
170 lines
3.9 KiB

/* _ _____ _ _ _
* ___ | |_ ___ | __||_| ___ | | ___ | |_
* | . || || . || __|| || . || || -_|| _|
* | _||_|_|| _||__| |_||_ ||_||___||_|
* |_| |_| |___|
* Author : Lucas Baltes (lucas@thebobo.com)
* $Author: lhb $
* Website : http://www.thebobo.com/
* Date : $Date: 2003/03/16 10:08:01 $
* Rev : $Revision: 1.0 $
* Copyright: 2003 - Lucas Baltes
* License : GPL - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Purpose : Figlet font class
* Comments : phpFiglet is a php class to somewhat recreate the
* functionality provided by the original figlet program
* (http://www.figlet.org/). It does not (yet) support the
* more advanced features like kerning or smushing. It can
* use the same (flf2a) fonts as the original figlet program
* (see their website for more fonts).
* Usage : $phpFiglet = new phpFiglet();
* if ($phpFiglet->loadFont("fonts/standard.flf")) {
* $phpFiglet->display("Hello World");
* } else {
* trigger_error("Could not load font file");
* }
class phpFiglet
* Internal variables
var $signature;
var $hardblank;
var $height;
var $baseline;
var $maxLenght;
var $oldLayout;
var $commentLines;
var $printDirection;
var $fullLayout;
var $codeTagCount;
var $fontFile;
* Contructor
function phpFiglet()
* Load an flf font file. Return true on success, false on error.
function loadfont($fontfile)
$this->fontFile = @file($fontfile);
if (!$this->fontFile) return false;
$hp = explode(" ", $this->fontFile[0]); // get header
$this->signature = substr($hp[0], 0, strlen($hp[0]) -1);
$this->hardblank = substr($hp[0], strlen($hp[0]) -1, 1);
$this->height = $hp[1];
$this->baseline = $hp[2];
$this->maxLenght = $hp[3];
$this->oldLayout = $hp[4];
$this->commentLines = $hp[5] + 1;
$this->printDirection = $hp[6];
$this->fullLayout = $hp[7];
$this->codeTagCount = $hp[8];
if ($this->signature != "flf2a") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Get a character as a string, or an array with one line
* for each font height.
function getCharacter($character, $asarray = false)
$asciValue = ord($character);
$start = $this->commentLines + ($asciValue - 32) * $this->height;
$data = ($asarray) ? array() : "";
for ($a = 0; $a < $this->height; $a++)
$tmp = $this->fontFile[$start + $a];
$tmp = str_replace("@", "", $tmp);
//$tmp = trim($tmp);
$tmp = str_replace($this->hardblank, " ", $tmp);
if ($asarray) {
$data[] = $tmp;
} else {
$data .= $tmp;
return $data;
* Returns a figletized line of characters.
function fetch($line)
$ret = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < (strlen($line)); $i++)
$data[] = $this->getCharacter($line[$i], true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->height; $i++)
while (list($k, $v) = each($data))
$ret .= str_replace("\n", "", $v[$i]);
$ret .= "\n";
return $ret;
* Display (print) a figletized line of characters.
function display($line)
print $this->fetch($line);