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@:cent@<img src=img/evas_logo.png width=128 height=128>@:_cent@
Evas is a hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows that can draw
anti-aliased text, smooth super and sub-sampled images, alpha-blend, as well
as drop down to using normal X11 primitives such as pixmaps, lines and
rectangles for speed if your CPU or graphics hardware are too slow.
Evas abstracts any need to know much abotu what the characteristics of your
XServer's display are - what depth or what magic visuals etc, it has. The
most you need to tell evas is how many colors (at a maximum) to use if the
display is not a turecolor display. By default it is suggested to use 216
colors (as this equates to a 6x6x6 colorcube - exactly the same colorcube
netscape, mozilla, gdkrgb etc. use so colors will be shared). If evas can't
allocate enough colors it keeps reducing the size of the colorcube until it
reaches plain black and white. This way it can display on anything from a
black and white only terminal to 16 color VGA to 256 color and all the way
up through 15, 16 24 and 32bit color. Here are some screenshots of a demo
evas app to show the rendering output in different situations
<img src=img/evas_colors.png width=128 height=128>
The following screenshots of a demo Evas application were taken in 8 bit
color (256 colors) (with worse color situations down to monochrome
simulated) using the software rendering engine in Evas.
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_216.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_216_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_128.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_128_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_64.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_64_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_32.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_32_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_16.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_16_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_8.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_8_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8_2.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8_2_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
The next pictures were taken of the same application in 8 bit color
simulating worse color depths by reducing the allocation max, and using the
X11 rendering engine that uses X11 primitives instead of the CPU (ie
pixmaps, lines, rectangles, masks etc.).
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_216.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_216_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_128.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_128_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_64.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_64_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_32.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_32_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_16.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_16_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_8.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_8_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_8x_2.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_8x_2_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
The following screenshots are of the same Evas demo application in 16 bit
color, with the shots being software, OpenGL and X11 rendering engines
<a href=evas_depth_eg_16.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_16_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_16gl.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_16gl_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_16x.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_16x_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
The following screenshots are of the same Evas demo application in 24/32 bit
color, with the shots being software, OpenGL and X11 rendering engines
<a href=evas_depth_eg_32.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_32_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_32gl.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_32gl_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
<a href=evas_depth_eg_32x.html><img src=img/evas_depth_eg_32x_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
Evas provides a structured mode graphics API and thus provides a set of
objects as primities to work with. As opposed to immediate mode where the
program actually draws the data, with structured mode the program describes
the data with primitives and lest the canvas handle the drawing. This means
the program has to describe what it wants to draw in terms of the primitives
given. Here is a list of them.
<img src=img/evas_canvas.png width=128 height=128>
One of the most versatile and appealing objects is the image object. You
simple tell Evas where the image file is located, where to put the image
what size the object is to be and how to fill the image object with the
image data, and Evas handles the rest. This makes dealing with images in
Evas childs play. Here is a quick example of how it would work:
object = evas_add_image_from_file(evas, "flower.png");
evas_move(evas, object, 10.0, 30.0);
evas_show(evas, object);
And it would look something like this:
<a href=evas_image_eg_0.html><img src=img/evas_image_eg_0_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
By default image bojects are the size of the original image (in pixels). If
we wish to make the object larger and have the image scale up or down in
size we could do:
evas_resize(evas, object, 320.0, 240.0);
evas_set_image_fill(evas, object, 0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 240.0);
Now our canvas would look like this:
<a href=evas_image_eg_1.html><img src=img/evas_image_eg_1_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
Easy, isn't it? now lets say we want to have a 300x200 unit rectangle filled
with this image we loaded, but we want it to tile (repeat) starting the tile
at coordinate 0,0 relative to the to-left corner of the image object area,
but have the tiled image size be 20x50.
evas_resize(evas, object, 300.0, 200.0);
evas_set_image_fill(evas, object, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 50.0);
Out result would be something like this:
<a href=evas_image_eg_2.html><img src=img/evas_image_eg_2_thumb.png width=80 height=80 border=1></a>
You may think "I can do this just as easily with norml X drawing primitievas
and a little extra sugar thrown in" but Evas does a whole lot mroe for you.
You never need to know how to render the objects or handle re-rendering
them. Evas does this and optimizes it for you. it handles layering and
resizing, it optimizes everything to minimize CPU effort with a dynamic set of
objects. It handles the work to the point where ALL you need to do is
create, destory, show, hide, move, resize etc. objects and Evas does the
rest of the nasty work for you.
As you can see - the program has to know and do very little. There are many
powerful things you can do, like fade images in and out, re-color them so
they look tinted, have them rendered only within a certain area of the
canvas and more.
Text is a very important part of many applications. Evas of course provides
a nice simple way of getting text into the Evas you have up without much
fuss or bother AND to boot it will anti-alias it so your edges are smooth
and not jagged AND allow fo the text to be semi-transparent and much more.
<img src=img/evas_text.png width=128 height=128>
Text allows you to display information in your Evas without needing image
objects with pre-rendered text. But first you have to realise fonts are
handled a little differently. First there is a font path - this is a list of
directories where to find font files. Evas supports Truetype fonts only -
some may think this bad, but there are more turetype fonts than any other
format out there and many are very good quality.
Evas looks at the fonts in a directory by their filename, so a font you
reference in evas as "myfont", Evas will look in the directories (in the
order given) for a "myfont.ttf" file. It is case sensitive, but this system
proves to be nice and simple. Here is a simple example.
object = ..