_start)
if (((*p) == '\'') && (*(p + 1)))
val_start = p + 1;
else if (!val_stop)
if (((*p) == '\'') && (p > ts->style_text) && (p[-1] != '\\'))
val_stop = p;
if ((key_start) && (key_stop) && (val_start) && (val_stop))
char *tags, *replaces;
Evas_Object_Style_Tag *tag;
size_t tag_len = key_stop - key_start;
size_t replace_len = val_stop - val_start;
tags = malloc(tag_len + 1);
if (tags)
memcpy(tags, key_start, tag_len);
tags[tag_len] = 0;
replaces = malloc(replace_len + 1);
if (replaces)
memcpy(replaces, val_start, replace_len);
replaces[replace_len] = 0;
if ((tags) && (replaces))
if (!strcmp(tags, "DEFAULT"))
ts->default_tag = replaces;
tag = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Style_Tag));
if (tag)
tag->tag = tags;
tag->replace = replaces;
tag->tag_len = tag_len;
tag->replace_len = replace_len;
ts->tags = (Evas_Object_Style_Tag *)eina_inlist_append(EINA_INLIST_GET(ts->tags), EINA_INLIST_GET(tag));
if (tags) free(tags);
if (replaces) free(replaces);
key_start = key_stop = val_start = val_stop = NULL;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(ts->objects, l, obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (o->markup_text)
char *m;
m = strdup(o->markup_text);
if (m)
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_set(obj, m);
* Return the text of the style ts.
* @param ts the style to get it's text.
* @return the text of the style or null on error.
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_style_get(const Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (!ts) return NULL;
return ts->style_text;
/* textblock styles */
* Set the objects style to ts.
* @param obj the evas object to set the style to.
* @param ts the style to set.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_style_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Textblock_Style *ts)
if (ts == o->style) return;
if ((ts) && (ts->delete_me)) return;
if (o->markup_text)
if (o->style)
o->markup_text = NULL;
if (o->style)
Evas_Textblock_Style *old_ts;
old_ts = o->style;
old_ts->objects = eina_list_remove(old_ts->objects, obj);
if ((old_ts->delete_me) && (!old_ts->objects))
if (ts)
ts->objects = eina_list_append(ts->objects, obj);
o->style = ts;
o->style = NULL;
_evas_textblock_changed(o, obj);
* Return the style of an object.
* @param obj the object to get the style from.
* @return the style of the object.
EAPI const Evas_Textblock_Style *
evas_object_textblock_style_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return o->style;
* @brief Set the "replacement character" to use for the given textblock object.
* @param obj The given textblock object.
* @param ch The charset name.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_replace_char_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *ch)
if (o->repch) eina_stringshare_del(o->repch);
if (ch) o->repch = eina_stringshare_add(ch);
else o->repch = NULL;
_evas_textblock_changed(o, obj);
* @brief Get the "replacement character" for given textblock object. Returns
* NULL if no replacement character is in use.
* @param obj The given textblock object
* @return replacement character or NULL
EAPI const char *
evas_object_textblock_replace_char_get(Evas_Object *obj)
return o->repch;
* @internal
* Advance p_buff to point after the end of the string. It's used with the
* @ref escaped_strings[] variable.
* @param p_buff the pointer to the current string.
static inline void
_escaped_advance_after_end_of_string(const char **p_buf)
while (**p_buf != 0) (*p_buf)++;
* @internal
* Advance p_buff to point after the end of the string. It's used with the
* @ref escaped_strings[] variable. Also chec if matches.
* FIXME: doc.
* @param p_buff the pointer to the current string.
static inline int
_escaped_is_eq_and_advance(const char *s, const char *s_end,
const char **p_m, const char *m_end)
for (;((s < s_end) && (*p_m < m_end)); s++, (*p_m)++)
if (*s != **p_m)
return 0;
if (*p_m < m_end)
return s == s_end;
* @internal
* @param s the string to match
static inline const char *
_escaped_char_match(const char *s, int *adv)
const char *map_itr, *map_end, *mc, *sc;
map_itr = escape_strings;
map_end = map_itr + sizeof(escape_strings);
while (map_itr < map_end)
const char *escape;
int match;
escape = map_itr;
if (map_itr >= map_end) break;
mc = map_itr;
sc = s;
match = 1;
while ((*mc) && (*sc))
if ((unsigned char)*sc < (unsigned char)*mc) return NULL;
if (*sc != *mc) match = 0;
if (match)
*adv = mc - map_itr;
return escape;
return NULL;
* @internal
* @param s the string to match
static inline const char *
_escaped_char_get(const char *s, const char *s_end)
const char *map_itr, *map_end;
map_itr = escape_strings;
map_end = map_itr + sizeof(escape_strings);
while (map_itr < map_end)
if (_escaped_is_eq_and_advance(s, s_end, &map_itr, map_end))
return map_itr;
if (map_itr < map_end)
return NULL;
* Returns the unescaped version of escape.
* @param escape the string to be escaped
* @return the unescaped version of escape
2008-10-21 21:44:22 -07:00
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_escape_string_get(const char *escape)
/* &amp; -> & */
return _escaped_char_get(escape, escape + strlen(escape));
* Return the unescaped version of the string between start and end.
* @param escape_start the start of the string.
* @param escape_end the end of the string.
* @return the unescaped version of the range
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_escape_string_range_get(const char *escape_start, const char *escape_end)
return _escaped_char_get(escape_start, escape_end);
* Returns the escaped version of the string.
* @param string to escape
* @param len_ret the len of the new escape
* @return the escaped string.
2008-10-21 21:44:22 -07:00
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_string_escape_get(const char *string, int *len_ret)
/* & -> &amp; */
return _escaped_char_match(string, len_ret);
* @internal
* Appends the escaped char beteewn s and s_end to the curosr
* @param s the start of the string
* @param s_end the end of the string.
2008-10-21 21:44:22 -07:00
static inline void
_append_escaped_char(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *s,
const char *s_end)
2008-10-21 21:44:22 -07:00
const char *escape;
2008-10-21 21:44:22 -07:00
escape = _escaped_char_get(s, s_end);
if (escape)
evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(cur, escape);
* @internal
* prepends the escaped char beteewn s and s_end to the curosr
* @param s the start of the string
* @param s_end the end of the string.
static inline void
_prepend_escaped_char(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *s,
const char *s_end)
2008-10-26 20:12:59 -07:00
const char *escape;
2008-10-26 20:12:59 -07:00
escape = _escaped_char_get(s, s_end);
if (escape)
evas_textblock_cursor_text_prepend(cur, escape);
* Sets the tetxblock's text to the markup text.
* @note assumes text does not include the unicode replacement char (0xFFFD)
* @param obj the textblock object.
* @param text the markup text to use.
* @return Return no value.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *text)
if ((text != o->markup_text) && (o->markup_text))
o->markup_text = NULL;
if (!o->style)
if (text != o->markup_text)
if (text) o->markup_text = strdup(text);
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_prepend(o->cursor, text);
/* Point all the cursors to the starrt */
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *data;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(o->cursors, l, data)
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* Prepends markup to the cursor cur.
* @note assumes text does not include the unicode replacement char (0xFFFD)
* @param cur the cursor to prepend to.
* @param text the markup text to prepend.
* @return Return no value.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_prepend(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *text)
Evas_Object *obj = cur->obj;
if (text)
char *s, *p;
char *tag_start, *tag_end, *esc_start, *esc_end;
tag_start = tag_end = esc_start = esc_end = NULL;
p = (char *)text;
s = p;
/* This loop goes through all of the mark up text until it finds format
* tags, escape sequences or the terminating NULL. When it finds either
* of those, it appends the text found up until that point to the textblock
* proccesses whatever found. It repeats itself until the termainating
* NULL is reached. */
for (;;)
/* If we got to the end of string or just finished/started tag
* or escape sequence handling. */
if ((*p == 0) ||
(tag_end) || (esc_end) ||
(tag_start) || (esc_start))
if (tag_end)
/* If we reached to a tag ending, analyze the tag */
char *ttag;
size_t ttag_len = tag_end - tag_start -1;
ttag = malloc(ttag_len + 1);
if (ttag)
const char *match;
size_t replace_len;
memcpy(ttag, tag_start + 1, ttag_len);
ttag[ttag_len] = 0;
match = _style_match_tag(o->style, ttag, ttag_len, &replace_len);
if (match)
evas_textblock_cursor_format_prepend(o->cursor, match);
char *ttag2;
ttag2 = malloc(ttag_len + 2 + 1);
if (ttag2)
if (ttag[0] == '/')
strcpy(ttag2, "- ");
strcat(ttag2, ttag + 1);
strcpy(ttag2, "+ ");
strcat(ttag2, ttag);
evas_textblock_cursor_format_prepend(o->cursor, ttag2);
tag_start = tag_end = NULL;
else if (esc_end)
_prepend_escaped_char(o->cursor, esc_start, esc_end);
esc_start = esc_end = NULL;
else if (*p == 0)
_prepend_text_run(o, s, p);
s = NULL;
if (*p == 0)
if (*p == '<')
if (!esc_start)
/* Append the text prior to this to the textblock and mark
* the start of the tag */
tag_start = p;
tag_end = NULL;
_prepend_text_run(o, s, p);
s = NULL;
else if (*p == '>')
if (tag_start)
tag_end = p;
s = p + 1;
else if (*p == '&')
if (!tag_start)
/* Append the text prior to this to the textblock and mark
* the start of the escape sequence */
esc_start = p;
esc_end = NULL;
_prepend_text_run(o, s, p);
s = NULL;
else if (*p == ';')
if (esc_start)
esc_end = p;
s = p + 1;
_evas_textblock_changed(o, obj);
* @internal
* An helper function to markup get. Appends the format from fnode to the strbugf txt.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param txt the strbuf to append to.
