
490 lines
19 KiB

* Helper Component for the Wrap Plugin
* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>
// must be run within Dokuwiki
if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
class helper_plugin_wrap extends DokuWiki_Plugin {
static protected $boxes = array ('wrap_box', 'wrap_danger', 'wrap_warning', 'wrap_caution', 'wrap_notice', 'wrap_safety',
'wrap_info', 'wrap_important', 'wrap_alert', 'wrap_tip', 'wrap_help', 'wrap_todo',
'wrap_download', 'wrap_hi', 'wrap_spoiler');
static protected $paragraphs = array ('wrap_leftalign', 'wrap_rightalign', 'wrap_centeralign', 'wrap_justify');
static protected $column_count = 0;
* get attributes (pull apart the string between '<wrap' and '>')
* and identify classes, width, lang and dir
* @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>
* @author Christopher Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
* (parts taken from http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:box)
function getAttributes($data) {
$attr = array();
$tokens = preg_split('/\s+/', $data, 9);
$noPrefix = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->getConf('noPrefix')));
$restrictedClasses = $this->getConf('restrictedClasses');
if ($restrictedClasses) {
$restrictedClasses = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->getConf('restrictedClasses')));
$restrictionType = $this->getConf('restrictionType');
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
//get width
if (preg_match('/^\d*\.?\d+(%|px|em|ex|pt|pc|cm|mm|in)$/', $token)) {
$attr['width'] = $token;
//get lang
if (preg_match('/\:([a-z\-]+)/', $token)) {
$attr['lang'] = trim($token,':');
//get id
if (preg_match('/#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/', $token)) {
$attr['id'] = trim($token,'#');
//get classes
//restrict token (class names) characters to prevent any malicious data
if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/',$token)) continue;
if ($restrictedClasses) {
$classIsInList = in_array(trim($token), $restrictedClasses);
// either allow only certain classes
if ($restrictionType) {
if (!$classIsInList) continue;
// or disallow certain classes
} else {
if ($classIsInList) continue;
$prefix = in_array($token, $noPrefix) ? '' : 'wrap_';
$attr['class'] = (isset($attr['class']) ? $attr['class'].' ' : '').$prefix.$token;
if ($this->getConf('darkTpl')) {
$attr['class'] = (isset($attr['class']) ? $attr['class'].' ' : '').'wrap__dark';
//get dir
if($attr['lang']) {
$lang2dirFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/conf/lang2dir.conf';
if (@file_exists($lang2dirFile)) {
$lang2dir = confToHash($lang2dirFile);
$attr['dir'] = strtr($attr['lang'],$lang2dir);
return $attr;
* build attributes (write out classes, width, lang and dir)
function buildAttributes($data, $addClass='', $mode='xhtml') {
$attr = $this->getAttributes($data);
$out = '';
if ($mode=='xhtml') {
if($attr['class']) $out .= ' class="'.hsc($attr['class']).' '.$addClass.'"';
// if used in other plugins, they might want to add their own class(es)
elseif($addClass) $out .= ' class="'.$addClass.'"';
if($attr['id']) $out .= ' id="'.hsc($attr['id']).'"';
// width on spans normally doesn't make much sense, but in the case of floating elements it could be used
if($attr['width']) {
if (strpos($attr['width'],'%') !== false) {
$out .= ' style="width: '.hsc($attr['width']).';"';
} else {
// anything but % should be 100% when the screen gets smaller
$out .= ' style="width: '.hsc($attr['width']).'; max-width: 100%;"';
// only write lang if it's a language in lang2dir.conf
if($attr['dir']) $out .= ' lang="'.$attr['lang'].'" xml:lang="'.$attr['lang'].'" dir="'.$attr['dir'].'"';
return $out;
* render ODT element, Open
* (get Attributes, select ODT element that fits, render it, return element name)
function renderODTElementOpen($renderer, $HTMLelement, $data) {
$attr = $this->getAttributes($data);
$classes = explode (' ', $attr['class']);
// Get language
$language = $attr['lang'];
$is_indent = in_array ('wrap_indent', $classes);
$is_outdent = in_array ('wrap_outdent', $classes);
$is_column = in_array ('wrap_column', $classes);
$is_group = in_array ('group', $classes);
$is_pagebreak = in_array ('wrap_pagebreak', $classes);
// Check for multicolumns
$columns = 0;
preg_match ('/wrap_col\d/', $attr ['class'], $matches);
if ( empty ($matches [0]) === false ) {
$columns = $matches [0] [strlen($matches [0])-1];
// Check for boxes
$is_box = false;
foreach (self::$boxes as $box) {
if ( strpos ($attr ['class'], $box) !== false ) {
$is_box = true;
// Check for paragraphs
$is_paragraph = false;
if ( empty($language) === false ) {
$is_paragraph = true;
} else {
