
196 lines
6.9 KiB

* DokuWiki plugin PageTitle Decorative; Syntax component
* Show decorative title on the page, with setting plain title in metadata
* @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* @author Sahara Satoshi <sahara.satoshi@gmail.com>
* The title text can contain wiki formatting markups such as bold,
* itlic, subscript and superscript, but title metadata remains simple
* plain text without any markup.
* example
* wiki source: <title> H<sub>2</sub>O </title>
* page (html): <h1 class="pagetitle">H<sub>2</sub>O</h1>
* title metadata: H2O
if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
class syntax_plugin_pagetitle_decorative extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
protected $mode;
protected $pattern = array();
private $counter = null; // helper component "pagetitle_counter"
private $renderedOnce = null; // counter used in render()
protected $doc, $capture; // store properties of $renderer
protected $params; // store title tag parameters
function __construct() {
$this->mode = substr(get_class($this), 7); // drop 'syntax_' from class name
// syntax patterns
$this->pattern[1] = '<title\b[^>\r\n]*?>(?=.*?</title>)'; // entry
$this->pattern[4] = '</title>'; // exit
$this->pattern[5] = '~~Title:[^\r\n]*?~~'; // special
// assign helper component to dedicated class property
$this->counter = $this->loadHelper('pagetitle_counter', true);
function getType() { return 'baseonly';}
function getPType() { return 'block';}
function getSort() { return 49; }
function getAllowedTypes() {
return array('formatting', 'substition', 'disabled');
* Connect pattern to lexer
function connectTo($mode) {
$this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern($this->pattern[5], $mode, $this->mode);
$this->Lexer->addEntryPattern($this->pattern[1], $mode, $this->mode);
function postConnect() {
$this->Lexer->addExitPattern($this->pattern[4], $this->mode);
* Handle the match
function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) {
global $ID;
$plugin = substr(get_class($this), 14);
switch ($state) {
case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL : // ~~Title:*~~ macro syntax
$title = trim(substr($match, 8, -2));
return array($state, $ID, $title);
// store title tag parameters
if (($n = strpos($match, ' ')) !== false) {
$this->params = strtolower(trim(substr($match, $n, -1)));
} else {
$this->params = '';
$data = array($state, $ID, '');
$handler->addPluginCall($plugin, $data, $state,$pos,$match);
return false;
$handler->_addCall('cdata', array($match), $pos);
return false;
$data = array($state, $ID, $this->params);
$handler->addPluginCall($plugin, $data, $state,$pos,$match);
return false;
return false;
* Create output
function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) {
global $ID;
list($state, $id, $param) = $data;
switch ($state) {
case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL : // ~~Title:*~~ macro syntax
// $decorative_title = $param;
// convert to curly quote characters depending on $conf['typography']
$decorative_title = $this->render_text($param);
// preserve variables
$this->doc = $renderer->doc;
$this->capture = $renderer->capture;
// set doc blank to store parsed "UNMATHCED" content
$renderer->doc = '';
// metadata renderer should always parse "UNMATCHED" content
if ($format == 'metadata') $renderer->capture = true;
return true;
// retrieve parsed "UNMATCHED" content
$decorative_title = trim($renderer->doc);
// restore variable
$renderer->doc = $this->doc;
if ($format == 'metadata') $renderer->capture = $this->capture;
break; // do not return here
return false; // this should never happen
// follow up only for DOKU_LEXER_EXIT
// skip calls that belong to different pages (eg. title of included page)
if (strcmp($id, $ID) !== 0) return false;
// assign a closure function to the class property
if ($this->renderedOnce === null) {
$this->renderedOnce = $this->counter->create_counter($item);
// ensure first instruction only effective
//if (($this->renderedOnce)($format) > 0) return false; // since PHP 7
//if (call_user_func($this->renderedOnce, $format) > 0) return false; // PHP 7 & 5
$counter = $this->renderedOnce; // assign property to a local variable
if ($counter($format) > 0) return false;
// get plain title
$title = trim(htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags($decorative_title), ENT_QUOTES));
if (empty($title)) return false;
// output title
switch ($format) {
case 'xhtml':
if ($state == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL) return false;
if (($wrap = $this->loadHelper('wrap')) != NULL) {
$attr = $wrap->buildAttributes($param, 'pagetitle');
} else {
$attr = ' class="pagetitle"';
// even title in <h1>, it never shown up in the table of contents (TOC)
$renderer->doc .= '<h1'.$attr.'>';
$renderer->doc .= $decorative_title;
$renderer->doc .= '</h1>'.DOKU_LF;
return true;
case 'text':
$renderer->doc .= $title . DOKU_LF;
return true;
case 'metadata':
// set metadata for metadata indexer
$renderer->meta['plugin']['pagetitle'] = $ID;
if ($this->getConf('usePersistent')) {
// metadata persistence
$renderer->persistent['title'] = $title;
$renderer->meta['title'] = $title;
} else {
// erase persistent title metadata if defined
$renderer->meta['title'] = $title;
return true;
return false;