* @param fnode the format node to process.
static void
_markup_get_format_append(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Eina_Strbuf *txt, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode)
size_t replace_len;
size_t tag_len;
const char *tag;
const char *replace;
replace_len = eina_strbuf_length_get(fnode->format);
replace = eina_strbuf_string_get(fnode->format);
tag = _style_match_replace(o->style, replace, replace_len, &tag_len);
eina_strbuf_append_char(txt, '<');
if (tag)
eina_strbuf_append_length(txt, tag, tag_len);
const char *s;
int push = 0;
int pop = 0;
// FIXME: need to escape
s = eina_strbuf_string_get(fnode->format);
if (*s == '+') push = 1;
if (*s == '-') pop = 1;
while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '+') || (*s == '-')) s++;
if (pop) eina_strbuf_append_char(txt, '/');
eina_strbuf_append(txt, s);
eina_strbuf_append_char(txt, '>');
* @internal
* An helper function to markup get. Appends the text in text.
* @param txt the strbuf to append to.
* @param text the text to process.
static void
_markup_get_text_append(Eina_Strbuf *txt, const Eina_Unicode *text)
char *p = evas_common_encoding_unicode_to_utf8(text, NULL);
char *base = p;
while (*p)
const char *escape;
int adv;
escape = _escaped_char_match(p, &adv);
if (escape)
p += adv;
eina_strbuf_append(txt, escape);
eina_strbuf_append_char(txt, *p);
* Return the markup of the object.
* @param obj the evas object.
* @return the markup text of the object.
EAPI const char *
evas_object_textblock_text_markup_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n;
Eina_Strbuf *txt = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (o->markup_text) return(o->markup_text);
txt = eina_strbuf_new();
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->text_nodes, n)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode;
Eina_Unicode *text_base, *text;
int off;
/* For each text node to thorugh all of it's format nodes
* append text from the start to the offset of the next format
* using the last format got. if needed it also creates format items
* this is the core algorithm of the layout mechanism.
* Skip the unicode replacement chars when there are because
* we don't want to print them. */
text_base = text =
fnode = n->format_node;
off = 0;
while (fnode && (fnode->text_node == n))
Eina_Unicode tmp_ch;
off += fnode->offset;
/* No need to skip on the first run */
tmp_ch = text[off];
text[off] = 0; /* Null terminate the part of the string */
_markup_get_text_append(txt, text);
_markup_get_format_append(o, txt, fnode);
text[off] = tmp_ch; /* Restore the char */
text += off;
if (fnode->visible)
off = -1;
off = 0;
fnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->next);
/* Add the rest, skip replacement */
_markup_get_text_append(txt, text);
o->markup_text = eina_strbuf_string_steal(txt);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return o->markup_text;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* cursors */
* @internal
* Merge the current node with the next, no need to remove PS, already
* not there.
* @param o the text block object.
* @param to merge into to.
* @param from merge from from.
static void
_evas_textblock_nodes_merge(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *to,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *from)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *pnode;
const Eina_Unicode *text;
int to_len, len;
if (!to || !from) return;
to_len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(to->unicode);
text = eina_ustrbuf_string_get(from->unicode);
len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(from->unicode);
eina_ustrbuf_append_length(to->unicode, text, len);
itr = from->format_node;
if (itr && (itr->text_node == from))
pnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(itr)->prev);
if (pnode && (pnode->text_node == to))
itr->offset += to_len - _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(pnode);
itr->offset -= (pnode->visible) ? 1 : 0;
itr->offset += to_len;
while (itr && (itr->text_node == from))
itr->text_node = to;
itr = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(itr)->next);
if (!to->format_node || (to->format_node->text_node != to))
to->format_node = from->format_node;
_evas_textblock_cursors_set_node(o, from, to);
o->text_nodes = _NODE_TEXT(eina_inlist_remove(
EINA_INLIST_GET(o->text_nodes), EINA_INLIST_GET(from)));
* @internal
* Merge the current node with the next, no need to remove PS, already
* not there.
* @param cur the cursor that points to the current node
static void
_evas_textblock_cursor_nodes_merge(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *nnode;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
int len;
len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(cur->node->unicode);
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
nnode = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(cur->node)->next);
_evas_textblock_nodes_merge(o, cur->node, nnode);
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(o->cursor, nnode, 0, len);
if (nnode == o->cursor->node)
o->cursor->node = cur->node;
o->cursor->pos += len;
* @internal
* Return the format at a specific position.
* @param cur the cursor to the position.
* @return the format node at the specific postion or NULL if not found.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_at_pos_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *node;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
size_t position = 0;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
node = cur->node->format_node;
if (!node) return NULL;
/* If there is no exclusive format node to this paragraph return the
* previous's node */
/* Find the main format node */
if (itr->text_node != cur->node)
return NULL;
if ((position + itr->offset) == cur->pos)
return itr;
position += itr->offset;
return NULL;
* @internal
* Return the last format node at the position of the format node n.
* @param n a format node at the positon.
* @return the last format node at the position of n.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_node_format_last_at_off(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
if (!n) return NULL;
nnode = n;
n = nnode;
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(nnode)->next);
while (nnode && (nnode->offset == 0));
return (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *) n;
* @internal
* Returns the visible format at a specific location.
* @param n a format at the specific position.
* @return the format node at the specific postion or NULL if not found.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_node_visible_at_pos_get(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
if (!n) return NULL;
/* The visible format is the last one, because it inserts a replacement
* char that advances the next formats. */
nnode = n;
n = nnode;
if (n->visible) return (Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *) n;
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(nnode)->next);
while (nnode && (nnode->offset == 0));
return NULL;
* @internal
* Return the last format that applies to a specific cursor or at the specific
* position the cursor points to. This means either a cursor at or before the
* position of the cursor in the text node is returned or the previous's text
* node's format node.
* @param cur teh position to look at.
* @return the format node found.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *node, *pitr = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
size_t position = 0;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
node = cur->node->format_node;
if (!node) return NULL;
/* If there is no exclusive format node to this paragraph return the
* previous's node */
if (node->text_node != cur->node)
return node;
else if (node->offset > cur->pos)
return _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->prev);
/* Find the main format node */
pitr = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->prev);
if ((itr->text_node != cur->node) ||
((position + itr->offset) > cur->pos))
return pitr;
else if ((position + itr->offset) == cur->pos)
return itr;
pitr = itr;
position += itr->offset;
return pitr;
* @internal
* Return the last format that applies to a specific cursor or at the specific
* position the cursor points to. This means the format node before the
* position of the cursor in the text node is returned or the previous's text
* node's format node.
* @param cur teh position to look at.
* @return the format node found.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_pos_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *node, *pitr = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
size_t position = 0;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
node = cur->node->format_node;
if (!node) return NULL;
/* If there is no exclusive format node to this paragraph return the
* previous's node */
if (node->text_node != cur->node)
return node;
else if (node->offset > cur->pos)
return _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->prev);
/* Find the main format node */
pitr = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->prev);
position += itr->offset;
if ((itr->text_node != cur->node) ||
(position >= cur->pos))
return pitr;
pitr = itr;
return pitr;
* Return the object's main cursor.
* @param obj the object.
* @return the obj's main cursor.
EAPI const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *
evas_object_textblock_cursor_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return o->cursor;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* Create a new cursor, associate it to the obj and init it to point
* to the start of the textblock. Association to the object means the cursor
* will be updated when the object will change.
* @note if you need speed and you know what you are doing, it's slightly faster to just allocate the cursor yourself and not associate it.
* @param obj the object to associate to.
* @return the new cursor.
EAPI Evas_Textblock_Cursor *
evas_object_textblock_cursor_new(Evas_Object *obj)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
cur = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Cursor));
cur->obj = obj;
cur->node = o->text_nodes;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
cur->pos = 0;
o->cursors = eina_list_append(o->cursors, cur);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return cur;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* Free the cursor and unassociate it from the object.
* @note do not use it to free unassociated cursors.
* @param cur the cursor to free.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_free(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (cur == o->cursor) return;
o->cursors = eina_list_remove(o->cursors, cur);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* Returns true if the cursor points to a format.
* @param cur the cursor to check.
* @return Returns #EINA_TRUE if a cursor points to a format #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_is_format(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur || !cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur)) return EINA_TRUE;
return (_evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_at_pos_get(cur)) ?
* Returns the first format node.
* @param obj The evas, must not be NULL.
* @return Returns the first format node, may be null if there are none.
EAPI const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
evas_textblock_node_format_first_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
return o->format_nodes;
* Returns the last format node.
* @param obj The evas textblock, must not be NULL.
* @return Returns the first format node, may be null if there are none.
EAPI const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
evas_textblock_node_format_last_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
if (o->format_nodes)
return _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(o->format_nodes)->last);
return NULL;
* Returns the next format node (after n)
* @param n the current format node - not null.