foreach (self::$paragraphs as $paragraph) {
if ( strpos ($attr ['class'], $paragraph) !== false ) {
$is_paragraph = true;
$style = NULL;
if ( empty($attr['width']) === false ) {
$style = 'width: '.$attr['width'].';';
$attr ['class'] = 'dokuwiki '.$attr ['class'];
// Call corresponding functions for current wrap class
if ( $HTMLelement == 'span' ) {
if ( $is_indent === false && $is_outdent === false ) {
$this->renderODTOpenSpan ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style, $language);
return 'span';
} else {
$this->renderODTOpenParagraph ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style, $language, $is_indent, $is_outdent, true);
return 'paragraph';
} else if ( $HTMLelement == 'div' ) {
if ( $is_box === true ) {
$this->renderODTOpenBox ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style);
return 'box';
} else if ( $columns > 0 ) {
$this->renderODTOpenColumns ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style);
return 'multicolumn';
} else if ( $is_paragraph === true || $is_indent === true || $is_outdent === true ) {
$this->renderODTOpenParagraph ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style, $language, $is_indent, $is_outdent, false);
return 'paragraph';
} else if ( $is_pagebreak === true ) {
$renderer->pagebreak ();
// Pagebreak hasn't got a closing stack so we return/push 'other' on the stack
return 'other';
} else if ( $is_column === true ) {
$this->renderODTOpenColumn ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style);
return 'column';
} else if ( $is_group === true ) {
$this->renderODTOpenGroup ($renderer, $attr ['class'], $style);
return 'group';
return 'other';
* render ODT element, Close
function renderODTElementClose($renderer, $element) {
switch ($element) {
case 'box':
$this->renderODTCloseBox ($renderer);
case 'multicolumn':
case 'paragraph':
case 'column':
case 'group':
case 'span':
// No default by intention.
function renderODTOpenBox ($renderer, $class, $style) {
$properties = array ();
if ( method_exists ($renderer, 'getODTProperties') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
// Get CSS properties for ODT export.
$renderer->getODTProperties ($properties, 'div', $class, $style);
if ( empty($properties ['background-image']) === false ) {
$properties ['background-image'] =
$renderer->replaceURLPrefix ($properties ['background-image'], DOKU_INC);
if ( empty($properties ['float']) === true ) {
// If the float property is not set, set it to 'left' becuase the ODT plugin
// would default to 'center' which is diffeent to the XHTML behaviour.
if ( strpos ($class, 'wrap_center') === false ) {
$properties ['float'] = 'left';
} else {
$properties ['float'] = 'center';
// The display property has differing usage in CSS. So we better overwrite it.
$properties ['display'] = 'always';
if ( stripos ($class, 'wrap_noprint') !== false ) {
$properties ['display'] = 'screen';
if ( stripos ($class, 'wrap_onlyprint') !== false ) {
$properties ['display'] = 'printer';
$renderer->_odtDivOpenAsFrameUseProperties ($properties);
function renderODTCloseBox ($renderer) {
if ( method_exists ($renderer, '_odtDivCloseAsFrame') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
$renderer->_odtDivCloseAsFrame ();
function renderODTOpenColumns ($renderer, $class, $style) {
$properties = array ();
if ( method_exists ($renderer, 'getODTProperties') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
// Get CSS properties for ODT export.
$renderer->getODTProperties ($properties, 'div', $class, $style);
function renderODTCloseColumns ($renderer) {
if ( method_exists ($renderer, '_odtCloseMultiColumnFrame') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
function renderODTOpenParagraph ($renderer, $class, $style, $language, $is_indent, $is_outdent, $indent_first) {
$properties = array ();
if ( method_exists ($renderer, 'getODTProperties') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
// Get CSS properties for ODT export.
$renderer->getODTProperties ($properties, 'p', $class, $style);
if ( empty($properties ['background-image']) === false ) {
$properties ['background-image'] =
$renderer->replaceURLPrefix ($properties ['background-image'], DOKU_INC);
if ( empty($language) === false ) {
$properties ['lang'] = $language;
if ( $indent_first === true ) {
// Eventually indent or outdent first line only...
if ( $is_indent === true ) {
// FIXME: Has to be adjusted if test direction will be supported.
// See all.css
$properties ['text-indent'] = $properties ['padding-left'];
$properties ['padding-left'] = 0;
if ( $is_outdent === true ) {
// FIXME: Has to be adjusted if text (RTL, LTR) direction will be supported.