* @return Returns the next format node, may be null.
EAPI const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
evas_textblock_node_format_next_get(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
return _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->next);
* Returns the prev format node (after n)
* @param n the current format node - not null.
* @return Returns the prev format node, may be null.
EAPI const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
evas_textblock_node_format_prev_get(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
return _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->prev);
* Sets the cursor to the start of the first text node.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_first(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
cur->node = o->text_nodes;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
cur->pos = 0;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* sets the cursor to the end of the last text node.
* @param cur the cursor to set.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_last(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *node;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
node = o->text_nodes;
if (node)
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
node = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->last);
cur->node = node;
cur->pos = 0;
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
cur->node = NULL;
cur->pos = 0;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* Advances to the the start of the next text node
* @param cur the cursor to update
* @return #EINA_TRUE if it managed to advance a paragraph, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_next(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
/* If there is a current text node, return the next text node (if exists)
* otherwise, just return False. */
if (cur->node)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *nnode;
nnode = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(cur->node)->next);
if (nnode)
cur->node = nnode;
cur->pos = 0;
return EINA_TRUE;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* Advances to the the end of the next text node
* @param cur the cursor to update
* @return #EINA_TRUE if it managed to advance a paragraph, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_prev(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *node;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
/* If the current node is a text node, just get the prev if any,
* if it's a format, get the current text node out of the format and return
* the prev text node if any. */
node = cur->node;
/* If there is a current text node, return the prev text node
* (if exists) otherwise, just return False. */
if (node)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *pnode;
pnode = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(cur->node)->prev);
if (pnode)
cur->node = pnode;
return EINA_TRUE;
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
* Sets the cursor to point to the place where format points to.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @param n the format node to update according.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_set_at_format(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
if (!cur || !n) return;
cur->node = n->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(n);
* Advances to the next format node
* @param cur the cursor to be updated.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_format_next(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *node;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
/* If the current node is a format node, just get the next if any,
* if it's a text, get the current format node out of the text and return
* the next format node if any. */
node = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(cur);
node = _evas_textblock_node_format_last_at_off(node);
if (!node)
if (cur->node->format_node)
cur->node = cur->node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(node);
return EINA_TRUE;
/* If there is a current text node, return the next format node (if exists)
* otherwise, just return False. */
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->next);
if (nnode)
cur->node = nnode->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(nnode);
return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
* Advances to the previous format node.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_format_prev(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *node;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
/* If the current node is a format node, just get the next if any,
* if it's a text, get the current format node out of the text and return
* the next format node if any. */
node = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(cur);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_is_format(cur))
if (node)
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(node);
return EINA_TRUE;
/* If there is a current text node, return the next text node (if exists)
* otherwise, just return False. */
if (node)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *pnode;
pnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(node)->prev);
if (pnode)
cur->node = pnode->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(node);
return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-08-13 06:43:20 -07:00
* Advances 1 char forward.
* @param cur the cursor to advance.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_char_next(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
int index;
const Eina_Unicode *text;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
index = cur->pos;
text = eina_ustrbuf_string_get(cur->node->unicode);
GET_NEXT(text, index);
/* Only allow pointing a null if it's the last paragraph.
* because we don't have a PS there. */
if (text[index])
cur->pos = index;
return EINA_TRUE;
if (!evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_next(cur))
cur->pos = index;
return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
* Advances 1 char backward.
* @param cur the cursor to advance.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_char_prev(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
if (cur->pos != 0)
return EINA_TRUE;
return evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_prev(cur);
* Go to the first char in the node the cursor is pointing on.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_char_first(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!cur) return;
cur->pos = 0;
* Go to the last char in a text node.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_char_last(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int index;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
index = eina_unicode_strlen(eina_ustrbuf_string_get(cur->node->unicode)) - 1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (index < 0) cur->pos = 0;
cur->pos = index;
* Go to the start of the current line
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_line_char_first(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
&ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln) return;
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ln->items;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ln->format_items;
if ((it) && (fi))
if (it->x < fi->x) fi = NULL;
else it = NULL;
if (it)
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
cur->node = it->source_node;
else if (fi)
cur->node = fi->source_node->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(fi->source_node);
* Go to the end of the current line.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_line_char_last(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
2010-03-25 20:57:22 -07:00
// kills "click below text" and up/downm arrow. disable
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
&ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln) return;
if (ln->items)
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)((EINA_INLIST_GET(ln->items))->last);
it = NULL;
if (ln->format_items)
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)((EINA_INLIST_GET(ln->format_items))->last);
fi = NULL;
if ((it) && (fi))
if ((it->x + it->w) > (fi->x + fi->w)) fi = NULL;
else it = NULL;
if (it)
int index;
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
index = eina_unicode_strlen(it->text) - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
if (index >= 0) GET_NEXT(it->text, index);
if (index >= 0) cur->pos += index;
else if (fi)
cur->node = fi->source_node->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(fi->source_node);
* @internal
* checks if a format (as a string) is visible.
* @param the string.
* @return #EINA_TRUE if it represents a visible format #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
static Eina_Bool
_evas_textblock_format_is_visible(const char *s)
if (!s) return EINA_FALSE;
const char *item;
Eina_Bool is_opener = EINA_TRUE;
if (s[0] == '+' || s[0] == '-')
is_opener = (s[0] == '+') ? EINA_TRUE : EINA_FALSE;
while ((item = _format_parse(&s)))
char *tmp;
tmp = alloca(s - item + 1);
strncpy(tmp, item, s - item);
tmp[s - item] = '\0';
/* We care about all of the formats even after a - except for
* item which we don't care after a - because it's just a standard
* closing */
if (((!strcmp(item, "\n")) || (!strcmp(item, "\\n"))) ||
((!strcmp(item, "\t")) || (!strcmp(item, "\\t"))) ||
(!strcmp(item, "ps")) ||
(!strncmp(item, "item", 4) && is_opener)) /*FIXME: formats like item2 will break it. */
return EINA_TRUE;
return EINA_FALSE;
* Sets the cursor to the position of where the fmt points to.
* @param cur the cursor to update.
* @param fmt the format to set according to.
* @return nothing.
static void __UNUSED__
_evas_textblock_cursor_node_text_at_format(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *text;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *base_format;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
size_t position = 0;
if (!cur || !fmt) return;
/* Find the main format node */
text = fmt->text_node;
cur->node = text;
base_format = text->format_node;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(base_format, itr)
if (itr == fmt)
position += itr->offset;
cur->pos = position;
* @internal
* Add the offset (may be negative) to the first node after fmt which is
* pointing to the text node tnode or to o->format_nodes if fmt is null
* and it points to tnode.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param tnode the text node the format should point to.
* @param fmt the current format.
* @param offset the offest to add (may be negative).
static void
_evas_textblock_node_format_adjust_offset(Evas_Object_Textblock *o,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *tnode,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt, int offset)
if (fmt)
fmt = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fmt)->next);
fmt = o->format_nodes;
if (fmt && (tnode == fmt->text_node))
fmt->offset += offset;
* @internal
* Removes a format node updating the offset of the next format node and the
* text nodes pointing to this node.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param n the fromat node to remove
static void
_evas_textblock_node_format_remove(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
int visible_adjustment;
/* Update the text nodes about the change */
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->next);
/* If there's a next node that belongs to the same text node
* and the curret node was the main one, advance the format node */
if (nnode && (nnode->text_node == n->text_node))
if (nnode->text_node->format_node == n)
nnode->text_node->format_node = nnode;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *tnode;
/* If there's no next one update the text nodes */
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->prev);
tnode = n->text_node;
while (tnode && (tnode->format_node == n))
tnode->format_node = nnode;
tnode = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(tnode)->next);
/* If it's a visible format, reduce one */
visible_adjustment = (n->visible) ? 1 : 0;
_evas_textblock_node_format_adjust_offset(o, n->text_node, n,
n->offset - visible_adjustment);
o->format_nodes = _NODE_FORMAT(eina_inlist_remove(
EINA_INLIST_GET(o->format_nodes), EINA_INLIST_GET(n)));
* @internal
* Removes all the format nodes at a location strating from n.
* This function updates the offset of the next format node and the
* text nodes pointing to it.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param n the fromat node to remove from.
static void
_evas_textblock_node_format_remove_all_at_pos(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *tnode;
nnode = n;
tnode = n->text_node;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *curnode;
curnode = nnode;
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(nnode)->next);
_evas_textblock_node_format_remove(o, curnode);
while (nnode && (nnode->text_node == tnode) && (nnode->offset == 0));
* @internal
* Removes all the format nodes between start and end in the text node n.
* This function updates the offset of the next format node and the
* text nodes pointing to it. if end == -1 end means the end of the string.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param n the text node the positinos refer to.
* @param start the start of where to delete from.
* @param end the end of the section to delete, if end == -1 it means the end of the string.
static void
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove_formats_between(Evas_Object_Textblock *o,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, int start, int end)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
int use_end = 1;
int offset = 0;
itr = n->format_node;
if (end < 0) end = 0;
while (itr && (itr->text_node == n))
if ((end <= 0) && use_end)
itr->offset += offset;
if (start <= 0)
offset += itr->offset;
_evas_textblock_node_format_remove(o, itr);
start -= itr->offset;
end -= itr->offset;
itr = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(itr)->next);
* @internal
* Returns the first format in the range between start and end in the textblock
* n.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param n the text node the positinos refer to.
* @param start the start of where to delete from.
* @param end the end of the section to delete, if end == -1 it means the end of the string.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_node_text_get_first_format_between(Evas_Object_Textblock *o,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, int start, int end)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
int use_end = 1;
itr = n->format_node;
if (end < 0) end = 0;
while (itr && (itr->text_node == n))
start -= itr->offset;
end -= itr->offset;
if ((end <= 0) && use_end)
if (start <= 0)
return itr;
itr = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(itr)->next);
return NULL;
* Removes a text node and the corresponding format nodes.
* @param o the textblock objec.t
* @param n the node to remove.
static void
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n)
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove_formats_between(o, n, 0, -1);
o->text_nodes = _NODE_TEXT(eina_inlist_remove(
EINA_INLIST_GET(o->text_nodes), EINA_INLIST_GET(n)));
* @internal
* Return the position where the formats starts at.
* @param fmt the format to return the position of.
* @return the position of the format in the text node it points to.
static size_t
_evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *text;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *base_format;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
size_t position = 0;
if (!fmt) return 0;
/* Find the main format node */
text = fmt->text_node;
base_format = text->format_node;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(base_format, itr)
if (itr == fmt)
position += itr->offset;
return position + fmt->offset;
* Return the current cursor pos.
* @param cur the cursor to take the position from.
* @return the position or -1 on error
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_pos_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
if (!cur) return -1;
return cur->pos;
* Set the cursor pos.
* @param cur the cursor to be set.
* @param pos the pos to set.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_pos_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, int pos)
unsigned int len;
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur->node) return;
len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(cur->node->unicode);
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
else if (pos > len) pos = len;
cur->pos = pos;
* Go to the start of the line passed
* @param cur cursor to update.
* @param line numer to set.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success, #EINA_FALSE on error.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_line_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, int line)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
ln = _find_layout_line_num(cur->obj, line);
if (!ln) return EINA_FALSE;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
it = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *)ln->items;
fi = (Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *)ln->format_items;
if ((it) && (fi))
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
if (it->x < fi->x) fi = NULL;
else it = NULL;
if (it)
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
cur->node = it->source_node;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
else if (fi)
cur->node = fi->source_node->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(fi->source_node);
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
cur->pos = 0;
cur->node = o->text_nodes;
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
return EINA_TRUE;
* Compare two cursors.
* @param cur1 the first cursor.
* @param cur2 the second cursor.
* @return -1 if cur1 < cur2, 0 if cur1 == cur2 and 1 otherwise.
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_compare(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2)
Eina_Inlist *l1, *l2;
if (!cur1) return 0;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (!cur2) return 0;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return 0;
if ((!cur1->node) || (!cur2->node)) return 0;
if (cur1->node == cur2->node)
if (cur1->pos < cur2->pos) return -1; /* cur1 < cur2 */
else if (cur1->pos > cur2->pos) return 1; /* cur2 < cur1 */
return 0;
for (l1 = EINA_INLIST_GET(cur1->node),
l2 = EINA_INLIST_GET(cur1->node); (l1) || (l2);)
if (l1 == EINA_INLIST_GET(cur2->node)) return 1; /* cur2 < cur 1 */
else if (l2 == EINA_INLIST_GET(cur2->node)) return -1; /* cur1 < cur 2 */
else if (!l1) return -1; /* cur1 < cur 2 */
else if (!l2) return 1; /* cur2 < cur 1 */
l1 = l1->prev;
l2 = l2->next;
return 0;
* Make cur_dest point to the same place as cur. Does not work if they don't
* point to the same object.
* @param cur the source cursor.
* @param cur_dest destination cursor.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur_dest)
if (!cur) return;
if (!cur_dest) return;
if (cur->obj != cur_dest->obj) return;
cur_dest->pos = cur->pos;
cur_dest->node = cur->node;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* text controls */
* @internal
* Free a text node.
* @param n the text node to free
static void
_evas_textblock_node_text_free(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n)
if (!n) return;
if (n->utf8)
* @internal
* Create a new text node
* @return the new text node.
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n;
n = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text));
n->unicode = eina_ustrbuf_new();
n->bidi_props.direction = EVAS_BIDI_PARAGRAPH_NATURAL;
return n;
* @internal
* Break a paragraph. This does not add a PS but only splits the paragraph
* where a ps was just added!
* @param cur the cursor to break at.
* @param fnode the format node of the PS just added.
* @return Returns no value.
static void
_evas_textblock_cursor_break_paragraph(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
n = _evas_textblock_node_text_new();
o->text_nodes = _NODE_TEXT(eina_inlist_append_relative(
/* Handle text and format changes. */
if (cur->node)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
size_t len, start;
const Eina_Unicode *text;
/* If there was a format node in the delete range,
* make it our format and update the text_node fields,
* otherwise, use the paragraph separator
* of the previous paragraph. */
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->next);
if (nnode && (nnode->text_node == cur->node))
n->format_node = nnode;
nnode->offset--; /* We don't have to take the replacement char
into account anymore */
while (nnode && (nnode->text_node == cur->node))
nnode->text_node = n;
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(nnode)->next);
n->format_node = fnode;
/* cur->pos now points to the PS, move after. */
start = cur->pos + 1;
text = eina_ustrbuf_string_get(cur->node->unicode);
len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(cur->node->unicode) - start;
eina_ustrbuf_append_length(n->unicode, text + start, len);
eina_ustrbuf_remove(cur->node->unicode, start, start + len);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode;
fnode = o->format_nodes;
if (fnode)
fnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->last);
n->format_node = fnode;
* @internal
* Set the node and offset of all the curs after cur.
* @param cur the cursor.
* @param n the current textblock node.
* @param new_node the new node to set.
static void
_evas_textblock_cursors_set_node(Evas_Object_Textblock *o,
const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n,
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *new_node)
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *data;
if (n == o->cursor->node)
o->cursor->pos = 0;
o->cursor->node = new_node;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(o->cursors, l, data)
if (n == data->node)
data->pos = 0;
data->node = new_node;
* @internal
* Update the offset of all the cursors after cur.
* @param cur the cursor.
* @param n the current textblock node.
* @param start the starting pos.
* @param offset how much to adjust (can be negative).
static void
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur,
const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n,
int start, int offset)
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *data;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (cur != o->cursor)
if ((n == o->cursor->node) &&
(o->cursor->pos > start))
o->cursor->pos += offset;
if (o->cursor->pos < 0) o->cursor->pos = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(o->cursors, l, data)
if (data != cur)
if ((n == data->node) &&
(data->pos > start))
data->pos += offset;
if (data->pos < 0) data->pos = 0;
* @internal
* Mark and notifiy that the textblock has changed.
* @param o the textblock object.
* @param obj the evas object.
static void
_evas_textblock_changed(Evas_Object_Textblock *o, Evas_Object *obj)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
o->changed = 1;
if (o->markup_text)
o->markup_text = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* Adds text to the current cursor position and set the cursor to *before*
* the start of the text just added.
* @param cur the cursor to where to add text at.
* @param _text the text to add.
* @return Returns the len of the text added.
* @see evas_textblock_cursor_text_prepend()
EAPI size_t
evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *_text)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode = NULL;
Eina_Unicode *text;
int len = 0;
if (!cur) return 0;
text = evas_common_encoding_utf8_to_unicode((const unsigned char *) _text, &len);
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
/* Update all the cursors after our position. */
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(cur, cur->node, cur->pos, eina_unicode_strlen(text));
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
n = cur->node;
if (n)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *nnode;
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
fnode = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_pos_get(cur);
fnode = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(cur);
fnode = _evas_textblock_node_format_last_at_off(fnode);
/* find the node after the current in the same paragraph
* either we find one and then take the next, or we try to get
* the first for the paragraph which must be after our position */
if (fnode)
nnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->next);
if (nnode && (nnode->text_node == n))
fnode = nnode;
fnode = NULL;
fnode = n->format_node;
n = _evas_textblock_node_text_new();
o->text_nodes = _NODE_TEXT(eina_inlist_append(
cur->node = n;
eina_ustrbuf_insert_length(n->unicode, text, len, cur->pos);
/* Advance the formats */
if (fnode && (fnode->text_node == cur->node))
fnode->offset += len;
/* Reset paragraph direction */
n->bidi_props.direction = EVAS_BIDI_PARAGRAPH_NATURAL;
evas_bidi_update_props(eina_ustrbuf_string_get(n->unicode), &n->bidi_props);
_evas_textblock_changed(o, cur->obj);
return len;
* Adds text to the current cursor position and set the cursor to *after*
* the start of the text just added.
* @param cur the cursor to where to add text at.
* @param _text the text to add.
* @return Returns the len of the text added.
* @see evas_textblock_cursor_text_append()
EAPI size_t
evas_textblock_cursor_text_prepend(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *_text)
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
size_t len;
/*append is essentially prepend without advancing */
len = evas_textblock_cursor_text_append(cur, _text);
cur->pos += len; /*Advance */
return len;
* @internal
* Free a format node
* @prama n the format node to free
static void
_evas_textblock_node_format_free(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n)
if (!n) return;
* @internal
* Create a new format node.
* @param format the text to create the format node from.