// See all.css
$properties ['text-indent'] = $properties ['margin-left'];
$properties ['margin-left'] = 0;
} else {
// Eventually indent or outdent the whole paragraph...
if ( $is_indent === true ) {
// FIXME: Has to be adjusted if test direction will be supported.
// See all.css
$properties ['margin-left'] = $properties ['padding-left'];
$properties ['padding-left'] = 0;
if ( $is_outdent === true ) {
// Nothing to change: keep left margin property.
// FIXME: Has to be adjusted if text (RTL, LTR) direction will be supported.
// See all.css
function renderODTCloseParagraph ($renderer) {
if ( method_exists ($renderer, 'p_close') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
function renderODTOpenColumn ($renderer, $class, $style) {
$properties = array ();
if ( method_exists ($renderer, 'getODTProperties') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
// Get CSS properties for ODT export.
$renderer->getODTProperties ($properties, NULL, $class, $style);
// Frames/Textboxes still have some issues with formatting (at least in LibreOffice)
// So as a workaround we implement columns as a table.
// This is why we now use the margin of the div as the padding for the ODT table.
$properties ['padding-left'] = $properties ['margin-left'];
$properties ['padding-right'] = $properties ['margin-right'];
$properties ['padding-top'] = $properties ['margin-top'];
$properties ['padding-bottom'] = $properties ['margin-bottom'];
$properties ['margin-left'] = NULL;
$properties ['margin-right'] = NULL;
$properties ['margin-top'] = NULL;
$properties ['margin-bottom'] = NULL;
// Percentage values are not supported for the padding. Convert to absolute values.
$length = strlen ($properties ['padding-left']);
if ( $length > 0 && $properties ['padding-left'] [$length-1] == '%' ) {
$properties ['padding-left'] = trim ($properties ['padding-left'], '%');
$properties ['padding-left'] = $renderer->_getAbsWidthMindMargins ($properties ['padding-left']).'cm';
$length = strlen ($properties ['padding-right']);
if ( $length > 0 && $properties ['padding-right'] [$length-1] == '%' ) {
$properties ['padding-right'] = trim ($properties ['padding-right'], '%');
$properties ['padding-right'] = $renderer->_getAbsWidthMindMargins ($properties ['padding-right']).'cm';
$length = strlen ($properties ['padding-top']);
if ( $length > 0 && $properties ['padding-top'] [$length-1] == '%' ) {
$properties ['padding-top'] = trim ($properties ['padding-top'], '%');
$properties ['padding-top'] = $renderer->_getAbsWidthMindMargins ($properties ['padding-top']).'cm';
$length = strlen ($properties ['padding-bottom']);
if ( $length > 0 && $properties ['padding-bottom'] [$length-1] == '%' ) {
$properties ['padding-bottom'] = trim ($properties ['padding-bottom'], '%');
$properties ['padding-bottom'] = $renderer->_getAbsWidthMindMargins ($properties ['padding-bottom']).'cm';
if ( $this->column_count == 1 ) {
// If this is the first column opened since the group was opened
// then we have to open the table and a (single) row first.
$column_width = $properties ['width'];
$properties ['width'] = '100%';
$properties ['width'] = $column_width;
// Convert rel-width to absolute width.
// The width in percentage works strange in LibreOffice, this is a workaround.
$length = strlen ($properties ['width']);
if ( $length > 0 && $properties ['width'] [$length-1] == '%' ) {
$properties ['width'] = trim ($properties ['width'], '%');
$properties ['width'] = $renderer->_getAbsWidthMindMargins ($properties ['width']).'cm';
// We did not specify any max column value when we opened the table.
// So we have to tell the renderer to add a column just now.
// Open the cell.
function renderODTCloseColumn ($renderer) {
if ( method_exists ($renderer, '_odtTableAddColumnUseProperties') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
function renderODTOpenGroup ($renderer, $class, $style) {
// Nothing to do for now.
function renderODTCloseGroup ($renderer) {
// If a table has been opened in the group we close it now.
if ( $this->column_count > 0 ) {
// At last we need to close the row and the table!
$this->column_count = 0;
function renderODTOpenSpan ($renderer, $class, $style, $language) {
$properties = array ();
if ( method_exists ($renderer, 'getODTProperties') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.
// Get CSS properties for ODT export.
$renderer->getODTProperties ($properties, 'span', $class, $style);
if ( empty($properties ['background-image']) === false ) {
$properties ['background-image'] =
$renderer->replaceURLPrefix ($properties ['background-image'], DOKU_INC);
if ( empty($language) === false ) {
$properties ['lang'] = $language;
function renderODTCloseSpan ($renderer) {
if ( method_exists ($renderer, '_odtSpanClose') === false ) {
// Function is not supported by installed ODT plugin version, return.