* @return Returns the new format node
static Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
_evas_textblock_node_format_new(const char *format)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n;
n = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format));
n->format = eina_strbuf_new();
eina_strbuf_append(n->format, format);
n->visible = _evas_textblock_format_is_visible(format);
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
return n;
* Adds format to the current cursor position. If the format being added is a
* visible format, add it *before* the cursor position, otherwise, add it after.
* This behavior is because visible formats are like characters and invisible
* should be stacked in a way that the last one is added last.
* @param cur the cursor to where to add format at.
* @param format the format to add.
* @return Returns true if a visible format was added, false otherwise.
* @see evas_textblock_cursor_format_prepend()
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_format_append(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *format)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *n;
Eina_Bool is_visible;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if ((!format) || (format[0] == 0)) return EINA_FALSE;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
/* We should always have at least one text node */
if (!o->text_nodes)
evas_textblock_cursor_text_prepend(cur, "");
2010-03-15 17:56:11 -07:00
n = _evas_textblock_node_format_new(format);
is_visible = n->visible;
if (!cur->node)
o->format_nodes = _NODE_FORMAT(eina_inlist_append(
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
cur->pos = 0;
n->text_node = (EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->prev) ?
_NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->prev)->text_node :
cur->node = n->text_node;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt;
fmt = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(cur);
n->text_node = cur->node;
if (!fmt)
o->format_nodes = _NODE_FORMAT(eina_inlist_prepend(
n->offset = cur->pos;
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
o->format_nodes = _NODE_FORMAT(eina_inlist_prepend_relative(
n->offset = fmt->offset;
if (fmt->text_node->format_node == fmt)
fmt->text_node->format_node = n;
fmt = _evas_textblock_node_format_last_at_off(fmt);
o->format_nodes = _NODE_FORMAT(eina_inlist_append_relative(
if (fmt->text_node != cur->node)
n->offset = cur->pos;
n->offset = cur->pos -
/* Adjust differently if we insert a format char */
if (is_visible)
_evas_textblock_node_format_adjust_offset(o, cur->node, n, -(n->offset - 1));
_evas_textblock_node_format_adjust_offset(o, cur->node, n, -n->offset);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (!fmt || (fmt->text_node != cur->node))
cur->node->format_node = n;
if (is_visible)
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
/* Advance all the cursors after our cursor */
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(cur, cur->node, cur->pos, 1);
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
_evas_textblock_cursor_break_paragraph(cur, n);
_evas_textblock_changed(o, cur->obj);
return is_visible;
* Adds format to the current cursor position. If the format being added is a
* visible format, add it *before* the cursor position, otherwise, add it after.
* This behavior is because visible formats are like characters and invisible
* should be stacked in a way that the last one is added last.
* If the format is visible the cursor is advanced after it.
* @param cur the cursor to where to add format at.
* @param format the format to add.
* @return Returns true if a visible format was added, false otherwise.
* @see evas_textblock_cursor_format_prepend()
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_format_prepend(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const char *format)
Eina_Bool is_visible;
/* append is essentially prepend without advancing */
is_visible = evas_textblock_cursor_format_append(cur, format);
if (is_visible)
/* Advance after the replacement char */
return is_visible;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
* Delete the character at the location of the cursor. If there's a format
* pointing to this position, delete it as well.
* @param cur the cursor pointing to the current location.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_char_delete(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n, *n2;
int merge_nodes = 0;
const Eina_Unicode *text;
int chr, index, ppos;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (!cur) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
n = cur->node;
text = eina_ustrbuf_string_get(n->unicode);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
index = cur->pos;
chr = GET_NEXT(text, index);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (chr == 0) return;
ppos = cur->pos;
/* Remove a format node if needed, and remove the char only if the
* fmt node is not visible */
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt;
fmt = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_at_pos_get(cur);
if (fmt)
const char *format = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *itr;
itr = fmt;
format = eina_strbuf_string_get(fmt->format);
if (format && _IS_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR(format))
merge_nodes = 1;
itr = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(itr)->next);
while (itr && (itr->text_node == fmt->text_node) &&
(itr->offset == 0));
_evas_textblock_node_format_remove_all_at_pos(o, fmt);
/* If the format node is not visible (because visible nodes adjust
* automatically when removing them) adjust */
if (!evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
fmt = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_or_at_pos_get(cur);
fmt = _evas_textblock_node_format_last_at_off(fmt);
_evas_textblock_node_format_adjust_offset(o, cur->node, fmt,
-(index - cur->pos));
eina_ustrbuf_remove(n->unicode, cur->pos, index);
/* If it was a paragraph separator, we should merge the current with the
* next, there must be a next. */
if (merge_nodes)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (cur->pos == eina_ustrbuf_length_get(n->unicode))
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
n2 = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n)->next);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (n2)
cur->node = n2;
cur->pos = 0;
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(cur, n, ppos, -(index - ppos));
_evas_textblock_changed(o, cur->obj);
* Delete the range between cur1 and cur2.
* @param cur1 one side of the range.
* @param cur2 the second side of the range
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_range_delete(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n1, *n2, *n;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode = NULL;
if (!cur1 || !cur1->node) return;
if (!cur2 || !cur2->node) return;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur1->obj->object_data);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_compare(cur1, cur2) > 0)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *tc;
tc = cur1;
cur1 = cur2;
cur2 = tc;
n1 = cur1->node;
n2 = cur2->node;
cur2->pos++; /* Also remove the marked char */
/* Find the first format node after cur2 */
fnode = _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_before_pos_get(cur2);
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *tnode;
if (fnode)
tnode = fnode->text_node;
fnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->next);
if (fnode && (tnode != fnode->text_node))
fnode = NULL;
fnode = o->format_nodes;
if (n1 == n2)
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove_formats_between(o, n1, cur1->pos,
eina_ustrbuf_remove(n1->unicode, cur1->pos, cur2->pos);
if (fnode && (fnode->text_node == n1))
fnode->offset -= cur2->pos - cur1->pos;
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(cur1, cur1->node, cur1->pos, - (cur2->pos - cur1->pos));
int len;
n = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(n1)->next);
/* Remove all the text nodes between */
while (n && (n != n2))
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove(o, n);
/* Remove the formats and the strings in the first and last nodes */
len = eina_ustrbuf_length_get(n1->unicode);
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove_formats_between(o, n1, cur1->pos,
_evas_textblock_node_text_remove_formats_between(o, n2, 0, cur2->pos);
eina_ustrbuf_remove(n1->unicode, cur1->pos, len);
eina_ustrbuf_remove(n2->unicode, 0, cur2->pos);
if (fnode && (fnode->text_node == n2))
fnode->offset -= cur2->pos;
/* Merge the nodes because we removed the PS */
_evas_textblock_nodes_merge(o, n1, n2);
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(cur1, cur1->node, cur1->pos, - cur1->pos);
_evas_textblock_cursors_update_offset(cur2, cur2->node, 0, - cur2->pos);
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur1, cur2);
_evas_textblock_changed(o, cur1->obj);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
* Return the text in the range between cur1 and cur2
* FIXME: format is currently unused, you always get markup back.
* @param cur1 one side of the range.
* @param cur2 the other side of the range
* @param format to be documented
* @return the text in the range
* @see elm_entry_markup_to_utf8()
EAPI char *
evas_textblock_cursor_range_text_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *_cur2, Evas_Textblock_Text_Type format __UNUSED__)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Text *n1, *n2, *tnode;
Eina_Strbuf *buf;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2;
buf = eina_strbuf_new();
if (!cur1 || !cur1->node) return NULL;
if (!_cur2 || !_cur2->node) return NULL;
if (cur1->obj != _cur2->obj) return NULL;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur1->obj->object_data);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_compare(cur1, _cur2) > 0)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *tc;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tc = cur1;
cur1 = _cur2;
_cur2 = tc;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
n1 = cur1->node;
n2 = _cur2->node;
/* Work on a local copy of the cur */
cur2 = alloca(sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Cursor));
cur2->obj = _cur2->obj;
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(_cur2, cur2);
if (cur2->pos < eina_ustrbuf_length_get(cur2->node->unicode))
/* We want to also copy the pointed to char, only if it's not
* the terminating null. */
/* Parse the text between the cursors. */
for (tnode = cur1->node ; tnode ;
tnode = _NODE_TEXT(EINA_INLIST_GET(tnode)->next))
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fnode;
Eina_Unicode *text_base, *text;
int off;
text_base = text =
fnode = _evas_textblock_node_text_get_first_format_between(o, n1, cur1->pos, cur2->pos);
/* Init the offset so the first one will count starting from cur1->pos
* and not the previous format node */
if ((tnode == cur1->node) && fnode)
off = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(fnode) - cur1->pos - fnode->offset;
off = 0;
text += cur1->pos;
while (fnode && (fnode->text_node == tnode))
Eina_Unicode tmp_ch;
off += fnode->offset;
if ((tnode == cur2->node) && (text - text_base + off >= cur2->pos))
/* No need to skip on the first run */
tmp_ch = text[off];
text[off] = 0; /* Null terminate the part of the string */
_markup_get_text_append(buf, text);
_markup_get_format_append(o, buf, fnode);
text[off] = tmp_ch; /* Restore the char */
text += off;
if (fnode->visible)
off = -1;
off = 0;
fnode = _NODE_FORMAT(EINA_INLIST_GET(fnode)->next);
/* If we got to the last node, stop and add the rest outside */
if (cur2->node == tnode)
/* Add the rest, skip replacement */
/* Don't go past the second cursor pos */
text_base[cur2->pos] = '\0';
_markup_get_text_append(buf, text);
/* Add the rest, skip replacement */
_markup_get_text_append(buf, text);
/* return the string */
char *ret;
ret = eina_strbuf_string_steal(buf);
return ret;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
* Return the text of the paragraph cur points to.
* @param cur the cursor pointing to the paragraph.
* @return the text on success, NULL otherwise.
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_text_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (!cur) return NULL;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
/*FIXME-tom: strip replace chars */
if (cur->node->utf8)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
cur->node->utf8 = evas_common_encoding_unicode_to_utf8(
eina_ustrbuf_string_get(cur->node->unicode), NULL);
return cur->node->utf8;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
* Return the length of the paragraph, cheaper the eina_unicode_strlen()
* @param cur the position of the paragraph.
* @return the length of the paragraph on success, -1 otehrwise.
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_paragraph_text_length_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
if (!cur) return -1;
if (!cur->node) return -1;
return eina_ustrbuf_length_get(cur->node->unicode);
2005-09-10 04:51:52 -07:00
* Return the format node at the position pointed by cur.
* @param cur the position to look at.
* @return the format node if found, NULL otherwise.
* @see evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get()
EAPI const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *
evas_textblock_cursor_format_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!cur) return NULL;
if (!cur->node) return NULL;
return _evas_textblock_cursor_node_format_at_pos_get(cur);
2005-08-11 06:50:37 -07:00
* Get the text format representation of the format node.
* @param fmt the format node.
* @return the textual format of the format node.
EAPI const char *
evas_textblock_node_format_text_get(const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt)
if (!fmt) return NULL;
return eina_strbuf_string_get(fmt->format);
* Set the cursor to point to the position of fmt.
* @param cur the cursor to update
* @param fmt the format to update according to.
EAPI void
evas_textblock_cursor_at_format_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, const Evas_Object_Textblock_Node_Format *fmt)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (!fmt || !cur) return;
cur->node = fmt->text_node;
cur->pos = _evas_textblock_node_format_pos_get(fmt);
* Check if the current cursor position is a visible format. This way is more
* efficient than evas_textblock_cursor_format_get() to check for the existence
* of a visible format.
* @param cur the cursor to look at.
* @return #EINA_TRUE if the cursor points to a visible format, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
* @see evas_textblock_cursor_format_get()
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
const Eina_Unicode *text;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
if (!cur->node) return EINA_FALSE;
text = eina_ustrbuf_string_get(cur->node->unicode);
return (text[cur->pos] == EVAS_TEXTBLOCK_REPLACEMENT_CHAR) ?
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
* Returns the geometry of the char at cur.
* @param cur the position of the char.
* @param cx the x of the char.
* @param cy the y of the char.
* @param cw the w of the char.
* @param ch the h of the char.
* @return line number of the char on success, -1 on error.
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int pos, ret;
if (!cur) return -1;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!cur->node)
if (!o->text_nodes)
if (!o->paragraphs) return -1;
ln = o->paragraphs->lines;
if (!ln) return -1;
if (cx) *cx = ln->x;
if (cy) *cy = ln->y;
if (cw) *cw = ln->w;
if (ch) *ch = ln->h;
return ln->line_no;
return -1;
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
&ln, &fi);
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
if (!ln)
return -1;
if (it)
pos = cur->pos - it->source_pos;
ret = -1;
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
if (it->format->font.font)
ret = cur->ENFN->font_char_coords_get(cur->ENDT, it->format->font.font,
it->text, &it->bidi_props,
&x, &y, &w, &h);
if (ret <= 0)
if (it->format->font.font)
cur->ENFN->font_string_size_get(cur->ENDT, it->format->font.font,
it->text, &it->bidi_props, &w, &h);
x = w;
y = 0;
w = 0;
x = ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (x < ln->x)
x = ln->x;
w -= (ln->x - x);
y = ln->y;
h = ln->h;
else if (fi)
x = ln->x + fi->x;
y = ln->y;
w = fi->w;
h = ln->h;
return -1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (cx) *cx = x;
if (cy) *cy = y;
if (cw) *cw = w;
if (ch) *ch = h;
return ln->line_no;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* Returns the geometry of the line at cur.
* @param cur the position of the line.
* @param cx the x of the line.
* @param cy the y of the line.
* @param cw the w of the line.
* @param ch the h of the line.
* @return line number of the line on success, -1 on error.
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
int x, y, w, h;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (!cur) return -1;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
if (!cur->node)
ln = o->paragraphs->lines;
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
if (evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur))
&ln, &fi);
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
_find_layout_item_line_match(cur->obj, cur->node, cur->pos, &ln, &it);
2010-03-14 05:24:42 -07:00
if (!ln) return -1;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
x = ln->x;
y = ln->y;
w = ln->w;
h = ln->h;
if (cx) *cx = x;
if (cy) *cy = y;
if (cw) *cw = w;
if (ch) *ch = h;
return ln->line_no;
* Set the position of the cursor according to the X and Y coordinates.
* @param cur the cursor to set.
* @param x coord to set by.
* @param y coord to set by.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_char_coord_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord x, Evas_Coord y)
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
2005-09-04 04:34:03 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it = NULL, *it_break = NULL;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
x += o->style_pad.l;
y += o->style_pad.t;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln)
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
if (ln->y > y) break;
if ((ln->y <= y) && ((ln->y + ln->h) > y))
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ln->items, it)
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
if ((it->x + ln->x) > x)
2005-09-04 04:34:03 -07:00
it_break = it;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
if (((it->x + ln->x) <= x) && (((it->x + ln->x) + it->w) > x))
int pos;
int cx, cy, cw, ch;
pos = -1;
if (it->format->font.font)
pos = cur->ENFN->font_char_at_coords_get(cur->ENDT,
it->text, &it->bidi_props,
x - it->x - ln->x, 0,
&cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
if (pos < 0)
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
cur->pos = pos + it->source_pos;
cur->node = it->source_node;
return 1;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ln->format_items, fi)
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
if ((fi->x + ln->x) > x) break;
if (((fi->x + ln->x) <= x) && (((fi->x + ln->x) + fi->w) > x))
cur->pos =
cur->node = fi->source_node->text_node;
return EINA_TRUE;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
2005-09-04 04:34:03 -07:00
if (it_break)
it = it_break;
cur->pos = it->source_pos;
2005-09-04 04:34:03 -07:00
cur->node = it->source_node;
return EINA_TRUE;
2005-09-04 04:34:03 -07:00
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
return EINA_FALSE;
2005-09-02 08:27:09 -07:00
* Set the cursor position according to the y coord.
* @param cur the cur to be set.
* @param y the coord to set by.
* @return the line number found, -1 on error.
EAPI int
evas_textblock_cursor_line_coord_set(Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord y)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (!cur) return -1;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
y += o->style_pad.t;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (ln->y > y) break;
if ((ln->y <= y) && ((ln->y + ln->h) > y))
evas_textblock_cursor_line_set(cur, ln->line_no);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
return ln->line_no;
return -1;
* Get the geometry of a range.
* @param cur1 one side of the range.
* @param cur2 other side of the range.
* @return a list of Rectangles representing the geometry of the range.
EAPI Eina_List *
evas_textblock_cursor_range_geometry_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur1, const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur2)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Eina_List *rects = NULL;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
Evas_Coord cx, cy, cw, ch, lx, ly, lw, lh;
Evas_Textblock_Rectangle *tr;
int i, line, line2;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (!cur1) return NULL;
if (!cur2) return NULL;
if (cur1->obj != cur2->obj) return NULL;
if (evas_textblock_cursor_compare(cur1, cur2) > 0)
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *tc;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tc = cur1;
cur1 = cur2;
cur2 = tc;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(cur1, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (line < 0) return NULL;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(cur1, &lx, &ly, &lw, &lh);
if (line < 0) return NULL;
line2 = evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(cur2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (line2 < 0) return NULL;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
if (line == line2)
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = eina_list_append(rects, tr);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr->x = cx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(cur2, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (line < 0)
while (rects)
rects = eina_list_remove_list(rects, rects);
return NULL;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr->w = cx + cw - tr->x;
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = eina_list_append(rects, tr);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr->x = cx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
tr->w = lx + lw - cx;
for (i = line +1; i < line2; i++)
evas_object_textblock_line_number_geometry_get(cur1->obj, i, &lx, &ly, &lw, &lh);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = eina_list_append(rects, tr);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr->x = lx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
tr->w = lw;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_char_geometry_get(cur2, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
if (line < 0)
while (rects)
rects = eina_list_remove_list(rects, rects);
return NULL;
line = evas_textblock_cursor_line_geometry_get(cur2, &lx, &ly, &lw, &lh);
if (line < 0)
while (rects)
rects = eina_list_remove_list(rects, rects);
return NULL;
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Rectangle));
rects = eina_list_append(rects, tr);
2005-09-09 07:19:06 -07:00
tr->x = lx;
tr->y = ly;
tr->h = lh;
tr->w = cx + cw - lx;
return rects;
* to be documented.
* @param cur to be documented.
* @param cx to be documented.
* @param cy to be documented.
* @param cw to be documented.
* @param ch to be documented.
* @return to be documented.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_format_item_geometry_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln = NULL;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Format_Item *fi = NULL;
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
if (!cur || !evas_textblock_cursor_format_is_visible_get(cur)) return 0;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(cur->obj->object_data);
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(cur->obj);
&ln, &fi);
if ((!ln) || (!fi)) return 0;
x = ln->x + fi->x;
y = ln->y + ln->baseline + fi->y;
w = fi->w;
h = fi->h;
if (cx) *cx = x;
if (cy) *cy = y;
if (cw) *cw = w;
if (ch) *ch = h;
return 1;
* Checks if the cursor points to the end of the line.
* @param cur the cursor to check.
* @return #EINA_TRUE if true, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_textblock_cursor_eol_get(const Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur)
Eina_Bool ret = EINA_FALSE;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor cur2;
if (!cur) return EINA_FALSE;
/* FIXME: optimize a bit */
evas_textblock_cursor_copy(cur, &cur2);
if (cur2.pos == cur->pos)
ret = EINA_TRUE;
return ret;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* general controls */
* Get the geometry of a line number.
* @param obj the object.
* @param line the line number.
* @param cx x coord of the line.
* @param cy y coord of the line.
* @param cw w coord of the line.
* @param ch h coord of the line.
* @return #EINA_TRUE on success, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
EAPI Eina_Bool
evas_object_textblock_line_number_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj, int line, Evas_Coord *cx, Evas_Coord *cy, Evas_Coord *cw, Evas_Coord *ch)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
2005-09-20 09:59:39 -07:00
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
ln = _find_layout_line_num(obj, line);
if (!ln) return EINA_FALSE;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
if (cx) *cx = ln->x;
if (cy) *cy = ln->y;
if (cw) *cw = ln->w;
if (ch) *ch = ln->h;
return EINA_TRUE;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
* Clear the textblock object.
* @note Does *NOT* free the evas object itself.
* @param obj the object to clear.
* @return nothing.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_clear(Evas_Object *obj)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
o->cursor->node = NULL;
o->cursor->pos = 0;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(o->cursors, l, cur)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
cur->node = NULL;
cur->pos = 0;
if (o->paragraphs)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
_paragraphs_clear(obj, o->paragraphs);
o->paragraphs = NULL;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
_evas_textblock_changed(o, obj);
* Get the formatted width.
* @param obj the evas object.
* @param w the w of the object.
* @param h the h of the object.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_size_formatted_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(obj);
if (w) *w = o->formatted.w;
if (h) *h = o->formatted.h;
* to be documented.
* @param obj to be documented.
* @param w to be documented.
* @param h to be documented.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_size_native_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (!o->native.valid)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
-1, -1,
&o->native.w, &o->native.h);
o->native.valid = 1;
if (w) *w = o->native.w;
if (h) *h = o->native.h;
* to be documented.
* @param obj to be documented.
* @param l to be documented.
* @param r to be documented.
* @param t to be documented.
* @param b to be documented.
* @return Returns no value.
EAPI void
evas_object_textblock_style_insets_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *l, Evas_Coord *r, Evas_Coord *t, Evas_Coord *b)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (!o->formatted.valid) _relayout(obj);
if (l) *l = o->style_pad.l;
if (r) *r = o->style_pad.r;
if (t) *t = o->style_pad.t;
if (b) *b = o->style_pad.b;
2005-08-20 01:01:59 -07:00
/* all nice and private */
static void
evas_object_textblock_init(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
/* alloc image ob, setup methods and default values */
obj->object_data = evas_object_textblock_new();
/* set up default settings for this kind of object */
obj->cur.color.r = 255;
obj->cur.color.g = 255;
obj->cur.color.b = 255;
obj->cur.color.a = 255;
obj->cur.geometry.x = 0.0;
obj->cur.geometry.y = 0.0;
obj->cur.geometry.w = 0.0;
obj->cur.geometry.h = 0.0;
obj->cur.layer = 0;
/* set up object-specific settings */
obj->prev = obj->cur;
/* set up methods (compulsory) */
obj->func = &object_func;
obj->type = o_type;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
o->cursor->obj = obj;
static void *
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
2005-05-21 19:49:50 -07:00
/* alloc obj private data */
o = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Object_Textblock));
o->cursor = calloc(1, sizeof(Evas_Textblock_Cursor));
return o;
static void
evas_object_textblock_free(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
evas_object_textblock_style_set(obj, NULL);
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
while (o->cursors)
Evas_Textblock_Cursor *cur;
cur = (Evas_Textblock_Cursor *)o->cursors->data;
o->cursors = eina_list_remove_list(o->cursors, o->cursors);
if (o->repch) eina_stringshare_del(o->repch);
o->magic = 0;
static void
evas_object_textblock_render(Evas_Object *obj, void *output, void *context, void *surface, int x, int y)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
int i, j;
int pback = 0, backx = 0;
int pline = 0, linex = 0;
int pline2 = 0, line2x = 0;
int pstrike = 0, strikex = 0;
int x2;
unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
unsigned char r2 = 0, g2 = 0, b2 = 0, a2 = 0;
unsigned char r3 = 0, g3 = 0, b3 = 0, a3 = 0;
int cx, cy, cw, ch, clip;
const char vals[5][5] =
{0, 1, 2, 1, 0},
{1, 3, 4, 3, 1},
{2, 4, 5, 4, 2},
{1, 3, 4, 3, 1},
{0, 1, 2, 1, 0}
/* render object to surface with context, and offxet by x,y */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
clip = ENFN->context_clip_get(output, context, &cx, &cy, &cw, &ch);
#define ITEM_WALK() \
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln) \
{ \
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it; \
pback = 0; \
pline = 0; \
pline2 = 0; \
pstrike = 0; \
if (clip) \
{ \
if ((obj->cur.geometry.y + y + ln->y + ln->h) < (cy - 20)) \
continue; \
if ((obj->cur.geometry.y + y + ln->y) > (cy + ch + 20)) \
break; \
} \
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ln->items, it) \
{ \
int yoff; \
yoff = ln->baseline; \
if (it->format->valign != -1.0) \
yoff = (it->format->valign * (double)(ln->h - it->h)) + it->baseline; \
if (clip) \
{ \
if ((obj->cur.geometry.x + x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + it->w) < (cx - 20)) \
continue; \
if ((obj->cur.geometry.x + x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset) > (cx + cw + 20)) \
break; \
#define ITEM_WALK_END() \
} \
#define COLOR_SET(col) \
ENFN->context_color_set(output, context, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * it->format->color.col.r) / 255, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * it->format->color.col.g) / 255, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * it->format->color.col.b) / 255, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * it->format->color.col.a) / 255);
#define COLOR_SET_AMUL(col, amul) \
ENFN->context_color_set(output, context, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * it->format->color.col.r * (amul)) / 65025, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * it->format->color.col.g * (amul)) / 65025, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * it->format->color.col.b * (amul)) / 65025, \
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * it->format->color.col.a * (amul)) / 65025);
# define DRAW_TEXT(ox, oy) \
if (it->format->font.font) ENFN->font_draw(output, context, surface, it->format->font.font, \
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x + (ox), \
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + yoff + y + (oy), \
it->w, it->h, it->w, it->h, it->text, &it->bidi_props);
# if 0
#define DRAW_TEXT(ox, oy) \
if (it->format->font.font) ENFN->font_draw(output, context, surface, it->format->font.font, \
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x + (ox), \
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + yoff + y + (oy), \
obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + it->x - it->inset + x + (ox), \
obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + yoff + y + (oy), \
it->w, it->h, it->w, it->h, it->text, &it->bidi_props);
if ((ln->y + ln->h) <= 0) continue; \
if (ln->y > obj->cur.geometry.h) break
pback = 0;
/* backing */
if ((it->format->backing) && (!pback) && ((EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next))
pback = 1;
backx = it->x;
r = it->format->color.backing.r;
g = it->format->color.backing.g;
b = it->format->color.backing.b;
a = it->format->color.backing.a;
else if (((pback) && (!it->format->backing)) ||
(!(EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next) ||
(it->format->color.backing.r != r) ||
(it->format->color.backing.g != g) ||
(it->format->color.backing.b != b) ||
(it->format->color.backing.a != a))
if ((it->format->backing) && (!pback) && (!(EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next))
r = it->format->color.backing.r;
g = it->format->color.backing.g;
b = it->format->color.backing.b;
a = it->format->color.backing.a;
pback = 1;
backx = it->x;
if (!it->format->backing) x2 = it->x;
else x2 = it->x + it->w;
if ((pback) && (x2 > backx))
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + backx + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + backx + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y,
x2 - backx,
pback = it->format->backing;
backx = it->x;
r = it->format->color.backing.r;
g = it->format->color.backing.g;
b = it->format->color.backing.b;
a = it->format->color.backing.a;
/* prepare everything for text draw */
/* shadows */
if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SHADOW)
DRAW_TEXT(1, 1);
else if ((it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SHADOW) ||
(it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SHADOW))
DRAW_TEXT(2, 2);
else if ((it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SOFT_SHADOW) ||
(it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_FAR_SOFT_SHADOW))
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (vals[i][j] != 0)
COLOR_SET_AMUL(shadow, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i, j);
else if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (vals[i][j] != 0)
COLOR_SET_AMUL(shadow, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i - 1, j - 1);
/* glows */
if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_GLOW)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (vals[i][j] != 0)
COLOR_SET_AMUL(glow, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i - 2, j - 2);
DRAW_TEXT(-1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(0, -1);
DRAW_TEXT(0, 1);
/* outlines */
if ((it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE) ||
(it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_OUTLINE_SHADOW) ||
DRAW_TEXT(-1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(1, 0);
DRAW_TEXT(0, -1);
DRAW_TEXT(0, 1);
else if (it->format->style == EVAS_TEXT_STYLE_SOFT_OUTLINE)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (((i != 2) || (j != 2)) && (vals[i][j] != 0))
COLOR_SET_AMUL(outline, vals[i][j] * 50);
DRAW_TEXT(i - 2, j - 2);
/* normal text */
DRAW_TEXT(0, 0);
if ((it->format->strikethrough) && (!pstrike) && ((EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next))
pstrike = 1;
strikex = it->x;
r3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.r;
g3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.g;
b3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.b;
a3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.a;
else if (((pstrike) && (!it->format->strikethrough)) ||
(!(EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.r != r3) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.g != g3) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.b != b3) ||
(it->format->color.strikethrough.a != a3))
if ((it->format->strikethrough) && (!pstrike))
strikex = it->x;
r3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.r;
g3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.g;
b3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.b;
a3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->strikethrough)
x2 = it->x;
pstrike = 0;
if (x2 > strikex)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r3) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g3) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b3) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a3) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + strikex + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y + (ln->h / 2),
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + strikex + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y + (ln->h / 2),
x2 - strikex,
if (it->format->strikethrough) pstrike = 1;
strikex = it->x;
r3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.r;
g3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.g;
b3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.b;
a3 = it->format->color.strikethrough.a;
if ((it->format->underline) && (!pline) && ((EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next))
pline = 1;
linex = it->x;
r = it->format->color.underline.r;
g = it->format->color.underline.g;
b = it->format->color.underline.b;
a = it->format->color.underline.a;
else if (((pline) && (!it->format->underline)) ||
(!(EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next) ||
(it->format->color.underline.r != r) ||
(it->format->color.underline.g != g) ||
(it->format->color.underline.b != b) ||
(it->format->color.underline.a != a))
if ((it->format->underline) && (!pline))
linex = it->x;
r = it->format->color.underline.r;
g = it->format->color.underline.g;
b = it->format->color.underline.b;
a = it->format->color.underline.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->underline)
x2 = it->x;
pline = 0;
if (x2 > linex)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + linex + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 1,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + linex + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 1,
x2 - linex,
if (it->format->underline) pline = 1;
linex = it->x;
r = it->format->color.underline.r;
g = it->format->color.underline.g;
b = it->format->color.underline.b;
a = it->format->color.underline.a;
if ((it->format->underline2) && (!pline2) && ((EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next))
pline2 = 1;
line2x = it->x;
r2 = it->format->color.underline2.r;
g2 = it->format->color.underline2.g;
b2 = it->format->color.underline2.b;
a2 = it->format->color.underline2.a;
else if (((pline2) && (!it->format->underline2)) ||
(!(EINA_INLIST_GET(it))->next) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.r != r2) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.g != g2) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.b != b2) ||
(it->format->color.underline2.a != a2))
if ((it->format->underline2) && (!pline2))
line2x = it->x;
r2 = it->format->color.underline2.r;
g2 = it->format->color.underline2.g;
b2 = it->format->color.underline2.b;
a2 = it->format->color.underline2.a;
x2 = it->x + it->w;
if (!it->format->underline2)
x2 = it->x;
pline2 = 0;
if (x2 > line2x)
(obj->cur.cache.clip.r * r2) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.g * g2) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.b * b2) / 255,
(obj->cur.cache.clip.a * a2) / 255);
obj->cur.geometry.x + ln->x + line2x + x,
obj->cur.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 3,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.x + ln->x + line2x + x,
//// obj->cur.cache.geometry.y + ln->y + y + ln->baseline + 3,
x2 - line2x,
if (it->format->underline2) pline2 = 1;
line2x = it->x;
r2 = it->format->color.underline2.r;
g2 = it->format->color.underline2.g;
b2 = it->format->color.underline2.b;
a2 = it->format->color.underline2.a;
static void
evas_object_textblock_render_pre(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
int is_v, was_v;
/* dont pre-render the obj twice! */
if (obj->pre_render_done) return;
obj->pre_render_done = 1;
/* pre-render phase. this does anything an object needs to do just before */
/* rendering. this could mean loading the image data, retrieving it from */
/* elsewhere, decoding video etc. */
/* then when this is done the object needs to figure if it changed and */
/* if so what and where and add the appropriate redraw textblocks */
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
2005-08-08 05:43:59 -07:00
if ((o->changed) ||
(o->last_w != obj->cur.geometry.w))
Evas_Object_Textblock_Paragraph *paragraphs;
paragraphs = o->paragraphs;
o->paragraphs = NULL;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
obj->cur.geometry.w, obj->cur.geometry.h,
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
&o->formatted.w, &o->formatted.h);
o->formatted.valid = 1;
if (paragraphs)
_paragraphs_clear(obj, paragraphs);
2005-08-08 05:43:59 -07:00
o->last_w = obj->cur.geometry.w;
o->redraw = 0;
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
o->changed = 0;
is_v = evas_object_is_visible(obj);
was_v = evas_object_was_visible(obj);
2005-08-08 05:43:59 -07:00
goto done;
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (o->redraw)
o->redraw = 0;
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->changed = 0;
is_v = evas_object_is_visible(obj);
was_v = evas_object_was_visible(obj);
goto done;
/* if someone is clipping this obj - go calculate the clipper */
if (obj->cur.clipper)
if (obj->cur.cache.clip.dirty)
/* now figure what changed and add draw rects */
/* if it just became visible or invisible */
is_v = evas_object_is_visible(obj);
was_v = evas_object_was_visible(obj);
if (is_v != was_v)
evas_object_render_pre_visible_change(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj, is_v, was_v);
goto done;
if ((obj->cur.map != obj->prev.map) ||
(obj->cur.usemap != obj->prev.usemap))
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
goto done;
/* it's not visible - we accounted for it appearing or not so just abort */
if (!is_v) goto done;
/* clipper changed this is in addition to anything else for obj */
evas_object_render_pre_clipper_change(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
/* if we restacked (layer or just within a layer) and don't clip anyone */
if (obj->restack)
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
goto done;
/* if it changed color */
if ((obj->cur.color.r != obj->prev.color.r) ||
(obj->cur.color.g != obj->prev.color.g) ||
(obj->cur.color.b != obj->prev.color.b) ||
(obj->cur.color.a != obj->prev.color.a))
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
goto done;
/* if it changed geometry - and obviously not visibility or color */
/* caluclate differences since we have a constant color fill */
/* we really only need to update the differences */
if ((obj->cur.geometry.x != obj->prev.geometry.x) ||
(obj->cur.geometry.y != obj->prev.geometry.y) ||
(obj->cur.geometry.w != obj->prev.geometry.w) ||
(obj->cur.geometry.h != obj->prev.geometry.h))
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
goto done;
if (o->changed)
evas_object_render_pre_prev_cur_add(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj);
o->changed = 0;
evas_object_render_pre_effect_updates(&obj->layer->evas->clip_changes, obj, is_v, was_v);
static void
evas_object_textblock_render_post(Evas_Object *obj)
/* Evas_Object_Textblock *o; */
/* this moves the current data to the previous state parts of the object */
/* in whatever way is safest for the object. also if we don't need object */
/* data anymore we can free it if the object deems this is a good idea */
/* o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data); */
/* remove those pesky changes */
/* move cur to prev safely for object data */
obj->prev = obj->cur;
/* o->prev = o->cur; */
2005-07-14 08:23:45 -07:00
/* o->changed = 0; */
static unsigned int evas_object_textblock_id_get(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (!o) return 0;
static unsigned int evas_object_textblock_visual_id_get(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (!o) return 0;
static void *evas_object_textblock_engine_data_get(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
if (!o) return NULL;
return o->engine_data;
static int
evas_object_textblock_is_opaque(Evas_Object *obj)
/* this returns 1 if the internal object data implies that the object is */
/* currently fulyl opque over the entire gradient it occupies */
return 0;
static int
evas_object_textblock_was_opaque(Evas_Object *obj)
/* this returns 1 if the internal object data implies that the object was */
/* currently fulyl opque over the entire gradient it occupies */
return 0;
static void
evas_object_textblock_coords_recalc(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
2005-05-21 19:49:50 -07:00
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
if (obj->cur.geometry.w != o->last_w)
2005-08-27 23:41:54 -07:00
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
static void
evas_object_textblock_scale_update(Evas_Object *obj)
_evas_object_textblock_rehint(Evas_Object *obj)
Evas_Object_Textblock *o;
Evas_Object_Textblock_Line *ln;
o = (Evas_Object_Textblock *)(obj->object_data);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(o->paragraphs->lines, ln)
Evas_Object_Textblock_Item *it;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(ln->items, it)
if (it->format->font.font)
o->formatted.valid = 0;
o->native.valid = 0;
o->changed = 1;
* @}